Malayalam writer Kamala Das passes away


A writer who shocked the custodians of conventional values, Kamala Surayya Das has been a dissenting but poignant voice of wounded womanhood against the value systems of a male-dominated society.

Whether in her poems in English or highly-appreciated short stories in Malayalam, Kamala had sought to expose the
hypocrisies of a society living in an illusory world of pseudo morality, oblivious of the stark realities around. However, in doing so, she never compromised with the aesthetics of medium, always succeeding in portraying characters and situations in a touching, lucid and charming style with great economy of words.

An artist who refused to be governed by accepted norms in art as well as life, Kamala’s life was as sensational as her
works, and, often faced the barbs of the orthodox society for her decisions such as embracing Islam well past the middle-age and appearing in public wearing burqua.

“She stands out on account of her resourcefulness, imagination and uncanny ability to tell the tale,” critic and academic M N Karassery said.

Her major English works includes Summer in Calcutta, Alphabet of Lust, Descendants’ and Collected poems, many of which stand out for their originality of theme and symbolism.

Perhaps, the most sensational of the writer’s work in English was her memoirs My story, which was a kind of tell-all personal reminiscences by the standards of the 1970s. But on that work, she later said, that it was as literary a creation as any other piece and the central character of the narrative had been the creation of imagination.

Critics have often placed her Malayalam short stories, penned under the pseudonym Madhavikutty, much higher than her
English writings by dint of their choice of themes, style and stunning impact.

Kamala was born in the ancient Nair ‘Tharvadu’ Nalappat in Punnayurkkulam in Thrissur district. The head of family at
the time of her birth, Nalapat Narayana Menon, was a literary stalwart of the time who, apart from his own works, translated
Victor Hugos French classic Les Miserables into Malayalam.

Her mother Balamaniyamma was a noted poet, whose works were appreciated for their exploration of various aspects of
motherhood. Kamala spent her childhood in Mumbai [ Images ] and Kolkata [ Images ], where her father V M Nair was top executive in leading
companies, who later became the managing director of Malayalam daily Mathrubhumi.

After a rather unpromising academic life, Kamala was married to Madhava Das, an executive of Reserve Bank of India [ Get Quote ],
who predeceased her by several years.

Critics have often pointed out that the writer in Kamala was born out of her emotional strains to adjust to traditional
family and societal values which attached very little concern for women and children.

Many of her early poems were published in Illustrated Weekly of India in the 1960s and later she also served as the
honorary poetry editor of the weekly. Kamala had penned hundreds of short stories in Malayalam and considered as a path-breaker of a new literary sensibility, which she shared with stalwarts like Jnanpith laureate M T Vasudevan Nair.

As in writing, in real life also she created flutters ruffling the feathers of the guardians of the established values by converting herself to Islam and donning the burqa, at a time when the harmony of the society was under assault from fundamentalist elements.

Similarly, her decision to gift to the Kerala Sahitya Akademy a small patch of land she inherited as her matrilineal property with a serpant grove as part of it, stirred a controversy with some Hindutva elements protesting the move on the grounds that serpant graves are held sacred by the Hindus in Kerala and its transfer to a secular institution was a sacreligious act.

9 Responses to “Malayalam writer Kamala Das passes away”

  1. “It wasn’t possible for me to pass in Maths”

    I can completely emphatise. Just about scraped through in Maths. And I agree with her on formal education. Why endure the subjects you don’t like for that long? The whole charm of learning is sucked dry by our institutions. Most students just pass their schooling life in dread and insecurity.


  2. I believe she was married off at very young to a man much older than her. Later, she fell in love with a man and wrote abt him and her longings in most of her porms, like this one-

    When you leave, I drive my blue battered car
    Along the bluer sea. I run up the forty
    Noisy steps to knock at another’s door.
    Though peep-holes, the neighbours watch,
    they watch me come
    And go like rain. Ask me, everybody, ask me
    What he sees in me, ask me why he is called a lion,
    A libertine, ask me why his hand sways like a hooded snake
    Before it clasps my pubis. Ask me why like
    A great tree, felled, he slumps against my breasts,
    And sleeps. Ask me why life is short and love is
    Shorter still, ask me what is bliss and what its price….
    (From The Old Playhouse and Other Poems


  3. Another one

    Until I found you,
    I wrote verse, drew pictures,
    And, went out with friends
    For walks…
    Now that I love you,
    Curled like an old mongrel
    My life lies, content,
    In you….
    (From Summer in Calcutta)


  4. Interesting stuff..


  5. chipguy Says:

    Sad- she was truly a pathbreaker in so many ways. One of the many regrets I have about not being able to read Malayalam fluently is the inability to read people like MT, OV, Thakazhi and Kamala Das in the original.


  6. sandy: nice icon! knew you liked him, but didn’t know he was such a favorite of yours…


  7. Excerpt from her autobiography here.


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