Images from Himmatwala (updated)

76 Responses to “Images from Himmatwala (updated)”

  1. Fun posters! Specially the top one. Everyone’s going retro these days! After Singam though I wonder if Devgan should just keep a permanent mustache for these masala parts. Think he looks better with it. But this looks to be an easy big grosser. should trend better than most of the other 100 crore films and should open much bigger too.


    • I second the moustache bit.btw they have also kept the south connection of the original alive- Tamannaah filling in for Sridevi.Now i am a Devgn fan but doing a Sajid Khan film (even if it means a blockbuster) is absolute pits for a decent actor IMO. And i am also disappointed as to why Devgn is going all-out to get hits and has completely turned his back to meaningful films- he should atleast mix it up (though he is doing Jha’s Satyagraha).i believe Prabhu Deva would have been a better choice to helm this


      • Sajid Khan is definitely the lowest of the low! The problem is meaningful films don’t become hits and Devgan has tried very many of them, one as recently as Aakrosh. He’s not a young guy anymore. He has to stick with the formula. I don’t blame him for his choices at this age. But this also gets to an older point.


      • And the original though a cult classic of sorts was itself very over the top as were many ‘Southern’ films in that genre during that period. I do find them fun when I’m in the mood! But Sajid Khan is likely to try and top the original even on this score where he really just needs to replicate it!

        And it’s true, Prabhudeva is simply the best remake specialist for this sort of lowbrow masala fare.


    • Satyam Ji,
      Just saw the posters , Amazing Look. Waiting for watch Ajay & Tamannah in Himmatwala .
      Thanks for the post.


  2. abzee2kin Says:

    Wow! This looks so cheesy, and the original itself was a cringefest. Would love to see what they do with the Tohfa song though 🙂 Nice to see Tamannah in a Hindi film. Too cute for my tastes though.


  3. These posters are hilarious- especially the Solo Tamannah one! 😛


    • I actually like the posters esp the Devgn one. LOL at cutie Tamannaah trying to be a Hunterwaali. And among the crappy Jeetendra films, my fav is Tohfa (in a bad way). Ami, not trying to mock u or anything but was just curious to know which was the last ‘masala’ film u liked (apart from RR which u went crazy abt 🙂 ). And what abt the true masala films of yore- which ones among them do u find worthwhile? I am only asking this bcos i ‘think’ have a fair bit of an idea abt ur ‘cultivated taste’ in films


      • LOL at my ‘cultivated taste’ in films! 😛 Perhaphs you should first tell me what your idea about my taste in film is? I’m genuinely curious to know…


        • Oh u have put me in a spot- will backtrack from my previous statement- i have no idea abt ur taste. Now could u answer my question.


        • haha- c’mon- now that you’ve made that you comment you have to tell me what you were hinting at! 😛 I promise not to get offended- if that’s what you are worried about…


  4. tonymontana Says:

    what an era we’re living in.. sequels, remakes, re-remakes, sequels of remakes, remakes, of sequels..

    ……and Devgun in Jeetendra’s shoes. Cant stop smirking!


    • Ha! True! In this even though I’d rather have these Southern masala remakes than nothing and even though these are preferable to the Yashraj stuff (from my perspective) it must also be admitted that in just this formulation (which isn’t about lowbrow as much as it is about the fact that these films are essentially comedies) these films become the other side of multiplex romances. Now in smaller centers and/or single/double screens where people have been deprived of this kind of more rooted entertainment for a long time they’re welcoming this with open arms and I can hardly blame them. However the multiplexes remain the key drivers of the gross. You can’t get to a substantial total without at least decent participation from these screens. And with these audiences it’s an entertainment format that can be enjoyed in a ‘retro’ way, the films are essentially comedies so they don’t really disturb anyone too much. Ghajini remains the one exception here, a film that stuck to a narrative and the story involved serious ‘cost’ and ‘loss’. In fairness Singam though far less of an achievement was nonetheless not a ‘comedy’. Agneepath too wasn’t one but this was converted into a different sort of circus. all the Salman films so far have been comedies. RR was mostly one. Of course even with Ghajini the Hollywood conceit (not to mention Aamir’s prestige) allowed the audiences to accept this narrative. My larger point is that Bollywood is still doing masala as a guilty pleasure. This was always part of the deal even in the genre’s golden age but there were also serious stakes to these films in other ways.


      • I’d also say that the extended flashback involving Asin and the romantic track probably helped Ghajini go down smoother than it might otherwise have had it been more reliant on the darker side of the story. Ghajini probably couched its seriousness more effectively than most of the other masala attempts you’ve listed. Certainly the gravity here felt more grave but the makers also earned this by adding enough of the other, lighter masala ingredients. Still as a pure and completely satisfying entertainment I think I’d take RR over everything that’s been made and re-made within this genre since Ghajini’s release.


  5. Who is tamanna-and how is her ‘body of work’
    A guy like sajid khan suddenly signing her … Hmmm
    Hope poor tamanna did not have to go through a lot to get this film…


    • I don’t know about her ‘body of work’- but in terms of facial beauty Tamannah is very much the South Indian Kareena- she has a very unconventional face that is often mistaken for beautiful because of the paleness of her skin-

      She’s also a glamorous heroine with above average acting ability- much like Kareena.


  6. Thanx Amy
    Well that pic u have provided does look fine and get your point about the ‘paleness of skin’!
    Though I personally find this obsession irritating!!
    Remember once I interrogated some kareena fans and was shocked to hear “atleast she is so fair-who cares about the rest !!”-what the …
    Find this girl better than kareena on the basis of this pic .
    And let’s not get kareena here anyways lol
    My bigger curiosity is how n why has sajid khan given her a break all of a sudden !!! 🙂


  7. Btw amy : for someone who knows nothing on this subject-
    Who are your current top ten south Indian actresses -as a ready reckoner of sorts -also since u know about this much more than most–as for satyam, his ‘judgement’ in this topic leaves something to be desired 🙂


  8. Both Ajay and Tamanna look total misfits here.
    May work at box office, more so if they keep original songs but cannot say I have any desire to see this or any remakes of Jeetu-Sridevi films. The originals were at times mildly interesting as the sheer cheesiness sometimes made them so.But, a remake ….No way.


    • yeah they’d be well advised to keep at least a couple of songs from the original. The cult value here is primarily due to the songs, specially Naino main sapna and Jeetendra’s whacky steps!


  9. 29th March 2013….The 80’s will be back!

    hmm. So who is this 80 and what belonging of his/her is coming back in 2013?


    • But who wants the 80s back?! Other than some Bachchan films and a few other exceptions that entire decade is very ‘missable’! Of course ’80s’ here is a just a stand-in for ‘retro’. Even on the music shows ’70s/80s’ are used interchangeably as terms when there is a profound difference between the two.


  10. he has a mustache in this new still but not in the posters. Wonder why..
    Don’t think this was so in the original though I could be forgetting something.


  11. Meanwhile the director of the original Himmatwala, K. Raghavendra Rao is coming up with his Nagarjuna starrer biopic ‘Shirdi Sai’ (the duo previously combined for 2 National Award winning films- Annamaya and Sri Ramadasu)- trailer here-


  12. In the top pic–Why is Ajay devgun suddenly looking more buffed up?
    Seems he has got hold of some spare doses leftover by salman/dutt..
    And who is this ‘heroine ‘…


  13. Adding to my list..I have now seen Tezz. Yes Ajay looks better with the mustache as much as Indian women have very long hair. I liked the movie but its alittle incongruous to me anyway..that Indian women are in traditional dress and men wear blue jeans..whats up with that??


    • Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

      “that Indian women are in traditional dress and men wear blue jeans..whats up with that??”

      Thats’s a very good point Margaret, Which usually goes unnoticed by many of us viewers. Most of the time, Indian movies are set in the urban environment, Hence the diesel jeans (Have yet to see anyone rock, a sevens, paper denim, rock n republic etc – mostly its diesels,) I guess Indian women look prettier in the indian outfits (atleast I think so). Also, there are not stories that indian cinema has to tell outside of these urban settings, We see GOW recently even in that, you do spot some blue jeans every now and then. If I remember the last movie that I saw that did not have that urban setting without any jeans etc was Barfi and before that was GURU. Friends help me out if I am wrong in this.


    • @ maggie -“have now seen tezz”–wow that’s impressive
      “as much as Indian women have very long hair”—haha no comments 🙂
      Btw even u have quite nice long hair
      @ kash-u r rite my friend bout guru
      “guess Indian women look prettier in the indian outfits”- ha no comments …


      • Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

        Arre yaar, just my opinion. Always felt the Indian way of getting ready (the whole sindoor and bindi with indian ornaments etc) is very appealing, Not taking anything away from the western outfits (and maybe just one piece of jewelery). I find it kind of bland, Anyways, Speaking of jeans, you seem like a man with good taste, what are your favorite jeans ( I am a huge fan of wearing jeans and tshirts – If I had my way, would have good married in denims lol). My favorite are Buffalo (best fitting) Style and material wise I like seversn and True religion at times (depends on jeans) I like Lucky as well.


  14. Agree kash- jeans r in my genes as well..
    Am less brand conscious now-depends what I can find in my mess–but with Levi’s, gap one can’t go wrong–also into firetrap, diesel and gettin into my old true religion as I speak
    Alas can’t wear em ol the time but try to get away with semi formal stuff where formals needed, informal where semi formal needed and where informal needed –nothin 🙂


  15. Omg lol –look who’s the latest rockstar in the tightest possible leotards ? Or strangulating clothesline—
    Sonakshi !! On the dance floor!
    God save that floor..,
    I mean–she’s sometimes so gross that she ends up being cute (unlike a certain Kareena!)


  16. showing sonakshi as the rockstar……sajid is trying to be “Himmatwala” here 😉


  17. Sonakshi looks like Reena roy from that old film Sanam Teri Kasam.

    Sonakshi, Meenakshi good traditional names. akshi!
    Both are medium successful stars.


  18. RajuJanak IdeaUnique Says:

    quite grounded MS –


  19. RajuJanak IdeaUnique Says:

    another video with SS –


    • Raju, one simple question for you. If you are offered Salman’s life with all those crores on the one hand and Ileana on the other, which option will you accept?

      2 options KBC style

      Crores and fame

      Phone a friend? Perhaps AA may volunteer.


      • RajuJanak IdeaUnique Says:

        Lol Sanjana 🙂 simple answer to that “simple” question is: I will go for salman’s life. Ileana will in any case come to me only whether I go for sallu’s life or not 🙂 and if none of these options work – I can request you for a date to discuss about more simpler probable offers in my life 😉


        • RajuJanak IdeaUnique Says:

          btw thnx for bringing back ileana to my attention – span 🙂
          here is IDC – my darling 🙂


        • RajuJanak IdeaUnique Says:

          this video also is a fun watch:


        • Hmm think the solution is that I will have to ‘lend’ my assistant director sanjana to be ileana!
          Ps-Enjoy unique raju -but remember ‘no-touch’ policy !
          Enjoy folks 🙂


        • Haha Btw raju unique -this ‘chance’ for u was only for today–but seems u have already ran away…scared lol
          Ps-don’t worry sanjana – i will find more roles for u… Lets get bak to the studio 🙂


  20. these retro posters look really good.


  21. Wait, does himmatwala redux feature tamannah and sonakshi? I don’t remember the original all that well, so not sure if there were two heroines there…


  22. now this latest poster is truly C grade! Doesn’t seem to belong to the same film as the others even otherwise.


    • But don’t you think the posters are fun and much better than the trailer.

      And you are right that this one is very dissimilar from the earlier ones. Also in the trailer Devgn has a moustache whereas it’s absent in the earlier 3 posters (which btw were released before the shooting had started)


  23. masterpraz Says:

    Not to come across in defence for Sajid Khan and the brand of cinema he makes (which is shameless, mindless and pointless comedies and masala potboilers), however the tone of critique and resistance towards him seems to be higher when every other director from Rohit Shetty to David Dhawan to Priyadarshan to Anees Bazmee does exactly the same thing…..? He does make some crazy claims, however to be fair, he has delivered a hat-trick of hits to date and has a 100% BO track record.


    • masterpraz Says:

      On a BO note, I think this will be Ajays biggest hit since SINGHAM, and possibly Sajid Khans biggest hit. Ecspecially, at the single screens, this kinda stuff in this mould is still unfloppable.


  24. I will never make a flop film – shouts Sajid Khan..HIMMATWAALA will be among the top 3 grossers in 2013; to listen to more of such Aesop’s fables, watch this first-look launch video..


  25. Another sad news – the murder of Sai Paranjape’s classis is set for April 5th – tweeted by some ar!@hole director called Zafar==

    Ali Zafar’s next film Chashme Baddoor is also ready to release. He updated: ‘Chashme Baddoor to release 5 th April. March I shoot for my next one & April is the U.S/Canada tour.’


  26. Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

    I find the claims below really really funny, Jeetendra being a close second to Amitabh bachchan in early 80’s for a few years. Hahaha.

    “With lifetime earnings of over 6 crores, this film was the 4th Highest Grosser of 1983 (Behind: Amitabh Bachchan’s Coolie [9cr] / Sunny Deol’s Betaab [6.75cr] / Jackie Shroff’s Hero [6.25cr]) and thus bagging a Super Hit verdict for itself. Just like Ajay Devgn, Jeetendra was also a ‘superstar’ of his times, but after the release of Himmatwala in 1983, he attained the peak of his career and was only 2nd to Amitabh Bachchan for a couple of years to follow, as far as box office and actors’ renumeration were concerned. Well, we guess Ajay must be hoping the same to happen to him with this big ticket release.”


    • Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

      Like all his previous films, director Sajid Khan made some attention-grabbing statements about the box office records for Himmatwala at the trailer launch which has fuelled expectations in the industry and the audience.

      Himmatwala will be the Biggest Grosser till date for everyone (Actor, Producers & Director) associated with this film: Well this prediction seems to be very much achievable. The excitement that the first look and the trailer has generated, entry into the coveted 100cr club is a given for Himmatwala. Moreover, it is expected to surpass the biggest hits of Ajay, Sajid and Vashu Bhagnani in all probability. In this regard, the toughest to be broken is the record of UTV’s Rowdy Rathore, which can only be achieved if Himmatwala has universal acceptance.


    • Its true, Jeetu had a career resurgence of sorts after Himmatwala. He had several hits in this South Indian Masala Genre for 3-4 yrs in the mid-80s. Jeetu was known as the ‘Jumping Jack’ for his ability to bounce back in his career every few years. The 80s resurgence was his last jumping jack moment.


      • Actually one might even call it a “surge” rather than a “REsurgence”, since he really had no period of sustained commercial success prior to those films…


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