The power of good writing- THE SOCIAL NETWORK

This scene captures perfectly the absolute strength of The Social Network. More than Fincher, this film is Aaron Sorkin’s triumph. The words, the language… and Eisenberg’s rendition of those acerbic lines… you’ll see what I mean when you see this scene.

15 Responses to “The power of good writing- THE SOCIAL NETWORK”

  1. Yeah I agree this movie is the writer’s triumph but Fincher has really given the film great style. This is one film where flash doesn’t stick out.


    • True… didn’t mean to take anything away from Fincher. But Fincher has had better days than this (Zodiac is more a director’s film I believe), while Sorkin just owns this film through and through. I’m also kinda bummed that Timberlake is garnering attention, when it should be Eisenberg who should be getting all the traction here.

      In any case, I await the Indian releases of 127 Hours and The King’s Speech.


      • I’d easily take even Garfield’s performance over Timberlake’s. But yeah, this is Eisenberg’s movie all the way.


        • True… and apart from Garfield, let’s not forget Armie Hammer as the Winklevoss twins… he’s playing a double role but not in the conventional sense. What i mean is in double roles, you always play two extremes… but he’s playing twins, who’re kinda similar, and yet he makes them uniquely different.


        • Oh yes, he’s terrific in this. That “pair” was one of the best things about the film.


  2. @ABZEE .. awaiting ur full piece.


    • Will do it when it officially releases in India… saw it at the Mumbai Film Festival though. Saw Devil today… will put up the review tomorrow.

      Btw, HAPPY DIWALI to everyone… and stay safe.


  3. I haven’t read the book this is based on, so I’m not sure how close it adheres to it, but I do wonder if some of these dialogs emerged from the text.

    Agree that the best thing that Fincher does with this film (other than lend it his thoughtful visual gifts) is get out of the script’s way.


    • mksrooney Says:

      i have purchased the book long back, but due to one reason or another havent been able to read : THE ACCIDDENTAL BILLIONAIRE. .. due to diwali.. xam.. and all.. but would do it in a month from now.


  4. The power of good writing?

    Thats for me to know and for Satyam,Q,GF and Abzee to wonder about!


  5. mksrooney Says:

    M night Shaymalan THE WRITER- One of these five people is not what they are

    DEVIL (2010)


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