Magadheera creates a bang in Calcutta!


Saif Ali Khan may be safe and sound at the box-office after the huge opening for Love Aaj Kal but Ram Charan Teja is giving him unlikely competition at a Calcutta multiplex.

Ram Charan who?

A Telugu film starring the rookie actor, son of superstar-turned-politician Chiranjeevi, has surprised box-office pundits by notching up one houseful show after another at Fame Cinemas in South City Mall.

Magadheera, meaning “great warrior”, is the first Telugu film to release in a Calcutta plex and the week’s surprise celluloid success story. The film has not only beaten Bollywood Friday fare like Ram Gopal Varma’s Agyaat and Satish Kaushik’s Teree Sang but even challenged Love Aaj Kal’s reign at Fame.

“Since its release last Friday, all the shows of Magadheera have gone houseful. Audiences are coming in by the droves, with many even returning for a repeat watch. We are definitely playing the film for a second week,” said Rishi Negi, the chief operating officer of Fame Cinemas.

So what makes Magadheera a winner?

“Films on the death and reincarnation theme always do well in the south. What has worked for Magadheera even elsewhere is the huge pre-release buzz about the film and the presence of a new lead pair,” said M. Ravinder Reddy of Hyderabad-based Om Venkateswara Films, the distributor for Magadheera.

The 55-crore film has already earned upwards of Rs 100 crore and is scoring big in the overseas market, just like Love Aaj Kal. At Fame, the audience for Magadheera has been largely Telugu but people who don’t understand the language have trooped in, too.

“In the first four days, close to 600 of our members watched Magadheera. Many are planning to return in the second week,” said Yajnasri of the city-based Andhra Association.

Word-of-mouth publicity has also helped. “My cousin in Hyderabad recommended the film. I loved the special effects and Ram Charan Teja’s screen presence,” said IT professional C. Prashanth.

Magadheera is a lavish production with a story spanning four centuries. The film’s music has also been a hit, though the non-Telugu audience has had to be content with visual eloquence in the absence of subtitles.

In the recent past, Rajanikanth’s Sivaji and Kamal Haasan’s Dasavathaaram have had box-office success in Calcutta.

The original Ghajini, where Surya Sivakumar played Aamir Khan’s role, and even Punjabi films like Yaarian also found takers among the city’s film audience.

“Regional content has always done well here because of the city’s cosmopolitan nature. Films from the southern part of the country definitely have an edge in Calcutta, but even Punjabi content like Yaarian and Asa Nu Maan Watna Da have brought in the crowds,” said Virendra Marya, the regional director of INOX.

Unlike most recent Bollywood releases that have been pulled out of city theatres after the first week, regional content has invariably sailed into Week II.

While Magadheera was released in only one plex, Telugu film Josh is set to hit more screens. “We are looking to release Josh, the debut film of actor Nagarjuna’s son Naga Chaitanya, across Calcutta plexes this month,” said Reddy.

Talks are also on with distributors to release a Marathi film in the city next month.

44 Responses to “Magadheera creates a bang in Calcutta!”

  1. This is the power of authentic masala even when presented in such over the top fashion.


  2. Agree 100% Satyam.


    • and I wish someone in Bollywood besides Aamir would learn the lesson.


    • sadly we now see a Pokkiri remake with the atrocity of Salman filling in for Mahesh Babu!


      • I must take issue with this assessment, Satyam. What exactly makes Salman an “atrocity” for this remake? When I first heard about the remake, I rented the Telugu Pokiri and watched it. I enjoyed it for itself (surprisingly, since this is not the kind of film I usually watch), but what struck me over and over again was that this was a perfect role and a perfect vehicle for Salman. The only reservation I had was that he is slightly older than the character requires. The only reason Pokiri worked, for me anyway, was because of Mahesh Babu’s screen presence and his charismatic performance — both of which qualities Salman has in spades. So what exactly bothers you?


        • SM: First off I have never been a Salman fan. But leaving this aside he’s not just ‘slightly old’ for the character. I think Pokkiri is regular fare that worked so well in Telugu because of Mahesh Babu. I don’t really see a Mahesh Babu/Salman equivalence. Salman’s played enough bad boys, true. But I’ve never been too convinced by his masala turns. Of course this is still better than his doing the Sethu remake. Shocking to think one would substitute Salman for Vikram. Mahesh Babu isn’t an ‘actor’ in any sense but his impish persona combined with a deadpan style makes for a potent mix on screen. There are certain kinds of commercial films that really need a star to be in his element. Pokkiri is one of them (the laconic Mahesh Babu dialog of course is famous here and I have again never associated Salman with delivering great lines. So far and in his entire career Salman has not had a big action-masala moment. This will have to be the first one. To reiterate I’ve never been a Salman fan. Didn’t mind him very early on his career but his goofy Dhawan reinvention was always appalling for me and this then seeped into his more normal characters as well. Yes he has a base for sure though it is not well represented in the multiplexes (here I sympathize with him, his numbers are greater than some of the returns would suggest, of course he rarely lands himself a prestige film). Salman has represented a certain ‘wannabe’ segment in cinema over this period. If you’re from the South you might not often perceive it that way. But in ‘Northern’ terms he’s been the guy who doesn’t belong to the ‘class’ that some of his peers do. But I don’t mean ‘wannabe’ negatively here, I think he’s been an ‘aspirational’ icon for that segment. Which is why his mostly poor choice of films is always forgiven. Because he’s seen as being shut out of the ‘prestigious’ or the real ‘upper echelons’ of Bollywood and this makes him more appealing for his base who also experience similar issues in their lives. Again when I say ‘base’ I mean his most loyal audience. Much as Dutt’s most devoted base really operates in Bombay. Nonetheless Salman does have a base which even some more successful stars than him do not. If Salman were in Tamil cinema he’d be a Vijay. Again the latter is shut out from the ‘prestigious’ as well. But in Tamil cinema even lesser stars have their fanatical fan bases and can wield much more influence.


        • I personally do not agree with the foundational claim — that Salman has great screen presence and charisma. Certainly not where action is concerned — I have never found the Garvs, Veergatis etc. of Salman’s career convincing in the slightest (note that Wanted is a different deal from Ghajini: in the latter, an “exception” was being represented; Thus, even if one wouldn’t otherwise be convinced by aamir, he was playing an exception/deranged guy. Wanted relies on the trope of regular masala: aamir would be unconvincing here, and IMO salman is too. Mahesh is spot on for this). In this sort of role, I would take Mahesh over him any day of the week, and twice on sunday. For me, salman’s one-liner ending the Wanted promos, I mean the dialog delivery, is just wrong wrong wrong. Not that Mahesh is much of an actor, but unlike Salman, he always comports himself within his limitations.


      • Salman is the best bet for pokiri…actually its the talent of puri jegnath, his script brought the success. Salman can do all kind of roles from love story to serious action to comedy any.

        Mahesh is just 12 movies old. Please dont compare him with a Legend like Salman


    • Yes, gratifying to see.


  3. Is this being dubbed in Bengali, or presented with subtitles in Bengali?


  4. This is a visula fiest, Great action scenes, great love story, great production values. on the whole this is a awsome movie.

    Its not regular telugu masala movies like pokiri or simhadri..this is a classic movie.


    • Anmol, all of the qualities you describe do not preclude masala. From the trailers it looks steeped in masala.

      By the way there is definitely a bit of Drona hangover to some of the scenes. I wonder if there’s a common source both are relying on.


      • anmol: the masala isn’t the same as the run-of-the-mill. i.e., magadheera looks to be a very big film, and hence atypical, but that hardly means it isn’t masala (it might be that the masala tropes are present in an intensified, larger-than-usual way, but that’s a different issue).

        I haven’t seen magadheera of course, and sadly will have to wait months for the subtitled DVD. But I would probably have gone for this even without subs if it were playing nearby…


  5. It is a visual fest with great action scenes, a nice love story and great production values which constitute a masala movie and all the credit goes to the director who has a continuous slate of hits.


    • By the way Mahesh Babu should be nervous about all of this. First it was NTR jr, now it’s this guy. Now I personally don’t think Ram Charan Teja is really in either league (judging by the previews and bits I’ve seen) but nonetheless the pressure keeps increasing. Unfortunately Mahesh Babu is also just trying to pull off a Pokkiri each time. he needs to relax. Do 2-3 films a year, he wouldn’t need every film to be a big one, he’d have his initials and he’d dominate the box office. Take Bachchan or Rajni. Not every film of theirs was a supergrosser. But they were around and they delivered the bread and butter films. Mahesh Babu really needs to wake up.


      • satyam, you have opinions which is good, but the problem I have is they are full of prejudices and trying to fit them into the rigid mindset that you have. they are not based on facts or figures at all. you keep talking about maths and consistency and stuff like that but always mould it in a way that it can suit your imaginations and fancies. well I know this is your website and you have only people who have similar favourite actors as you have that keep commenting here.
        few things I dont agree with you are your assessments of telugu stars. mahesh for your kind information is not No. 1 in telugu and the statement that he is not much of an actor is an overstatement. he is a non actor, far worse than his father who himself is considered a non actor by quite a few though I dont agree with it. I think krishna is a brilliant actor but not in the same league as the other actors that were around during that time. Having said that, mahesh has a chance to be No.1 and I have no problem in placing ramcharan as a competition for that spot.
        the way it works in telugu films is they fave like a top 4 in each generation where 2 of them are bigger than other 2 and one is biggest. first set was NTR>ANR>Krishna>ShobhanBabu. this was till 1983.
        then Chiru> Balakrishna> Nagarjuna> Venkatesh till today though there is no chiru now as he has retired, balakrishna has been giving flop after flop from 2001 onwards. this doesnt put nagarjuna in the no.1 spot automatically because since 2000 a new top 4 have formed. the problem is this top 4 have been very inconsistent and also very picky with far few films in between them to make a judgement who is bigger than the others. so there is no specific order but each one of them have hit a peak in their career at different times and therefore considered the next no. 1 at those times. pavan kalyan in 2001 with khushi which followed 6 previous hits. Raviteja in 2002 with Idiot and other big hits. NTR with simhadri in 2003 which followed his other superhits. mahesh in 2006 with pokiri which followed okkadu in 2003 and athadu in 2005. unfortunately all these top 4 have given continuous flops after hitting their peak, but all have come back with hits now pavan has jalsa in 2008, NTR with yamadonga in 2008 raviteja has krishna in 2008 and kick in 2009. anjaneyulu had a good opening aswell. Mahesh is yet to give a hit after pokiri with both his films bombing sainikudu is a disaster and athidhi had good opening which made it a below avearge grosser.
        but there is a back up to these inconsistent top 4 with arjun, prabhas, siddharth and now ramcharan teja coming up. if ramcharan chooses his next 2 projects well he is the best bet for No. 1 according to me. out of the top4 now, the only one who has the biggest advantage at striking at no. 1 spot is NTR. NTR has not threatened the throne of mahesh as you have presumed, he was always there and will always be there. His chances are bright because the No.1 so far has always been the mass hero. which is NTR and Raviteja. pavan doesnt do mass films at all. his badri is the only mass film he has done so far and his upcoming puli seems like a good masala film. mahesh is changing his image to a mass hero since okkadu. worked in few films and backfiring in others. his next which is still yet to start 2 years after his last release is probably a comical love story, which is great for his image. coming to NTR he has great fan following, great mass image, best dancer around (only arjun and ramcharan are a competition) and has a good line up of films. this is as much as you can know about telugu films and their lead actors in a single post.


        • “well I know this is your website and you have only people who have similar favourite actors as you have that keep commenting here”

          I hope you will keep showing up to redress the balance!

          On Mahesh Babu not sure what claim I’ve made above that you’re reacting to. However if it’s a question of calling him the top star (which I haven’t done here but elsewhere) this is because I was led to believe so by stuff I came across online and also by way of some people who watch Telugu cinema. Mahesh Babu had a string of hits culminating in the biggest Telugu grosser ever, Pokkiri. One hears that Magadheera might cross it. In any case while I do believe in a top bracket of stars for any industry I am not as persuaded by schematic ratings that try to make it too precise beyond the topmost star. Sometimes there isn’t one in an obvious sense. But they idea that someone’s definitely # 3 and neither #4 not # 2 is something I look at with amusement!


        • Satyam: I am no expert on Telugu cinema, and will defer to madhu, Ravibhai, sm and others, but after Pokiri everybody in Hyderabad was calling him the top man. Obviously nothing is static and if you don’t deliver for years after, it can’t go on indefinitely — my point is simply that this was in fact being said of him at least in my experience.


        • “By the way Mahesh Babu should be nervous about all of this. First it was NTR jr, now it’s this guy. Now I personally don’t think Ram Charan Teja is really in either league (judging by the previews and bits I’ve seen) but nonetheless the pressure keeps increasing.”
          my response is a direct reply to this message.
          qalandar is absolutely right. everyone including me thought mahesh would be No.1 after chiru after delivering the biggest industry hit in 2006. but he did not become No.1 because he followed it with 2 duds. my post says how others were also thought they could have been the No.1 at different times in their career and none could acheive it. ramcharan has got a good chance now, if he chooses his next 2 films properly and also to his advantage there is no No.1 now in the industry. that post has become vacant ever since chiru retired from films.
          I have exactly said what u have said aswell. there is a group of top most stars in the industry though there is a clear No.1 in each generation. 2, 3 and 4 are just arbitrary though ANR and balakrishna are more popular than their contemporaries in their corresponding generations. with chiru retiring now there is no clear consensus among the general public who the next No.1 is and thats why the top 4 bracket of mahesh, Pavan, NTR and raviteja. ramcharan has just complicated things further.
          I am just a movie buff and have no favourites myself though must admit chiru is the person who got me interested in watching films in the first instance. he was the one who caught my imagination while growing up and therefore have a special interest for him. I like watching everyone aswell.
          In bollywood too I watch everyone though govinda is my favourite hero and never usually miss his films.
          would like to comment more on your website. though I find you very opinionated, I really like your understanding of cinema in general. I really love to read your posts. you are a gentleman as far as your arguments are considered. have never seen you lose your cool despite all the provocations you receieve, though I would blame you for all the provocations you receive. your fixation to abhishek is really nauseating.


    • I enjoy watching him so much but there just isn’t anything around! Of course after getting through the two years or more or Vikram where he decided to become a hermit this is still less of a disappointment.


    • Vikram himself needs to get back to some regular stuff and not only the Anniyan deal.


  6. more on the film’s box office:

    Magadheera | Telegu film set to beat Hindi movies this year
    In India, films on the theme of reincarnation are a safe formula for success. Magadheera belongs to the same genre

    Box Truths | Ashish Saksena

    The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, one of India’s premier technology institutes, featured prominently in the release plan of the latest Telugu film, Magadheera (Great Warrior). While the film released in all major towns and cities of Andhra Pradesh and Mumbai, Bangalore and Pune, it was interesting to note that three prints of the film were also earmarked for simultaneous screening in the Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad campuses of BITS Pilani.

    This perhaps best indicates the magnitude and hype of the film, which released last week across the world.

    In India, films on the theme of reincarnation are a safe formula for success. Magadheera belongs to the same genre. It has an interesting plot which begins in 1609 with a love story between a warrior and a princess who are killed and are reborn 400 years later to take the film to its logical conclusion. The film has been extensively and stylishly shot in Rajasthan and Gujarat and treated more like a Hollywood movie.
    The films stars Ram Charan Teja, son of Telugu cinestar Chiranjeevi, in only his second film. However, that is not the film’s only claim to fame. The film has been produced by Allu Aravind, who last produced the Hindi blockbuster Ghajini. It is directed by S.S. Rajamouli, who is considered to be the director with the Midas touch, having learnt the ropes under legendary director K. Raghvendra Rao. Kajal Aggarwal plays the female lead.

    The film was released with 500 prints and in 1,250 screens across the world. In the overseas circuit, the film was picked up by Supreme Movies for a minimum guarantee (MG) of Rs2 crore and was released as far and wide as in the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the Gulf countries with 25 prints and in about 45 screens.

    The film cost Rs41 crore including print and advertising (P&A). This makes Magadheera one of the costliest and most widely released Telugu films. But to give credit where it is due, it was a classic case of a team working together to not leave any stone unturned and make a genuinely successful film without depending just on star power it had at its disposal.

    The music of the film is by M.M. Keeravani and was designed to complement the film, traversing from the period setting to the modern one. While Daler Mehendi, interestingly, joins in for a fast-paced song Jorsey, there was also a bit of a sentimentality thrown in by remixing the song, Bangaru Kodipetta from Chiranjeevi’s earlier film, Gharana Mogudu, and added to the film. It was a widespread rumour that the short appearance made by Chiranjeevi during this song would be his last appearance on screen. We are sure that this piece of news would have added to the hype around the film.

    To curb piracy, a whopping 500,000 units of audio cassettes were flooded into the market within hours of the music launch. Also, in one of the firsts, the MP3 version of the music was also simultaneously released to cater to the youth. The way the entire music release was handled, it definitely helped the film gain the initial hype.

    Apparently, Gemini TV, the rival of Maa TV in Andhra Pradesh, offered a price in excess of Rs5 crore for the satellite broadcasting rights of the film to the producer. But it’s a complicated scenario because the film’s producer, Allu Aravind, is a director in Maa TV. Let us wait and watch how high the satellite prices will go and how the situation will be resolved.
    UFO Movies, the satellite-based digital cinema network, converted 55 screens into digital screens in just 10 days to catch the deadline of the film’s release. To add to this, the film garnered a lot of MGs and got huge showcasing at the cinemas.

    There was a case of INOX Cinema in Vijaywada playing the film in all shows and in all auditoriums in the first week and all shows were house full in the first three days. It was a case of sheer hysteria.
    Behind closed doors, it is said that the calibre of a film’s success is measured by the price at which its tickets are sold in black at the cinemas. It’s almost unbelievable that in the times when films struggle to do full houses due to wide releases, the tickets for Magadheera were selling in the range of Rs600-800 per ticket during the weekend.
    Can there be a bigger indicator of a more successful film in recent times to have released in India?

    In its opening week, the film has done a distributor share of Rs20 crore in India, including the MGs received, and is expected to reach the share of almost Rs38-40 crore as the film continues to run on full houses everywhere. This will probably end up being the most successful Telugu film, beating the record of Pokhiri starring Mahesh Babu.

    But what is truly exciting for a cinema connoisseur is the fact that here is a film which is on the verge of doing better business than any other recent Hindi film in sight.

    In fact, Magadheera could well be on its way to becoming one of the most successful films of 2009. This is the power of regional cinema that we so often ignore.

    Ashish Saksena is an executive with extensive experience in India’s entertainment sector and was previously CEO of PVR Pictures. His column looks at the business side of Bollywood releases. Respond to his columns at


  7. Re: “In India, films on the theme of reincarnation are a safe formula for success.”

    There’s no such rule: what about Hameshaa? Himesh Reshamiya’s Karrrzzz? Even Ghai’s superb Karz was not a big hit back in the day.


  8. ideaunique Says:

    “though the non-Telugu audience has had to be content with visual eloquence in the absence of subtitles.”

    sad – they shd. release it all over India with a DUBBED version.

    Happy for the film’s success though.
    In BW – I guess Hritik and Deepika should reprise the roles if a remake (in Ghajini style) has to be made and the same production team of telugu movie shd. be retained…


  9. Magadheera 2 weeks Distributor Share 30cr


  10. The reason people believe Mahesh Babu as the Number one is irrespective of previous films his every movie is awaited and has tremendous openings and then the film runs by its merits.

    As of right now only Mahesh has that currently and he is wasting it by taking off so long, by the way I used to hate his Dad as I was a big fan of NTR and think that Mahesh is way better than his dad in everything related to the film industry though his dad has a very good name and goodwill in the industry.

    Recently met a long time film producer K.S. Rama Rao through a mutual friend and he was telling me personally that the remuneration for Mahesh Babu was the highest in the telugu industry followed by Pawan Kalyan and the next level were NTR and Allu Arjun and following them were Ravi Teja and Prabhas. With Magadheera the equation has changed a bit with Ram Charan jumping to the Allu Arjun level, though I would credit the director more than anything else for the movie.

    But, if Mahesh keeps up this disappearing act someone will take over the vacuum so it would be better for him to wake up and get his butt moving.

    As far as pure mass goes, I think NTR is the one to watch and for someone who has been there for sometime is still very young.


    • Thanks Ravibhai, that is very helpful…


    • Ravi, thanks for that great summary. I must say that I have found NTR Jr a rather guilty pleasure and like him a great deal though I vastly prefer mahesh babu or Prince as you guys call him. NTR Jr’s political rallies were something though and he probably has a bright political career staring at him.

      Incidentally I love him as a dancer, prefer him to Hrithik because I think he does the incredible job of upgrading a masala dance or doing some contemporary styles with a masala attitude. He imparts his personality to the dance and is of course so good at the classical stuff as well.

      I have just seen the previews and odd segments but if I were to make a bet I’d say that I don’t see Ram Cheran Teja flying as high as his first film would lead one to believe. Because I think he look rather less impressive in contemporary settings and styles than he does doing period.

      Ultimately Mahesh Babu’s persona stands out. But he’s wasting his career as you suggested. And I think he’s doing worse than Hrithik in some ways. I mean every film of his is a masala effort. So what’s the huge wait for?! He should at least do two bread and butter films every year and not be so burdened by the Pokkiri bar. Not every film can be a super-grosser but he has to keep putting them out. The burden whether it’s him or Hrithik though is not only the box office and the need to outgross the competition. There is also the feeling that one has to do prestige stuff which is in a sense justifiable (Mahesh Babu for example did a RDB kind of deal that didn’t work at all). But the difficulty is that you can’t be a mass star or the kind of who delivers blockbuster hits and do ‘prestige’ on the side. It just doesn’t work. Occasionally you might even be successful at it but that ‘different’ will never be definitive for your career. So people want to see Hrithik jump and dance and show his physique and whatever. When he does serious stuff people might appreciate the effort but also be very disappointed. Because their sense of the star always incorporates the trademark dances and stunts and what have you. Similarly with Mahesh you want the deadpan dialog, the fight every ten minutes etc. This sort of star can often make the mistake of thinking that everything can be had. Which just isn’t true. Also the audience can often smell the truly authentic commitment to the different versus a film that is used to pad a resume.

      Take Aamir. Ghajini turned out to be this massive blockbuster but this was really the exception for him this decade. That very obvious attempt at masala. And despite the success it’s not going to define his future. More often than not Aamir’s attempting quality across genres and trying to just get the biggest success he can doing so. There is a sacrifice here. He cannot get the Ghajini gross every time or whatever a big commercial film would gross versus a RDB.

      There is a trade-off. You can’t have it all. Now if one wants one’s favorite star to simply be king at the box office that’s fine. But the environment currently, especially in Bombay, increases the pressure to do ‘serious’ quite a bit. Even as these stars are frustrating for their fans in terms of their career paths some of the decisions are understandable (less so for Mahesh babu).


      • Good comment; I’d only disagree on Aaamir, whom I would see as trying to alternate between masala and “less massy” cinema: think of the sequence Rang De basanti; Fanaa; Taare Zameen Par; Ghajini. Now 3 Idiots, although this might well split the difference between the two paradigms. And if there’s Dhobi Ghaat, a possible Bazmee film might follow later!

        An example of how Mahesh is hurt by not being prolific is Athidi. If this were his second film in a year, no one would think it did badly. But given that it has been his ONLY film in 2-3 years, it is treated as a failure.


    • thats right ravi. mahesh apparently wanted 8crs for his film and there are rumours that warner bros and soundarya rajnikanth who wanted to produce a film with him backed out of it becuse of that. his sister is therefore producing his next film. there are also rumours that there is lot of intereference from his sister who is the co-producer of pokiri and that is causing problems for him. thats exactly why mahesh hasn’t got the goodwill that krishna has. krishna is the darling actor of producers. I dont agree with the fact that mahesh is better than krishna in every aspect. he is better than krishna in dances thats it. he has far fewer emotions than krishna has which is as pathetic as it can get.
      I agree with you that NTR is the real mass star. he is good in every department and has very good equation with the producers. for me he is the only one capable of taking the No.1 position.


  11. Omrocky786 Says:

    My neighbor’s friend who lives in south Dakota drove 600 miles along with bunch of his friends to see this movie, came back dowloaded the movie and then called the fansite to block the website which was offering the movie. He also lost his voice because he was repeating the dialogs with the movie in full force!! LOL !!


  12. Will not disappoint my fans again: Mahesh Babu

    Mahesh Babu said he is feeling rather bad for not keeping the promise of coming up with a film this year. “I know my fans are eagerly waiting for a film from me. I promise I will not disappoint them again. I will try to come up with at least one film a year from now onwards,” Mahesh told the media at a press meet held in Hyderabad.

    He handed over prizes to the winners who participated in the contest conducted by Thumsup and McDonalds. Mahesh Babu is the brand ambassador for Thumsup in Andhra Pradesh. He is currently shooting for Trivikram’s film.


  13. Magadheera box office:

    also note Vikram’s Mallana is still at #4 after all these weeks.. the average rating seems unkind.


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