Blood Money, Agent Vinod (ongoing), the rest of the box office

last week’s thread

63 Responses to “Blood Money, Agent Vinod (ongoing), the rest of the box office”

  1. Blood Money And Bumboo Open To Poor Response

    Friday 30th March 2012 13.00 IST

    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Blood Money and Bumboo opened to a poor response across the country. Blood Money opened to 10-15% collections while Bumboo was 0-5%.

    Blood Money has a big release as its showing on around 900 plus screens so if it can pick up even 10-15% it can put up a decent first day total due to to the wide release for such a film.

    It will be interesting to see which film collects better, Blood Money on day or Agent Vinod on its 8th day which has more screen space at multiplexes than Blood Money but has been discontinued at many single screens across the country.

    Bumboo is likely to find it tough going unless word of mouth is very good.


  2. Agent Vinod Has 36.75 Crore First Week

    Friday 30th March 2012 09.30 IST

    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Agent Vinod has collected around 36.75 crore nett in its first week. The collections were very dull in the weekdays. Multiplexes are still giving Agent Vinod plenty of screen time in week two as no real competition but it will find it hard to collect well in week two. The first week collections from some circuits are as follows.

    East Punjab – 3.34 crore

    West Bengal – 1.43 crore

    CP Berar – 1.56 crore

    CI – 1.33 crore

    Rajasthan – 1.99 crore

    Mysore – 2.35 crore


  3. First Week Agent Vinod Vs Love Aaj Kal

    Friday 30th March 2012 10.00 IST

    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Agent Vinod has collected better than Love Aaj Kal in circuits which have a much bigger release today due to the digital revolution but in is lower in West Bengal where the releases are 150 screens plus today compared to 75 odd a few years back.

    East Punjab

    Agent Vinod – 3.34 crore

    Love Aaj Kal – 4.29 crore

    West Bengal

    Agent Vinod – 1.43 crore

    Love Aaj Kal – 1.62 crore

    CP Berar

    Agent Vinod – 1.56 crore

    Love Aaj Kal – 1.38 crore


    Agent Vinod – 1.33 crore

    Love Aaj Kal – 98 lakhs


    Agent Vinod – 1.99 crore

    Love Aaj Kal – 1.89 crore


    Agent Vinod – 2.35 crore

    Love Aaj Kal – 2.13 crore


    • note how this comparison reveals a much lower number for LAK than was claimed for it on release. Numbers were around 42 crores or even higher in some instances. Recall saying many times at that point that I just didn’t buy that. I thought it couldn’t be more than the high 30s but looks like I might have even overstated this.

      And this also gets to my larger point. A lot of times people wonder why I question BOI. But they themselves contradict all their claims sometime later. I resisted their 40 crore or so number for OSO. Sometime later they brought it down to 37. There are many such examples. The Taran ones are even higher for many of these films. People just throw out these numbers for whatever motivation.

      But it works to a degree because months or even years later no one cares about what the facts really were for a film.


      • satyam- u r bang on here. i also believe that trade circle inflated the numbers of MBKD and IHLS(notice how these things r done for selected production houses). i remember sum trade pundits were quoting absurd figures to make srk’s ‘billu’ a hit(by the way by making billu srk atleast did one good deed for which he should be forgiven of some of his other sins like ra1-he let irrfan showcase his talent as a central lead in a commercial project). on the other hand reverse happened for dmd and rockstar


        • also i am deviating from the topic here but had to tell u this. i just saw an old bachchan film ‘raaste ka patthar'(stars ab,shatru,laxmi chhaya). i dunno whether u have seen it but it is not to be missed by any bachchan lover. has a strong storyline(it’s a copy of jack lemmon starrer oscar winning ‘the apartment). has a bravura performance by ab.


      • rockstar Says:

        has to even that to when agent vinod has been released on far more number of screen and adjusting inflation it clearly shows how things where exaggerated earlier


        • rockstar Says:

          i guess they also put something like 2nd week number of kahani and compared it ready and in the end logically it showed how things where exaggerated there to


  4. OT,

    RR trailer is Out and YT has removed it but one can still watch it Here..

    Grhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. How pathetic dialogue delivery… inaudible and incoherent


  5. So there’s a market for Blood Money (showing on 900 screens!) for some strange reason Viacom18 thinks Hugo wont find takers in India!

    Its frustrating.. I was hoping to finally catch a Martin Scorsese picture on the big screen.. But it wasnt to be


  6. taran adarsh ‏ @taran_adarsh

    #Kahaani collected Rs 8.5 cr nett in Week 3, taking the 3-week total to Rs 51.55 cr nett. Super Hit.

    #AgentVinod breakup for Week 1: Weekend 29 cr, Mon 3.5 cr, Tue 2.5 cr, Wed 2 cr, Thu 1.65 cr. Will find it difficult to sustain in Week 2.


  7. rockstar Says:

    kahaani has trended extremely well with competition just like what pst did on a smaller scale( when it faced kahaani)….


  8. Kahaani might’ve hogged more screen space in agent vinod’s week w.. wont be surprised if its week 4 is similar to week 3


  9. Blood Money Better Outside Metros Agent Vinod Falls Heavily In Week Two

    Saturday 31st March 2012 09.00 IST

    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Blood Money on average had a 20-25% opening on its first day. Collections were better at single screens and centres outside the big metros. The film is low cost so will be safe as fara s recovery is concerned but remains to be seen where it can go theatrically.

    Bumboo opened very poorly at 0-5% and has no chance at the box office.

    Agent Vinod collected around 37 crore nett in week one, The weekend saw average results and collections crashed from Monday onwards and despite no major competition this week, collections were 85-90% on day 8 from its first day. FLOP

    Kahaani did very well in week three despite the release of Agent Vinod as it collected around 8.25 crore nett with a huge 4.25 crore nett contribution from Mumbai circuit. The film has grossed around 51 crore in three weeks. SUPER HIT


  10. Agent Vinod Has Huge Drop On 8th Day

    Saturday 31st March 2012 10.00 IST

    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Agent Vinod has seen a huge drop on its 8th day as it has collected around 1 crore nett compared to the 9.50 crore nett on its first day. The drop is nearly 90% and although first day was a holiday in some parts so collections where higher in places but even allowing for that it is still a huge drop.

    A circuit like Delhi/UP which was not a holiday on day one showed a near 85% drop going from 1.65 crore nett approx on day one to 25 lakhs nett approx on day eight.

    The film should close the second weekend with around 4.50 crore nett plus and and have lifetime business of around 45 crore nett.


  11. Alex adams Says:

    Checked out bits of ‘tree of life’ again in a ‘normal’ setting
    Had seen it earlier in an auteur screening with people taking notes etc
    A film I feel fortunate to have seen


  12. Alex adams Says:

    Jessica chastain deserved an award here
    Such a soothing motherly presence… Reminds me of my own….


  13. Alex adams Says:

    Can’t help gushing over this movie

    The film is far from accessible — and purposely so. Malick challenges the very notion of a plot, main characters, even time — with a 20-minute stretch of cosmic explosions and sea creatures evolving into dinosaurs. As Jon Stewart posed to Pitt on “The Daily Show,” “We can talk about ‘Moneyball’ and not ‘Tree of Life,’ because I don’t know what that was about. I’ve seen it now five times.”

    And yet, it’s one of the few transcendent moments I’ve had at the movies. I found myself tearing up at the powerful shots of life’s tiny moments — porch lights, firecrackers, baby steps. The film tapped into something primal for me, perhaps my own childhood nostalgia; perhaps the collective subconscious of all humanity. I wasn’t following a storyline; I was having an experience.

    Malick beautifully marries film language to theme, with his camera constantly tilting upward to remind us that we humans are but small pieces in a much larger picture. Such cinesthetic techniques envoke the grand scope of his tone, borrowing not only Kubrick’s shot of planetary alignment, but also his habit of forsaking narrative to grapple with life’s meaning.

    “The Tree of Life” is not a film you rent on a Friday night; it’s the type you leave behind after the apocalypse to describe the experience of the human race. No doubt many will hate it, like the two guys I saw coming out of the theater, saying, “That’s what you call ‘art for art’s sake.'” Their gripe got me thinking: the gap between the profound and the pretentious may be the thinnest of all red lines.

    “Nothing is so terrible as a pretentious movie,” Francis Ford Coppola once said. “A movie that aspires for something really terrific and doesn’t pull it off is … scum, and everyone will walk on it as such. … So here you are on the one hand, trying to aspire to really do something; on the other hand, you’re not allowed to be pretentious.

    “Why don’t you say [screw] it, I don’t care if I’m pretentious or not pretentious … all I know is that I’m gonna see this movie, and that for me it has to have some kind of answers … answers on about 47 different levels. It’s very hard to talk about these things without sounding corny. [If] you use a word like ‘self-purgation’ or ‘epiphany,’ they think you’re either some kind of religious weirdo or [jerk] college professor, but those are the words for the process, this transmutation, this renaissance, this rebirth, which is the basis of all life.”

    Coppola walked the “thin line” better than anyone in “The Godfather” movies, creating riveting pop culture entertainment on the surface with layers of complex meaning underneath. This is what makes directors like Hitchcock, Hawks, Wilder, Ford, Kurosawa and Scorsese so fascinating.

    Malick couldn’t care less about toeing that line. He skips appeasing the accessible and dives straight into the profound. When you do this, you better nail it, and I’m not so sure “The Tree of Life” hits what it’s going for. Still, I admire its ambition, its vision and unrivaled lyrical beauty. With more viewings, I may just call it a masterpiece. For now, I’ll take solace in knowing that, if nothing else, the casting of Pitt and Penn will introduce more mainstream viewers to one of the key figures in maverick filmmaking.


  14. alex u really write well man.i haven’t seen the film but ur writing is enough to create interest in sumone. ur lines abt what separates a self-indulgent film from a truly great r amazing


  15. Alex adams Says:

    Minor–I’m surprised u haven’t watched ‘tree of life’
    Infact somewhat disappointed really
    A person as much into films as u should not be missing this one
    And def not at the expense of Khemus films 🙂
    Hahaha joking
    Satyam and girlfriend have also written theses on it somewhere
    Perhaps those links may serve as an ‘introduction’ to this masterpiece
    But then I feel perhaps the correct time for u to experience it maybe after a few years or so later maybe 5 years or so…
    Right now–seeing ‘the reader’should occupy your time 🙂


  16. tree of life was never in my list.well,i do not watch that much of hwood.for every 5 hindi films i may watch a hwood one.(u can ask me abt hindi movies and i must have seen most of them- from art fims to b grade-bachchan being my forte) also pitt’s work does not interest me much(not that he hasn’t done good work).u will laugh at me but my fav pitt’s performances,apart from the obvious troy,r ‘seven’, snatch and ’12 monkeys(haven’t seen benjamin button though).have seen most of damon’s films though


  17. Alex adams Says:

    ‘tree of life’ is not just any other Hollywood film
    But perhaps this is not the time to watch it, maybe half a decade later to appreciate it
    As of now-
    Rosie huntington whiteleys ‘transformer’ act
    Heard Amy is also busy with something similar… Jokin

    And timberlake -Mila kunis’ onstage groping should occupy your mind (& body)
    ‘gender equality ‘
    Gud nite m8 🙂


  18. ‘heard that ami is also busy with something similar’.alex, i am sure she will be, once she is done with ‘her’ imran(LOL…just kidding girl)


  19. AamirsFan Says:

    Weekend Report: ‘Wrath,’ ‘Mirror’ No Match for ‘Hunger Games’
    by Ray Subers

    April 1, 2012

    Box office phenomenon The Hunger Games was once again the undisputed champ this weekend, as it had little difficulty fending off unimpressive fantasy flicks Wrath of the Titans and Mirror Mirror. With that strong holdover performance, and two newcomers combining for over $50 million, the Top 12 earned an estimated $145 million (a 27 percent improvement over the same period last year).

    The Hunger Games fell 60 percent to an estimated $61.1 million this weekend. That ranks as the seventh-highest second weekend ever, though it fell behind Avatar, Spider-Man and Alice in Wonderland among non-sequels. Still, that drop was lighter than the decline for any of the Twilight movies that opened on a Friday including the first one, which lost 62 percent in its second weekend.

    The sci-fi book adaptation is expected to pass $250 million on Sunday, which makes it the fifth-fastest movie to ever reach that milestone (first among non-sequels). Through just 10 days in theaters, The Hunger Games has earned $251 million, and it could be on track for a final tally around $350 million.

    Wrath of the Titans debuted in second place with an estimated $34.2 million. That’s a little over half as much as Clash of the Titans made on its opening weekend two years ago ($61.2 million), though there was fair reason to expect such a steep drop-off. Clash may have earned a ton of money, but two years later it’s widely considered a misfire of epic proportions (it has a terrible 5.8 rating on IMDb, where users are fairly lenient on fantasy fare). The sequel’s marketing essentially promised more of the same, with the main differences being the length of star Sam Worthington’s hair and the substitution of a random fire monster in place of the more recognizable Kraken. Not surprisingly, that wasn’t enough to get moviegoers to forget about Clash and to get excited about another trip to Ancient Greece.

    Distributor Warner Bros. Pictures is reporting that the audience was 66 percent male and 55 percent over the age of 25, and they awarded the movie a decent “B+” CinemaScore. 3D presentations accounted for 65 percent of the gross; included within that figure is $4.7 million from IMAX (or 14 percent of the weekend tally).

    2012’s first Snow White movie Mirror Mirror opened to an estimated $19 million from 3,603 theaters. That’s generally in the same league as Bridge to Terabithia ($22.6 million) and The Spiderwick Chronicles ($19 million), though it’s only half of Hop’s $37.5 million debut on the same pre-Easter weekend last year. The movie did at least crush past similarly-timed family movies Nim’s Island ($13.2 million) and The Last Mimzy ($10 million), though that’s not exactly a resounding endorsement.

    Mirror Mirror’s slight underperformance can be attributed at least in part to a challenging release date. While the movie is geared toward 6-12 year-old girls and their parents, that’s not a huge market segment. To really break out, it needed to reach a broader segment of women (teenagers and 20-somethings), and those moviegoers are still buying up tickets en masse for The Hunger Games. The movie could at least be in for a solid multiple, though, considering nearly all children are getting some time off this week for the Easter holiday and there’s nothing targeting the same group until at least Chimpanzee on April 20 (The Three Stooges is also rated PG, but it’s hard to imagine young girls getting worked up over it).

    Relativity reports that 60 percent of the audience was families with children 12-and-under, and 74 percent of those children were girls. Ethnically, the audience break-down was 52 percent Caucasian and 20 percent Hispanic, and they gave the movie a “B+” CinemaScore.

    21 Jump Street dipped just 27 percent to an estimated $15 million this weekend. So far, the TV adaptation has earned an impressive $93.1 million, and it’s on its way to crossing $100 million sometime next weekend.

    Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax rounded out the Top Five with an estimated $8 million. Remarkably, it only fell 39 percent from last weekend despite facing direct competition from Mirror Mirror. So far, the Illumination Entertainment production has grossed $189.6 million, and it will likely pass $200 million by the end of Easter weekend.

    John Carter plummeted 61 percent to just over $2 million, and has now made a paltry $66.2 million at the domestic box office. Unfortunately, international has slowed down substantially as well, and the mega-budget sci-fi epic will likely wind up grossing less than $300 million worldwide.

    After three weeks in very limited release, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen expanded to 483 locations and took seventh place with an estimated $1.27 million. The movie has now made $3.17 million, and distributor CBS Films does have plans to roll it out to more markets in coming weeks.

    Controversial documentary Bully opened to an estimated $115,000 from five theaters for a solid $23,000 per-theater average. That’s a fine figure, but it’s going to take a lot more than that for the movie’s box office grosses to live up to the ridiculous amount of coverage it’s received over the past month.

    saw the hunger games…was too cliched for me. i guess i wasn’t the demo the movie had in mind….lol. nonetheless the BO numbers are damn impressive for the movie. somehow i am happy for this film to be successful than the twilight crap series.


  20. Agent Vinod Collects 40.50 Crore In Ten Days

    Monday 2nd April 2012 11.00 IST

    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Agent Vinod has collected around 40.50-40.75 crore nett in ten days as collections fell around 85% plus in week two. The second weekend grossed around 4.50-4.75 crore nett compared to the 27 crore nett in the first weekend.

    The film was best in Delhi/UP and East Punjab in the second weekend as they contributed around 1.50 crore nett combined in the second weekend compared to the 7.75 crore nett in the first weekend.

    Agent Vinod may just hit the 45 crore nett mark if it can get some decent screen time when Housefull 2 releases this week.


  21. Satyam …..

    Where is the IPL Thread 🙂 ???

    *************breaking news *****************
    And Sachin Quits captaincy of MI’s …


  22. Twitter conversation between RGV and Masand:

    Ram Gopal Varma ‏ @RGVzoomin
    Js wtchd Nishabd aftr vry long time nd the pleasure of wtchng Amitjis prfrmnce in it is almost a notch above sexual pleasure Aaaahhhhhh!

    Rajeev Masand ‏ @RajeevMasand
    @RGVzoomin I agree. I thought the film, and Mr B in it, were both v engaging. Altho your camera angles caressing the actress’ curves..phew!

    Ram Gopal Varma ‏ @RGVzoomin
    @RajeevMasand ahhhh Rajeev atleast u liked 2 out of three..phew!

    Rajeev Masand ‏ @RajeevMasand
    @RGVzoomin Ha ha ha…

    Actually I found Nishbad to be better than expected (knowing RGV) with a very nuanced performance from Mr. B. It is an underrated movie IMO.


  23. BOI Started their anti rants against bachchan once again before new release … did you notice just before every bachchan(jr and sr both) release BOI came up with such negative contents ?

    Q. The Ishaqzaade promos are very good but is it wise that the makers are clashing with a big star cast film like Department?
    A. Its probably the other way around as Department should be avoiding Ishaqzaade as apart from maybe Mumbai and South, Ishaqzaade is likely to lead at the box office.


    • AamirsFan Says:

      i think this is just being a little too picky. if you actually look at the two movies(yashraj film) and the other a RGV movie…going by the recent history…department should avoid ishaqzaade. i think amitabh only has a brief appearance in department anyway.


      • Well .. that’s a different thing if one of movie may do well than other .. but point is BOI generally come up with negative content for every bachchan release, they never missed anytime.

        OK, why they didn’t come up with other clashes which are coming earlier ?? Tezz VS Faraari Ki Sawaari ? Why only Department VS Ishqzaade ?


        • AamirsFan Says:

          maybe noone posed the question to them?


        • You think these questions are real ?? These are made up queries .. no one asks.


        • AamirsFan Says:

          if it bothers you so much…then why go their site? obviously if they had a anti bachchan hasnt worked very well because the bachchan’s are still the most prestigious and amitabh is still the most sought after actor in the industry. so whatever their agenda is(which i dont believe it exists) its clearly not working.


        • AamirsFan Says:

          my apologies if my tone was disrespectful. i didnt mean to sound so rude. nothing personal against you.


        • jeevan, completely second ur opinions. those stupid boi people have sum problem for sum goddamn reason. they keep doing this all the time


        • AamirsFan Says:

          maybe im being ignorant but i just dont see the point of why BOI would want to bring the bachchans “down”. what is the point to that? EVERYONE and their mama’s know that Amitabh is the biggest superstar ever in hindi cinema(some might contend DK). as far as the son…well facts are facts..the dude hasn’t been successful(at the box office).

          if you want to call BOI anti bachchan, then there is IBOS which comes off as anti SRK..and unfortunately every BO report is biased one way or another. Whereas if you look at the hollywood reporting…its based on facts and doesnt have any agenda’s.

          so i dont think we should single out BOI, the whole BO reporting is rigged one way or another. thats why i don’t follow one specific site or person as far as the indian box office.


  24. last heard our own rohan sippy was doing a musical or sumthing. i have only enjoyed 2 musicals in recent times- chicago and moulin rouge. sweeny tood was also fairly engrossing. but yes, waiting for rock of ages, mainly due to its ‘rock’n’roll’ feel(and obviously tommy is there)


  25. First look: Christoph Waltz in Django Unchained( Torintino)

    Django Unchained is currently filming in and around New Orleans, Louisiana. It is the story of a former slave (Jamie Foxx) freed and assisted by a bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) who helps him track down and free his wife from the clutches of an evil slave plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio). Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, and Kerry Washington also star in the film.


  26. Dr shaurya Says:

    Has Agent Vinod Flopped…or a below avg performance…???


    • this is a hard question to answer. In one sense the trade is right in calling it a flop. It dropped very significantly after the weekend and the second weekend was a washout. It’s not going to make too much. However if one compared it’s initial weekend performance with it’s final gross (it did roughly 28 crores and will end up at 45 if one believes all the reports) this retention rate is better than or at least not worse than many films that start off at a much higher level but fade as fast. The game the trade usually plays in these latter instances is to just focus on the absolute number and not look at anything else. Now the cost argument is a different one. AV is a very expensive film and will have some serious losses whereas most 100 crore grossers even when they fade dramatically don’t have such serious losses (this is not true in all cases.. Ra One for example was an extremely expensive film). But if one just uses the ‘base’ of the audience that did show up AV hasn’t trended worse than a number of 100 crore grossers. The latter were able to attract a much larger share of the audience but that’s a different debate. A film might get bigger numbers for any number of reasons. But once people showed up in each case they did not like one film more than the other. However all of this could be completely missed in the media-trade narratives that keep celebrating these 100 crores films irrespective of how dramatically they fall. A film that makes Rs 100 on day 1 will not make 10 on day 2 no matter how much it’s disliked. Meanwhile a film that makes 40 on day 1 and 20 day 2 can seem much worse than is the case. I’d also say for AV that the opening day number was quite good all things considered. It was higher than ZNMD for example. And it wasn’t like Players where opening numbers in the same sense were much lower than this even accounting for all the factors. So yes neutrally AV is a flop but I’m not quite comfortable saying that so plainly when I know the games that are played with other films. So for any such ‘factual’ answer to have meaning the rest of the films must be judged fairly too. Of course Saif is still not getting a bad deal as though it’s being called a flop no one’s really jumping on the film either.


      • @satyam- did u finally get to see AV? or r u no more interested in it after seeing the way it has bombed…(lol)


        • Saw parts of it at a friend’s place. The transfer wasn’t good but from what I could gather it seemed like a somewhat flat film. Not bad, just flat. Again haven’t seen the whole thing but from what little I did it seemed dramatically inferior to both EHT and Johnny Gadaar. A work in progress almost rather than a completed product.


        • yes, it’s not upto the high standards of raghavan’s previous two works. but i still found the film very interesting and not half as bad as what critics r claiming it to be. also satyam, have u seen dhulia’s shagird, an enjoyable little thriller which ended up being too smart for its own good?


  27. alex adams Says:

    welcome back to earth-where were u- doctor
    Perhaps the other doctor “minor” can update u


    • Abhishek on that list for DMD is pretty amusing specially since the media actually praised him quite a bit for this one. Interesting he hasn’t won one of these awards yet. Raavan after all the hysteria would have been an easy call but I think they gave it to Hrithik for Kites. But some of the other nominations are silly too. No way Saif deserves to be on that list for Aarakshan. And Imran does in MBKD what he does in every other film. Again there’s nothing out of the ordinary with Shahid in Mausam. Nonetheless Abhishek’s is actually the worst selection.


    • AamirsFan Says:

      my best for last year was amitabh in arakshan, ranbir in RS, akki in PH, and abhisek in DMD.

      my worse was sallu in bodyguard, amitabh in BHTB, and imran in MBKD. i gotta say amitabh in a bad movie cannot lift a movie to being great anymore. he needs a good script and character for me to able to watch him. whereas in the 70s, 80s, and some of the 90’s id watch any of his movies even if the movies sucked.


      • Actually in case of BHTB, i would say it was just Amitabh performance which enable movie watchable.

        Ok, i understand what you wanna say .. may be you are mixing looks with performance. One thing which even Amitabh fans admit is that he looks much weak and old now, and in just one word, he looks bad now (Compare to the sheer magical looks of 70’s and 80’s).

        But .. its his performance only which sometime forget us to think that how bad and old he is looking now. BHTB didn’t click at BO for one major reason, even in posters he was looking too much old. But once you finish movie, only worthwhile thing you find is his energetic performance. This is only reason i admire him more now than in his hey days. Despite so many physical problems, he is still able to cherish audience based on just one asset .. Performance. Else, rest all is not right with him.


  28. this stupid list itself should be black-listed. abhishek was flat out terrific in a veery entertaining film which was my fav film of last yr


  29. First Quarter results: Thodi khushi, zyada gham!
    By Taran Adarsh, April 4, 2012 – 08:27 IST

    The first quarter of 2012 has ended [so fast!] and the outcome is thodi khushi, zyada gham. A few successes… a string of disappointments. AGNEEPATH, of course, dominated the first quarter, but the biggest surprise was — you guessed it right — KAHAANI. Like Vidya’s previous release, THE DIRTY PICTURE, this film too has been a game changer. The India theatrical business is an eye-opener, but what caught everyone by surprise was its dream run in the international arena.

    The setbacks made the industry poorer by several crores, making a deep hole in the pockets of the investors, but what I like about our industry is the never-say-die attitude. Every time a biggie flops, the makers, the studio and also the actors associated with the film pick themselves up and start walking all over again. I only hope that we learn from our mistakes [read wrong economics and sketchy scripts], so that we don’t repeat them in the future.

    Will HOUSEFULL 2 make it to the 100 cr Club? That’s one question people have been asking me on Twitter. By the looks of it, yes, HOUSEFULL 2 should embark on a mind-boggling start at the ticket window, but whether or not it will make it to the coveted Club will depend on how the audience reacts to the film. The word of mouth plays a crucial role these days and if the film enjoys terrific reports, I am sure, crossing the 100 cr mark wouldn’t be an issue.

    The hype is tremendous, the cast is gigantic, the scale is bigger… let’s hope HOUSEFULL 2 gets the housefull boards out during the weekend as well as on weekdays.

    The Bhatts are having the last laugh! BLOOD MONEY, a low cost film, has consolidated its status at the box-office. The film has cost 9.25 cr [inclusive of P&A], out of which a good chunk has been recovered from the sale of Satellite and Music rights. The India theatrical business is impressive, given the star cast of the film [it should touch Rs 9 cr in Week 1] and that should help the film reach the profit zone. At a time when films made in fancy budgets are sinking faster than Titanic, the success of films that don’t have extravagant budgets attached to them truly comes as a breather and need to be acknowledged!


  30. Housefull 2 Set For A Grand Start

    Tuesday 3rd April 2012 10.00 IST

    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Housefull 2 is likely to get the second quarter and the summer season off too a grand start with huge first day numbers.

    Like Agneepath the other big opener of the year, Housefull 2 has also has not had huge promotion like the biggies of last year but the promos and hit music have emerged as a big plus for the film. The promos and music have ensured a big single screen audience which 95% of the films releases fail to do.

    Another huge plus is that Friday is a holiday so even if the promotion is not really heavy it makes little difference as there is a much larger audience awaiting a film on a holiday.

    The top opening days are by Agneepath (21.75 Crore) and Bodyguard (20.75 crore) on Republic Day holiday and Eid holiday respectively but Housefull 2 may not touch those numbers as Good Friday is not as big period as Republic Day, Diwali, Eid etc though it should beat all other opening day numbers.

    Actually it will be Housefull 2 that will determine how big of a holiday Good Friday is as a major film has not been released on this day since holidays started making a big difference in collections.


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