Image from Great Gastby (Bachchan featured!)

thanks to Ideaunique & Kassam..

click on image to enlarge

29 Responses to “Image from Great Gastby (Bachchan featured!)”

  1. They have succeeded in making Bachchan look Jewish!


  2. I don’t see a yarmulke only a ten gallon


  3. bachchan1 to 10 Says:

    Two of my favs sitting together in a movie, from Hollywood and Indian Film Industry. Leo and Bachchan. What a sight. Can’t wait to see this in 3D. Bachchan in 3D? just can’t wait for this.


  4. Revealed: New look of Amitabh Bachchan in The Great Gatsby
    Bryan Durham, TNN | May 22, 2012, 12.00AM IST

    The trailer for Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation of F Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby will be released online later today.

    The film has generated much buzz in India as it features Amitabh Bachchan in a ‘friendly appearance’ alongside stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan and Tobey Maguire. TOI brings you an exclusive first look at Big B’s character, Meyer Wolfsheim ahead of the release of the first trailer, which lasts 2 minutes 22 seconds.

    This is Bachchan’s maiden Hollywood outing and what we know is this: while he makes a ‘friendly’ appearance in the film, he is prominently visible throughout this early trailer. Bachchan had earlier, on his blog, played down his participation in the film, citing it a “mere one scene appearance as a friendly gesture.” As Big B narrates it, the Australian director during a private visit to India in 2010 had dropped by his office to meet him. Then in August 2011, “called and wondered if I would do this small role in his film and I agreed. It is a gesture.” Interestingly, Big B has refused “any remuneration on this” role. “As to why Baz chose to ask me, is something that perhaps he would be better placed to answer,” Bachchan Sr further wrote.

    In the book, while at lunch in one scene, Jay Gatsby (DiCaprio) introduces the young Nick Carraway (Maguire) to Meyer Wolfsheim (Bachchan), a disreputable character who proudly calls their attention to his cufflinks, made from human molars. Wolfsheim, an infamous gambler, claims responsibility for fixing the 1919 baseball World Series.

    Luhrmann’s film, with a reported budget of $126m, is currently being shot in Sydney. Earlier reports suggest that Luhrmann is considering shooting sections in 3D.


  5. Alex adams Says:

    Somewhat ‘strange’ here… Not able to pinpoint.
    Can’t digest bachchan somewhat in this pic n get up ..
    The ‘akayla-agneepath” doesn’t go away from the mind
    Know others may like it etc but Basically can’t take bachchan in a ‘peripheral’ capacity in any setup


  6. ideaunique Says:

    for western audience – Leo and Tobby in one film – must be a huge thing i guess – Big B mentions about TGG on his blog –


    • ideaunique Says:

      “And me … this 70 yearer, who finds himself outaged by 40 years from the average of 30 on set, loves this change and hopes that I continue to imbibe it with all the opportunity that some of the makers still give me, with respect.

      Their generosity towards me, their respect, fills me with emotion and gratitude. I am like that beacon of grey wisdom for them on set. I would really hope that they consider and treat me like one of them, of their age and feel and not consider me with any reverence, simply because I am still not deserving of it …

      Thank you dear Industry .. you have loved me with great integrity. I hope that I have conducted myself in a manner so deserving ..”

      In fact – here is an undying spirit devoted to cinema with whatever capacities he was / has been given from the almighty and I – as a layman audience – when I read this stuff from Big B (I am a frequent reader of his blog BTW) – I immediately want to forget and forgive some of the crap movies he has done in recent years – I had immense pleasure watching Aarakshan where you could at-least feel his potential being utilized somewhat.

      Desperately want to see Big B to work with benegal, mani, palekar and of-course some of the greats from HW.


  7. This is wonderful to see. Irrespective of the oddity of seeing Bachchan here, I think he looks great and it really is special for those of us who hold him and DiCaprio in esteem. If anything doesn’t fit in this picture it’s the nerd sandwiched between two bonafide icons.


  8. king khan Says:

    Bachchan is looking good here.Is he playing a full length role or a cameo in this film?


  9. bachchan looks great here. too bad his role is probably shorter than anil kapoor ‘s embarrassing role in MI:4


  10. tonymontana Says:

    Cant this be an extended friendly appearance? 😦


  11. tonymontana Says:

    Btw – isnt it surprising to know that the film’s release date will coincide with Django Unchained which also stars Leo?

    There must be a mistake..


  12. mini teaser


  13. Alex adams Says:

    Somehow not getting enthused by gatsby..
    Not a fan of either mulligan or Toby
    And have got tepid on Leo
    Infact have always preferred the cruises and Pitts to Leo in general-know most won’t agree
    It’s stupid to say but somehow liked him most in titanic and catch me.. Then hav sorta lost interest…

    Btw ‘antiviral’-though the premise sounds wierd


  14. Satyam Ji,
    Great to saw our SIR. Truly Awesome.
    Best Regards
    Rupam { xhobdo }


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