Whats ur favourite Twist/shyamlan/o henry Ending in a book/short story/movie?

I love movies with twist ending, which shake the very foundation of the movie, sometimes it may turn it too crap, sometimes can be a masterstroke. I have used shyamlan/o henry as both are famous for their twist and endings, i hope u guys can suggest some/few more to me. And share ur favourite twist endings.


After 20 Years, by O Henry.: I read it in my school days, as part of textbook, but still i cant forget the narrative haunting, the effect, the meeting, the disclosure, the end. One of the most fascinating and close to my heart ending, this was the first short story that introduced me too O Henry.

Read here:http://www.classicreader.com/book/1745/1/

Bollywood: DON (REMAKE)
Movies : Village

Movies : Closer ( i know this movie becoz of Suprabh and still remember and here to song u suggested blowers daughter)

I couldnt find the clip anybody?

Movies: Sixth Sense

Fight CLub


5 Responses to “Whats ur favourite Twist/shyamlan/o henry Ending in a book/short story/movie?”

  1. Rooney-Macrooni,
    I have seen most of these except seven, fight club (started these but couldn’t carry on). I LOVE the “twist/suspense” genre of movies a lot. If I were ever to go into movie making, I would make twist movies the whole time!!


    • mksrooney Says:

      LOL.. dimple-pimple!

      good, i hope u are njoying, as also that debt crisis is over i guess now.. so now treasury can breath eeasy 😉


  2. Well, I haven’t watched any of the films you’ve mentioned except Don and I agree the twist at the end comes as a shock.

    In keeping with my interests in old films, I’d like to mention a 1960 BR Chopra film called Kanoon, starring Ashok Kumar, Rajender Kumar, Nanda, Mehmood etc

    This black and white film had no songs. (so very hatke)
    Two judges (one of them Ashok Kumar) don’t share the view about capital punishment. Ashok Kumar felt that if there was even the slightest possibility of sentencing an innocent there was no way of making ammends, so it shouldn’t be passed, whereas the other judge felt that with proper eye witnesses and other support the chances of that happening can be removed.
    Ashok Kumar doesn’t believe in foolproof evidences and jokes about commiting a murder and getting away just to prove his point.

    This happens in the beginning.
    The story unfolds…there is a murder….there is an eye witness who has seen the murderer very clearly…
    By this time the audience is sucked into a whodunit mode.
    The end of course is not what anyone expected.

    The problem with this twist at the end is that many people feel cheated, because they still think the film is a thriller, and that the solution is too easy, but the film’s aim was not of being a thriller, but to put forth a point of ‘kanoon’ and I must say it does get it’s point across (about capital punishment) with a master stroke IMO.
    I wonder how the people reacted then.


    • I have avoided spoilers unlike your clips which must have given the ending away.


    • mksrooney Says:

      thnks i havent seen the film, and would like to catch it.

      ps- though my schedules are tight, would take some time but would eventually try to catch it soon.



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