Sonam-Abhishek in Rakeysh Mehra’s Sahibaan?


It was said about the legendary Sahibaan that when she stepped out into the gallis of Punjab, the nine angels that guard the spheres died on seeing her beauty. And Sonam Kapoor, Bollywood’s IT girl, is all set to play the ethereal Sahibaan in an ambitious screen adaptation by filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra.

While there have been many screen adaptations in Hindi and Punjabi of legendary romances like Heer-Ranjha, Laila-Majnu and Sohni-Mahiwal, so far no prominent film in Hindi is based on the Mirza-Sahibaan love story. And it’s probably because of the complicated nature of their relationship.

According to sources, the idea came to Rakeysh during the making of Delhi-6.

“Rakeysh would address Sonam as ‘Bittu’, the character she played in Delhi-6. Then suddenly one day he started calling Sonam ‘Sahibaan’. At first Sonam was baffled by this new name from Rakeysh who would pamper her to no end. But as the historical perspective and the literary antecedents of the character began to seep in, Sonam grew excited about the project and began to pester Rakeysh about the project,” said the source.

For the actress, who is at the moment busy playing the Delhi socialite’s version in Ayesha, which is based on Jane Austen’s Emma, this would be the first occasion to do a costume drama. The fact that Sonam had was dressed in elaborate costumes in her debut Saawariya gave Rakeysh the idea that his ‘Bittu’ could indeed be his ‘Sahibaan’.

It’s not yet known who will play Sahibaan’s lover, Mirza. But rumours have it that Abhishek Bachchan will play the role.

Confirming that Mirza-Sahibaan is indeed in the pipeline, Rakeysh Mehra said, “But, I still have to get down to writing it.”

About Mirza-Sahibaan

Mirza and Sahibaan were cousins and childhood playmates who fell in love with each other. When Sahibaan was promised to another suitor, she sent a message to Mirza asking him to rescue her, which he did on her wedding day. After travelling for some time, the couple decided to rest for some time. However, when Sahibaan’s brothers learnt that the couple has eloped, they went in search for her. When Mirza was asleep, Sahiban feared that Mirza would kill her brothers. So she quietly took Mirza’s quiver and hung it on a branch, out of his reach. When her brothers caught up with them, Sahibaan woke up Mirza who reached for his quiver. But before that one of her brothers’ arrows hit him. Before dying, Mirza looked accusingly at Sahibaan and said, “Bura kitoyee Sahibaan, mera turkish tangiya jand!” Which means: Sahibaan, you did a terrible thing by hanging the quiver away from my reach!

A sobbing Sahibaan threw herself over Mirza’s body to cover him from being injured further. She too died.

23 Responses to “Sonam-Abhishek in Rakeysh Mehra’s Sahibaan?”

  1. “It’s not yet known who will play Sahibaan’s lover, Mirza. But rumours have it that Abhishek Bachchan will play the role.”

    Jha is usually solid on Bachchan rumors!

    Sounds like an interesting project though. Would be good to see Abhishek in it.


  2. I am exicted to see Abhishek and ROM together again.


  3. The subject sounds a wee tragic. 😉

    But it would be copesetic to see Abhishek do a movie in the romantic genre. It also would be vastly interesting to see Abhishek and Rakeysh Mehra work together again. Let’s see if this rumour comes to pass.


  4. If this movie indeed comes to pass. I think it would better serve the movie to be an adaption on the Mirza-Sahibaan love story with different twists in an up to date modern setting.


    • Knowing Mehra it’s unlikely to be a happy ending!


      • I think you are bang on. I think the tragedy aspect is what appealed to him to do this movie. He seems to like outside of the box cinema. By twists and modern setting I mean I think the movie would be better served if its the same love story of Mirza and Sahibaan but in a modern setting. But that probably won’t happen. Either way it is an interesting concept for a movie. And it would nice to see Abhishek and Rakeysh Mehra work together again.


  5. Was the Sanju/Madhuri/Rishi Kapoor film “Sahibaan” a re-telling of this legend? I remember that film only vaguely, but the plot seems dissimilar…


  6. I have to respectfully disagree with my friends here about the choice of Abhi for Mirza. Knowing the Mirza-Sahiban story a little bit Mirza is a Muslim Jatt character who is a romatic charcter but not like Ranjha and Mujnu. He’s more tough, along the lines of an action hero type. I guess it will all depend on how Mehra handles the story, but I cant picture Abhi as Mirza if its set as a period drama.


    • I don’t know anything about the story but it certainly is an odd choice of subject for Mehra. wouldn’t have pictured him being interested in this sort of thing.


    • Re: “Mirza is a Muslim Jatt character who is a romatic charcter but not like Ranjha and Mujnu. He’s more tough, along the lines of an action hero type.”

      If so, then all the more reason abhishek should be appropriate, in light of Lallan Singh etc.


      • Abhishek will also be doing a tribal goon in Ravana.


      • Perhaps, but it will depend on how Mehra handles the subject. If its set as a period peice then it will require what I like to call “A Mans Man” hero for the role of Mirza. Mirza to me is a very rustic character, for lack of better term “son of the soil” type. I have never gotten that vibe from any of Abhi’s role he has played so far. For example, I think in their prime Sanjay Dutt, Sunny Deol, Anil Kapoor or if we go back even further Amit ji for sure, Dharm ji, or even Viond Khanna would be ideal for the role of Mirza. I think the role of Mirza requires a certian screen presence and certain personality. To be honest I cant think of any hero of todays era who I feel suits the role of Mirza. All the heros of today seem like they’re all created at the same gym and get their chests waxed at the same salon. With that said maybe Abhi is the best choice of the current lot of stars/actors to play Mirza. If he gets the role I wish him all the best, and hope Mehra makes a compelling film because I think this can be a an interesting subject if done right.


        • That’s a good set of points Jatt and I think I know where you’re coming from. Let’s see how this works out. Mehra has currently yet to complete the script and with a director like him one never knows. But even if all this works out it would have to be considered a risky box office prospect all things considered. Of course this is normally a plus for Abhishek’s decision making!


  7. Here’s the Shammi Kapoor version from ’57:


  8. omrocky786 Says:

    Mirza koi bhee ho, Sahiban s/b Sonam- she is hot man !!


  9. IBNlive on this:


    Despite the debacle of Delhi 6, filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra has chosen to cast the same lead pair of Abhishek Bachchan and Sonam Kapoor in his next film. Based on the legendary tragic love story of Mirza-Sahibaan, the film will be a costume drama set in Punjab. We hope Mehra doesn’t lose the plot this time.


  10. Rakeysh to make Mirza Sahiban next; also plans to release new version of Delhi 6

    Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra The script for Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s next film is almost done. “Actually it’s a couple of scripts and I will choose from them,” says the director.

    He admits he is in all probability making the period romance Mirza Sahiban next. But the original cast Abhishek Bachchan and Sonam Kapoor may change. “The moment you write with actors in mind you restrict them and yourself. So I’d rather wait until the script is finished before casting.”

    Rakeysh showed the new-cut version of Delhi 6 at the Venice Film Festival on September 9. “The kind of reception I got in a 1600-seater theatre, was unexpected. It was meant to be only one screening. But they suddenly decided to screen the film on the closing day of the Festival which is very prestigious.”

    Now Rakeysh intends to release the new version of Delhi 6 (with Abhishek Bachchan’s character dying off) in India very shortly.


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