Spielberg to remake the Ten Commandments!


It is regarded as one of the greatest movies in Hollywood history. But it looks like even Charlton Heston’s The Ten Commandments is not beyond the current trend of Hollywood remakes, with Steven Spielberg close to agreeing with Warner Bros to direct. According to Deadline.com however, the ET film-maker is hoping to give his version of the story of Jewish prophet Moses a far different spin to the 1956 version.

An insider told the website he is hoping to make his sword and sandals epic ‘like a Braveheart-ish version of the Moses story.’

Interestingly, Moses will be portrayed as a tough warrior in the new film, whereas Heston played him as a humble man with great inner strength.

It currently has the working title Gods And Kings, and will follow the complete life of the prophet.

It will start from Moses’ humble beginnings as an orphan found floating down the river in a basket, all the way through to him freeing the Jews and leading them to The Promised Land.

The insider added it will show him, ‘being adopted, leaving his home, forming an army, and getting the Ten Commandments.’

One small comfort for cinephiles is that while the movie will undoubtedly feature the spectacular parting of the Red Sea, it is not being considered as a 3D feature.

While they will share the same source material, it is understood that rather than being a straight remake of Cecile B. DeMille’s classic, Warner Bros want Spielberg to direct it in the gritty reality-based style of Saving Private Ryan.
Signing on the dotted line: But hopefully Steven’s contract won’t weight as much as the Ten Commandments stones

Signing on the dotted line: But hopefully Steven’s contract won’t weight as much as the Ten Commandments stones

The source said: ‘There have been glossy versions of the Moses story but this would be a real warrior story.’

The studio has been courting the Schindler’s List director since last September, when he first read the script.

And while it first seemed unlikely he would agree to do it, it seems he became keen on the idea, and will set his deal in stone by the end of the month.

However it will still be a long time before the flick will hit the silver screen, as production only has a tentative start date of March or April of 2013.
Charlton athletic: Heston’s energetic performance of Moses as a modest but strong man was widely praised

Charlton athletic: Heston’s energetic performance of Moses as a modest but strong man was widely praised

The film is being produced by Matti Lesham, who came to the studio with a treatment that was bought for development.

Interestingly his most notable work to date is 2008’s Paula Abdul: Cardio Cheer, which may be why heavyweight Sherlock Holmes producer Dan Lin has also came on board.

The screenplay is being penned by Paradise Lost writer, who has teamed up with Michael Green who co-wrote last year’s The Green Lantern.
You’ve Scot to be kidding: Using Braveheart as the inspiration for the new movie is an interesting idea

You’ve Scot to be kidding: Using Braveheart as the inspiration for the new movie is an interesting idea

It means legendary director Spielberg is as busy as ever.

The Escape to Nowhere favourite has just finished directing historical epic Lincoln, and is currently working on Robopocalypse, in which robot-reliant society faces extinction after an artificial intelligence program is unleashed.

The original Ten Commandments is one of the most profitable films of all time, grossing $65 million in 1956, which is equivalent to close to $1 billion today.

43 Responses to “Spielberg to remake the Ten Commandments!”

  1. “An insider told the website he is hoping to make his sword and sandals epic ‘like a Braveheart-ish version of the Moses story.’”

    I am excited about this but this whole Gladiator Moses idea disappoints me. Hope Spielberg shows some restraint.


  2. I’m surprised that you’re not appalled, Satyam, as I am. I think Spielberg is the last person to undertake a solemn story (not a “serious” story). Why reduce a story with great religious meaning to a large population to a swords and sorcery type of film? And do you really think any of the present day actors/stars have the aura that Charleston Heston brought to this role? I expected you to react the way you do to someone essaying one of Amitabh Bachchan’s iconic roles, and am surprised that this aspect doesn’t seem to have struck you.

    Maybe that’s why they decided to approach this as a Braveheart type of story, because none of today’s actors can truly replace Heston.


    • I’m a great fan of the original film but it must be admitted that this is a rather schmaltzy film! It’s pleasures are cheesy ones in many ways. But a great classic nonetheless and one I adore. I certainly wouldn’t be happy with a gym Moses if that’s where things are heading. On the other hand I would be interested in some serious SFX. More than Heston I think replacing Brynner would be a problem.


      • It may be schmaltzy and cheesy, but I think one of the reasons why someone would say that today is that it presents its religion straight – no postmodern or post “Is God Dead?” sensibility to it. The Biblical story is taken, if you will pardon the pun, on faith. That I think will be the biggest drawback to any remake, because neither the film makers, nor most of the audience, truly *believe* in the material, which I think is a disservice to it. If you just want to make a period action film with plenty of special effects, there are plenty of other subjects to choose from. I’m also surprised that they don’t want to make it in 3D. While I generally don’t care for 3D, this seems to be the one film that really *needs* the 3D treatment to bring its spectacle to life.

        (Besides, I’m a bit hazy on the actual Biblical account, but was Moses really a warrior? I mean, he spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness! Not much scope to be a warrior in that.)


        • Yeah the warrior bit really rankles. On the rest though remember this is the same country where the pornographic Passion made 350m! But also the much more muscular Christianity that has been in vogue for a while in the US might find it’s tonal equivalent in Spielberg’s film. Not condoning it at all. quite horrified with the thought but hoping that Spielberg has better sense.


        • I really can’t see Spielberg doing anything that would be in sync with the “muscular Christianity” of the U.S. He’s a quite vocal critic of that movement.


  3. I have more than enough faith in Spielberg as a filmmaker to do something quite interesting with this material. The original is something I grew up watching several times over and much as I love Heston in it, there’s definitely space to reinterpret this story and character onscreen. That said, I think Spielberg’s gifts would be better focused elsewhere. His Lincoln biopic remains one my most awaited movies this year, but even this isn’t the kind of film that defines him as a filmmaker.


  4. Alex adams Says:

    Would be really interesting
    With Spielberg , there may infact be a more ‘ unhinged ‘ & freer take


  5. Saw THe Artist.
    What an idea!!!!
    Brilliant! Genius, and a result of great intelligence IMO.
    Came out of the hall feeling absolutely elated and refreshed.
    Did not get bored at any point, just watched it in wonder at how it was all created. The body language, the gestures, the reactions were all so typical.

    If Jean Dujardin doesn’t get the best actor award for this and some Clooney type walks away with it, I would consider it a great lack of taste and culture.
    How wonderfully he emoted without the support of dialogue. Amazing. He was so, so…ummmm..’silent film’ man!!

    Bérénice Bejo was very believable too and fited the role well.

    I always wanted to watch a modern day black and white film. Maybe there were some, but I never heard of them.
    The cinematography was excellent and played a great role in conveying ideas in the absence of dialogue.
    And the intertitles were so witty/ironic and amusing…a couple of them which I must mention.
    When the hero refuses to accept the change from silent to ‘talkie’ (he says(?) people come to *see* me, not *hear* me LOL) he begins to see failure, and still refuses. While sitting pensively and brooding, his wife comes and says ‘we have to *talk* (LOL!) When he doesn’t respond ‘why won’t you talk’ 😀

    Even the story style has not been changed, and has been kept at its cheesy best with lots of, what today have become clichés, but were not then.
    And yet it’s engrossing.
    Of course the slapstick style is missing along with those exaggerated gestures. There’s a mention of it in the film.

    There were moments when I forgot I was watching a film made in 2011.
    There’s also this wonderful touch of showing a short silent slapstick skit before the main film.

    I shouldn’t forget to mention the ‘dog’. Didn’t cath the name if it was credited. He’s so cute. At times I didn’t know whether to watch his acting or the actor’s.

    I’m going to watch it again, not only because I’m so impressed, but I don’t think it can happen again. Even if it does it will be a copy.


    • thanks for your views.. I’ve been meaning to watch this for a while..


      • Do watch it satyam. And if you like it as much as I do we’ll finally have found a common ground to stand on and agree about something. 😀


        • Ha! I think we could agree on a lot of older cinema!

          Speaking of the Artist Hugo has a very similar theme..


        • I just read the synopsis of Hugo. The only simlarity I found was that they are both set in the early 20th century.
          The story, and above all the whole treatment is different.

          Believe me The Artist is nothing like 3D/colour etc 😉

          Uh oh! We’re disagreeing again. LOL!

          But I agree about old films.


  6. Just bought a copy of the bluray Ten Commandments, after having the DVD player made codelss 😉 .
    It’s available only in region 1 format.
    Amazon told me it’s on it’s way.

    Ever sinse I read satyam praising how good it looks I’d been wondwering how to get about watching a region 1 dvd.

    A modern day version will lose a lot of the aura and intensity, no matter who makes it, even if it’s Spielberg because of the change in sensibilities. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were protests by this or that community about the wrong interpretatio.
    And a warrior Moses?? LOL Which war did he fight in?


    • I think he was a soldier in the Pharaoh’s army for a while when he was young? I have a vague memory of something like this. Sorry, I’m too lazy to look it up. 🙂


      • Oh yes of course, they showed him returning as the conquereor and was rewarded.
        That’s too little to make major. This would change the whole essence of the film.
        Maybe then they could authentically say ‘we didn’t make a remake of the original’ 😉


  7. Sorry for the mistype, The above was by me.


  8. why? the original is a seminal biblical epic! yeah, spielberg is a truly great director, but i think this is too risky an undertaking. he needs to drop it. i seriously doubt he makes a better version.


  9. am glad to see oldisgold loving The Artist. Its on my list of must-watch films. Anyone has any idea when its releasing in India?

    Btw I watched The Descendents this evening at my nearby multiplex. Its, sweet, subtle and sensitive.

    a lovely little story of relationships with great acting by all. Nice to see Robert Foster in there too.

    Liked it 🙂


  10. Alex adams Says:

    It’s bw artist & descendants next
    Xcuss-2 undo ap lol
    Can’t hav another beating
    Anyone seen both
    Which 1s better


    • >Which 1s better

      The Artist is European (French), and Descendants is Hollywood.

      Haven’t seen dscendants nor do I think I will. Don’t watch much Hollywood stuff, though I’ll watch War Horse.


  11. Alex adams Says:

    Hmm bw AND silent-‘cherry on the cake’
    That sounds interesting !!!! Lol
    Hav a weakness 4 french films though
    And ya heard a few goin gaga bout warhorse
    After AP, guess anything will do haha


    • Might check out War Horse. Supposed to be shameless old-fashioned nostalgia, almost as if one were watching a film made in the 50s, but apparently if one gets beyond this it’s engaging fare. But tonight it’s the Grey. Can’t wait! It’s got good reviews too.


    • >Hmm bw AND silent-’cherry on the cake’
      LOL! Why the surprise?
      Did you read my views? 😉

      As for war horse, it’s adapted from a children’s book after all.
      Spielberg himself said its sort of an ode to the Britsh cavalry, and their great tradition. The reason why he shot it in Britain.

      I find horses magnificent so a story about one particular one should be fascinating.


      • Alex adams Says:

        “Did you read my views? “Oldgold -yes:read your views just now- good points there
        Btw how did u find a movie cinema near where u live lol (jokin)

        The artist does seem interesting-reminds me somewhat of Hugo
        Watched Hugo recently-not sure where my ‘review’ is
        Basically hugo was brilliant and obviously a masterpiece
        Somehow dozed during half of it though …

        Have issues with bw and silent bcos if not in the correct mood/mind frame, my patience and attention span for it maybe quite short

        Talking of ‘silent’ though —
        ‘when eyes talk, no dialogue is needed’
        Whatsay folks–(applause)): lol


        • >Talking of ‘silent’ though –
          ‘when eyes talk, no dialogue is needed’

          Well, that’s exactly the opinion of qite a few re: the actor.

          >Btw how did u find a movie cinema near where u live lol (jokin)

          Did I ever say there are no cinemas where I live?
          They just don’t show Bollywood

          >Have issues with bw and silent

          That’s why I said it’s a very bold attempt, because perhaps the majority feels like you. Though the evening show was housefull here (it could be because it’s Saturday).


        • Alex adams Says:

          “>Talking of ‘silent’ though –
          ‘when eyes talk, no dialogue is needed’
          Well, that’s exactly the opinion of qite a few re: the actor.”

          Wasn’t talkin bout that ‘actor’ dahlin 😉
          That was one of my quotable quotes 🙂

          But Oldgold: u have convinced me: will def try 2 catch it on the screen
          But what if I ‘doze off’?
          U will have to pay a ‘price’ 😉


  12. Alex adams Says:

    Go 4 AP
    dont wanna be the lone victim lol
    Seriously satyam- it will be an analytical delight .. Hoho

    I only to watch the last 20 min hand to hand combat-c’mon satyam:
    Bring on the ‘beast’ in u
    Loved it Yaiy …

    Ps-Basically war horse is spiel-one can’t go wrong beyond a point


  13. Alex adams Says:

    Let nobody be spared of this ‘endurance test’-a character building exercise
    U can see AP in a different setting though purely as an analytical ‘detached’ experience
    Given your history with bachchan and old AP, a ‘significant’ film anyways in a certain sense

    Just revisited parts of ‘all the presidents men’on telly-love Redford


  14. Alex adams Says:

    War horse film boosts the book

    Haven’t read the book though since I can’t read print…no patience
    Have u read it?

    Btw another ‘original’ line–
    “Go to your bosom: Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know…”
    Cmon: Time for bed OG 😉


  15. i reckon Spielberg should remake Passion of the christ before he retires…


  16. Rare interview of SRK praising Amitabh Bachchan..


  17. alex adams Says:

    satyam–had a few texts/messages that ‘the grey” is brilliant–Have been mulling over this for a while.
    But dont wanna sully my Liam Neeson tinge from one of my faves schinlders list (Also awaiting ‘battleship’)
    but love this sort of survival drama/ nature vs beast stuff
    Whats your take on ‘the grey’?
    btw loved hanks in castaway–comparable?

    that adds quite a few on the ‘to view’ list-
    descendants/ artist/ grey/war horse
    what the heck–have to draw a line 😉
    Anyone can help in sortin out this ‘mess’? 🙂

    ps–and theres ‘like crazy’ as well—some have recommended this as well (crazily)


  18. Spielberg’s next after Lincoln is ‘Robopocalypse’ (based on a sci-fi bestseller of the same name) and not ‘The 10 Commandmends’- here is what Spielberg said in an interview- ‘It’s a movie about a global war between man and machine. I had a great time creating the future on “Minority Report”, and it’s a future thatis coming true faster than any of us thought it would. “Robopocalypse” takes place in 15 or 20 years,so it’ll be another future we can relate to.It’s about the consequences of creating technologies


  19. wikipedia- Steven Spielberg has committed to direct a film based on the novel. Drew Goddard has been hired to write the screenplay. Steven Spielberg has also hired designer Guy Hendrix Dyas to work with him and his writers on creating the visual tone for the film and conceptualize its robotic elements.
    The film, jointly financed by 20th Century Fox and Spielberg’s DreamWorks , will be released in North America by DreamWorks through Touchstone Pictures on July 3, 2013.


  20. The best-selling novel ‘Robopocalypse’ is written by Daniel H. Wilson. Plot- Taking on the persona of a shy human boy,a childlike but massively powerful artificial intelligence known as Archos comes online and assumes control over the global network of machines that regulate everything from transportation to utilities, defense and communication. In the months leading up to this, sporadic glitches are noticed by a handful of unconnected humans


  21. a single mother disconcerted by her daughter’s menacing “smart” toys,a lonely Japanese bachelor who is victimized by his domestic robot companion, an isolated U.S. soldier who witnesses a ‘pacification unit’ go haywire–but most are unaware of the growing rebellion until it’s too late.
    When the Robot War ignites,at a moment called Zero Hour,humankind will be both decimated and,possibly,for the 1st time in history,united.http://thebooksmugglers.com/2011/06/book-review-robopocalypse-by-daniel-h-wilson.html


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