Images from Aurangzeb

65 Responses to “Images from Aurangzeb”

  1. They forgot to mention “Porn Star”.

    The number of male poseurs enabled by American Gigolo (and, sadly, in an un-ironic way) is depressing…


    • Who are “they?” Is there a link missing here? I honestly don’t understand your first statement. Just from the visual images I wouldn’t characterize any of them as “porn star.”


    • True.

      Having said if I am hard-pressed to find a bright spot I might say that there is apparently a double-role here which I love. Sadly Hindi cinema does not do it often anymore- yes there was Rowdy but what else. I did not mind Utt Pataang and both Shahid, Kunal Khemu and Ranveer Shorey were fantastic in Kaminey, Superstar and Mithya

      Tamil Cinema has not forgotten it- saw K.V. Anand’s Maattrraan last week- a tad overlong but good enjoyable pulp. But yes Ko was much better

      And since we are talking about ‘doubles’ there is a fantastic PC game called Total Overdose which plays out like a Desai film- we have the hero’s father, a DEA agent, who is killed in the 1st mission, the baton is taken over by his son who is a DEA agent who finally in the 3rd stage gets his twin brother (who is ofcourse a criminal) to go undercover for him, infiltrate the gang and kill the baddies.


      • yes, but the double role thing had been reduced to nothing but a silly trope, at least in the hi-fi (stealing from an jo). i am glad some of those gimmicks are dying out or not being over used any more.
        but who knows, with the return of rape-of-the-retro, these ‘traditions’ will be back too. may be himmatwala 2 will have 2 ajay devgans mouthing the stupidest lines on the planet. sajid is always dependable for something like that.


        • a double role shouldn’t be used with an actor who isn’t star enough. Because the double in this sense besides serving whatever narrative purpose it’s intended to also highlights the star (in a commercial setup). If you have a guy like Arjun Kapoor doing this you need a Soderbergh-like effort on the narrative! Which safe to say this isn’t!

          On that note doubles had more or less vanished from Hindi cinema with the decline of masala. Now they’re making a bit of a comeback precisely as masala (in whatever debased form) is more in vogue. There is always a somewhat epic resonance to the double in the context of Hindi commercial cinema. This isn’t quite the romantic/psychoanalytic double of the European/Western tradition. Some more on all of this here.


        • agree with you. more often than not, it was designed to ‘showcase’ a star and provide the audience a ‘double dose’ of their favorite. unless done very innovatively, it’s of little interest otherwise.


        • Great point Satyam. A very engrossing read on the ‘psychoanalytic’ one is Saramago’s Double


        • though it’s the book I like least among all of his mature works. At least one of the reasons is that Saramago has always been best dealing with singularity with all its whimsicalities and oddities. Even his narrators represent the same sort of quirkiness. The Double is a perfectly solid read but I prefer just about every other book of his.


        • Never thought of the singularity point. I like Dostoyevsky’s The Double as well.

          And two of the most disturbing doubles are the dwarf in Appu Raja (the film keeps ‘playing with violence’) and Bachchan’s professor (accused falsely of rape) in Bemisaal- the latter is not handled well by the director though- perhaps the only blemish in an otherwise flawless film


        • Saurabh, what are you trying to pull here? Saramago in one comment, Dostoevsky in the next? Let’s be serious and stick to the riches of masala!


        • yes, bemisaal is one of my favorite ab films. the whole ‘insane twin brother’ thing was used badly here and is my only issue with the film too.


        • LOL. On that note have you checked out Yaar Meri Zindagi. I am dying to watch this but it’s not available anywhere on the net though the official dvd is out for quite some time. Apparently the deal here is that there is some kind of a twist to the Namak Haraam plot- Bachchan playing Khanna kind of role and Shatru doing Bachchan’s)


        • I am not sure if I completely agree with this Antya. Yes when not done well doubles do seem gimmicky (though they can still be fun) but we had very many exceptions in bollywood. Starting with Bachchan’s great doubles- Don, Satte Pe Satta, Aakhiri Raasta, Kasme Vaade (Bandhe Haath is another underrated one)- to Dilip Kumar’s Ram aur Shyam to Sanjeev Kumar and Devan Varma’s Angoor to Kamal’s Appu Raja (technically a triple here) and many more. In the last decade itself we have had Kaminey, Mithya and Superstar- the former two are especially well done and I enjoyed Rowdy and Utt Pattaang (Vinay Pathak) as well. I for one would love to have this trope back

          LOL, agreed on Sajid

          In Hollywood my favourite will be Jeremy Irons in Dead Ringers


        • angoor basically revolves around the double-role gimmick and is pretty much the epitome of the phenomemon. i am not a big fan of the satte pe satta double, although i find the movie overall the only fun film of the 80’s bachchan and love the first half (besides the very good and under rated bemisaal). don’t think much of kasme vaade either, haven’t seen the other two. i found mithya overrated, kaminey was ok. so other than best case scenarios, it’s not something i look forward to. imagine having to sit through not one but two salman’s or srk’s ‘acting’. shudder! (i just had duplicate flashbacks. ugh!)


        • “angoor basically revolves around the double-role gimmick and is pretty much the epitome of the phenomenon.”

          I disagree totally. Angoor is not at all within the epic and/or masala tradition that defines all the other great doubles of the tradition. It reworks Shakespeare insipidly as far as I’m concerned (not that the play itself is the best one within the Bard’s oeuvre!) but more importantly it doesn’t have the true registers I’m referring to. The unsurpassable double incidentally remains Don (referring to the original here and not the impostor!). I’m very partial to Kasme Vaade too!


        • i wasn’t referring to doubles within the masala framework. i mean, the film itself originates from the the doubles gimmick since the original work is about that. and i love angoor., haven’t read the original. people are capable of enjoying things out side ‘masala tradition’ you know 🙂
          agree with don, my favorite of bachchan’s double roles. as i said, don’t care about kasma vaade, talk about insipid.


        • “people are capable of enjoying things out side ‘masala tradition’ you know ”

          yes and I’ve always been polite enough to extend my commiserations to them..

          Just kidding.


        • ha! you are sooooo not kidding satyam! and we outsiders thank you for allowing us to bs on your blog


        • “ha! you are sooooo not kidding sat yam!”

          ha, you got me there! But the ‘outsiders’ are what enable the blog in the truest sense! Not to mention they allow me to proselytize all over again!


        • I think I have said this before but Don is a ‘triple role’ imo (Don as Don, Vijay as Vijay and Vijay as Don) and not the least becuase of Bachchan’s extrordinary performance

          And notice how Farhan’s ridiculous twist in the end renders this ‘triple’ ineffective since Vijay never gets to be Don. And you have Don singing to Khaike Paan Banaras Waala!


        • thankfully, i wasn’t able to sit through farhan’s don after the first hour and never watched the second one. so i pretend those films don’t exist.


        • I love Angoor and find it one of Gulzar’s best.

          And I think Babu of Satte Pe Satta is one of the all time great villainous characters in Hindi cinema- the first scene of his where he is released from jail is itself spooky (with that scintillating bg score).

          The Bachchan doubles I do not like are Sooryavansham, The Great Gambler (this needed a Desai and not Samanta) and Adaalat (love the film and the older Dharma but not the younger son)


        • yes his introduction was fantastic but a great villainous character who doesn’t do his job, doesn’t dare to ‘ruin’ the sati savitri married heroine and is paired up with ranjeeta is hardly going to make me shake in my boots. if i had hired him, i’d be pissed! what a waste of my money.


        • Antya aunty, check your mail please.

          And c’mon Babu undergoes what we call a ‘change of heart’…LOL-


        • and if you call me aunty again, you’ll have what we call a ‘change of gender’ after your equipment suffers permanent injury by my virtual knee-to-the-groin technique. did you not hear how much i hated those kids?
          already replied to your mail btw.


        • LOL- That caught my unawares (the comment not the knee btw). But have you heard of something called “balls of brass”!


        • “you’ll have what we call a ‘change of gender’ after your equipment suffers permanent injury by my virtual knee-to-the-groin technique. “– haha rofl
          As for ‘balls of brass’– that’s the problem with younger bro deals. Good for emails, but taking bout gum balls & brass balls looks crass. 🙂


        • AA- that auspicious day still hasn’t arrived when we would be needing to learn about crassness from ‘you’. Not that this is the first time you have made a comment on me in bad taste (which i tend to ignore sually) but on this occasion you also decided to involve someone else as well.

          Anyway I will let this pass and and allow Antya (and Satyam) to decide if it was crass or not.


        • hey relax kjo minor-im in no real mood to delve into this since it may well be my next ‘mr anjali singh’ here lol.
          “hasn’t arrived when we would be needing to learn about crassness from ‘you’.”-totally agree there. and im as biased n selective as they come. But even I found something ‘perverse’ overall–reason already mentioned & dont wanna repeat.
          “you also decided to involve someone else as well. “–no i have not involved anyone else!
          “which i tend to ignore sually”–good buoy–must admit u are overall v polite with me, so i will give it back in the same kind..


  2. The title is controversial and provocative. Rishi is trying so many roles nowadays. He adds some color to any movie he stars in.


      • Interesting piece on Trishul. Whether this film aurangzeb lives upto is to be seen. Anyways, the film seems to be interesting with a new title. Whether the son is in conflict with his father, whether he kills his brothers, wnether there are roshnara, Jahanara counterparts. Aurangzeb is always an enigma and an interesting character of history. He was cruel towards his own relatives, he wanted to succeed. Yet he was a simple man not leading a luxurious life at the expense of taxpayers’ money which included the infamous tax on kafirs. He reminds someone in some aspects.


      • oh no! hope the recycling of trishul theme is not true


        • Agree-& moreso this hero seeks incapable of carrying this theme..

          Btw anya-Thanx for that lovely gravatar (as requested by me)
          What’s that from..
          Err is there something ‘dark’ to it
          Plz don’t jump !!! 🙂


        • Off the cliff
          Be careful lol


        • no plans to jump. just living on the edge as usual.


        • That’s Kiera Knightley in Pride and Prejudice 2005 version 🙂


        • 2005 version – a dumbed down version.


        • right on both counts. like the visual though.


        • @ anya “no plans to jump. just living on the edge as usual”– ahh that’s a relief –that makes two of us –perennially on the edge lol
          @ Oldgold -“That’s Kiera Knightley in Pride and Prejudice 2005 version”– well picked up buddy
          Actually love the ambivalence of this pic
          There’s openness as well as the ‘edge’
          There’s hope as well as despair-depending on the mood
          Beautiful gravatar there–if someone gets us the link, I wanna out it as a screensaver –courtesy OG, anya
          Ps: Oldgold –u can also go for a nice gravatar from that gravatar website ….


        • >There’s hope as well as despair-

          She’s just admiring the scenery.

          A flamboyant version of a similar scene from the 1995 version where Elizabeth stands at a safer place to admire the scenery.

          On it’s own it’s fantastic and beautiful!!!
          – even if Kiery Knightley had a metal ‘rope’ to anchor her safely.


        • 1995 version is the definitive one and my all time favorite. beautiful too!


        • you are right that this moment in the 2005 one is more flamboyant, that’s why it works well as a gravatar 😉


        • og–lol @ safer place & “even if Kiery Knightley had a metal ‘rope’ to anchor her safely”
          “On it’s own it’s fantastic and beautiful!!!”–agree the keira one is v good
          oldgold–if only anya can share with us her link, we can put her as screensaver 😉


        • @ og–“She’s just admiring the scenery”
          cmon one more step and she will be history lol
          4 a moment–i thought she was gonna jump–but thats the beauty of this pic imo


        • talking of keira kneightyl, i recently checked out the new anna karenina–has anyone seen it here?
          When mood permits, will force my piece down your throats
          ps-just to clarify, by the ‘piece’ meant a ‘review’ –oops lol


  3. Oh man I forgot they were dong this. What a bad, bad idea. Didn’t realize Prithviraj was in this.


  4. So first yash raj gives a glorified debut to the next flag bearer of the Whatttt legacy (Fardeen, Zayed, Herman, Imran)

    and now they double it up!!


  5. Why is the movie called Aurangzeb? If there is no relation to the real Aurangzeb, then definitely the strangest title ever.


    • This is forcible conversion…just as Aurangzeb’s penchant with converting everyone and anything to Islam or pay Jezia..

      Either convert to liking Aurangzeb’s multiplex-style of film-making or pay Jezia by not doing the form of more of such mutilations!!


  6. Talking of double roles, Angoor is first rate. Actually it is double double role. Sanjeev Kumar and Deven Verma create such a laugh riot effortlessly. Every character shines in Angoor. It is even better than Golmal where Amol Palekar invents his twin brother.


    • Even though Angoor is right up there, I still wont rate Golmaal any less (technically not a double role but still its the idea that counts).

      Amitabh’s aakhiri raasta is also a performance very well done. One could actually believe an exploited David growing into that revengeful old man and his honest,committed yet naive son(amitabh). Its a good drama between father and the son. A double role, well implemented mainly because of amitabh’s performances.


  7. The dreams that this Boning Kapoor’s son has..My God..he is already talking about female ‘adulation’

    Girls find you hot! How do you handle all the adulation?
    I haven’t seen girls running after me, but when I hear about such things I only blush. After I made my debut as the manipulative Parma, I thought girls would hate me. I’m pleasantly surprised that they liked me! I’m not prepared for female adulation yet.


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