Amazing Spider-Man trailers (updated)

thanks to Saurabh..

thanks to Kassam..

thanks to Rooney…

54 Responses to “Amazing Spider-Man trailers (updated)”

  1. Unnecessary reboot…I wasn’t a fan of Raimi’s Spiderman outside of the second one (mainly because of the casting) but even so, this business of resurrecting the same story every couple years is silly.


  2. I never liked any of Raimi’s Spidey films. Found them too childish and unimaginative. While I don’t see the point of a reboot, this trailer atleast promises a more ‘serious’ attempt at tackling Spiderman. Besides, the casting is quite decent here. Not to mention, looking forward to Irrfan Khan!


    • It’s the “seriousness” that I resist, actually. We’re living in an age where on one hand filmmakers are treating comics with respect, but on the other hand, they weigh them down with an unnecessarily angsty tone and technique. All to drive home the same point, more or less…


  3. Alex adams Says:

    Is irfan khan is in this one ..
    By the way– just few days back, saw the last bits of “billu”, by chance —
    Thought irfan khan overshadowed Srk with his restraint underplayed act( as expected..)


  4. Didnt I see this movie a few years back?


  5. It’s a yawn…


  6. Hi guys I m new here…


  7. the new trailer is better but I really have no interest in the movie.


  8. I can’t imagine who this might appeal to outside of the most die-hard Spidey fans or those too young to remember the most recent franchise. Which is to say 5 to 10 year olds.


  9. Alex adams Says:

    Agree there Amy
    Though not sure wanna watch it
    Have a loooong List
    Desendants, artist, war horse, the grey, etc
    Any ideas which one to attack first (given my tastes lol)


    • Ami (formerly 'Annoyed') Says:

      I haven’t seen The Grey or War Horse. I really liked The Artist and I moderately enjoyed Descendants. I recommend The Artist 🙂 It’s very charming- but don’t get your expectations up too high and go in anticipating something absolutely mind blowing, What it is a charming, joyful, sweet novelty with a charismatic lead actor- but it’s not some timeless classic the way all the hype makes it out to be.

      The Descendants was OK- a time pass seriocomic film- witty, elegant, engaging. But I expected something better from the director of Sideways so I was a bit disappointed.


    • Haven’t seen the others. Don’t plan to watch the Descendants, will probably forward my way through it on DVD, haven’t got around to War Horse or Artist yet, loved the Grey!


    • The Descendants is a wildly overrated work. Not a bad movie but not a very interesting one by any means. Of the films you list The Artist is fine stuff though I also find this one overpraised. I think you should go with The Grey. War Horse is a nice old school epic but it doesn’t really leave you with the resonant aura that some of the films it emulates do. The best thing in War Horse to my mind is the always superb French actor Niels Arestrup.


  10. Alex adams Says:

    Like the word ‘seriocomic’ Amy 😉
    The problem is that a movie outing nowadays takes up nearly half a day (maybe more)given al the accompanying noise and ‘rituals’ 🙂
    Find that difficult to spare somehow
    Punching in few words on your phone/tablet is one thing but one full day needs a think

    Lookin for something ‘mindblowing’
    Have thought it should be great (after the players experience)
    And ESP the agneepath ‘beating’ lol

    Btw ahv u seen agneepath ?
    Plz check it out -good fun 😉


    • Ami (formerly 'Annoyed') Says:

      Agneepath was REPREHENSIBLE! The film left me utterly disgusted and exhausted. Did you actually like it?


      • Alex adams Says:

        Thank god Amy u hated it
        I thought I was caught in a ‘vacuum’-some like sm have loved it here
        Did u read my ‘review’
        Went with a few inleign some girls-one of whom left midway and the rest kept on cribbing and threatening
        Nearly got (sexually) ‘abused’


        • Ami (formerly 'Annoyed') Says:

          Where’s your review? 🙂 Post a link. I only went to watch it because I like Hrirhik- and on that count it delivered it’s his best performance and the most attractive he has looked in a long time.

          But the film itself- even with my low expectations- was repulsive.


        • Alex adams Says:

          Spot on Amy
          Think u r on my wave’length’ there 🙂
          Not sure where the link is -maybe Satyam knows


  11. Ami (formerly 'Annoyed') Says:

    Since we’re talking about The Desendants…Shailene Woody was amazing, Gegorge Clooney was strictly adequate. She should be the one getting all the awards and award nominations, not him

    And on an aside, I think the director, Alexander Payne, is far more appealing than George Clooney. Not really relevant to the movie at all of course, but he’s probably one of the more attractive filmmakers out there at the moment. 😛


    • I wouldn’t characterize any performance in The Descendants as amazing. I got a kick out of seeing Laird Hamilton attempt to give a performance though.


      • ideaunique Says:

        finally i got someone who thinks so about descendants….every one (minus me) seems to be talking so high abt. that movie and i was wondering wtf….but now i m in a good company 🙂


  12. fouund descendents boring and at times trying to hard to show emotions and this subject has been used before … a family trying hard to resurrect itself

    aside i would surely recommend another oscar winning movie which iis motivating in a diffferent sense and is totally opposite of restraint performance …. al pacino in scent of women …a vintage indeed


  13. Satyam, do give this a watch. The trailer of “The Beasts of The Southern Wild”-
    a film which was beloved upon its debut at the Sundance Film Festival in January.

    “Visually stunning and boldly unorthodox, ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild’ spins a fearsome and intoxicating tale of life beyond the borders of civilization,” wrote HuffPost Executive Entertainment Editor Michael Hogan after seeing the film in Park City, Utah.

    The film, which stars newcomer Quvenzhané Wallis, is about a young girl who tries to overcome immense odds to save her father and her bayou home after a biblical-like hurricane strikes. Dramatic! There are also sparklers and the title beasts, which kinda look like something out of “Where The Wild Things Are.” Only instead of being directed by Spike Jonze, “Beasts of the Southern Wild” looks like something Terrence Malick might have whipped up. (The film’s actual director is Benh Zeitlin, who also co-wrote the score which you can hear in the clip.)

    Benh Zeitlin
    Lucy Alibar, Benh Zeitlin
    Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry and Levy Easterly


  14. Alex adams Says:

    Thanx minor
    -yes have heard of benh zetlin thru a friend who dabbles in short films
    This guy has made another gud film on hurricane katrina
    Saw bits somewhere
    A gud young talented boy


  15. didn’t know anything abt zetlin. thanks for the info abt hurricane katrina film. will try to check it out


    • alex adams Says:

      ya and regarding zaetlin ^^

      his names doin the round as one of the young turks
      though some of this co-students thought he has been sort of ‘plotting’ for awards like sundance for a while–eg choice of subjects


      • Alex, this was a lovely experience. such uncorrupted and pure stories. The first underwater scene itself is brilliant. and the dialogues are superb. Alex, i never knew u had such a good taste…LOL


        • alex adams Says:

          thanx minor
          ‘ Alex, i never knew u had such a good taste…LOL’-well, guess we all live 2 learn…
          this is just a trailer-jokin
          what a gym instructor, man…got to go for a bit….


  16. alex adams Says:

    ‘Closer’–has been lying around for ages but finally somebody coaxed me to watch it
    a good wordy film with four good perfomers
    Natalie portman is a great performer–as expected–she is born to be infront of the camera–but in some scenes outstrips the scope of the scene
    Clive OWen is a revelation–though didnt like his look in some places
    and roberts-well, she is roberts. check her out in the ‘compromise scene’ to get the paper signed
    jude laws easilty the ‘weaker’ link heee in more ways than one
    a gud scene with jude n owen in the latters office
    this a to z guide to ‘betrayal’ is a good one time watch


  17. nice thoughts on close. And yes Clive Owen was brilliant here acting against type(but i have always considered a credible performer in any genre).Disagree on Jude Law, he someone who can hold his own against anyone and wasn’t bad at all


  18. Alex adams Says:

    Well jude law is fine otherwise (as with his childminder) but here the coactors are somewhat more accomplished ..
    As for Julia Roberts-thought she was ‘underused’ (though no in the context of the script!)
    Guess the premise was that the average joe will derive kicks out of her admitting ‘oral sex’ etc
    Portman was actually too good for this enterprise-acting wise
    Her eyes and facial expressions are just too mobile
    Owen is competent but Sometimes has a tendency to *underline* his acts
    A little more subtlety would’ve helped 🙂


  19. trailer of “end of watch” – stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena- from the writers of Training day


    • WTF is this? ‘COPS’ commercialized? Sheriff Brown not coming for this one!!! And pain-inducing camera movements. Damn you RGV!! You gotta stop influencing people.

      The 3rd SPIDEY trailer and yet no sign of Irfan? Not even a blink and miss? Hope the same is not in the full-length movie…


  20. Alex adams Says:

    Haha lol@rgv..
    Think irfan has a v small role
    Do check out the mila Hansen love flick mentioned in the ray thread


  21. Satyam, do check this out. The first-look pics from upcoming Hollywood Musical film “Les Miserables”

    – from the director of King’s Speech, Tom Hooper. stars- Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert, Anne Hathaway as Fantine, Helena Bonham Carter as Madame Thénardier, Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, Sacha Baron Cohen as Thénardier, Eddie Redmayne as Marius Pontmercy and Samantha Barks as Éponine

    Hugh Jackman-

    Russel Crowe-

    Amanda Seyfried-


  22. Satyam, this is great- here is the trailer of Philip Kaufman’s nex HBO film- “Hemingway and Gellhorn”

    – stars Nicole Kidman as Martha Gellhorn and Clive Owen as Ernest Hemingway. Also starring are David Strathairn, Robert Duvall and Molly Parker-

    Plot- Retelling the story of one of America’s most famous literary couples, the movie begins in 1936 when the pair first met in a bar in Florida. He was already a famous writer and she was one of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th Century. Their five-year marriage first saw them travel to Spain to record some of the most famous reports on the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939. Gellhorn was the only woman to ask Hemingway for a divorce and she inspired him to write his novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls


  23. And finally something exciting, here is the trailer of Liam Neeson starrer “Taken 2”- the sequel to Neeson’s action superhit Taken- must watch for me


  24. new Amazing Spider-Man viral video-it shows Lizard

    Oscorp Industries Mutagen Dr.Curt Connors/ Lizard Featurette plus some lines from director Marc Webb.

    In the new film, Dr. Curt Connors (played by Rhys Ifans) is an employee of Oscorp (the company owned by Norman Osborn, the villain in the first trilogy) and, as he reveals to Parker (this time played by Andrew Garfield), an old friend and co-worker of his father. That differs from the character’s origin story; in the sixth issue of The Amazing Spider-Man comic book, Connors is a scientist who lives in Florida.

    In both versions, he has lost an arm, and desperately tries to synthesize the regenerative properties of reptiles into a formula that could help him grow back his lost limb, only to be turned into a sometimes-wild beast who loses all sense of right and wrong (somewhat like the Hulk, for those of you who just saw The Avengers).

    As Ifans explains in this new video, Connors holds secrets about Parker’s father, who left him at an early age (thus leaving Peter to live with is Aunt May and Uncle Ben). And just as in the comic books, Connors is not so much a classic villain as a transmogrified scientist, swinging between good and evil depending on the condition of his skin (smooth is good, green and scaly, not so much).


  25. Finally some good news- Irrfan Khan seen in the new Spidey trailer-


  26. rockstar Says:

    yup but hopefully he is not treated like anil in mi4


  27. jayshah Says:

    i like most comic book movies and liked the Spiderman series from before…this looks better and like the BGM. But right, so soon after the other ones already? Bit nonsensical.


  28. Spiderman trailer looks good

    Garfield is a good actor….v.likeable!


  29. The international reviews of Spider-man are mostly very positive. here are some- . The Guardian – (4/5) Marc Webb’s successful synthesis of action and emotion, together with a terrific performance by Andrew Garfield, means that this Spider-Man is as enjoyable as it is impressive


  30. Also Garfield is being praised a lot but Lizard’s design and visualization being criticized- . Telegraph – (4/5) Though it still packs plenty of testosterone, Marc Webb’s new Spider-Man is the superhero film for the Twilight generation.-


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