Sania Mirza to marry Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik


Indian tennis star Sania Mirza is going to marry former Pakistan cricket captain Shoaib Malik in mid-April and the couple is all set to live their life in Dubai after wedding. Meanwhile, Shoaib Malik admits that he will marry Sania Mirza after Geo television reported on Monday that the two sporting superstars have got engaged.

The marriage would take place in India and the reception will be organised in Lahore. The couple have been seeing each other since six months.

Shoaib Malik’s mother reportedly fixed the alliance earlier this month.

Earlier, Shoaib was accused of marrying another Hyderabadi girl, Ayesha Siddiqui, in 2002 over phone even though the cricketer said he was merely engaged to her.

Ayesha’s father had also threatened to sue Malik for jilting the girl and not giving her divorce.

According to the channel, Shoaib’s mother met Sania’s parents in India and accepted her as future daughter-in-law.

The ‘Walima’ or reception is expected to be held in Lahore on April 16 or 17, according to the channel, which quoted sources as saying that Sania and Shoaib fell in love some six-and-half months ago and it could be the reason for the breaking up of Sania’s engagement with childhood friend Sohrab Mirza.

“I desire to get married soon. You will soon get some good news but it depends on my family. I fully expect to get married this year,” Shoaib had said in a recent interaction with the media.

Asked if it would be an arranged marriage, he said, “No can say what will happen, but it will take place with the concurrence of my family.”

220 Responses to “Sania Mirza to marry Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik”

  1. Remarkable!


  2. when i first heard this..i thought it was a was so far still cant believe this..but congrats to d COUPLE!!


    • The weird thing is this is the second Hyderabadi girl Malik has been linked with — when I was last in the city in late 2007, there was talk of another Hyd girl he was engaged to (also mentioned in this piece). Lagta hai Gandipet ka paani bhaa gaya hai…


      • infact..some of d news channels mentioned dat he was married 2 d girl called ayesha siddiqui nd she belonged to hyderabad too nd was actually sania mirza’s friend..nd infact sania attended their bizarre nd funny!!


        • On another forum I read that he supposedly married a girl via telephone and later divorced her. Is that true? And if so, is this the girl?


        • marriage on telephone??!! lol..dats quite funny..never heard of this one it even possible?!!
          i dont think ayesha siddiqui was d one whom he married on telephone..other dan dat..i dont really know..!! he he..i m still lol-ing on this !!


        • both shoaib malik and the lady in question denied that news report.


        • Mansi: telephone marriages have been quite common in the UK, where communities from Pakistani Kashmir and Punjab are concerned. This becomes possible because Islam requires that the bride and groom freely assent to the marriage — but does not fix any particular mode of assent as required. Typically marriages-by-phone are associated with very ghettoized communities, or very poor ones, or with visa situations (i.e. you do a phone nikaah so that your spouse can show up in the UK, where the “real” ceremony takes place, mehndi, nikaah, valima etc.). To be honest I have never heard of a phone marriage outside of the West (i.e. where one party lives in the West)…


      • Marriages between girls from Hyderabad and men from Pakistan are quite common, even for regular folk, not just celebrities. In fact, it is so common that I wonder if such marriages happen in other heavily Muslim cities in India, or if it is just Hyderabad. I don’t recall hearing about marriages between, say, girls from Lucknow/UP and men from Hyderabad. I wonder why. And of course, it is always Indian woman/Pakistani man, not vice versa. Another curious point. And of course, Hyderabad is rather notorious for underage or even prepubescent girls being married to men from the Middle East countries. Again I wonder why this only seems to happen in Hyderabad. Or is it that it happens elsewhere, too, but is only reported from Hyderabad? I have long found this to be an anomalous factoid.


        • Re: “And of course, it is always Indian woman/Pakistani man, not vice versa. Another curious point.”

          Not so curious: once upon a time, this was the most common form of Indo-Pak marriage (not just in Hyderabad but also in Lucknow and other places, where, I assure you, there were tons of such marriages in the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s), and the reason is that Pakistani men were likely to be financially better settled than their Muslim Indian counterparts, and were thus seen as better “matches” by many Muslim Indian families anxious about their daughters’ “future”. This sort of marriage has (IMO, based on anecdotal evidence) declined, partly because of differences that have grown up as Muslims in the two countries have had so many decades of living in separate countries”; and partly because India’s own economic growth (and even before that, the Gulf oil boom) meant that Muslim Indian men also began to satisfy the “financially settled” criteria. Interestingly, in recent years, the only Indo-Pak marriage in my own family involved a Pakistani woman and an Indian man. [I might add that one other stereotype is that, accounting for differences in education and socio-economic status, Pakistani men/women are perceived to be less socially conservative than Muslim Indian men/women, an often seen phenomenen where minorities all over the world are concerned]. I think these days the quintessential Indo-Pak marriage (whether Muslim-Muslim or Hindu-Muslim or whatever) does not involve the bride going from Hyderabad or Lucknow but involves the two falling in love in the diaspora, in the US/UK/Canada etc.

          Aside: the Hyderabad/Gulf connection is complex, and potentially sordid: some Gulf Arabs who wish to marry a Muslim but do not have the wealth to pay dowry (in the Arab world, as among Sindhi muslims, the groom pays dowry), resort to marrying Muslim women from poor countries, as they can pay those dowries. [The less charitable explanation is that you can always find some dirt poor fellow who is anxious to get his daughter off his hands for a small sum of money.] Which country/city will be targeted might depend on cultural factors: thus Egypt (a poor, Arab country) has long been a likely source; Hyderabad has too, because of the long history of Hyderabad-Arab connections (a particular group of Hyderabadi Muslims even claim descent from Arabs, and are called the “Choush”); as have Pakistan’s Northern areas/Kashmir (I suspect because light-skinned women are prized. [Random aside; Sheikh Ahmed, the Dubai sheikh who founded and runs Emirates airlines, is half Indian. ] Prepubescent girls are exploited in many places, but Hyderabad’s historical linkages with the Arab world mean that the exploiter is disproprotionately likely to be the stereotypical Gulf Arab here (I should add that the majority of marriages are with adults)…


        • thanks rajen..on enlightening me abt. “phone marriages”..i had never heard of it before!!


        • “rajen”?


          Kya mansiji, aap ko sote jagte “rajen” hi dikhaayie/sunaayi dete hain!


        • sorry qalandar ji..
          dat BIG THANK YOU 4 my enlightment on phone marriages was CERTAINLY meant 4 u..!! sorry 4 d it d aftereffects of walking in d scorching heat of delhi on a tuesday afternoon!!:) sorry..


        • ha, was just teasing u, no need to apologize. I’ll chalk it up to the fact ke ye phone wone ki shaadi ka sun ke aap ki aqal bhi hairaan aur pareshaan ho gayee!

          Sorry about the heat, looks to be a real scorcher this year if these early indications are anything to go by…


        • yup..its a killer this year..its already nearing 40 degrees..nd we r still not into april yet..
          bhagwaan bachaaye!!


  3. “I want to thank you back home (in) Pakistan and where the Muslim lives all over the world.”

    Hard statement to live down.


  4. there are some other rumors swirling around about Wasim Akram and Sushmita Sen.


  5. alex adams Says:

    congrats to the couple ( if they actually become one!).
    sania mirza’s engagement with a sohrab mirza guy seemingly broke down due to “incompatibility”. This was after the two were reported to be “childhood friends”-surprising.
    esp that after breaking her engagement, she seems to have settled down for shoaib malik.Nothing wrong with shoaib malik as such (except that he too appears to be a serial engagement breaker-that too by phone). in addition, imho, they do appear a bit mismatched (even though both are sportspersons). shoaib malik does seem to have a hyderabad fetish. Not v sure of sanias motivations. but then many times, these things dont work on logic anyhow, as we all know!
    interesting and enlightening writeups above about the engagements by phone esp in uk. Explains somewhat the current asian demographic profile in the uk to some extent.


  6. They should call thier residence ‘Deuce’, then; their engagment ‘introdeuce’ and… the rest is a bit R18 – censored!


  7. Ayesha Siddiqui’s mother reacts.


  8. she will play for Pak now!? or Dubai!? or won’t play at all!? she has been a very clumsy player anyway!


    • Her father gave a statement saying it would be a rare example of a couple representing different countries in sport, so that means she will be playing for India — she is getting married, no reason to believe she is changing her citizenship!


  9. i think now dat shoaib malik has been banned for one year from international cricket..he should try nd learn d ropes of tennis in d meantime..nd then they can play mixed doubles together..dat wayy d husband nd wife can spend a lot of “quality” time together nd may be in d process ..shoaib can bring some sporting glory to pakistan in d game of tennis..nd then they can even aim for d 2012 olympic gold friends ..THE COUPLE WHO PLAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER!!


  10. Its not my presumption Q. just asked out of curiosity that’s all ! however it doesn’t affect me anyway, what country she represents,whether she plays or stop playing at all !
    Hopefully such ties help making Indo-Pak relations stronger in better ways if possible. It’s not a bad idea at all though. Get half of their Girls to marry Indian Guys /Boys & marry same no of Indian girls to Pak Guys/Boys & there be no animosity between to countries ! wow !..isn’t it Brilliant…!!!? 🙂


  11. ‘two’ countries.


  12. well ! Q ! then her marriage might create a great impact on her fans it seems ! she shouldn’t cross the border this way in that matter i guess!
    wonder what could be the calculation behind such a decision ! or is it a Rebound !? Hope it doesn’t turn out to be the same mistake Karishma made after breaking up engagement with Abhishek.


    • ok..just a question outta curiosity..agreed they cant live in pakistan coz of security reasons..but y not india then??!! do u think shoaib malik will be in danger or something if he settles in india?!


      • Well, for Shoaib to live in India he would need a visa — which is routinely granted in Pakistan and India to spouses from the other country, BUT then one is at the mercy of diplomatic relations, as when something like the 26/11 attacks happens then all bets are off, and there can be bureaucratic hurdles etc. Perhaps that’s why they are preferring Dubai (given Shoaib’s history perhaps he would like to live in Hyderabad more than Sania Mirza would LOL).


        • PS– remember that Shoaib Malik is banned from Pakistan cricket for a year, and it isn’t clear if he can make a comeback after that, so it isn’t as if he is tied to Lahore for career-reasons…


        • ohh..okk!! also i think there would have been extreme reactions in pakistan if shoaib would have decided to live in india..nd vice-versa!!


  13. I think that the main question marks on this one is the fact that they were both recently engaged to other persons. And in Sania’s case it was a childhood friend.

    Female Indian celebrities are more emancipated than their predecessors. You will find a lot of them chosing partners beyond ethnic, religious or political considerations.

    Preity Zinta, Celina Jaitley and Diya Mirza were dating foreign guys.

    Manisha Koirala was dating a black guy and this did make some headlines a couple of years back. It was a rare thing to see an Indian actress with a black dude but these kind of things are becoming more usual now.

    Kashmira Shah has married an American actor. The world has become smaller and today’s women are more emancipated.


  14. I heard from a friend in India that there are protests in Hyderabad against Sania marrying Shoaib. Is this true? Does anyone know more?


    • I have heard nothing on that front from my folks in Hyd (for whatever that’s worth). I do know there was a lot of bad feeling in the city against azharuddin when he left his Hyderabadi wife for another woman…but to be honest in the media the recent Hyderabad news has been about communal clashes in the Old City only, and I haven’t heard about sania-related protests…


      • Thanks, Qalandar. In any case, I think it’s pretty silly to protest about what a celebrity does in her/his private life.

        BTW, thank you very much for your detailed and very informative post on marriages between Indian women and Pakistani men. I want to ask some follow up questions, but just don’t have time now to write them up properly.


        • Take your time — you just might need to “remind”me on another thread as I won’t probably visit this thread once it drops out of sight…obviously I have no survey data but anecdotal data I have plenty of! (since the vast majority of Indo-Pak marriages traditionally have occurred in the context of Muslim Indians and Pakistanis who are already related to each other; and, now, occur in the diaspora among unrelated folks also)…


  15. alex adams Says:

    “The world has become smaller and today’s women are more emancipated.”haha. Manu-not sure sania is being “emancipated” by marrying shoaib malik. im not sure of the exact words but this guy said something very telling of a certain kind of mentality after a cricket match loss to india-that he wants to say sorry to muslim all over the world.
    now cmon, gimme a break-y does he want to apologise to muslims all over the world. can someone clarify.
    i saw a sania interview today, for the first time. she appeared very happy, reasonable , articulate, open and independent.
    not sure how exactly can she be so enamoured by the speaker of the above words. i mean, love can be illogical but there is something about this match which appears strange.
    anyhow, all the best to the couple esp to sania (since she needs the wishes!)


  16. NPR (with lots of bad pronunciation) had a story on this today.


  17. alex adams Says:

    “now cmon, gimme a break-y does he want to apologise to muslims all over the world. can someone clarify.”
    i dont remember the exact words and context of what shoaib malik said – but it was certainly as “interesting” as what an ex-rajashtan royals pakistani bowler had to say after NOT being selected in ipl3 auctions.
    can someone with a reservoir of cricket knowledge, eg qalandar) enlighten us on this …
    as for sania, still mainain it is a ‘strange” match. for eg as some one pointed out in a column in a newspaper daily, would have found salman khan ( after being dumped again by kat) a better candidate than shoaib malik. and this has LESS to do with his being pakistani than the difference in their grooming, projection and vibes.
    but again-jab miyan biwi razi to…


    • Sohail Tanvir’s statement on a Pakistani TV show was something like “Ye Hinduon ki zehniyat hi aisi hai” — but what does Shoaib Malik have to do with that appalling and bigoted statement? malik’s own statement was certainly communal, but it feels better than Tanvir’s, because he’s signalling he’s a “Muslim first-er” rather than a Hindu-hater. (Here’s Miandad whining about coverage of Malik’s comment, rather than engaging with the comment itself). In any event, I don’t see why even this would prevent anyone falling in love with him — you yourself bring up Salman, but if allegations/police complaints (e.g. by Bijlani and Somy Ali) of beating women, drunk driving, and hunting endangered species don’t deter some women, why should malik’s comment deter others?

      IMO, the biggest mismatch here is that mirza and malik seem to be from very different social strata (same situation with wasim akram and his wife), making a marriage unlikely — but love is strange; certainly it isn’t very likely that the family would have arranged such a match.

      On a different note, check this out — the story seems to have taken a sordid turn.


  18. Some media stories have dubbed this Veer Zaara. LOL! Veer Zaara in the film though deserved to stay away from each other for so long for not thinking of Dubai as an option!


    • Actually, I thought Veer and Zaara deserved each other. Though nothing tops Bajpai suddenly emigrating to the UK. I wish we had an akshay comedy exploring this aspect of the film — set around Bajpai’s new life as the owner of a tandoor restaurant empire.


      • LOL! Bajpai was the only guy with half a brain. And he migrated! currently he’s discovering the charms of Bobby Deol with Dosti and Barsaat in London.


    • LOL.Thats too funny!


  19. Bal Thackeray being, well, Bal Thackeray.

    [BTW, he doesn’t need to “wonder” about the alacrity with which Sania Mirza’s family members got Pakistani visas. Muslim Indians almost always get Pakistani visas far more easily than Hindu Indians. The interesting thing is whether Malik’s family will get visas promptly — this wasn’t an issue some years ago, but since the Mumbai attacks and Headley, the visa processes have been greatly delayed, including for even US/UK/Canadian citizens of Pakistani origin]…


  20. Honestly, we should just give them a chance.
    Bal Thackeray is a tool.


  21. d indian media right going berserk with stories of how shoaib malik married ayesha siddiqui in 2002 nd now refuses to even acknowledge dat they actually married..on d other hand d siddiquis r just asking shoaib to give their daughter a divorce she can move on..just heard an interview of ayesha siddiqui on times now..she sounded very emotional nd was mentioning abt d trauma nd harassment she has gone thru.for d past 6 years..even her father was sounding very disturbed..i mean..all they are asking for is a divorce..y is shoaib so reluctant to divorce her??!!
    really feel bad for ayesha nd her parents..feel very sad 4 them..they genuinely sounded upset..!! wonder wat must be goin thru sania’s mind!!


    • Yeah, I don’t know what the story is, but I am inclined to believe the siddiquis…very sad.


      • I too believe the Siddiquis.

        I think Shoiab was smitten by the fact a fluent English speaking girl had fallen for him, but later after the Nikaah had second thoughts.


    • What was Sania thinking saying yes to him? The Mirza’s look very affluent well educated family while the Malik family look quiet the opposite.

      Also, tons of great Indian eligible bachelor cricketers to get married to like Zaheer, Yuvraj, Yusuf Pathan, Bhajji etc. Also Indian cricketers would make way more money than any Pakistani cricketer

      Shoiab Malik is no Imran Khan.


      • or no wasim akram as well..oohh..had d longest crush on wasim!!


        • Mansi: there are rumors wasim and sushmita sen are an item…


        • i will not be surprised if this is true..i heard wasim mentioning once..dat he finds sushmita sen very saw them d other day at eden gardens 2gether during an ipl


      • Zaheer and Yuvraj seem to be in the starlet-dating phase of their career…actually, that has been a permanent phase. I suspect the Yusuf/Irfan brothers’ family is far too socially conservative for Mirza. Bhajji is crazy. LOL, I don’t take the family-bit too seriously though, family is not destiny, although it does matter — am enough of a romantic to believe in love, and all this talk of mismatch etc. implicitly assumes that this is a calculated decision/arrangement/etc…


        • And none of us (myself included) have raise dthe other issue: Malik is currently under a PCB ban, although I believe he must have good connections: Younis and Yosuf got harsher punishments, even though everyone agrees that Malik is the biggest troublemaker and malcontent of all, reacting to losing the captaincy by fomenting trouble in the team.


        • forget cricket. if things didn’t work there, she could have looked at bollywood stars like serial kisser emran hashmi or go back with her ex shahid.


        • Why Emraan Hashmi of all people?! He’s engaged or married, isn’t he?


        • No. I don’t think Emran Hashmi is married.


        • Googled and found this old link.


        • emraan hashmi is happily married..spare him!!


        • In case he wants to do a Shoiab Malik, Emran can always do so and hide his marriage.

          btw, funny some news channels keep referring Shoiab Malik as Shoiab Akthar. That would have been worsde for Sania if she get married to Shoiab Akthar instead !!!


        • jeevcy..honestly..i would have preffered shoaib akhtar 4 sania over shoaib malik..he seems more honest!!


        • you serious mansi? akhtar has been involved in major scandals like drug abuse, rape accusations in australia and above all genital warts !!!


        • really?! i have not heard of this ever abt.shoaib akhtar..if dats d case..phir toh shoaib malik hi achcha hai!!


        • The genital warts story was what a PCB official came up with to explain Shoaib Akhtar’s use of an illegal substance — he said it was an ointment for curing genital warts!


        • ideaunique Says:

          Just imagine for a sec. – if Bhajji and sania get married – what kind of offsprings they’d have? 😉


        • alex adams Says:

          ” if Bhajji and sania get married –”thanz idea-that was even more entertaining that sania-akhtar…


    i think this pretty much confirms dat he was married!!


  23. alex adams Says:

    The news channels showed repeated runs of ayesha siddiqui, father’s interviews. They did not appear like ones to rake up a controversy just to benefit from it. they seem to be genuinely harrassed.
    This is a high profile case under the media gaze like this. Not sure shoaib was indeed involved in marrying her by phone or whatever. BUt inspite of this, there needs to be a similar “trial by media” on this one and if malik is indeed involeved, he should be brought to book. I mean, as pointed out, these sort of marriages do happen wiht grooms from gulf. if someone cannot be brought to book, even in this highly publicized case, then it will NEVER be possible. indian girls will remain a soft target for wealthy arabs (as mentioned above)
    As for bal thakrays statment-do find it laughable about him questioning how sania could give her heart to a pakistani.
    ishq par zor nahin zalim….
    aadab arz hai…
    having said that- i am still surprised at sanias choice-there also seems a big chasm in their grooming and upbringing (with all due respects to maliks).
    inciedntally , the way sania broke her engagement to her “childhood buddy” indeed showed a bit of impulsivess and immaturity.
    a muslim indian friend (who fantacised a lot about sania) told me that they felt “small” that she could not find ONE suitable guy from india-hahaha
    talking about sour grapes(no pun intended) now…
    “Marriages between girls from Hyderabad and men from Pakistan are quite common, even for regular folk, not just celebrities” sm -thanks for that info-am quite sure that MOST of us did NOT know about this common occurence. Like you, i also found it a bit surprising esp since it is NOT common from other areas like lucknow. any take son the reasons for this intersting phenomenon.
    as for sanias playing for india or pak, i dont think she will have much of an international career left anyways after this marriage-no concrete reason for it but just have a feeling. sania inspite of having tremendous potential and talent, has never been extremely focussed or consistent even BEFORE marriage or link-ups.(which for eg saina nehwal has been showing off late..)


    • I am not sure I agree with SM that marriages between Hyderabadi girls and Pakistani men are more common than other places. The number might seem larger, because Hyderabad just has more Muslims than Lucknow or even Delhi, but I doubt the % is greater. Plus many if not most of these marriages are INTRA-family weddings, where the bride and groom are related (and one sometimes finds Pakistani bride/Indian groom as well), i.e. the pakistani who is being married is also a Hyderabadi cousin. It is true that, as I discussed above, marriages between Hyderabadi girls and Arab men are more common than between other Indian girls and Arab men.


    • i agree..sania mirza is one of d most over-rated players of our times..agreed she is one of d first women tennis players of india to have made a name internationally..but she has never gone beyond first 2-3 rounds of any major grand slam!! her glamour is one of d major reasons dat kept her in d news..nd ofcourse her injuries..!!


      • alex adams Says:

        “her glamour is one of d major reasons dat kept her in d news..nd ofcourse her injuries..!!”
        mansi -i agree with yu there.
        but having played reasonable tennis myself and seen her play alongside in a junior tournament years ago- i wont call her over rated/ crpa. she had tremendous potential, nice serve and a much better power game than other indian tennis girls.
        she has not been consistent , focussed and injury prone. maybe he had other things on her mind during those “tournaments” in dubai.haha
        mansi-i can understand your empathy with ayesha siddiqui and similar sentiments were expressed by girls , expectedly, seem to be having a bigger problem with shoaib malik on this. i fully agree with thi and am surprised that the normally vigil people like barkha dutt et all are v quiet on this.


        • There is also one other thing to consider: it might not be politically correct, but Asian women are out-powered by other women on the circuit, who are naturally taller, heavier, and stronger. The sort of game tennis has evolved into being, surely we need to think about why (forget India) countries like China or Japan have never even come close to producing a Grand Slam winner — the most has been someone like Kimiko Date or Chanda Rubin… I think a lot of the Indians who complained about Mirza not winning tournaments weren’t sufficiently familiar with the women’s game. It was different in the 1970s, but the modern tennis game rewards power. [This isn’t true for every sport, but I strongly feel tennis has become that kind of sport.]


        • Agree,Q. But, China has started making inroads.Remember, Zheng Jie? She made it to Wimbledon semis.


        • Actually Justin Henin destroys that assumption about height and power. Despite being tiny, she’s got the best backhand in the women’s circuit and just happens to be in a different stratosphere as far as raw talent is concerned.


  24. Re: “a muslim indian friend (who fantacised a lot about sania) told me that they felt “small” that she could not find ONE suitable guy from india”

    Yeah, heard some dude in Calcutta complaining about the same sort of thing on the BBC (i.e. that she couldn’t find an Indian star to marry). The problem with this sort of thing is that it betrays certain retrograde ideas about women: i.e. that women “marry into” a community, or “are lost to” a community if they marry “outside”, and that women and men are themselves more “types” than anything else. Thus, Sania Mirza is marrying “a Pakistani” as opposed to Shoaib Malik. [This attitude is symmetrical: the same BBC segment featured a Pakistani guy claiming this engagement proved that Pakistani boys were better looking and better than Indian boys. LOL]


    • sachita Says:

      This isnt specific to Women alone, i mean I did think the same about Imran Khan why he couldnt find a single Pakistani to marry – and i am not even pakistani. But that was as a child, As an Adult and a woman, I understand now though.


  25. alex adams Says:

    not aware of wasim akrams marriage break up-am curious about it now about the details, if anyone can enlighten.
    he was pakistans BEST fast bowler imo of all time.
    the PCBs decision ot ban the likes of yousuf and younus khan is stupid-hitting your own intersts hard..
    even more intersting is bhajjjis alledged attempts to score on this front like yuvraaj. heard something about geeta basra-not sure it was true.
    in a team full of sants(hindi word)like sachin, dravid, kumble-it is actually interesting to get these scoops and gossip-nothing wrong in expecting this gossip-i mean TRPs shoudl not come so cheap…lol(the other perspective)


  26. On another note, whatever happened to Irfan Pathan the bowler? He was India’s most promising cricketer and was compared to Wasim Akram.

    Think Miandad’s word’s that “bowler like that are found in all gallis of Pakistan” are slowly coming true.


    • The rise of Ishant Sharma was even more impressive — he repeatedly cut the best batsman at the time (Ponting) into half by virtue of his pace and in-swing. Today, on a lucky day, he barely crosses 130K.

      It’s not as if Pakistan’s done any better. Shoaib Akhtar will himself tell you what a massive disappointment his career has been. In fact, ever since the two Ws retired from cricket, Pakistan’s best bowler has been Danish Kaneria — a leg spinner.


  27. alex adams Says:

    “btw, funny some news channels keep referring Shoiab Malik as Shoiab Akthar. That would have been worsde for Sania if she get married to Shoiab Akthar instead !!!’
    HAHA Thats hilarious. i mean i got a naughty kick out of just imagining what shoaib akhtar might have one to sania. at least shoaib malik APPEARS a gentleman relatively!
    i have also opposed dropping irfan pathan from indian xi atleast from t20 if not one day. he is a very useful contributor who has a knack of chipping in with the bat, if not with the ball. i havent watched enuf of his brother doing something worthwhile for indian team (not ipl). irfan pathan should at least be in the contingent of 15-dropping him altogether is a bit too harsh, i think)
    pLUS-I sincerely believe that this ipl will lead to fatiue and injuries and will dampen indias chance at the world cup-no two ways about it..


    • Maybe Sania went to her dad and said “Dad, you have 2 choices for your son in law. Shoiab Akthar or Shoiab Malik. Who would it be?”

      Imran Mirza would not have thought twice.


  28. alex adams Says:

    “The genital warts story “-that was entertaining as well!
    shoaib akhtar, incidentally reamids me a bit of salman khan . i have a feeling that all of hi “escapades” with the opposite sex is a bit of an exaggeration. it has been a observation that many a times these self-confessed casanovas have actually done nothing “substntial”.
    its the boys hostel phenomenon where every other guy is a casanova and there are exaggerations galore!
    having said that- the genital warts story does suggest something “deeper” happened-no pun intended, as always!
    on a sesond thought- bw shoaib malik and akhtar- its actuallly the quiet, sly ones who do the most “damage”. not entirely sure, if below the controversial, bad boy image, akhtar is ACTUALLY all that bad….
    he is another case of a career being destroyed by the pcb politics. agreed that he had behavioral problems but mercurial talent like yuvraj should be handled with more care..


    • i always thought shoaib akhtar was actually a good boy..despite of all d cricketing controversies surrounding him..he appeared quite nice nd shy on d rendezvous (with simi grewal) show as well..
      i m heart broken to know dat he has been involved in all these scandals..but u never know if they are d true..


      • To be fair to Shoaib Akhtar, he has done a lot of charity work/work with street kids and impoverished children, etc. I’ll also add that he really seemed to enjoy, not just playing in India but being in India too — definitely a good ambassador for Indo-Pak sporting ties.


  29. alex adams Says:

    “shoaib akhtar was actually a good boy..”mansi- u are very kind and forgiving indeed.
    he may actually good “BOY” but the above line has probably NEVER been written in print about him in print EVER before-lol
    and your likes are even better-shaob akhtar, sonu nigam….


    • i just said dat shoaib akhtar came across as a nice guy..didnt say dat i m a fan of his or something..
      nd wats ur problem with sonu nigam..i think you have some personal vendetta against him:)!!


      • but you have to admit alex..dat there is no better sight in cricket than watching shoaib akhtar bowl at his fastest best..brett lee or shaun tait may have d same speed..but when shoaib akhtar bowls with dat long run up,,sweating.. nd his long locks flying in d 100mph..SIGH!!


  30. alex adams Says:

    mansi- i have NO personal vendetta agaist any1. not the least against sonu nigam. just found the sonu nigam-subhash k jha “episode” interesting!
    must add- that he is one of indias best playback singer currently.
    about shoaib akhtar-he MAY WELL actuallly a more decent guy than mallik (remember aysha sidiqui). but then that what image management is all about and some people are not good at it-then pay a price for it..
    on another front- i STILL believe that BOTH shoaib akhtar AND muralitharan CHUCK/ CHUCKED at leat a few balls of an over…Would invite views from others-would be interesting…….


    • you sound like an aussie umpire..picking up on asian players..nd accusing them of chucking..but can’t say..cant talk about d technicalities of cricket..maybe others will have a view on this…


      • alex adams Says:

        there is nothing about being asian/aussie. it is pure and simple chucking here i am talking about.
        i agree with bishan bedi about murali’s chucking. however, INSPITE OF the chucking “problem”, both murali and shoaib akhtar at his peak were formidable, cult bowlers (esp the former!)


  31. alex adams Says:

    “shoaib akhtar bowls with dat long run up,,sweating.. nd his long locks flying in d 100mph..SIGH!!”hmmm mansi.
    i guess you seem to be admiring NOT only his bowling here.
    your observations are correct though…keep them coming…


  32. sachita Says:

    Also, want to add that Sania had previously said she will quit tennis after marriage with Sohrab and now she is going to continue playing for India – that is a huge difference.


    • really??!! did she say dat?..dats quite strange..maybe shoaib is more liberated than sohrab..
      u know i have to admit this one thing..that i am really surprised..dat being a career woman..she has actually decided to marry so soon..she is just 23..i m not saying dat she cant continue after marriage..just saying dat its quite surprising dat she is marrying at such a young age..but then again..its her life..


    • dont be too sure on it…according to d news channels in india today..there has been a little rift between d two families over d controversies going on..d close relatives nd common friends are trying to patch them up..even shoaib malik was in hyderabad today at sania’s house..lets see..
      turning into a soap opera this!!


  33. Wah ree Duniya Wah !!

    Sania shares her life ( and bed) with a guy from terrorist country- Oh no
    problem- Dil da Mamla hai!( No role model/celebrity stuff etc. here -for fellow country men/ women.)

    Amitabh Bachchan just shares the stage with Modi- Halla Bol !!

    Personally I have problems with neither.

    PS- waiting for the Gulaal hating / right wingi charges being throw at me…..


    • Rockyji: yahaan hum sania/shoaib/ayesha ki gossip mein interested hain aur aap serious political link de rahe hain. BTW there was a rumor that Fatima Bhutto was dating George Clooney at one time, but both parties denied it and it kinda died out I think…


      • Q- Fatima is kind of hot. within a span of two – three days I saw Fatima’s and Priyanka’s interviews and was struck by the similarity of their situation/ their thoughts/ their sense of entitlement and at the same time their certain groundedness.

        aside- on my way to work there is a Masjid I that I go past each day, and each day my hand goes to Salaam the holy place and each day at that point I remember of you ( yeh soch kar kee- Q kitna proud hoga mujh par LOL!!)


        • You are right that I am proud of you, but perhaps for a reason that many these days (except satyam) won’t appreciate: I am proud because it shows that aap Manmohan Desai aur Bollywood ki tehzeeb ko nahin bhoolay!!!

          It’s funny, I too was reminded of Priyanka G when I saw Faitma Bhutto’s interview, and in fact I put up links to both on my Twitter feed one after another! She is very attractive for sure.


        • actually it came from obseving my father doing it.


        • saahab, mazaaq to samajh lijiye!



    Shoiab says he was cheated into a marriage without ever meeting the bride. The illegal (as per Shoiab) Nikaahnaama was dated June 2002. But even in 2005 (Arun Lal man of the match interview), Shoiab claimed to be married to Ayesha from Hyderabad.

    Now, it is impossible to believe that for 3 years Shoiab was married to someone he never ever met. And he went on TV and said that he was married without having met his wife for 3 years? One or two months and we can believe that. But 3 years? Shows how much he is lying


    • More details on Shoaib Malik’s version HERE (another article on Ayesha Siddiqui’s story HERE). This whole thing is pretty farcical and pathetic.


      • OK, I’ve sort of caught up with all the main facts of this story. But I still don’t understand why it’s an issue. That is, even if he was married before, and is still legally married to that wife, in India they are both still under Muslim Personal law, so there is no legal problem for him if he marries again, right? That is, he can’t be accused of committing bigamy. I don’t know what the situation is under Pakistani law. So why exactly is this such a big issue? That is, a big *public* issue?


      • In both India and Pakistan, nothing legally prevents a Muslim man (and, in India, members of certain Hindu communities), from marrying a second time while he is already married. But the operative word here is “legally”: i.e. Ayesha Siddiqui isn’t saying Malik is doing something illegal by marrying Mirza, she is simply demanding a divorce (the police complaint the Siddiquis have filed in Banjara Hills is not one alleging bigamy, but one alleging fraud/cheating/etc.). That’s a broader point: the Muslim Personal Law does not IMO get rid of other provisions of Indian law that are not communally specific. Stated that way, one sees why it is a public issue: the broader Indo-Pak story (which cannot, given the state of relations between the two countries, be consumed simply “neutrally” to begin with) is embroiled into a TV serial-ish tale of prior/hidden marriages, jilted brides, etc. — and, given that the supposedly jilted bride is from the sort of up-market, English-speaking family that also has access to the levers of the media apparatus, it is proving to be a public brouhaha.


        • Thanks for the clarification, Qalandar.


        • PS– I might add that nothing prevents Ayesha Siddiqui from getting “khula” (i.e. a divorce initiated by the wife in Islam). The fact that she is going the media route rather than the khula-route suggests that she does want payback against Malik (rather than simply wanting a termination of her marriage to Malik) — if he thought that this woman, who clearly feels herself wronged (I obviously don’t know what the true facts are), was going to take this lying down, he has been quite mistaken. I’m not very well-versed on Khula, but my understanding is she doesn’t need Malik’s permission for it.


        • i m glad dat ayesha has not taken it lying down.this guy who has actually married her(not via telephone..mind you) and has stayed with her for a week or now not even acknowledging her.he has admitted on camera(both in india nd pak) dat he had married ayesha nd now he is just taking a u-turn..speaking white lies..
          glad dat FIR has been filed against him..but just wondering..y d hell is dis guy so reluctant to divorce her..?! just divorce her nd get married happily.. cant think of one good be honest!!


        • Mansi: have the Siddiquis said Malik stayed with Ayesha for a week?


        • Khula is only possible if both people agree there was a Nikaah !!


        • Well, the Siddiquis apparently have a nikaahnaama, and even Malik is accepting that he signed one (he claims he was misled/pressured/whatever, but he admits there was a nikaah), so she can get a khula IMO…


        • the siddiquis did mention dat he use to visit india often nd they have actually stayed together often at some taj krishna hotel in hyderabad..(where they have actually met azharuddin nd sangeeta bijalni as well..)..but d story of d miscarriage(if it is true) pretty much confirms it dat they did stay 2gether..
          shoaib malik is giving his own versions..
          by god..its getting murkier nd dirtier..!! all i say is “go ayesha siddiqui..nail this liar down”..
          frankly speaking..even i dont know who is right nd who is wrong..its just dat i really feel SAD 4 dis girl nd her parents who genuinely sound disturbed..thats d only basis on which i m supporting ayesha..nd ofcourse d way sania mirza reacted in d press conference 2day..made me totally repulsive against her!!


        • Shoiab is calling the Nikaah illegal. If Shoaib agrees there was a Nikaah, then he should also accept Ayesha as his first wife. Problem is Shoiab is calling the Nikaah invalid.


        • kabhi kabhi pata chal jaata hai..kaun publicity ke liye kuch kar raha hai aur kaun sachchai se baat kar raha hai!!


        • Yeah mansi, I haven’t seen that press conference but it does sound gross…


  35. alex adams Says:

    a)while i do feel rocky has definitely gone “right-wingy”in the above uncomfortable comment, at he same time, there is his feeling that there shall be a backlash . and there is a bit of it here. i think he is also within his rights to say his 2-cents, even if it is “right-wingy”.
    “(no-one has ever criticized Bachchan for sharing stages with other Gujaratis, like Anil Ambani) — to make this a Gujarati issue is to succumb to the framing that Modi routinely gives: if you criticize him you are against Gujarat!”
    As pointed out in response to his comment above-there is difference between sharing the dias with modi and with ANY gujarati eg ambani.
    & then anything said to modi is taken conveniently anti-gujarat.
    Ok-granted-but it is NOT as simple.
    Bachchan, given his past record and standing, definitely deserves being given a benefit of doubt at least in his OWN country-one DOES need to listen to him & believe him when he says that this was entirely to get tax-exemption for paa and brand ambassador for tourism ONLY for a BONAFIDE state of the indian republic. enlighten us if there is any proof of any other ulterior motive-if not, one has to believe him-just the same way, most “enlghtened” souls whole-heartedly supported srk on his controversial pak playrs on ipl stand.
    Now, Modi undeniably IS the LEGITIMATE, constitutionally ELECTED CHIEF MINISTER of this indian state. if as per the protocol, he IS the dealing person for there things, should someone JUST NO do as planned, just because he is Modi.
    Is Modi “untouchable”-thats the basic question-will u NOT recognise that he IS the CM-if so, i am afraid, these very people have an ILLEGAL stand-a)modern day version of practical untouchability ; b)not respecting the constitution.
    cmon, modis position has more legitimacy, than for eg holier than thou musharaf-with whom the indian govt was so routinely DEALING WITH cosistently. by this argument, no body should professionally DEAL with modi , y only amitabh-is it just because he is a soft target-
    an ambani/tata has enuf clout financially -so they have been spared the “blame” for “dealing” with modi.
    the above stance of cong also hints at a certain intolerance of the very types, which in extreme violent versions becomes a taliban.
    I have lately been v critical of abhishek on the professional front-but has there been a SINGLE valid justification of y his presentation was unceremoniously pulled off in a govt event like this..
    a similar thing, aginst say srk, would have been built up as some big event of persecution by THE VERY SAME CONG.
    b)again saw ayesha sidiqi whose interviews are being routinely dished out on satellite channels. must say, she did NOT appear as someone doing this for any motive/pubicity. should we give the benefit of doubt to her (as usually happens in the now-overtly-pro-female-party-laws or should the stance be suddenly change here to accomodate the holier than thou malik. i am not sure what is the truth. but IF aysha sidiqi IS right, i am alarmed at the guts of shoaib malik not only of attempting this “adventure” with sania in the same city of a different country-also i am surprised at the relative silence of the normally hyperactive pro-female-right-vigilantes like barkha dut etc..sania mirza silence and total unconditional trust in malik here is as surprising as her keenness to marry malik at the age of 23.
    just saw malik interview with arun lal done many years ago being hown on tv-no doubts-where he tells wihtout needng prompts-that hydrabad is his wifes home. now should this not be investigated
    c) on firaq-i absolutely second satyams point of view. whilst it may be a well intentioned effort, it is interestnig to see how films like firaq and parzania as a default, get awarded irrespective of their merits. during the recent star screen awards-infact-das thanked the jury for the award and also hoped that after the function, they ACTUALLY SEE the movie ultimately. incidentally, a respected member soofi roomani has very enlightened & lenghty comments in favour of firaq and also comments like”Muslims (plural) did not celebrate or condone 9/11″. its just that the “plural” majority has usually NOT been that vocal about this as in this case where dear friend soofi noorani makes an exception and enlightens us with his esteemed views about firaq. never before of after has he commented on anything else on this blog, as far as i know.


    • alex adams Says:

      “i m glad dat ayesha has not taken it lying down.this guy who has actually married her(not via telephone..mind you) and has stayed with her for a week or so”-Agree with you mansi-go for it. I know some other girls/ common friends who are really pissed off with shoaib maliks sheer guts ( if he indeed is GUILITY) and baying for him. Must add howvever, that the guy has a right to prove his “innocence”-in a country where even a kasab was given this right…


      • “innocence”..haha..yup..he is as innocent as kasab is…
        btw..i agree wid you..its so stupid of sania to think about marriage at d age of 23..especially with this guy who has a shady past…now i know..she is in love..nd love is blind nd all..but comeon…y marry so soon..?!


        • Mansi: I agree there. It’s quite unwise to marry anyone in what seems to be great haste, where there are questions about a past, etc.

          Alex: I never said she was doing it for publicity (in fact I have explicitly said she seems sincere, and that I believe her story), I suggested Ayesha Siddiqui might be waging a media campaign to get back at Shoaib Malik — which is entirely understandable. (I believe she isn’t bound to wait for Malik to give her a divorce — she can seek it herself under the Muslim Personal Law.)


    • Re: “while i do feel rocky has definitely gone “right-wingy”in the above uncomfortable comment, at he same time, there is his feeling that there shall be a backlash . and there is a bit of it here. i think he is also within his rights to say his 2-cents, even if it is “right-wingy”.”

      When did I question Rocky’s RIGHT to make any comment (that’s especially unfair given that Rocky and I have been discussing politics and other stuff for years, both on this blog and at and what is the “backlash” of which there is “a bit of” that you are referring to? How can my pointing out that the analogy he is drawing does not hold, be called a “backlash”? (On this reasoning, anytime anyone disagrees with a statement someone else has made, it is evidence of a “backlash”, not a difference of opinion or perspective.

      [Aside: note that my disagreement has nothing to do with whether or not one has position x or y on amitabh/modi — because my point was that the ANALOGY Rocky was drawing simply did not hold: i.e., even if one loves Modi it is an objective fact that he has been accused of certain things; Shoaib Malik simply has not (Rocky knows it, hence he referred to Malik as “a citizen of” a certain country to link him to terrorism — rather than suggesting that Malik was involved in anything). Moreover, as I pointed out, Malik — who might well be an asshole where the women in his life are concerned — is not even like Sohail Tanvir, but seems to never have been associated with anything anti-Indian (in fact he himself has said that Sania Mirza will play for India after marriage, and that he and his family will support her; even if this is PR, the fact is he does not need to say that, especially given that at least one Pakistani politician said Sania Mirza “should” become a Pakistani citizen. So I think it’s good that instead of staying quiet he has actually made a statement.)]


      • Was Shoaib Malik the one that apologized to “all Muslims” when Pakistan lost a test match against India? BTW, why exactly is he banned from cricket for one year? I have read everything from match fixing to internal politics of the PCB.


        • Yes sm, Shoaib is the same one. [as an aside, I see that statement as unfortunate and communal, but not “anti-Indian” (except inasmuch as it implicitly suggests Muslim Indians should/would be supporting Pakistan, but personally I doubt Malik even thought that through). There have also been some suggestions that Malik’s English is simply too poor for one to take that statement as anything more than a reflexive equation of “Muslim” and “Pakistani” (this idea that Pakistan is somehow carrying water for the world’s Muslims is not very uncommon in Pakistan); I can’t really comment on that.]

          As far as I know, Malik is not accused of match-fixing; my understanding is the PCB punished him for being a troublemaker and for leading intrigues against the captains who replaced him (amazingly, he got a lighter sentence than Younis or Yousuf, which leads me to believe he has some connections; personally, I have long believed he is the troublemaker no. 1 and should have been booted out of the team a while back. Certainly if one had to choose between him and the flaky-but-very-decent Younis Khan, I would pick Younis in a heartbeat).


        • this one guy sarfaraz nawaz said yesterday on tv ” now shoaib malik will fix tennis matches after d cricket ones”


  36. Is it me or do Sania and Shoiab come as one trouble maker couple? Cannot believe Sania said the things she did about another Hyderabadi lady.

    Lost every ounce of respect for Sania. I hope she really becomes a Pakistani citizen. she does not deserve one bit the love of Indians.


    • I missed this, what did she say about Ayesha Siddiqui?


      • she said “we’re from respectable families. all u journalists are from respectable families” (indirectly hinting the siddiquis are not)

        also she asked the journalists to ask ppl in Hyderabad about Mirza family and Siddiqui family to know the truth.

        she was smirking when shoiab mentioned ayesha to come in the open (obviously funny to her as ayesha is obese and world will see how an slim shoiab will never have told yes to an obese ayesha)


      • watch star news. they are showing sania smirking when a reporter asked shoiab about the miscarriage incident. even if it is not true, given the serious nature of the accusations, she should have maintained a straight face.

        On the contrary, she is smirking like it is one big joke. The Star News Reporter said as a woman I feel embarassed than any woman will behave like this on a serious question !!


        • i just saw dis on star news..sania is behaving like this immature kid who laughs nd smirks on words “sex” nd “abortion”..she came across as ridiculously childish 2 me..all d more reason she shouldn’t marry at this early age..grow up girl..marriage can wait!!
          nd talkin abt. shoaib malik..he keeps on changing his statements everyday..i dont believe this guy even one bit !!


  37. Shoaib Malik’s passport impounded by Hyderabad police:


    • From that link:

      “What they saidHer version
      They were married in 2002; Ayesha has a wedding certificate as proof
      Ayesha accuses Malik of harassment, cheating, and criminal intimidation including threats to keep her quiet
      Malik needs Ayesha’s permission to marry again or has to grant her a divorce
      His version
      Malik claims says he came in contact with Ayesha in 2001, when she called him; they subsequently got to know each other over the phone
      She sent Malik photographs that she claimed were hers, and subsequently asked him to marry her
      They married in 2002, over the telephone; he says he was “emotionally forced” to do it
      Malik visited Ayesha’s house in Hyderabad, several times before and after the wedding, but each time the woman in the photographs was missing
      In 2005, Malik discovered that a woman he’d met and been told was Ayesha’s sister was actually Ayesha
      In 2008 Malik sent a legal notice to Ayesha’s father, “who had been feeding the media with false and fabricated stories about me”
      He says there’s no question of a divorce because the marriage is not valid “


      • come on! emotionally forced? is that a reason? No one held a gun to his head or blackmailed him to sign the nikaahnama !


  38. This is the point I am making.

    Can any husband turn his back on his wife after a year or so of marriage saying that when I participated in the Nikaah, I had Katrina Kaif in mind and not my to be wife? That way all husbands will be empowered to walk out of any marriage anytime easily and claim each of thier marriage is thier first.


  39. I’m not really interested in this controversy. But I wonder why Sania is not focusing on her tennis right now at the height of the tennis season. There are big tournaments going on now (Eriksson just completed), warm up to slams and slams upcoming (French, Wimbledon and US Open). Is she planning to retire from tennis or play only doubles in the future? Sania is obviously not serious about her career at her young age.


  40. Agree there.

    This has been a problem with most of the sportsmen we have.


  41. And where is Sania’s ex whom she was engaged to ?

    He should join the party and get a name for himself and make an entry to tv.


  42. “Sania is obviously not serious about her career at her young age.”

    I don’t think she has it in her to win anything. She won one Hyderabad Open thanks to the crowd rooting for her totally.

    India has given her so much, but she is going to use it all for herself selfishly.


    • Re: “India has given her so much, but she is going to use it all for herself selfishly.”

      To be honest, whatever one thinks of Mirza, where does India come in? I mean, you could say the same thing about just any celebrity, no? Most could be accused of such selfishness (and quite frankly, NON-celebs could too). This whole sordid affair might or might not say something about the sorts of people the three involved are, but I don’t see where this question of letting India down comes, any more than Yuvraj Singh dating Kim Sharma; Preity Zinta dating this or that Aussie; Zaheer Khan/Shamita Shetty etc. were examples of samaaj seva! Would we even be talking in these terms if Shoaib Malik WEREN’T a Pakistani? We wouldn’t: we would still be saying X is lying; Y is slimy, etc., but we wouldn’t be making a national issue out of it.


      • Q,

        1. Sania had a good infrastructure to develop her tennis in academies with Amritrajs, Krishnans, Paes and Bhupati. Pakistan had no such infrastructures. She got a lot of support from the names mentioned.

        2. OK, if Sania would have been in the US, she would have got better facilities, but she would not have been a celebrity that she is because she is Indian. Will a 90 ranked player be recogonised and cared in US? I think not.

        3. She won her first and only WTA tour in India thanks to Indian crowd. The opponent in finals had made an statement she lost to the crowd. There was a mad rush and I believe if it was in some other country the match, she would have badly lost.

        Q: but I don’t see where this question of letting India down comes, any more than Yuvraj Singh dating Kim Sharma; Preity Zinta dating this or that Aussie; Zaheer Khan/Shamita Shetty etc. were examples of samaaj seva! Would we even be talking in these terms if Shoaib Malik WEREN’T a Pakistani?
        A: Yes, if he was the same p.rick that he is currently. Don’t matter if he was an Aussie or Sri Lankan in that case.


        • Re: ” Sania had a good infrastructure to develop her tennis in academies with Amritrajs, Krishnans, Paes and Bhupati. Pakistan had no such infrastructures. She got a lot of support from the names mentioned.”

          Yes, but none of those are complaining about her marriage. How does marrying malik affect any of this? I would agree with you if she were changing her citizenship and playing for some other country, but she isn’t — so how is any of this relevant? Your comment about pakistan not having such infrastructure only makes sense IF she is playing for Pakistan; but heck she isn’t doing that; merely MARRYING a Pakistani (however assholic the guy) has no bearing on the tennis issues you mention.

          2. Sure — but how is this relevant to her marriage? Sania isn’t saying she would get more support elsewhere than in India! Is your point that because of this support she should only marry someone her fans would approve of? If so, I do not agree.

          3. Same point as (2), how is any of this relevant to her marriage?

          Ultimately your comments above boil down to: she has let India down by marrying this guy, no one else would give her the support the way Indians have, etc.. But India has a claim on her tennis service and her allegiance (and it has always gotten that) — but her love life is not a function of that allegiance. No one lets India down by making romantic choices we might be unhappy about (whether those choices involve marriage or dating; and I might add that no-one is talking about all the foreigners so many other celebrities seem to be dating; heck I think a better argument for letting India down is all those Bollywoods and IPL-franchises who are hiring Westerners as back-up dancers and cheerleaders rather than giving that work to Indian dancers!)


  43. This is like a TV Serial drama. It gets interesting and murkier each passing day. There are so many questions that are so perplexing.

    First why did Shoaib Malik who already was playing for the national team and who is not bad looking had to get into a relationship with a girl who he never met and even have a telephone Nikah with her?

    Now since both agree that there was a telephone Nikah, why did they not live as a couple? Why did she stay back in India even after getting married? Why was Shoaib not in India more regularly with her? Now he says that he never met his wife – so that means he never consummated the marriage – then why did he stay married to her till 2005 or whatever year when the Pakistani team had a dinner at their house? So all these years he never meets his wife and yet he is happily saying in interviews that he is married and that Hyderabad is his wife’s home. I mean who naive and how big of an idiot is he?

    Now Ayesha claims that they were indeed married and that a couple of witnesses can corroborate that they were together at the Taj hotel. Now why don’t they have pictures as a couple? She also claimed that the Pakistani players knew her and had conversations with her which both Razzak and Imran have denied. She is also claiming now that she had a miscarriage but why was this was never revealed in the previous accusations a couple of years back? Why did they suddenly became quiet for the last couple of years and now that he is getting married to Sania why have they raised the issue again.?
    Now her father has filed a case against him for dowry harassment too. So now Shoaib harrased her for dowry too?

    “The Banjara Hills police said that a case under Sections 420 (cheating), 498-A (dowry harassment) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of IPC has been registered against Shoaib and they will take up the investigation after verifying facts of the complaint.”

    Sania was engaged to Sohrab and called off the engagement and has now announced her marriage with Shoaib. Now this does not seem to be a marriage arranged by the parents. It seems Sania fell in love with Shoaib while being engaged to Sohrab. Now Shoaib does not seem educated (his english is so bad) and not a right match for her. These accusations already came out a couple of years ago and moreover he has just been banned by the Pakistani team for a year. So couldn’t she get a better guy for her?

    Now why does Shoiab just divorce her and get on with it? Now why is the Ayesha family insisting on a divorce before his marriage with Sania when there is no need for that according to Muslim Pesonal law?

    The other intersting thing here is that most Muslim scholars including the Darul-uloom and the Chief Qazi of Hyderabad say that Telephone Nikah is not even valid.


  44. “Why would he settle for someone like her, that too when his career was rocking, unless there was a catch in the story? I listened with interest as his brother- in- law Imran from Lahore, patiently and politely took viewers through the rigmarole, while Ayesha’s mother wept hysterically on Arnab’s show. Imran maintained that the girl who wooed Shoaib over the phone and internet, was in fact, not the same girl he’d flipped for in person, but her clever friend. He also said that the two or three times Shoaib went to Hyderabad to meet his bride-to-be, she was never there! And the family would come up with some lame excuse ( she had to leave town suddenly, she was in hospital undergoing surgery, she was in some other city on work) and distract Shoaib. Assuming Shoaib really and truly fell for this ruse, he must be one hell of a dumbo. And if he is such a dumbo, why is Sania the Smartie, marrying such a guy? Can’t be for the money ( she has much more), can’t be for the fame ( she is way ahead in the fame stakes), then why? Aaha – she has fallen for his boyish, good looks and rakish sex appeal. That’s it! She’s a woman in love, and as we all know, a woman in love will do anything… defend a scoundrel, stand by the fellow and agree to marry him, even though he may be married to someone else.”


    • Disclaimer-

      The above is an excerpt from the Shobha De link


      • Sania is looking for $$$, that Shoiab and Sania will get in endorsement deals being the “it” most famous happening couple in the Middle East, Pak, India

        Can’t believe she fell for any boyish charms as he has none. He cannot even speak one sentence correctly !!


  45. sputnik, let me try and answer your questions

    Q: “First why did Shoaib Malik who already was playing for the national team and who is not bad looking had to get into a relationship with a girl who he never met and even have a telephone Nikah with her?”
    A: Opposites attract. Ayesha is a very articulate person, easily the best among all those involved in this case. At 20, he may have thought let me be more than skin deep. And if this girl loses weight, she will be good looking, alas, she just kept on putting weight.

    Q: Why did she stay back in India even after getting married? Why was Shoaib not in India more regularly with her?
    A: Family was not for this alliance

    Q: Now Ayesha claims that they were indeed married and that a couple of witnesses can corroborate that they were together at the Taj hotel. Now why don’t they have pictures as a couple?
    A: They do and one was released to the press

    Q: She is also claiming now that she had a miscarriage but why was this was never revealed in the previous accusations a couple of years back?
    A: Obviously, you do not open all your cards in one go. And if the situation had settled amicably, the world need not have known of this embarassing fact.

    Q: Why did they suddenly became quiet for the last couple of years and now that he is getting married to Sania why have they raised the issue again.?
    A: Have you not heard of estranged couples who are living seperately but not legally divorced. Many seperated people do this until one of them wants to get into another relationship. I think it is acceptable

    Q: now that he is getting married to Sania why have they raised the issue again.?
    A: Of course, because Sohaib is marrying again. Ayesha’s father has told society his daughter is married to Shoiab and they would be curious what is the situation.

    Hence, I think the pieces fit for Ayesha. Not so for Sohaib abd his inconsistent stories.


  46. Does this issue merit so much,time,attention,discussion ???
    Am dumbfounded by the shelf-life of this story.


    • The issue per se does not. But I am mystified at the sorts of arguments being made in this thread…

      But if the reports about the circumstances of Malik’s first marriage are true, it’s a sign that the world of Mere Mehboob and Chaudhvin ka Chand might yet have relevance in the internet age!!!


  47. Wow, the TV channels must be elated with this live soap opera. If Sania is not careful, her ad-stock will fall precipitously, with the way she is pissing off fans with this decision. She was all hype anyway, could never quite get her career going. Now at 23, which is almost retirement age for women tennis pro’s who have not done anything worthwhile in their careers, she stands to lose the hype she has had the Indian media grant her, and the resultant endorsement deals as well.


    • NYkavi: a fall in her ad stock is inevitable IMO. At least in Hyderabad, have heard at least anecdotally that folks (referring here to Muslim Hyderabadis as these are my contacts) are pretty upset/irritated that the engagement with a Hyderabadi boy was broken off and to make matters worse, the new beau is an outsider. Might not be fair but that’s how it is. Paradoxically her standing might be less affected in other cities than in her hometown (just as Azharuddin’s marriage to Bijlani, after he left his first wife (who was Hyderabadi) didn’t affect him in Meerut — but made him a very unpopular chap indeed in his hometown)…


  48. The matter seems to be close to resolution:

    [For those who might not be familiar, I should add that perhaps one reason the bride’s family didn’t want “khula” as opposed to divorce/”talaaq” is that if the bride files for a “khulaa” divorce, she loses rights to maintenance and the “meher” amount that is agreed upon at the time of payment.]


    • Apparently, money was not involved, according to some media reports. Wonder how true that is.
      I had read earlier that one of the reasons Shoab was dragging his feet was due to the potential large sums he wudve had to pay her for meher.

      Anyway, it does seem to be a big letdown to all the Sania fans who were supporting her through this, thinking that she-Shoab were right.


  49. shoaib malik has finally agreed for a divorce.infact he has given d divorce in written..nd those who were actually on ayesha siddiqui’s side (including me ) feel really happy 4 d girl..coz we always knew all along dat shoaib malik was lying!!
    qalandar ji..i dont think money was ever a issue here!!.acc. to d siddiquis,,shoaib has agreed to pay a sum of rs.5000 for 3 months as maintainence nd all..i dont think 15000 rs. is dat big an amount for an independentt working girl like ayesha siddiqui!!
    neways..d matter has come to a logical conclusion nd all i can say now is dat good luck sania mirza for your wedding on d 15th!! wish u a happy life ahead!!


    • Aaj Tak/Samay conducted an interview with the Qazi in Hyderabad and he said it very nicely that a Telephone Nikah is not valid. For a Nikah 2 witnesses have to sign. The way a Nikah happens is that the groom says Qubool and signs the Nikah Naama. The 2 witnesses then go the bride (who is usually in a different hall along with other women) along with the father/guardian and the bride says Qubool and signs the document. The 2 witnesses have to be present when the bride/groom is saying Qubool and signing the document. Since this does not happen in a Telephone Nikah it is not valid as the witnesses are not present at both places. So technically there was no marriage and Shoaib is right on this.

      The reports said that the Nikah was done with a Mehr amount of Rs 500 which is ridiculously small amount in 2002 AD. If 500 rs is the mehr amount then why is rs.5000 for 3 months being paid as maintainence. In Islam there is no monthly maintenance or alimony there is just the mehr. The Siddiqui family also claimed that Shoaib offered 1 million dollars to back off with the marriage claims.

      “i dont think money was ever a issue here”
      Yeah right. “Can the Rs 4 crore compensate for the agony suffered by the girl?” asked Shams Babar, a relative of the Siddiquis. “Given the wealth Shoaib has amassed, the amount is a pittance. We won’t allow him to get away so easily.”

      Compromise was the only way out. Sania and Shoaib could not have let this drag on. I think both sides were just playing hardball for the money to be paid.


      • many other muslim clerics have also called the NIKAAHNAMA VALID and LEGAL.

        Point is this: you cannot say that Shoaib did not sign the document. So he intended to married someone. Going by the medical evidence that Ayesha had, looked very apparent that there was intimacy in the relationship as well. Now, if Shoaib is claiming nikaahnaama not valid on grounds of technicality, he is guilty of huge fraud then making a girl believe they are married, establishing intimacy and then leaving her!!

        As it is, Malik’s stories were way inconsistent everyday!!


      • sorry..but i completely disagree with you one was playing hardball for money!!
        it was a simple issue-one party was lying (nd we know who) nd d other was telling d truth.d one who was speaking d truth came out as victors..nd dats it!!
        nd i feel bad saying this.. but i would rather believe a girl who genuinely sounded upset nd traumatized than a guy(shoaib) who was changing his statements everyday nd a girl(sania) who is marrying(or is already married) barely a month after her engagement 2 her childhood sweetheart is broken!!
        feel bad saying this but dats what it is!! neways..good luck 2 d couple now!!


        • p.s. the above comment is a response to sputnik!!


        • sputnik Says:

          Shoaib did not deny the Telephone Nikah and he said he did sign the document but his contention was that he was duped by a picture of someone else. Now Rashid Latif said that the girl is not the girl that Shoaib showed the picture of. Even the relative of Shoaib Malik who claimed it is the same girl said that the picture he saw was a thinner version of Ayesha. So at the least the picture may have been of her from a few years ago. If that is the case then that means she cheated him. The Pakistani team said that they did not meet the girl as she was not there and met only the parents. She said she spoke to Imran Nazir which Imran Nazir denied. Now you can say they are Pakistanis and team mates so they are just defending him. The picture she released did not tell whether they were a couple. “Going by the medical evidence that Ayesha had” I dont think she released any medical evidence to the media.

          The girl claimed that Azhar and Sangeeta met Shoaib and her at Taj Krishna and Azhar denied meeting her. Even now she never came out in public she was speaking on the phone and mind you she is not from a family that indulges in Pardah coz her mother wears no Burkha.

          Now some Qazis may say Nikahnama is valid and some will say it is not. Muslims don’t even agree on when the Eid is and some celebrate it on one day and some on the other even in the same country. What I said was that the Qazi was right on the fundamental point of witness that the signing by the girl and the guy should be done in presence of them. He said even at a registered marriage the girl and guy have to sign in presence of witnesses. So I am talking only technical stuff here.

          When there was such a Tamasha the religious leaders got involved and made them compromise. Heard on the news that Shoaib was told to imagine the same girl whom he married (the one in the picture) and to divorce that girl.

          Now Shoaib may very well have actually married Ayesha (the same girl as now) and just changed his mind later because she was fat and he may very well be a liar. Who knows what actually happened between them.

          “o one was playing hardball for money!!
          it was a simple issue-one party was lying (nd we know who) nd d other was telling d truth.d one who was speaking d truth came out as victors..nd dats it!!
          nd i feel bad saying this.. but i would rather believe a girl who genuinely sounded upset nd traumatized than a guy(shoaib)”
          I gave you a link where the relative who was involved in the negotiation talking about money and yet you know for sure there was no hardball for money. You also seem to know who is speaking the truth and who is not. I did not make any such assertions. I said “I think” while making the statement “hardball for the money”. Judgements should be based on facts and not because the victim is a girl or because she seemed upset. When they came out in the open the police should have investigated and punished Shoaib if he was lying and if Ayesha was the one lying they should have booked a case against her and her family.

          “Whatever the qazi said, everyone knows there are THOUSANDS of telephone nikaahs, mostly in the U.K. communities.” It is mostly among the Pakistani community in UK but then they are also infamous for forced marriages (which was depicted in KKL).


        • “who was involved in the negotiation talking about money and yet you know for sure there was no hardball for money.”

          This intrigues me as well as Shoiab could have well avoided coughing up an reportedly 15 cr.

          All he had to do was come in front of the media and say ‘Talaaq, Talaaq, Talaaq’ and a sorry to all involved. The media focus would have shifted back to Siddiquis and if they still did not withdraw charges, whole world would have known the Siddiquis did it for money.


        • sputnik,

          1. To go by the words of Rashid Latif, Azharrudin, Imran Nazir is absolute rubbish. These people have been involved in huge controversies in the past and thier integrity is highly questionable.

          At the same time, even Sarfaraz Nawaz’s statements against Malik should not be considered as well.

          It was another matter if someone like Inzy spoke in favor of Malik that he had seen pics of the girl and she is not the same and was willing to swear by the Quran. The same cannot be said for Rashid Latif who has been a cheater all his life.

          2. “I dont think she released any medical evidence to the media.”
          No, she didn’t. But she did release it to the Police and Police did consider it to be strong enough to investigate the case in detail. There can be no smoke without fire


        • read in the newspaper today that “no alimony has been paid” shoaib malik!! so there you go…no money issue is involved!


  50. Whatever the qazi said, everyone knows there are THOUSANDS of telephone nikaahs, mostly in the U.K. communities.


  51. and more gossip on Akram and Sushmita Sen:

    Maiden haven

    There has been speculation about Pakistan cricket legend Wasim Akram and actress Sushmita Sen ever since they hosted a reality show together on television around two years ago.

    Wasim Akram with Sushmita Sen at a recent function

    At that time Akram’s marriage to Huma was going strong. But after her untimely demise in October last year, the rumours of a romance between them kept getting stronger, especially in the last couple of months.

    On Monday night, Wasim and Sushmita arrived together at a suburban nightspot and spent the evening in each other’s company, the first time they’ve made a public statement about their togetherness. Judging by the PDA (public display of affection) they indulged in, the relationship seems official now.

    An eye witness said, “Akram and Sushmita walked in hand in hand at around 11.30 on Monday night. They booked the bed-by-the-sea table and were seen relaxing. They seemed very comfortable in each other’s company. Later, a couple of Sushmita’s female friends also joined them. While Akram was acting coy, Sushmita seemed to be in pretty a playful mood and was loud enough to let the world know that she’s very happy with the new man in her life. Both of them stayed together till around 1.45 when the restaurant shut down.”

    Incidentally, a couple of Bollywood celebrities including Shekhar Suman (who was with a friend) and Aseem Merchant were also present when Wasim and Sushmita made their entry. We called up Aseem Merchant but he refused to comment about the incident.

    But a source said, “The friendship between Wasim and Sushmita started when they were judging Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena, a reality show. They have stayed in touch after that. At that point, Akram was married and Sushmita was dating Mudassar Aziz, the director of Dulha Mil Gaya. But they gradually got closer to each other after Wasim’s wife Huma passed away.

    Since then, they have been spotted together at the odd social function, including a party at Shah Rukh Khan’s house (Wasim is the bowling coach of SRK’s cricket team, Kolkata Knight Riders) and then at model Candice Pinto’s party. But this is the first time they’ve publicly dated and it does indicate that they are a couple now.”

    Despite several attempts, neither Sushmita Sen nor Wasim Akram could be reached for comment.


  52. alex adams Says:

    “To be honest, whatever one thinks of Mirza, where does India come in? I mean, you could say the same thing about just any celebrity, no?”-agree with qalandar there.
    it is now beyond doubt that shoaib malik was guilty-the only thing under scrutiny is the extent and degree of his fault.
    the position of ayesha and malik now becomes clearer now.
    BUT what still remains a bit of a mystery is–SANIAs motivations/compulsions.
    she is 23 years old with a potentially bright professional career and still has time on her side. she appears progressive, well-educated and groomed, articulate and a smart-cookie. Why does sshe have to go for shoaib malk in the first place. The fact that love is blind etc is ok, but i think it i NOT SO blind. they just dont seemwell matched. malik is a famous cricketer but appears uneducated, cannnot speak a sentence in english. above all, inspite of such a big qustion mark over his integrity-what is the compulsion of sania to stand by him like this. i was surpised to see her smirk and giggle with serious issues like pregnancy and miscarriage of ayesha. ( i hope it is not true but does sania already have a similar “compusion” now to get married to malik like inayeshas case above)
    anyhow, this continues to intrigue..
    someone expressed surprise at the shelf-life of this matter in media. i find this question immature. the whole media machinery with heaps of 24×7 news channels are working nowadays with similar of even more “trivial” issues. the number of replies in this “trivial” thread in this forum gives and indication. one cannot deny the taste for controversy, gossip and sensationalism. if one can watch runs and repeat viewings of (fictional) movies, surely this is at least a “real” issue-hence reality tv and media…
    Nothing wrong in acknowledging the taste for these…



    As expected, her brand value will take a beating.

    Wonder why Saina Nehwal brand value hasn’t shot up as yet …


    • maybe because saina nehwal is not as glam as sania mirza..or maybe because she would rather concentrate on her game dan brand endorsements,,or maybe because she is a plain english speaking girl unlike sania who tries very hard to speak with foreign twang..could be anything..u take ur pick!!
      but d fact is saina has a padmashree at 20 while sania doesnt nd never will!!


  54. Jeevcy,
    ” To go by the words of Rashid Latif, Azharrudin, Imran Nazir is absolute rubbish. These people have been involved in huge controversies in the past and thier integrity is highly questionable.”

    While these three may not be reliable and Sarfraz is a nutcase you want Inzy to swear on the Quran. How about the requirement for Shoaib and Ayesha & her family to swear on the Quran? But those who lie will lie anyways. In all this, not much attention has been paid to the fact that Ayesha was also nine years elder to Shoaib. So she was 29 when she got married to a 20 year old Shoaib.

    “But she did release it to the Police and Police did consider it to be strong enough to investigate the case in detail. There can be no smoke without fire”
    The evidence is supposed to be the semen stained Suhaag raat dress. Now did she not wash her dress all these years? Now don’t tell me that she was saving it as a souvenir ala Monica Lewinsky. The person who is giving all the medical evidence is Dr Shams Babar who is also involved in the negotiations. It would have taken time to verify the medical evidence and Shoaib and Sania would have had to postpone their marriage.

    The other interesting thing is the FIR was filed under sections 420 (cheating), 498-A (harassment) and 506 (criminal intimidation). Section 498-A (harassment) is non-bailable, non-compoundable (i.e. it cannot be privately resolved between the parties concerned) and cognizable (i.e. the police can arrest the accused without investigation or warrants) on a report from a woman or close relative.

    Since it cannot be privately resolved between the parties concerned not sure how this will actually be resolved.


    • Sputnik
      Even Lewinski did not wash the Presidential semen off her dreas. It was Exhibit A in his impeachment. Not sure if she also kept the phallic cigar in original state for DNA verification.
      Did Ayesha take a page of Lewinski’s book??


      • Didnt read ur complete coment, sorry about that. But Lewinski did indeed create a manual for anyone willing to take a prominent male personality to the cleaners.


  55. “Ayesha, who said she never maintained an account of the money she helped him with, but said it was easily over Rs 10 crore.”

    Though the official amount is 15000 rupees which seems really low for 3 months maintenance all the news channels are carrying reports that Shoaib had to pay 15 Crores.


    • Sputnik,
      You seem to be confusing two things. This report is money Ayesha spent on Shoaib and not what Shoaib needs to pay for maintenance.
      If this story is true then all the reports of them not having met, fly out of window. Havent followed it closely, so might be getting my facts mixed up.


      • sputnik Says:

        I was just giving a link in which Ayesha claimed that she spent over Rs 10 Crore over Shoaib. I did not mean to imply that it is the maintenance amount.

        My comment about the 15 Crores maintenance amount is not related to the link. Its what the news channels are claiming from sources.


  56. Forgive me, think of me as younger brother: Shoaib

    “I would like to firstly thank ” ALLAH ALMIGHTY” and all of you as media and the entire nation of Pakistan in supporting me and giving me the strength to face all what has been witnessed.”
    “Im proud to be a Pakistani and me and Sania are over whelmed to see the response in all the people welcoming Sania to Pakistan.”

    Thank God, he didnt say “I thank all the Muslims of the world in supporting me”.
    Bete, Indian ladki se shaadi karte ho, aur India ka naam-o-nishaan hi nahi. Jis thaali mein khaate ho, usee mein ched karti ho? (pun intended)


    • Shoiab proves with his telephone nikaah “An idea can change your wife”. He may take from Junior as Idea Brand ambassador.


  57. alex adams Says:

    Am waiting for an announcement soon from the likes of mahesh Bhatt(ak) about a movie on this sania-shoaib “alliance”.
    perfect twists and turns with the essential intrigue. lus the indo-pak angle-
    Currently bhatt is maintaining a relatively low(er) profile-maybe concentrating on saving his son rahul bhatt in the headley episode. Sure, he will come out with an “announcment” soon after this marriage.
    any guesses about the best cast for sania, shoaib, ayesha and yes poor guy sohrab …


  58. a big congratulations to the S couple!! wishing them a happy nd blissful future!!


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