Hrithik interview on Kites


Just before our conversation, Hrithik was giving media bytes, when someone mentioned that he’d lost weight. “People have been saying this to me for four years now. But yes, it’s good to hear that I’ve lost weight, after the 36 inch-waist for Guzarish,” he replied. So, how busy was he with the Kites blitzkrieg, the session continued. “I am already a little tired, but it’s fun. And it’s an honest film – that was the brief my dad (Rakesh Roshan) and Anurag (Basu, the director of the film) had given me. It’s not within the safety zone of a manipulated commercial film.”

Hrithik went on to explain how India now has the means to make films that can stand their own on a global platform, and that we have the budgets to do so now too. And that therefore, we must begin to think in those terms. “Take films like Scarface or Once Upon A Time In America, for instance. Nobody breaks into a song. So, we too should let go of the safety nets,” he opined. But he himself sang for the film. “Like I said before, it’s an honest film. The guy wanted to sing at a given point, and Anurag was very sure it had to be actually me. Good singing, bad singing, it didn’t matter. But the singing had to be from the heart.” Did he practice, he was asked. “I had asked for two months. I got two weeks. So I practiced everywhere. In the bathroom, even while brushing, I went sa re ga ma … ”So, while speaking to him later on, we do a bit of retake on a couple of things. Like Kites; the film’s tagline could have very well been ‘controversy.’ Says Hrithik, “It was a catharsis of sorts – working with people like my dad, Anurag Basu and Barbara. I had to do a lot of unlearning, and let go of all the things I was good at, or had built up as my forte.” Like? “After movies like Dhoom and Jodhaa Akbar, I had worked out the camera angles, watching myself to see if I was good, and those sort of things. But with this film, I unlearnt all that, and learnt to let go in front of the camera. And I was working with impetuous, spontaneous people – like Barbara, my dad … I was the odd one out. I was the one who had always graphed it out, and planned everything, act and scene. But the grammar of this film is different. There is no interval in the film, for instance. In India, we always judge a film in two halves. You know, ‘interval se pehle achha tha,’ or ‘interval ke baad achha tha,’ is how people decide whether they like the film or not. That’s not the way people the world over watch movies. They go, watch the whole film, and come back and comment about whether they liked the whole film or not. That’s how it should be. No half measures. It’s either a six, or out. And my dad has always been like that. When everyone perceived Krrish to be a foolish kids’ movie, he boldly went ahead with it. And with this film, he’s again taken a bold leap.”

He so often brings his dad into a conversation, that it’s obvious that they share a great bond, despite rumours of Hrithik having walked out of his dad’s house, etc… Do they never have arguments? “Oh, it happens everyday,” he replies, “We disagree on many work-related issues. And that is bound to happen because each individual’s creative perceptions are different. And that’s a good thing, because when working, there is no ego coming into play. It is never ‘my thought’ or ‘his thought.’ It is a thought, and that thought becomes important. I believe that where there is ego in the mind, there cannot be creative space. And for everything that is truly creative, there has to be a space of ‘no mind.’ I don’t have any ego. I’d like to keep my creativity brimming all the time, and for that, I listen to everybody who has any creative inputs that will add to my work’s calibre.”

For someone who’s willing to talk at length about his professional fundas, why does he choose to remain silent every time there’s something in the news regarding his personal life? Almost for a year now, we’ve been hearing about his ‘affair’ with Barbara Mori, issues with wife Sussanne, etc. “A certain section of the media has tried to instigate me to come out and talk. But that is one of my… let’s call it shortcomings – that I don’t get into all these things when I do a film. I am totally into it, in the world the movie demands me to be. I am focussed, and don’t want any distractions.” And now? “Barbara will be here soon, and she will be here for a month,” he says.

There were other rumours too. “Yes. Some stupid and silly ones. Like Rajkumar Hirani wanting to edit my film, like Sussanne and me having issues, like us having bought 10 bungalows in Mumbai. You know, we began to get calls from our neighbours because of this one. The media showed the bungalows we’ve apparently ‘bought’, and they wanted to know what it was all about. Then there was this thing about me having walked out of my father’s house… I don’t feel the need to explain anything because the people who are close and have faith in me, people who know me well, believe in me, and that’s enough for me,” says Hrithik.

25 Responses to “Hrithik interview on Kites”

  1. “But the grammar of this film is different. There is no interval in the film, for instance. In India, we always judge a film in two halves. You know, ‘interval se pehle achha tha,’ or ‘interval ke baad achha tha,’ is how people decide whether they like the film or not. That’s not the way people the world over watch movies. They go, watch the whole film, and come back and comment about whether they liked the whole film or not. That’s how it should be. No half measures. It’s either a six, or out.”

    I have really started disliking him. Again I won’t even bother taking this set of statements apart much as I said for this earlier interview:

    This is the classic move(s) I associate with Johar. Firstly the utter pretentiousness even when one is making the most non-serious movie imaginable. But also the attempt to delegimitize everything to defend the current project. Even the entire tradition of one’s industry.

    You either do Kites or you do Vishal Bhardwaj. If you do the latter you can’t be obsessed with the box office. But if you are and do the former you can’t make start pretending it’s the latter.


    • Re: “That’s not the way people the world over watch movies”

      This is classic contemporary Bollywood: no explanation of WHY something should be such and such, but simply an insistence that the Indian audiences get with the (global) program. Almost as if not assimilating to what “people the world over” do is a kind of stubborn perversion.


  2. Re: “No half measures. It’s either a six, or out.”

    This isn’t even true of cricket: not even in 20/20s! what an imbecile. It’s NOT “either a six, or out” dumbass, it could be a 5 or 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 or 0 runs as well — wrong sporting analogy.


  3. No comment on his word. We’re still waiting for the next big thing from Asia to make his entry in Hwood right ? LOOOOL
    He should shut his views about this so called global world who’s (not) screaming his name so loudly and begin to realise that he’s slowly becoming the Jean Claude Van Dame of India. I may be wrong but what does he have to offer except Kites ? He’s struggling big time !


  4. alex adams Says:

    Have a feeling that the hritik after the encounter with Barbara(‘s) Mori in kites, is a slightly altered one-seems to have undergone a minor mutation!
    Will differ with others slightly here- Am looking forward to catching this movie. Am NOT that worried about hritiks flawed concepts of bollywood & global cinema. The only slight irritant here is the apparent pretentiousness of the kite endeavour. Having said that, even kjo in his other interview posted in the next thread acknowledges that kites with the mexican heroine and the theme is NOT an entirely “safe” film and he credited roshans for having the guts to go beyond the safe zone. (but then kjo is in a praising-everybody mode in that inter4view to decrease the mnik brickbats that may come his way later on)
    “He should shut his views about this so called global world who’s (not)screaming his name so loudly and begin to realise that he’s slowly becoming the Jean Claude Van Dame of India. I may be wrong but what does he have to offer except Kites ? He’s struggling big time !”oops1 -dont agree here-feel this is a bit harsh on hritik.
    Do you feel jodha akbar was commensurate to van damme of india. Feel aamir and hritik are two stars on CURRENT FORM whom one can still bank upon for choosing the right script and give a paisa vasool film.


    • Van Dame was also a big thing before he lost his way. So yes, even him got his “JA” period and could pull this off.

      Frankly, i find these guys lazy and full of themselves. Since Aamir introduced the one-film-at-a-time concept, everyone think than they can produce a Knock Out performance and then sit on their ass for two years the time for the public to digest it. BS !!!


  5. Re: “Have a feeling that the hritik after the encounter with Barbara(’s) Mori in kites, is a slightly altered one-seems to have undergone a minor mutation!”



  6. alex adams Says:

    i think you got my point qalandar-lol


  7. alex adams Says:

    Did not get an appropriate thread to post this unrelated message.
    But here you go-not sure if there is any lucky ali fan here.
    i am a big lucky ali fan. Remember “ek pal ka jeena”
    Not many may know but he released his album xsuie online for download. He wanted to do away with the big companies to pay the artists peanuts apparently. Anyhow, not surprising that the media in general has kept it v quiet and there has been NO awareness of even the album release, forget about the songs catchin up. shows te power of meda again!
    anyhow, a few samples for those who are not into lucky ali (available on youtube)
    o sanam
    dekha hai aise bhi
    nahi rakhta dil me kuchh
    badalon ki gehrayee
    tu kaun hai
    in addition, the lyrics by mohd aslam and lead guitarist mike mcleary, videos usually directed by mahesh mathai- killer combo..
    pity that he chooses to hibernate somewhere in new zealand and has dabbled in everything from carpet weaving, oil rigging, organic farming..
    a very interesting guy indeed….


    • Thanks for the shout alex, I did not even know he had an album out. I really like his voice, it’s a niche voice but it had a certain quality to it that made it very compelling in low ranges…


      • Speaking of shoaib malik/sania mirza, doesn’t Lucky Ali have two wives?


        • alex adams Says:

          “Speaking of shoaib malik/sania mirza, doesn’t Lucky Ali have two wives?”
          He has ATLEAST two “official” wives but others are NOT ruled out.

          Lucky alis voice is nice but is definitely NOT a “trained” voice which has many flaws in certain ranges. However, somehow, the setting of his “ballads” are very interesting. The lyrics by mohd aslam and lead guitarist mike mcleary, videos usually directed by mahesh mathai- killer combo..
          Pity that he chooses to hibernate somewhere in new zealand and has dabbled in everything from carpet weaving, oil rigging, organic farming, (and god knows what else!)..
          a very interesting guy indeed….


  8. This guy is dumb, I didnt watch this interview, sometimes it becomes unbearable to watch through stupidity. but i did see his cannes interview where he went through a similar path.

    If he is doing some thing path breaking like abhay deol then it makes sense, he seems to be making a nadodi thendral remake with a mexican milieu – nothing wrong with that – except it is nowhere path breaking.


  9. Kites – now playing – Bollywood Social Network


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