Meena Kumari on Filmfare (Aug 18, 1963)

33 Responses to “Meena Kumari on Filmfare (Aug 18, 1963)”

  1. Have never understood what was so great about her ‘beauty’
    Here she looks better but still can’t really see what’s the big deal..
    Obviously those like Oldgold will disagree…
    Ps: she looked really good (with a young dharmendra though @ nite) 🙂


    • never been a fan of hers myself..


    • Speaking about being a bit mystified about the greats of the past, I watched Mughal-e-Azm yesterday for the first time. I liked it, but…Having said this, I guess the onus is on me to educate myself about something that has stood the test of time and is considered one of the all time great hindi movie. No such problem in appreciating Madhubala’s beauty, she was ethereal….on a lighter and ‘blasphemous’ note, one question that ‘haunted’ me a lot was ‘did they do it?’ 🙂


      • Re : on a lighter and ‘blasphemous’ note, one question that ‘haunted’ me a lot was ‘did they do it?’

        Who 😛 ??

        Akbar and Anarkali or salim and Anarkali ???

        ps: some consider it as fiction though 😀


        • “Who ??

          Akbar and Anarkali or salim and Anarkali ???”
          Hahaa bliss-u r getting naughty lol
          Btw there’s a third possibility as well- a threesome (Akbar, salim, anarkali)
          The original cocktail 🙂


      • MeA is a great classic but not a great film the way Awara is a great film. In Hollywood terms it’s the difference between Gone with the Wind and Citizen Kane. wrote something on it once:

        The Mughal-e-Azam correction


  2. “on a lighter and ‘blasphemous’ note, one question that ‘haunted’ me a lot was ‘did they do it?’ ”
    Haha matrix- thats a pertinent question ..
    Only those like oldgold can answer that since she ‘lived’ thru that era — maybe she is busy with Eid -when is Eid though –not yet known ?


    • think she had one of those ‘classical’ faces, she actually looked gorgeous in early films like miss mary, azaad, baiju bawra etc. premature weight gain and alcohol did not agree with her, but she still looked good even in SBAG, DEM and DAAPP etc. I think there was something magnetic about her face, an ability to communicate with her eyes and a warmth. like her better than madhubala actually. but i don’t find anything engaging about text-book good looks in general, find aishwarya boring. it is a pity she got typecast much like dilip kr, considering they were both so good at romance and physical comedy.


      • “like her better than madhubala actually. but i don’t find anything engaging about text-book good looks in general, find aishwarya boring. ”
        Antya: dont agree with her bein better than madhubala (forget ash!)
        Only a ‘non male’ can say that, I guess 🙂


        • of course, the way i look at a female is different than a man would. i was talking about finding someone’s face interesting on screen. smita patil’s face and stormy eyes can spellbind like hema malini’s can’t. kajol’s or chitrangda’s face is way more exciting to me than aishwarya’s, though in different ways. but i tend to think similarly with men. find nothing exciting about good-looking brad pitt though like him enough. daniel craig is not ‘beautiful’ but he is still ‘sex-on-legs’. otoh, david beckham is probably the most beautiful man ever, but boring as hell.
          btw, it baffles me that even a man could be excited about women as bland and ‘porcelain doll’ as katrina and aishwarya. they are both very pretty but have the sex-appeal of a dish rag. it’s not hard for women to see the sensuousness of a female, though we don’t respond to it like men do.


        • Hmm interesting thoughts there antya..
          Now I see your point ..
          Btw were u coming up current favorites -Hollywood & Bollywood..


        • too lazy to put down a list, i am pretty bad with that. no favorites – people or genres, i am all over the place. just off the top of my head then. within the bw framework, find raj kapoor, bimal roy, guru dutt, vijay anand, desai, chopra, hussain, mukherjee, hirani entertaining while maintaining some quality. some non mainstream work in the 70’s and 80’s and recently has been interesting enough but sporadically, not consistently. ray was of course class of his own, unfortunatley haven’t seen many other non-hindi indian films although i am pretty used to watching subtitled films, should get around to correcting that.
          in hw, hitchcock, altman, polanski, lean, coppola, coen brothers, tarantino, scorsese, eastwood, lee, nolan. i have been watching a lot of non-hw for some time now, started due to kurosawa. watched some fassbinder, keislowski, lang, wong, park, majidi, bahrani. time crunch is an issue, would like to watch many more, been gathering a list of reccos from everywhere including here.


        • A v good list antya–u r a true movie buff 🙂
          “time crunch is an issue”– u sound a v busy person—what dya do…


        • a time and cash strapped resident doctor in a city hospital. the bottom of the barrel 🙂


        • @ antya
          “a time and cash strapped resident doctor in a city hospital. the bottom of the barrel”
          Wow I’m impressed!
          Uve got lovely taste and knowledge for a doc…
          This blog surely attracts some really brainy people 😉
          Will be great to ‘learn’ from u
          Ps: what dya specialise in– is the ‘bottom of the barrel hospital’ in subsaharan africa 😉


        • not sub-saharan africa, but pretty close – NYC. don’t know what to make of ‘for a doc’, other health field people on the blog can analyze that. I am training in Psychiatry. you already sound very ‘learned’, so we should leave it at that.


        • By ‘for a doc’ meant in highly complimentary terms
          Have a few friends and know how busy they are/ can be…and how much they have to read…
          In addition, having such a list is brrrrilliant…
          Ps: psychiatry – wow– love to learn ‘psychoanalysis’ from u –i try to have an amateur take on it haha


  3. Happy EID to everyone!


  4. HAPPY EID TO ALL 😀 😀 😀


    • On Eid : Munshi Premchand


      रमजान के पूरे तीस रोजों के बाद ईद आयी है। कितना मनोहर, कितना सुहावना प्रभाव है। वृक्षों पर अजीब हरियाली है, खेतों में कुछ अजीब रौनक है, आसमान पर कुछ अजीब लालिमा है। आज का सूर्य देखो, कितना प्यारा, कितना शीतल है, यानी संसार को ईद की बधाई दे रहा है। गॉंव में कितनी हलचल है। ईदगाह जाने की तैयारियॉँ हो रही हैं। किसी के कुरते में बटन नहीं है, पड़ोस के घर में सुई-धागा लेने दौड़ा जा रहा है। किसी के जूते कड़े हो गए हैं, उनमें तेल डालने के लिए तेली के घर पर भागा जाता है। जल्दी-जल्दी बैलों को सानी-पानी दे दें। ईदगाह से लौटते-लौटते दोपहर हो जाएगी। तीन कोस का पेदल रास्ता, फिर सैकड़ों आदमियों से मिलना-भेंटना, दोपहर के पहले लोटना असम्भव है। लड़के सबसे ज्यादा प्रसन्न हैं। किसी ने एक रोजा रखा है, वह भी दोपहर तक, किसी ने वह भी नहीं, लेकिन ईदगाह जाने की खुशी उनके हिस्से की चीज है। रोजे बड़े-बूढ़ो के लिए होंगे। इनके लिए तो ईद है। रोज ईद का नाम रटते थे, आज वह आ गई। अब जल्दी पड़ी है कि लोग ईदगाह क्यों नहीं चलते। इन्हें गृहस्थी चिंताओं से क्या प्रयोजन! सेवैयों के लिए दूध ओर शक्कर घर में है या नहीं, इनकी बला से, ये तो सेवेयां खाऍंगे। वह क्या जानें कि अब्बाजान क्यों बदहवास चौधरी कायमअली के घर दौड़े जा रहे हैं। उन्हें क्या खबर कि चौधरी ऑंखें बदल लें, तो यह सारी ईद मुहर्रम हो जाए। उनकी अपनी जेबों में तो कुबेर काधन भरा हुआ है। बार-बार जेब से अपना खजाना निकालकर गिनते हैं और खुश होकर फिर रख लेते हैं। महमूद गिनता है, एक-दो, दस,-बारह, उसके पास बारह पैसे हैं। मोहनसिन के पास एक, दो, तीन, आठ, नौ, पंद्रह पैसे हैं। इन्हीं अनगिनती पैसों में अनगिनती चीजें लाऍंगें— खिलौने, मिठाइयां, बिगुल, गेंद और जाने क्या-क्या।


      • ah! one of my favorite writers and stories! didn’t know about this site. so excited! thanks!


        • Alongwith Chandradhar Sharma Guleri’s “Usne Kaha Tha” (my personal favourite) and Sudarshan’s “Haar Ki Jeet”, Eidgaah is arguably considered one of the 3 greatest Hindi short-stories of all times. Though I prefer Premchand’s “Kafan”


        • ‘Kafan’ is fantastic too. probably preferred less on account of being ‘darker’. he wrote some pretty dark stuff, and he did it so well.


        • hey, didn’t realise ur a psychiatry trainee – me too 🙂


        • 🙂


        • Antya, great to know that u are a psychiatrist. I am also doing MBBS in India (we have had some psychiatry classes- though don’t medical profession is cash-strapped in India 🙂 ). And really like ur choices abt films and actors


  5. Great cover Satyam – thanks.

    Haha, every time u post about her u always clarify that ur not a fan – i’m think that ur just trying to hard to convince us (and yourself) about this 😉

    I saw u posted another cover of her too – I did see it but was on holiday in Central Asia (Tajikistan) at the time. Wicked place by the way in case ur ever in that part of the world.


  6. Ha there u go…salim
    Antya : I delved into your psychiatrist ‘lineage’ and now another psychiatrist pops out ..
    I seem to be running a ‘psychotherapeutic release hypnotic session’ 🙂


  7. Elegance personified.
    They all had their own beauty – Madhubala, Nutan, Waheeda, Mala Sinha etc


  8. The actual meaning intended-
    “Elegance personified.They all had their own beauty – Madhubala, Nutan, Waheeda, Mala Sinha etc”


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