Aamir at IIM – ‘I got bored with Swades’

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66 Responses to “Aamir at IIM – ‘I got bored with Swades’”

  1. LOL! This is a tremendous video. As I’ve said earlier no harm in criticisng other films, but one mustn’t mind if others do the same thing to you.

    The only film he’s liked in recent times is Mumbai Meri Jaan and Lage Raho Munnabhai…


  2. Sandy: Not to forget No Entry! The problem with Aamir is that he is more open on films that he doesn’t like . Very rarely speaks on films which he likes . I find this a problem with all of Bollywood. They rarely acknowledge talent in India outside of Hindi cinema and within themselves only praise thier campwallahs!
    I used to get very irritated when on Kofee with Karan, the question used to be who is the best actor in Indian Cinema – inevitably the answer mostly used be SRK!


  3. Yes, I like the ‘feel of Swades and more than boredom, I felt a sense of ‘calm’ about Ashu’s film. I don’t say it’s a very successful film overall, and does lose steam in teh second half. However, it still remains as one of the better film this decade for me.


  4. Yes and really the first film which brought SRK out of the mould so to say. And the song ‘Yeh jo des ‘ sends goosepimples up my spine everytime I hear it. Ironically didn’t think much of it when I was in India, but now it affects me more.


  5. i felt swades was more truthful movie.


  6. aamir is just explaining his preference but i am sure he also understands the perils of open criticism esp. as some1 mentioned wen he really doesnt run around explaining why he loved certain movie.

    i find swades preachy but the honesty of the movie comes thru. it touches the heart.


  7. ideaunique Says:

    good one, sandy – don’t you have the entire video of the class? I guess this was at IIM A…


  8. If i was an SRK fan-atic, i would go mad and say that Aamir is a jerk. Actually i am lol, but i have to say that it’s better to hear someone say things, than always see him be the gentle guy in the perfect white suit.
    And B-wood should stop with these camps stuff. If it’s not a RTP association (real talented people), then they should let this to highschool kids.
    It looks like Beverly Hills actually : Aamir is Brandon, SRK is Dilan and Karan is Kelly 🙂 …


    • I tend to agree with Aamir’s choices – good and bad, barring Swades.

      For example, Black was a film I hated and though Aamir’s arguments weren’t very articulate on it, I agreed with his overall assessment of it.
      What I’m amused at is elements saying he did it for publicity. I’ve never heard anything so laughable. Aamir always speaks his mind, whether he has a film releasing or not. Look at his opinion on Swades, it’s not like he has a movie coming up next month! LOL

      So essentially, all actors talk when they are promoting their films and since TZP’s theme was related in some ways to Black, he was asked about it and he gave his opinion. If that amounts to publicity, then SRK talking about Aamir during Billu promotions also amounts to the same thing. HE could argue he was just giving it back , but then Aamir will say the same thing. It can go on and on. It only gets juvenile.

      Coming back to his criticism of films, I agreed with his assessment of SM too. At the premiere, he was less than enthusiastic, hardly going beyond congratulating the team and saying it is not an Indian film. So i don’t see a problem that he said it didn’t work for him.

      He said the same about Jodhaa Akbar, but didn;t go out of his way to criticise it.

      Swades is a surprise though. ‘Boring’ is a harsh word for Aamir to use. As Latha suggests above, celebrities should be as charitable with their praise as they are with their criticism.

      I didn’t hear a word of praise for TZP and CDI from either of the two Khans for each other. That is really sad.


      • While I am a huge fan of Aamir, am really not enamoured of his post TZP public persona. Too many digs at SRK hints at insecurity (whether or not they were deserved is another point) I do wish he would go back to giving intelligent interviews like he was at the time of TZP release.


        • jayshah1 Says:

          Aamir will eventually have a fellow peer react to one of his films. It will be interesting to see his reaction.


        • True . Unfortunately his timing also stinks! comments on SM at the premiere may have been far more welcome than after it received the Oscars! (esp after Ghajini!)


  9. Did people on KWK pick as SRK as the best actor??
    That would be a laugh.


  10. and incdently if I remember correctly srk got best actor awards (filmfare)for swades ( a film becomes boring wen lead actor & director fail)!!

    also swades suffers boredom because it had to be crispier way short which I feel ashu can’t do!

    and this is aamir the real aamir never gentle with his words straigh and open…though ashu is his friend he wud say truth abt his film…

    @jayshah intersting question


  11. I think it is an unwritten code. You dont criticse the work of your peers. Doesnt have to be that way but can easily descend into a free for all with criticims that are not honest coming in. There is such a thing as being too free with your opinions and Aamir is almost overstepping.


    • I agree. Aamir should be as liberal with his praise as he is with his criticism. There are many of his peers who probably do not like his movies but restrain themselves from saying so publicly.

      I know many people who find all of Gowarikar’s movies (Lagaan, Swades and JA) boring by the way. I like them all so I guess I just like boring movies. lol


  12. I’m also an Aamie fan. However I’m in agreement that Aamir is breaking an unwritten code. I find it unprofessional and bad form for actors to be so open in their dislike and criticisms of their peers movies, performances, etc. There are certain things you just don’t say on a public platform. It’s bad form.


  13. there is also another aspect to it. Also, he should know the amount of work that goes into making a movie. So when criticizing a movie, he should talk about the good and bad aspects of it. I dont enjoy swades but I still like certain aspects to it. he should treat the movie with that respect and then criticize it.(like baradwaj rangan does in his reviews!).


    • jayshah1 Says:

      Yes agree. Though I just seen the video and its not exactly a finished opinion. The kind of video that the media would love! In any case, I disagree that Swades is boring. Its long, but its an honest piece of work, something we’ve come to expect from Gowariker.

      The problem with this kind of outspoken and candidness is when you fall a lot of people will be out to get you!


  14. Swades can bore many ppl, arguable point but its true !

    But with serval watching, my respect for this movie has gone up by a few notches. People, this movie is a no less than a CLASSIC . And the background score simply rocks. I find the theme score pretty haunting, too bad it’s not on the CD . The backgrd score is arguable Rahman’s best bg score . Background makes better with each viewing. For me its start’s with brillant openning music and by the end yeh jo desh hai tera really moves u.

    Coming back to does swades bored ? For me its big No No ! May be because the audience we got was sophisticated enough to understand the seriousness of the subject. It can be definetaly enjoyed, it does have scenes to hold you . But 3 hours is long time for like swades !

    Gud to see Aamir being candid abt swades, his always been clear abt not like swades, but i never gives excalty why. Yes agree with S there should be some plus point with some cristism !

    Well long back i rembr aamir expressed is not liking swades, but def thgt lakshya a better product. I would love to hear from him more on that.

    Had aamir khan would have involved in swades, it could have been nother classic (for someppl its not) – his contribution to all his project is incredible cannot be matched by any actor of today’s !


  15. ideaunique Says:

    i think aamir is starting a good trend – film fraternity should speak their mind with any hidden agenda against any one – so if someone doesn’t like aamir’s films – they can say it openly….this is a better trend than people just keeping mum…it is always interesting to hear the REAL feedback from film fraternity and ok….these kind of feedback can be given after the movie has finished its theatrical run….so no one will blame you for BO results….i did like Swades only in parts…for most of the parts, either it was preachy or plain simple stuff with no entertainment….it was something like SHIKHAR which was too idealistic and the director forgot that he had to entertain the audience….instead he made a moral lecture kinda film….and obviously it bombed….


    • Industry egos anywhere in the world are always notoriously sensitive to criticism!


      • agree about industry egos!!!

        but had a question I don’t understand why a man who has done ghajini can’t say abt slumdog ??
        if he says ghajini deserves critical acclaim,oscar etc than that argument is right but in absence of that one can’t raise that question…

        because if that’s the belief than eg: no one can be judge @ award function because all of them once in their career might have done masala…

        so my point is if one does ghajini how does it mean he can’t say certain movie didn’t work for him!

        amitabh bachan did rgv aag, & other some movies in his career does that take out his wisdom…no that doesn’t !


  16. & can someone give a link were AFTER sm premiere aamir said that it was a gud film?? acc to me he hasn’t…

    he had to my knowledge only said that to before sm premier that he had heard only good things abt sm…

    timing to speak is pr thing … an honest man can say & shud say watever he feels true wenever werever he feels or asked!

    & abt black I admire his courage fir wat he said abt black..& no where even later though he said he respected amitabh , he’s been blunt & truthful about his respective thoughts on the movie…

    atleast his better than those celebrities who misguide people by saying good things abt movie even though they knows that its pretty bad…& also those who do stupid cameos or false interviews..
    eg: srk billu barber thru out promotion he misguided the paying audience though I know his the producer but what abt the trust of people??


  17. anthr eg: javed akhtar wrote dard e disco if I m not wrong does that make him less knowledgeable & inappropriate to critic a gud lyrisc of another lyrist!!!

    same eg for ashu did baazi & pehla nasha & LAGAAN JA SWADES does that mean he can’t comment on other good movies
    no he can!!!

    similiarly aamir has given as director tzp, actor producer lagaan…& actor fanaa ghajin..that simply the guy has versatile knowledge on various kinds of cinema and yes he can comment on SM ……bcoz he has directed tzp!!

    so question again I repeat is not after ghajini can he comment question is if he says ghajini deserves critical oscar acclaim than he’s wrong…but not if doesn’t say the above premise..


  18. I think Amir’s outspokeness now has a lot to do with how he see’s good b-wood movies standing on the world stage and not what is considered b-wood good . He believes like I do , that at the top level B-wood can match world cinema if more care and time was spent on the script rather than look .

    All the movies he has criticized have been called superb , great , etc. by the media and some fans and but have been average earners at best . The audience is no fool , a superb movie gets it dues . Black was good but wasn’t that good . It was theatrical in production and performances . Swades was good but long winded , taking way too long to get it’s point across by which point the average viewer would be bored . It needed a tighter script . And SM is good but as a b-wood movie I doubt it would have been more than an averager earner and forget being nominated for any awards in India let alone the west .

    Amir might be speaking out a bit more but if it bothers other makers and actors that much they should set out to prove him wrong by making movies that match Amir’s in terms of praise and box office .

    If they did that ? Then B-wood have the home and global success some of it’s makers deserve .


  19. There is perhaps a difference between say a Naseeruddin Shah /Kay kay menon critcising commercial movies for being over the top and Aamir. I certainly agree that every person has a right to criticise provided he gives reasons for the same (which shows that the dislike arises out of rational means) and Aamir’s reasons for not liking Black were well put across ! One also cannot argue against his criticism for SM not being an Indian filn and all that but saying that he found it over the top (when it can be argued that many would find Ghajini equally over the top) is IMO a contrarian view. That Aamir’s movies are a notch above most others is something which I agree to most definitely but I feel it wouldn’t hurt if Aamir praised other movies as well.


    • IF I remember correctly than naseerbhai has worked in krish, rajkumar etc which were way ott..so it means nearly every actor has nearly oncd night have done ott’sbetween if u can give me link to were aamir said sm was ott?? would be nice!

      my understanding presuming aamir said sm is ott:-
      sm has nearly got perfect critecal acclaim from critics, media etc….by saying its ott he’s trying to show the dual side of indian critics , media & even people like us who said sm was good on basis of its winning awards !
      ghajini is ott but did it win awards even in india?? no..

      also he said in an interview that for them slumdog is new & exciting not us!! that’s why they have like the experience ….so he simply might have found it ott & in his defense I can tell ghajini was made for mass but can we say same abt sm??? no??


      • I do think in the comment to NDTV where he said the movie didn’t work for him, he said it was over the top! (can be corrected if I am wrong). Am not arguing with Aamir’s comments or his right to make them – only that criticism is far too frequent .
        Anyway, I think we should agree to disagree and leave it at that!


  20. Swades had its moments.. I liked it in bits.. but it did bore me because of its length and pace. Lagaan was long but fast paced and kept you entertained throughout unlike Swades.


  21. Waise humein udti udti khabar mili hai ke Aamir is doing a romantic comedy soon with a director whose name I feel embarassed to even take!


  22. The only consoling aspect here is that Aamir has never really worked with big directors after Mahesh Bhatt. All the directors he worked with were new. IT’s another thing that they all became BIG after working with him. Every single director, whether Farhan or Ashu or John Matthan or Dharmesh Darshan or Indra Kumar…all started off with Aamir and then became the names they did…so that’s a solace. In any case, I think Aamir only likes to work in films where he can call the shots. Rahu Hirani is the only exception in recent times.


  23. ideaunique Says:

    My views on READER
    (wanted to publish a separate post – but don’t know how to do this on this site? Satyam, any advise? :-))

    I saw this film recently, was deeply moved.
    Kate Winslet won an OSCAR for this movie this year.
    A very bold theme and it has so many layers and subtexts to it that I am glad I watched this movie very quietly so that could actually peep into the psyche of the characters and follow the strong undercurrent of the sentiments, feelings and thought-process of the characters.
    Although, people with strict moral codes may not find this movie acceptable to their senses – but those who love the kind of movies which can take you to the deepest recesses of your heart without resorting to any kind of hypocrisy, are quite likely to vouch for this one. OSCAR jury and the millions of people world over who have watched and liked this movie – now, after watching the movie, I am also one of them.

    Here is an extract from a brief summary of the film taken from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0976051/

    ….author Bernhard Schlink wrote about his novel, on which the film is based, “The Reader is not a story about redemption or forgiveness. It is about how my generation of Germans came to terms with what the generation before us had done.” He challenges the viewer with transcending guilt, the ability to choose love and the complexity of monstrous actions undertaken by ordinary people. The film is splendidly emotional and comes very close to being phenomenal. The drawn out conclusion is a meditation on the power of love and its ability to overcome exceptionally trying junctures – and even to overcome time itself. Morally devastating but not emotionally involving enough to attain instant masterpiece status, The Reader still boasts outstanding performances, a beautiful score and a moving tale of complex affection.

    Here are couple of links from many about the film’s review:



  24. ideaunique Says:

    “Every single director, whether Farhan or Ashu or John Matthan or Dharmesh Darshan or Indra Kumar…all started off with Aamir and then became the names they did…”

    add ROM to this list Sandy, but barring Ashu (with his JA) – none could get the kind of recognition they got with their film with aamir…..FA got a BO Hit with Don2 but it was no patch on DCH…..and LAKSHYA…??? JM….Shikhar….:-), ASHU – yes, he got a good product with JA, full marks to him and Hritik, ROM ko abhi bahut kuch sikhna baaki hai, DD and IK have given hits after starting with aamir…..point noted…

    Neeraj Vohra??? who is he 🙂 anyways, aamir will be calling shots here also 🙂


    • idea u might remeber mann where he had a sidekick comedian (fat guy)
      hes neeraj vora
      he has directed PHIR HERA PHERI!!!!!!!
      also he is directing shortcut-the con is on staring ahrshad warsi..and idont remeber who else…
      he directed aamirs tata sky male-female ad.
      he wrote script of the movie that became ccareer defining performance of aamir RANGEELA
      also wrote script of hera pheri..

      hes known for his sense of comedy and his movies are for mass


  25. Sandy ji… the news that Aamir is planning a movie with Neeraj Vora itself will increase Vora’s market price 😀


  26. ideaunique Says:

    ok rooney, but i m not at all worried about neeraj vohra – because we have seen that evenif aamir works with flop directors – the project hits the bull’s eye….so not worried abt that…but yes, Neeraj ki kismat to khul gayi bhai 🙂 if this project materializes, for next 10 yrs – he will have good projects in bollywood….that is aamir’s effect….


    • PERFECTLY STATED if indeed neeraj has managed to pul this one than like farhan, gowarikar, mehra, kunal kohli , etc hes made a name forhimself for the future because aamir and only aamir has 100% success ratio lately


  27. ideaunique Says:

    but that article seems more like a publicity stunt because SHORTKUT is releasing on 15 march and so far the there is no buzz despite anil kapoor being the producer…..so this looks more like a PS to draw attention…..


    • well idea I havnt seen a trailer or publicity of shortkut so its not releasing for sure nytime soon!!!

      also march 13 is wen gulaal releases & as I checked cinemax they don’t hve a clue abt shortkut so definitely its delayed


  28. ideaunique Says:

    yup rooney, they’ve postponed SK to apr 10.

    but, still it looks like a PS because apr 10 is not too far….:-)


    • oh …thnx for date..
      but then the latest is that theres a possibility of no release from april 6 as I read some where that thers a problem between multiplex-producer-distrubutor for ration of dividing profits!! lets see wat happens…..as I will love to see aamir in comedy romantic !!


  29. between idea did u find how we can post here as I m knew I don’t know…


  30. ideaunique Says:

    I also don’t know yet, I asked that question to Satyam, but i don’t know whether he has replied or not because now i can’t locate my question itself 🙂


    • well no problem idea m there for u!

      I got ur question to satyam…
      comment 34-38 (i m not sure of xact comment no.!) ON THIS VERY PAGE/ THREAD (aamir iim)
      ur question is along with ur review of movie Called Reader for which kate winslet won oscar….

      but only I have replied 🙂


  31. between awesome review looking forward to wen it releases in ahmedabad if not thn will have to check on dvd..it got release in pondicherry??


  32. also subjet of reader is quite interesting ..


  33. ideaunique Says:

    watched it on DVD…..releasing in theaters tomorrow in india


  34. ideaunique Says:

    satyam, received your mail – i’ve opened an account with wordpress, but still don’t know how to creat a new post? sorry, i’m not much of a technical guy….so pl. advise 😦


  35. ideaunique Says:

    I got a gravatar – why does it not appear here?


  36. ideaunique Says:

    oh ya, i see it there…….that is my fav. actress – TABU 🙂


  37. Satyam, I must congratulate you on the superb posters. You have quite a collection!


  38. I wouldn’t have a problem with Aamir’s criticisms if he were even a slightly intelligent critic. As good as an actor he is, he doesn’t know a thing about criticism. His opinions on Black were especially laughable.


    • I’d disagree there Sunil.. I think Aamir is one of the few persons around who very much knows what he’s talking about. I’d also add that in his case the films offer an example of this. No one who was dense in terms of his criticism would be able to make fine films in non-commercial formats that were critically and commercially successful as he has.

      On Black one might disagree with him, one might have an opinion on his statements on this or other films but I do think there was something valuable he said about the film. Something I could certainly relate to even if I wouldn’t simply say what he did. In this sense I will say that the better venue for him to express his opinions is really his blog where he can engage in full fledged criticism and where he would also have the space to be more nuanced than the media bites sometimes make him sound (of course he bears responsibility for this too).


  39. moifightclub Says:

    for swades fans, something interesting to chew on…the real story behind the story………


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