Images from PK (updated)

thanks to Xhodbo..

thanks to Xhobdo..

thanks to Z…



thanks to Memyselfaamir..

thanks to Idea & Xhobdo..

thanks to Xhobdo…

208 Responses to “Images from PK (updated)”

  1. Get read for totally different movie….


  2. Looks like a genuine poster.. on the other hand the head seems added on to the body.. everywhere else people seem to think it’s the real thing. Will delete the post if it’s confirmed as fake.


  3. Confirmed Poster, its everywhere on the Facebook.


  4. Aamir’s Twitter handle also confirms it.


  5. thecooldude Says:

    so the rumors were true. A bold move on Aamir’s part but even bolder for a Raj Kumar Hirani movie.


    • The latter is a fair point. The first reaction of my friends after seeing this was “Has Hirani lost it”?. IMO since Aamir is an alien in the movie, the poster is par for the course.


      • thecooldude Says:

        Even if Aamir is an alien, they could have opted for a safer first look but it seems Hirani wants to change his image a bit.


  6. thecooldude Says:

    This poster will get people talking…as if the movie needed any more awareness.


  7. Aamir is in another stratosphere…the excitement around an Aamir film is something else entirely.

    Haider, Bombay Velvet and PK are the only films I am looking forward to this year.


  8. I think in an odd sense the poster (and the director) perhaps capture a certain earnestness which has sometimes been Aamir’s weakness, certainly in the 90s when he tried out the more flamboyant stuff at times (something he finally got over in Fanaa, a point I made at the time). Put differently the ‘alien’ element here, specially with that Spock-like look perhaps taps a certain Aamir strain, very much there from the beginning. At a more mundane level people have made fun of his ears over time. Well he now converts this ‘oddity’ into a strength with a Hirani film! Ha! Not the greatest poster on its own by any means but certainly one that for all these reasons and more easily leaves the greatest impression in the mind. Perhaps Kashyap will do something with the Bombay Velvet posters. Don’t think there’s otherwise competition on this score.

    Still find it a bit strange that the head seems to be tacked on to the body but maybe there’s something about this in the film.


    • That’s a thoughtful comment but this looks rather poorly put together. When it initially hit I thought it was fan-made. Just totally lacks polish.

      Needless to say though this is by far my most awaited Hindi movie of the year.


      • I don’t disagree on aesthetic grounds at all..


        • I don’t think the head is tacked to the body. That’s the veins you are seeing n the shoulders. Aamir being short I think this is how he will look nude in real life. And he does have a head which is disproportionate to the body and I don’t mean this in jest.


    • Interesting poster — and agree with GF, satyam’s is a thoughtful comment. But it would have worked better if the naked body here were flabbier (in the sense that the “work” on display makes this part of the Big Star Vanity Project, and not just of the movie)…


    • then he definitely beat everyone else to the punch * yes I’m back..well dont get too excited 🙂 *


  9. P.K Talli Says:

    Raju Hirani will talk about P.K and tell us why Aamir looks like in the poster


    • LOL….director being interviewed exclusively by producer’s wife. All in the family….even Anupama’s dhai rupey ka show will attract eyeballs now.


  10. The height of desperation & insecurity

    It’s been a foregone conclusion that PK should be the biggest blockbuster — with the launch pad of being the next film after three idiots, with the same team, longest possible time to prepare, hirani and his team working just on one film etc–that this will be the biggest hit and so on-that’s a no-brainer…

    But this shows that the pressure to deliver has proved too much even for poor hirani (who has certainly moved out of his comfort zone!).,’s disappointing to see hirani resorting to such cheapness.

    As for aamir, this is nothing new
    The guy who needed the twin padding of rani-Kareena in talaash and who forced katrina to give upskirt promotional interviews before the sureshot blockbuster d3…

    But it’s this ‘insecurity’ is Aamirs strength and what saves him…there’s nothing wrong technically actually.

    One does ask a question though..
    Were such extreme measures needed?

    It’s ok to have this as a scene but using it as a ‘first look’ to elicit maximum clicks/hits as ‘shock value’–lays threadbare the real intent and the question—-was it really needed?

    After paying this ULTIMATE PRICE aamir has done his ‘best’.
    then this has certainly raised the bar to 450 cr(wh)ores.

    But more importantly,

    This has STRIPPED Aamirs innocent fans who like their icon stand fully exposed….


    • Quote “The height of desperation & insecurity’s disappointing to see hirani resorting to such cheapness”.

      Looks like Hirani has abanded his signature style and has decided to emulate someone else, someone that we all know.


  11. All I can say is that its good that Aamir and Hirani went for the old fashioned Tape and didn’t go for the latest iPod model! 🙂


    • One more good thing is that Aamir and Hirani didn’t go Zoya Akhta’s route and launched the first look back facing and then showed the front facing in next poster! 🙂


  12. Well the first look poster has served it purpose. People are talking about the movie. It has got everyone’s attention.


  13. tonymontana Says:

    Dont think it is fake. What appears fake is the letters in the title. They should probably have been designed better, given the scale of expectations and all.

    All said and done, this is the film everyone should be talking about in the next few days.


  14. Looks interesting and unexpected. Delhi Belly showed that aamir is not averse to experiments.


  15. After watching this song, i wish never ever whatsoever no movie dialogue should ever be popular. My ears are bleeding.


  16. Aamir looks very good in the below pic!


  17. Did not like the poster, but will watch the movie.


  18. Tweets
    Tweets and replies

    Aamir Khan @aamir_khan · 28m

    Wait till next clue at 12pm today… hear him speak and then guess… 😜

    Replied to 0 times

    Aamir Khan @aamir_khan · 29m

    Alien! Adi Manav! Drunkard! Just someone who has lost his clothes! Ha ha ha!!! Interesting guesses!!!


    • Must be someone who was in the jungles since birth, raised by some apes and then he must have suddenly strayed into human habitats. Junglebook?


  19. Excellent first look, excitement builds up .. it generates huge curiosity about story .. Hirani all set to deliver 4th classic blockbuster in a row.


  20. PK Official Motion Poster I Releasing December 19, 2014 [added to post]

    thanks 🙂


  21. Raju Hirani was supposed speak at 12 noon – can someone post the vide?


  22. P.K Talli Says:

    very good interview of Raju Hirani says we have made an unusual film eventhough he didnt reveal anything about the film


  23. The only thing which can bring this movie down is expectations. We saw that with Dhoom-3 and the initial backlash…..

    But I am thankful to Aamir to shift focus and trying to bring some respectability to these manufactured blockbusters we are being fed regularly….look at the next few upcoming movies Entertainment and Singham 2………


  24. There is a bit of a shock value here which they could have avoided. Hirani’s previous films were rather subdue in promotion. Seems like here they want to create a lot of awareness, bit gimmicky.


  25. This looks awesome. I liked the Raju Hirani interview, if this movie is very unusual then Aamir is the one who can pull it off. Aamir in this type of “unusual” movie (Lagaan/TZP/RDB) is like Hrithik Roshan in D2/BB- second to no one whether it’s in terms of the BO, Impact, final product etc


  26. Whatever be the debate on this Aamir Khan’ birthday avatar, one thing is for sure, OldGold will be thrilled with this Aamir look..


    • That means we will have 500 cr comments from OG now and aamir’s transistor will the point of discussion for next 5 months 😉


  27. There is something much more eye catching than aamir khan.


  28. PK’s concept from whatever looks like very similar to the 1995 film Epsilon (aka Alien Visitor).

    “Eplison: The film tells the story of a young female (Birve) that was sent from the planet Epsilon to judge how humans have managed the planet. She crash lands naked in a desert, but is found by a surveyor (Brisbane) who gives her some clothes. She informs the surveyor that other alien races consider humans to be failures that suffer from carelessness and greed. She has the ability to transport herself and the surveyor instantly to any location, and she uses this to demonstrate her point. Eventually the two fall in love.”

    From the leaked pics and information, it appears that Aamir’s character PK lands naked from another planet to earth. He meets Anushka and he’s wearing skirt (possibly her lent clothes) with the Tape and lot more weird and unfit clothes. There are articles about this movie is about god men and comparisons to Akhay’s OMG. Unlike Eplison, which deals about human’s carelessness and greed, as per news so far, PK is a satire, which deals with gods and god men.

    This is my reading of the film so far. Lets see ahead.


    • Here is the trailer and in this you can see they are holding onto some cables while doing time transit. Its quite similar to the round wires on the PK’s logo on the first look.

      This movie is on the Netflix as well, will watch it sometime.


  29. Have to admit that the poster is in bad taste. Its not only vulgar but lacks imagination..and seems copied.
    This shows that makers of pk are becoming desperate. Unexpected.


  30. Have to agree with ‘naveen’ here as well as on they ‘abhishrek action film” thread
    Hey those like HR are trembling seeing abhis action avataar…

    As for PK–
    It surely is a disappointing day when the ‘premier actor’ aka thinking actor and the premier director team up with someone like VVCs production house & stoop to this level!
    What impact will this have on innocent young gals & minors …

    Even SRK has found this obscene apparently …

    This makes me think

    What an irony–

    To get a good ‘opening’
    Sunny leone is putting her clothes on
    & Aamir is taking them off…


  31. this is getting worse: They put the naked standee at one theater and it had to be removes…….have these guys (aamir/raju/VVC) gone nuts????

    Without any publicity – PK will race away to 300 cr then what is the need of this???


    • That’s like putting the cart before the horse.
      But I have no problems with the nudity because it doesn’t seem to be like Amir’s body. His head looks like a part of another ugggghhhh!! body. LOL


      • The job is done. The curiosity level is raised.


        • Bandra.NRI Says:

          People say all publicity is good publicity.

          But then there is something that needs to be said about “Brand and Branding” too. I don’t think this suits the Raju Hirani brand. I also don’t think this suits Aamir brand.

          PK poster should have exposed the mind of Aamir not his photoshopped body.

          PK poster should have screamed Raju Hirani, not Ram Gopal Verma.

          But poster might attract a new audience, but not Hirani/Aamir’s usual audience. No wonder they are getting flak. I do not like this poster.


        • What absolute drivel from Bandra! Do you even read the idiocies you write?
          SRK and Aamir are in different universes let alone stratospheres and Aamir has never tried to be like SRK.


        • Rajen

          This is a democracy. Anyone can say anything (and then run away).


        • What this poster has done is placed PK predisposed to negativity. The audience will make a mountain of a molehill, every little flaw will be mocked. At a sub-conscience level people will walk into the theatre looking for things to pan.

          This is a counter productive poster.


        • Every aamir film faces this negativity. This negativity made Dhoom 3 also suffer and Talaash to some extent. Everyone knows who those negative fans are. This is nothing new.


        • I personally don’t think this is an issue at all. I doubt there’s one person in India who doesn’t show up for this movie because of the poster. Leaving aside the rest of the advertising that will follow and put things into perspective I just don’t think there’s a single person who will do this. Some films are beyond such negativity as a pure box office matter and a Hirani-Aamir combo post-3I certainly falls in that category.


        • “Every aamir film faces this negativity”

          Can’t be more than the negativity SRK film suffers. Just go thru the archives.


        • that’s a slippery argument. I could say that Akshay Kumar’s movies face the greatest negativity because people make fun of most of them or consider them so non-serious that they don’t even bother to talk about them very much. This would be true but then it’s a question of what ‘kind’ of work the actor is actually putting out. If SRK had Aamir’s filmography over the last 10-15 years no one would be negative towards him. The box office is one thing, here if people like a film it works, otherwise it doesn’t (depending on how much or how less anything is liked or hated or whatever). But to the extent one wishes to gauge a certain ‘attitude’ towards the film reflected online or in the media (ultimately this amounts to the same class or demographics) one also has to consider what this class or demographic values (rightly or wrongly). SRK often falls on the wrong side of this argument. People will show up for OSO (i.e. again this class) because they think it’s a big film or a fun ride or whatever, not because they think highly of the film in any other sense. This is very different from the response to an RDB where people think highly of it and show up as well. The biggest thing people miss in this sense is the fact that the box office does not always have an obvious message. It’s always clear whether a film has worked or not or is something in between and whatever the level of success or failure is (leaving aside corrupt or biased Indian commentators) but what is often less clear is ‘why’ this happened or ‘why’ the audience was more interested in one film and no another. People like/dislike things for many different reasons. And so to get back to the argument most of the stuff SRK does cannot be taken seriously. the SRK fans themselves don’t which is why they only talk about the box office in most cases. When you do HNY that’s all that matters and that’s fine. The same goes for Dhoom. But when you do TZP or whatever certain other factors come into play. But SRK rarely puts himself in such a position. And it’s not about SRK/Aamir or this opposition. It’s about other actors too at whatever level. There is a prestige deal and there is a pure box office one and sometimes the two coincide. But if one doesn’t account for these factors the discussion over who gets more negativity or not becomes pointless.

          Now as a corollary I should add here that quite often fans are most confused (i.e. when it comes to their stars). They want their stars to do all sorts of things and these ‘goals’ are often contradictory. This is true for the fans of most stars if not all.


        • This poster will have no impact at all on PK boxoffice colletion.


        • Bandra.NRI Says:

          Not for a moment do I think it will stop the FDFS crowd from going to see PK.

          I also believe that the follow up from Hirani & Co will also additionally shape the views on PK .

          But PK is now pre-disposed to negitivity. IT BETTER BE GOOD, or it will be minced meat. This is the vulnerability that PK or any movie can be without. Hence this is bad marketing. The first look should leave you warm and fuzzy ( and wanting more). Unfortunately the first look of PK just elicits jokes.


        • First thing that popped in my head when I saw the poster initially was, American Pie.

          Hirani has proven track record of providing feel good light hearted movies. I expect this one to be no different.


        • Z

          Needless to say, the movie will do as well as it content demands.

          But one tries to always energize the base and keep the detractors at bay. PK with its first look energized the detractors without really tickling the fancy of Hirani/Aamir’s base.


        • Satyam

          No doubt Aamir takes risk. But it is not because he was born with a risk taker’s spoon. Aamir once wanted to be just like SRK, he did everything that SRK does, unfortunately (or fortunately) he failed. He embraced risk because a) The normal did not work for him; b) He had no choice and c) He had nothing to lose.

          Just so as to clarify what I am trying to say, Aamir is a guy who after being repeatedly unsuccessful in finding a girlfriend discovered that the pleasure he sought was in his own hands (he did not need a girlfriend).

          Since his discovery of his own abilities, Aamir is happy that he does not have to live a life of a failure. He has become undoubtedly the best in what he does. The world is happy that out of Aamir’s misery emerged good cinema. A perfect win-win situation.

          But SRK who has everything to lose (because success has been his middle name), also takes risk. There is no doubt Aamir is better at this game. But it takes a lot of guts to take risk when you have something to lose.


        • Can’t say I agree with this. For one there are any number of stars in different industries who want to do meaningful stuff or at least more sensible entertainment even while they maintain their stardom. One could say about Leo that he couldn’t become Tom Cruise so he decided to go to Scorsese! Maybe he wouldn’t have, one can never say these things for sure, but the point is that he gave it all up very soon after Titanic.

          Aamir precisely did not follow SRK’s path. he precisely did not do the kinds of films that were in vogue at the time. Which should follow from your theory of the case. In fact quite the opposite. He was doing stuff like RH! Even Salman did Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai when he got the chance, this was out of the Yashraj world. But Aamir’s key moments in that decade were Rangeela, HHRPK, Ishq, RH, Ghulam, Sarfarosh, Earth. I’m leaving aside the early stuff that predates SRK (actually even HHRPK is a earlier than DDLJ). But what within this list strikes you as being the choice of a SRK wannabe? In fact this has been one of my points for years. That he had been trying for very long to get something going in this sense.

          To my mind this isn’t an either/or question. Stars have different aspirations. If anything SRK once tried to do a bit of this as well. In the 90s he did Mansoor Khan or Ratnam and some other stuff but it didn’t quite work. More importantly SRK never had the conviction to move too far from his bread and butter stuff. Fair enough, that’s his choice.

          I’d finally say that it’s a bit too much to say that one makes a film like Lagaan out of desperation! All actors should be so lucky!


        • SRK has been operating more from his comfort zone in last decade – has never tried anything new like aamir has. Sallu suddenly came alive after that Ghajini of aamir saw a massive potential in souther remakes and sallu’s macho personality.


        • Satyam

          The Devil is in the details. Yes I can provide a list of Aamir’s SRK wannabe phase. I can also provide a list of SRK’s Aamir like ventures. No doubt these lists will be highly contested. The overall discussion will get bogged down into tangential arguments.

          My point is these guys are like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, they tailored their recipe/formula to in accordance to what worked for them. They did not set out to be SRK or Aamir. It is not some noble pursuit that they have sacrificed themselves to. So far they have been merely adapting to the need of any given moment. It can be summed up as survival.

          I don’t think SRK can be Aamir. I don’t think Aamir can be SRK. Perhaps both of them want to be more like the other. But conditioned by experience, they both now work in their comfort zones. Making big movies (a risk in itself) is SRK’s comfort zone. Exploring the outer ring of the Bollywood universe is Aamir’s comfort zone.

          As audience we gain from both.


        • Bandra NRI, you have a tendency of shifting the terms of the debate with each new response. Now you’re trying to generalize things (Aamir cannot be SRK, SRK cannot be Aamir. Well Akshay can’t be Hrithik and Hrithik can’t be Akshay. Not sure if this means anything!) when earlier you clearly suggested that somehow Aamir had done Lagaan and everything that had followed since out of desperation because he couldn’t match SRK. No one is saying this is a noble pursuit. That’s irrelevant here. I don’t believe stars are saints anyway (not are the rest of us for that matter!). But according to you for one person taking the tried and tested popular genre and running as far with it as one possibly can and ‘reinventing’ oneself only when that genre expires or is at least severely exhausted is somehow the same as another star constantly taking risks at different points in his career to fulfill a different career aspiration. In other words for one person doing K3G is being in a comfort zone, for the other it’s doing Lagaan and RDB that’s the same comfort zone. I really have to say this — gimme a break!

          Leaving this aside all your arguments suspiciously redound to SRK’s benefit. Now to support Aamir one doesn’t have to believe that he’s doing art house stuff or anything. he’s never said this nor has anyone made this case for him. All one is arguing for is that he tries to do a more rooted commercial cinema, a more meaningful commercial cinema when he can and somewhat different stuff (within the commercial parameters of a major star) as often as possible. All of these entail a degree of risk even for a major star. No one is saying RDB is No Smoking or something but for a major star there is risk. And all one has to do is look at some of Abhishek’s major different films that didn’t work (D6, Raavan), despite being hyped, having popular soundtracks and so on. If Aamir’s career is where ‘desperation’ takes you one wonders why Abhishek hasn’t gotten there or didn’t with those films. Doing different and doing different successfully is a different matter. I myself have made the case that Aamir always takes the box office into account. He’s not likely to do a film without the latter. But nonetheless even he has had underwhelming films in MP and Talaash (by my standards and perhaps moreso for MP than Talaash, not those of the rest because they’re frankly dishonest ones.. if you want to say Talash is poor at 90 that’s fair but then let’s looks at tons of other films that do far worse in far safer genres in all sorts of ways) when he’s taken what I would call a more Abhishek-like (erstwhile) path (the film falls in a category where it cannot succeed to any important extent with multiplex audiences though of course Aamir’s prestige can get it the biggest initial possible).

          To sum up there are risks even for someone with Aamir’s uncanny judgment. And here’s the bizarre logic you and sometimes others use. Because he has that judgment to thread the needle just enough on most days to get he meaningful film and the critically acclaimed one and the box office success you say this is his comfort zone and it’s somehow as easy for him as KKHH for SRK! Even on the commercial stuff did anyone think Ghajini would be so big when he signed on to it? Even after that film’s release not a single serious masala film has done that much. Hirani hadn’t crossed 70 before 3I and that was a sequel. That was in 2006. Maybe that’s a 100 crores a few years later but even that number is doubled with 3I. Everyone then calls it an exception. TZP releases against Welcome and does well. the RDB director just had Aks behind him. DCH was a debutante’s film. Ashutosh had Baazi with Aamir and some other forgettable film or two. Ketan Mehta had never attempted a project of the scale of MP before. Talaash is with a new director. The safest film he did was Fanaa where in that Yashraj paradigm he went for a 60s kind of story and in any case played an unrepentant terrorist. How often did that happen in a major Yahsraj film or any other at the time? Now you put it all together and say that this is just a comfort zone equivalent to doing a series of Yashraj/Johar films I hope you at least believe this claim! And what has happened even when reinvention was needed? A remake of an iconic Bachchan film, a sequel to it, more Farah Khan, more Yashraj/Johar, a huge sci-fi deal post-Robot, Rohit Shetty (after he’d given a number of 100 crore hits). Even now SRK is not taking half the risks Aamir took both in the 90s and beyond. Again this is fine. It’s SRK’s choice as long as one accepts this.


        • Satyam: Not that Aamir needs anymore ‘support’ as far as his film choices are concerned, but his very first film as a lead (even if it released after QSQT) Raakh was a true-blue ‘off-beat’ (actually I wished at points that the film would been slightly less ‘arty’ for the type of hardboiled plot ot had. But this is one of those rare films where the ‘trauma’ at the heart of the film is very disturbing) film (at that point of time NO other Bollywood actor was attempting something half as risky as this). I revisited this one few days back and I like it even more now (Pankaj Kapoor is terrific, but Aamir is very good as well). And it has some really striking visuals (this was Sivan’s debut and he really sets up a great noir mood). In fact in many ways Talaash seems like a complementary work to Raakh. Wish Aditya Bhattacharya would have made more Hindi film

          BTW I found out recently that the dialogues in Raakh were done by Imran Khan’s mother and Aamir’s sister (Nuzhat Khan) who also acted in the film.


        • yes I did think of Raakh but that was very early and so I let it go. Because in fairness one must look at what stars do when they have real choices. So for example for years I did not use Abhishek’s earlier films as examples even if these also were aligned with some of his later choices (and he was rejecting some Abbas-Mustaan overtures even at this point) but once he had a great ’04 and ’05 and was in a position to either keep things going smoothly or adopt riskier choices he opted more often than not for the latter. Now there’s definitely some bad luck here. At one point Guru and BnB worked, at another JBJ and Raavan from the same folks did not. Or D6 did not. Nonetheless he didn’t course-correct relatively soon as most actors do (notice how Roy is being mysteriously delayed!), maybe that’s foolish but he had the ability to do so and chose a certain path. Similarly Aamir after QSQT did some very regrettable stuff but then he also had some high points. In any case around the mid-90s it was clear that the SRK/Yashraj wave was in the making but he did other things. Earlier he walked out of Darr because he felt Yash Chopra wasn’t playing straight. Anyway when he did have some real control and real choices he consistently avoided the SRK path. In fact Abhishek at least had films like JBJ and Raavan and D6 which most stars in their right minds would have done. He had the high profile stuff. This wasn’t always true for Aamir in the 90s because beyond Yashraj there wasn’t a viable alternative model. So Aamir though kept doing well and kept maintaining his standing was easily losing out on the iconic front to SRK. However unlike what Bandra NRI says there was no shift for him all of a sudden. The times changed, he had a big moment in Lagaan which too changed things, we know the rest. But if we look at his choices since Lagaan and most of the key ones between the mid-90s and Lagaan there is a definite continuity. Whether on the purely commercial stuff or on the lesser but meaningful variety. Actually in an odd sense Dhoom is the one film for Aamir that’s somewhat out of character in the sense that he never did this sort of glitzy thing in this entire period. Hence to adapt it to his interests or image or whatever they decided to make a ‘heftier’ plot out of it and here the mix was perhaps a bit uneasy. As I might have said before the double story doesn’t quite belong to the Dhoom world, it could have been its own film. Doing Dhoom is obviously a no-brainer but the point I’m making here is that the other films all belong to a single sequence. I can account for them. Note how for instance even DCH, which became so hugely iconic, is nonetheless not the sort of thing Aamir does very often (and hasn’t since even though this genre took off in such a big way). And yet his similar moment in the 90s was Rangeela where too another hotshot director (though with work behind him) attempted an urban, trendy subject that also became iconic at the time (not at the DCH level of course). So even in this sense there are continuities. Once in a while he goes really offbeat (Earth, then his wife’s film more recently). Again the only difference is that in the 90s you had to stoop a bit to do stuff like RH and Indra Kumar. These weren’t considered cutting edge even then. Today he can do Ghajini or Hirani or RDB or TZP or Talaash and maintain that cutting edge element either way. And to reiterate the point I couldn’t possibly disagree with Bandra NRI more.


        • Satyam

          I agree that it is very possible that I may have said at a time that the moon shines bright, then in another comment, I may have said that the moon is round. I confess that I have the tendency to circle an issue and provide different perspective. But it is not an attempt to “baffle” nor will you find contradictions.

          In a later comment you talk about saint and sinners. I have no desire to look at anyone in those terms.

          I argue only because you have the capacity to argue back. I point holes only because I do find most of your arguments sound.

          But likewise I also find merit in Z.

          I find Utkal’s read on issues fascinating. I don’t have to agree to recognize that Utkal has a good mind.

          Old Gold brings her own wonderful perspective.

          Apex when he is not begging for attention or being outright gross also says note worthy things (except in Ebonics).

          I have never come across a comment which I do not take something away from.

          Hence I find all the accusations and fights uncalled for.


        • “I have never come across a comment which I do not take something away from.”

          That’s more than I can say for myself!

          “I agree that it is very possible that I may have said at a time that the moon shines bright, then in another comment, I may have said that the moon is round.”

          with all due respect you sometimes say the moon is bright and then that it is dark and when one argues about this contradiction you move on to the moon’s roundness!


        • So I have been told (once before by you).


    • “We are getting a mixed response from the people” – Aamir Khan.

      This says a lot. It didn’t go as per Aamir and Hirani’s plan and no wonder 2nd poster is coming up on Aug 15. Also, maybe am the only one but its all part of marketing plan to reduce or dilute the movie’s expectation and shock/surprise the audience once they watch the movie finally on the big screen.


        • There is no need to doubt Aamir’s intentions with this poster and one can accuse him of so many other things but being gimmicky is not one of them for sure. He is one of the only film personalities who stays within the realm of the world he creates on screen and this is done sometime at the cost of generating extra revenues. I am sure Excel and he don’t see eye to eye when it comes to Talaash though the movie richly achieved what it set out to do.

          C’mon who in the recent time has given has anything close to Rang De. The climax of the movie may have taken a bite out but close to 2 hours we were transported to DJ’s very indianised universe of youth. Hirani too is in the same boat and though 3I wasn’t a lage raho munna for me for most part but the climax / twists / turns at Ladakh was one of the best in recent time.

          As per Hirani’s short interview to anupma chopra they have set out to do something different with PK and this may be part of that parcel and as aamir said somewhere recently will connect once people see the movie in totality.

          On the rest I don’t buy this theory of creating a buzz etc as its not necessary at all for the movie starved nation esp when it comes to big stars. We just saw Kick with very little promotion hitting jackpot.


        • One of the red herrings in these debates is that people try to make a saint out of Aamir. The supporters sometimes but most often those who don’t like him for whatever reason follow the usual contradictory logic:

          1)He’s no different from anyone else, his films are just like those of others
          2)He’s a fake who pretends to be different when he only did so to become successful
          3)He sold out by doing a very commercial film. He betrayed himself and his fans.
          3)See! he actually had a trailer for his film. He advertised. He’s just like everyone else.

          Any one of these things can be true, not more than this!

          The point is no one’s calling him a saint. In fact as I see it the claim, at least from my side is a much more modest one, but yes it sometimes seems exaggerated because people engage in absurd debates and one has to say things in response and it’s then as if one is giving him too much credit. Not that others have a leg to stand on. One CE seven years after OSO and the SRK fans can’t stop. As if nothing happened in between. Akshay has 100 crores, the fans celebrate. So on and so forth. And then these are the folks who wonder why Aamir is being ‘overrated’ for doing Lagaan or 3I or whatever!


      • As I have argued, you never engage detractors. No campaign can be successful when your efforts help to energize the opponent.

        The Hirani/Aamir base is so large that they should just put their blinders on and singularly focus on their base .


    • Bandra.NRI Says:


      People have a right to express their views. But an artist like Aamir and Raju also have rights. One cannot suppress the other. I too don’t like the poster, but this is just the first poster and it is not even the trailer or the movie.

      If I were Aamir, I would be tempted to double down with another “shocking” poster. Not nude, but still so off the wall that it once again creates another round of buzz. Weakness at this point will be fatal. The only way forward is to create a disruptive buzz.


  32. alright – so mr. khan is back with a bang and this shd erase all the old bad vibes………looks that such posters will continue till Nov’14


  33. Bandra.NRI Says:

    The new poster is a sort of doubling down. It is good because Raju & Co built upon the previous and did not back down. If they backed down they would have been minced meat.


  34. This new poster will not create any news like the first poster.

    Atleast in this poster, it is aamirs body where face/neck/body flows together.


    • Z

      The good thing are :

      1) He is not naked
      2) It is (like the first one) still off the wall
      3) Sort of a progression

      All in all, an excellent poster (given the reaction to the first).


    • The first poster too is said to be Aamir’s totally, done two years back when he was super slim and toned for Dhoom 3. In any case, some pics have already been around since past couple of years– aamir in all sorys of wierd gaudy clothes. This new poster is a good opposite to the last shocker– he is now completely clothed. But the first one though provoking and not in great taste, was in my view innocuous enough — it looked like a chaddi ad, a chaddi worn by a short slim odd looking guy, nutty rather than ‘ bad’.


  35. Hoping not to see the third poster with Aamir in a goofy Austin Power like pose (naked but behind a large melon) with a voice over, “Yes it is me, PK, If I can put on clothes, I can also remove them”


  36. It’s good to see srk/salman/aamir staying in shape. Most if not all of older actors (except Jeetendra) were out of shape by the time they were 45 if not earlier.

    All actors will generally stay in good shape going forward except the lazy ones.


    • Honestly I think SRK is totally out of shape. He is gaunt and haggard and i am pretty sure his lungs can be kept in the museum to show impressionable youngsters what happens if one smokes too much…In short smoking has totally ruined his looks…


      • yeah in the press appearances for HNY he looks terrible.. it’s not just age but as you said he looks gaunt. but it can’t just be smoking, many people smoke a lot or did in the past. They didn’t all look like this at his age. Perhaps it’s accentuated because he’s keeping his weight low as well. In any case he looks utterly gaunt, almost as if he has just recovered from an illness or something. of course it won’t seem this way in the film because in addition to everything else you also have digital manipulation these days. Don’t think he’s out of shape in the ‘gym’ sense. It’s just everything else.


        • Abhishek on the other looks the best he has for a while now in these press appearances for the film. I don’t think that’s true for all of the film though. At least based on the trailer.


    • In the old poor India days, a paunch was a sign of prosperity. Gaunt young heroes would acquire one after their first couple of hits. Jeetu, on the other hand was considered a bit effeminate, so much for staying in shape!


      • “In the old poor India days, a paunch was a sign of prosperity”

        True, but you didn’t see main lead actors having a paunch of Amjad Khan. Rajesh, Rishi, just about all devloped one pretty fast.

        the funniest scene i’ve seen is in Gunga Jumna Saraswati is where theres a scene where amitabh is wearing a stomach girdle. Coudn’t they have shot that scene in a way where the girdle is not visible?


      • yeah but trends change with time.. in a different age people will be laughing at today’s stars! We always forget when we laugh at older ages that one day our age will receive the same treatment!


    • Yes not only do actors stay in shape today very occasionally they even act..!


      • Gud One.


      • Reminds me of this endless “BMB” Dish TV ad. There’s a dialog where an average shaped Pavan Malhotra forcefully with full sardar timbre asks “Tujhe India ke liye bhagna hai, O bol hai Dummm?”.
        To which a totally buffed Farhan lets out a squeaky barely audible “Aaho”!


  37. Good read and thanks for the link P.K Talli.

    “When Rahul (Nanda) and Raju were thinking of the poster, we realised that we had a series of images from the film and all these images could narrate a story in their own.”

    Thank you Aamir Bhaijaan for not taking your stardom for granted and listening to the professionals/ technicians who are hired for the job and can think out of the box.

    “I will be speaking in Bhojpuri throughout the film.”

    This is excellent news as Bhojpuri and Benarasi spoken in pure form is very sweet to the ear not to forget endearing too. One of the reasons Lalu Yadav still remains a popular leader nationally. From that little voice over on the poster he has got the dialect perfectly correct and left me wanting for more……arrey ka tukor tukor dekh raho ho …arrey hum peekay hoon.!! Amazing job aamir bhaijaan

    And now last

    “ If you really wanted to measure the importance of this role, you could put my on-screen characters, Rancho from 3 Idiots, Bhuvan fromLagaan and ACP Rathore from Sarfarosh on one side, and my role in PKon the other. That’s how hard this film was for me.”

    There in lies the problem. Immediately expectations have gone into stratosphere esp. this coming from Aamir who never takes his audience for granted, but bhaijaan please don’t do a Dhoom 3 on us where all of us went in expecting something out of the world and were dished out regular stuff…


    • Must be a risk speaking Bhojpuri throughout 🙂


      • Bandra.NRI Says:


        A cheap shot considering you ran away from from a prior discussion hiding behind subjective commentary.

        Well if the arguments were thin, then you should have been able to easily blow them away. But instead you chose to hide behind subjective words and run away.

        Anyways you can hide, you can run, that is your choice. But chose to augment your skills with reasons rather than editorial commentary if you want to debate.

        Coming to PK, all things being equal the language will create “some” resistance. Not as much as say a language which is remarkably different (e.g. Tamil). This is a risk, but Bhojpuri has a decent amount of awareness and use in Bollywood already. Hopefully you agree that Aamir would have made this riskier if he had chosen a language rarely used by an average person in the major Bollywood territories (Mumbai, Delhi etc)


        • Hey I will leave the risk of the language to you. You are the expert as to which language will determine what risk.
          P.K is a film as safe as anything out there. Forget the language, the first look. It’s got the Hirani ( 3 on 3) and Aamir combo. Nuff said.
          I won’t hide behind the language…I’ll let you battle that one for CE (on your own) and partly for P.K now!
          Maybe you should battle it for Avatar.

          The main issue with your argument is that you are treating the language thing as a repellent/repulsive aspect of the film. It is not. The title of the film is “Chennai Express”. The 30 crore worth of people walking in Day 1 to watch the film know this. They are not there to mock this aspect of the film or see it as a “resistance”. It is part of the film…like Na’vi language is for Avatar.
          It is not a strange or odd ingredient. Not for people who drink tea and occasionally try cinnamon in it. It is not “foreign” or “alien” like putting tomato in tea or potato in tea.

          Bluntly the film is a Hindi film. It got the same release like any other major hindi film. If it were a Tamil film, it would have got about 5 screens in Mumbai! And 1000’s in Tamil Nadu. IF TAMIL WAS SUCH A BIG HINDRANCE THE PRODUCERS WOULD HAVE GIVEN IT A TAMIL RELEASE.

          I don’t want to add anymore on the topic as it’s a pretty silly debate. You think its risky, I think its safe. Let it be.


        • Bandra.NRI Says:


          I leave you to battle your demons or things that you attach to me. Those are not my issues.

          I can further expand the scope of “risk”, but why even go there while you struggle on a simple issue.

          I am having difficulties wrapping my head around the fact that I have to debate whether language is a factor or not. Language is always a factor, this is so self evident that it is taken for granted. When discussing math one does not start at 1+1 = 2, one assumes that the other party knows it already. Yet I am discussing 1+1= 2

          Your deception lies in your desire to somehow twist this into a slur against a language. This is not pro or against a language. This simply a statement about business hurdles in different territories.

          Then there is this deception trying to make it seem as if I am claiming that CE was released in Tamil. I am making no such claim. In order to avoid this slippery fraud, I don’t even try to quantify the amount of Tamil. It us sufficient to acknowledge that the movie is not your typical Bollywood movie (Vis a Vis language)

          This is what I have said. I have said that producers before SRK rejected CE because they thought the excessive use of Tamil (compared to normal bollywoid movies) will pose a problem at he BO.

          From a jurisprudence perspective thus factor alone makes null & void, whatever fantasy list you posses about CE being safe.

          The debate if you have forgotten was whether CE wS just another safe bet. I gave my reason (one is sufficient to disprove a positive).


        • Explain what enabled Chennai express to make 200 crores


        • Bandra.NRI Says:


          Throughout the world, not just SRK or Aamir, people believe that, “no risk, no return”.

          Now this is not just in the investment world, some philosophies even consider something that is completely risk free to be the “forbidden fruit” (not to be pursued).

          Aamir with Lagaan or RDB or TZP took risk. He knows how to handle such risks (i.e. the risk represented by Lagaan & Co). He could have fallen flat on his face. But he managed those risk and consequently has reaped the rewards.

          SRK could also have fallen flat on his face with CE. This is a different risk than say RDB, but by no means a lesser risk. Other producers did not touch CE because they did not know how to mitigate this problem.

          To SRK’s credit he managed this risk. Consequently he is reaping the rewards.

          The success of CE or TZP do not prove that they were easy bets. Their success just shows that the risk were well handled.

          Now you recognize Aamir’s efforts but dismiss SRK’s efforts. I have no problem with your choices. I just commented on your statement that CE was plain vanilla safe.

          Let me further add fuel to the fire, IF the Bhojpuri works in PK it will marginally add to the bottom line. Risk has rewards . People take risk and try to be different for these rewards.


  38. AamirsFan Says:

    lol…this is going to be fun. i am absolutely loving these motion posters. at least the PK team has made it unique and interesting!


    • I’m looking forward to this movie a great deal, but does one really need a press conference for a poster release?


      • Lol exactly what I was thinking…nowadays there is a press conference for everything – trailer, song, and now even a poster, and the questions media asks are so daft.


      • AamirsFan Says:

        I do agree with you and Henry that there is an over exposure (no pun intended) of promoting ones movie today. But I think Aamir and his team felt that they needed clarify a few things about the first poster and then lay out a plan coming up in the next few months also. This was a informative press conference. Yes I am very much looking forward to this movie. Aamir did say that there will be about 8-10 poster releases (up until the release of the film) but not every poster release will have a press conference.

        The constant “AAMIR…AAMIR…AAMIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I could’ve done without though lol.


      • they said that only to clear certain doubts they had this P.C. – for next 6 posters (total 8 – every month 2 more posters till Nov) – there wont be any P.C.


  39. Nice 2nd poster. Movie keeps getting interesting…


    • Something unique which, I think, no actor has ever said before – PK’s role is equal to all the roles combined in last 25 years which Aamir has done.


      • i m glad he mentioned ACP Rathore from Sarfarosh – can’t wait for its sequel


      • Sad part is that during Dhoom 3 release, Aamir said its his most difficult role ever, so not sure how much to trust the same for his PK role’s difficulty/importance.


  40. PK is gonna be a monster hit at the BO


    • Bandra.NRI Says:

      After considering the posters and other photos we have seen so far, I can say that I am going to watch it in the theatre. I am very curious, but unless all this comes together in a big way, it will fall flat.

      This is too different. It may be good for people on this blog, I may enjoy it, but for average Joe, this is bordering on bizarre.

      Again, all of this may fit well. For example there is this scene in LRM where the Gandhi plot just clicks. When that happens, it is a home run after that. PK might well have a moment when all this fancy costumes might come together and click, but for the moment it appears like this is a train wreck waiting to happen.


      • AamirsFan Says:

        lol…honestly I remember the same thing being said about the first 3 Idiots poster. Also comments on Aamir’s expression in those posters were that he was just plain weird. But the trust that has been built with Raju/Aamir combo is too strong now. The ‘average Joe’ will come to be entertained and I have no doubt they will be entertained to the core. I agree with Idea, this movie will be huge and also seems like it will be a fresh story. I had my reservations about D3 only because it was a YashRaj production. I have no reservations about this one in any way.


  41. When PK was launched, it was mentioned all over that Raju Hirani and Aamir khan are co-producing this film and VVC is just presenting. Now when the posters are out, there is no mention of Aamir khan as producer. Aamir did the something with Talaash and put his name as co-producer but whereas in PK, he didn’t get this credit.


    • his share remains the same as the producers – only all the money in production and promotion are being spent by VVC/RH – aamir is involved only as an actor – still he will walk away with 100 cr…….


      • I don’t think I’m worried the amount of money Aamir is making from PK or any other film but there is a difference between an Aamir Khan Productions film and non-Aamir prod film. While Talaash was an Aamir khan prod film, PK is not.


  42. Sad to see Bombay Velvet postponed to May 2015, was keenly waiting to watch this movie!.


  43. Meanwhile his nude appearance in his forthcoming film “PK” poster didn’t elicit a positive response, but the actor-filmmaker has confidence in his audience.]

    “People have been watching my films for the past 25 years and as an actor I have confidence in my audience. Just leaving two people, who have filed the case, rest of them know me well.

    “I don’t have item songs in my films. Even while promoting ‘Delhi Belly’, I said this is an adult film. When you will watch ‘PK’, you will understand everything,” he said.


    • Funny Aamir says that for Delhi Belly.. all that movie had item songs for promotion for a song-less movie and one of his more embarrassing item songs ever!


    • What about Kamli and Dhoom Machale? They were as important to the story as Sheila Ki Jawaani and Chikni Chameli were for their respective films…


  44. Excellent promotional strategy .. Eagerly awaiting


  45. The new poster introduces Sanjay Dutt. Getting interesting day by day.


  46. If this movie has lots of Bhojpuri in it, then the 300 crore target will be highly difficult according to me even if the movie is liked. The posters have been very uninteresting almost like a fancy dress competition. The movie will be good there is no doubt but Bhojpuri can be a limiting factor.


    • yes I’ve been surprised about the posters (though I didn’t mind the first one)..


    • This movie now urgently requires another marketing approach. The first poster was counter productive. The second was a good recovery, but now this is stinks like a three day old dead fish. If we don’t see a change soon, then malaise will set in. Just look at the comments here Vs comments on other big movies .

      Also Bhojpuri will cut into the business.

      Overall I am more and more inclined to believe this will be Raju Hirani’s walk down the RGV path. There is a price to pay for an overinflated opinion of one’s self. It is Raju’s turn to get humble.


      • * this stinks like a three day old dead fish


      • Aamir said, they plan to release 8 posters till Oct end and then promos. I don’t see any point in these posters, i’ll wait for the promos by Oct end.


      • This is the PK thread, not the HNY one.


        • LOL
          For what it’s worth I don’t think the posters of a film have ever decided the fate of a film. Write off Hirani and Aamir at your peril. We’ve been here before in 07 before TZP released, in 08 before Ghajini released and 09 before 3 Idiots released. Especially in 09 when most would admit the promos of 3 Idiots were decent at best and the predictions on blogs were like this is a multiplex film, no more than 80 crore and will have limited appeal.
          I seriously think Hirani wants to make a film that appeals to a wide audience. 3 Idiots is one of the few I know where a number of non-asians watched the film. I know from my place of work, a manager took a team of 12 to watch the film as a team building exercise of all things!
          Now it could be as a topical issue this film might be the riskiest of his films. But the nature of his films to date have been that they are breezy, light films with tons of cleverly crafted humour. The challenge he faces is merging that skill he has with the topic. He is one of the last directors I’d think would mess things up.
          If he does, and Bandra’s prediction comes true, he must have some incredible predictive natures!

          And with the news Utkal has just posted as I type this comment…the confidence from the makers must be pretty high to strike a deal of this nature. I am glad if Bollywood moves more to a “performance” based routine like this. It is much safer for all parties and promotes better behaviour from the filmmakers.


        • Some prediction have no basis. It is based on gut feelings. But others are factual based.

          Here I am impressed with the costumes. Aamir ‘s focus on creating a character has historically been centered on hair style. Looks like Murphy’s Law is in play here. If they have just relied this custume “thingy” then sadly (as impressive as the costumes are), overall vis a vis the movie, it will back fire like the first poster.

          From the Poster it appears that they are showcasing costume. I don’t see performance as much as weirdness. I see evidence of someone getting carried away with one’s own intelligence. Audience like baby steps not leaps. 3I took baby steps in explaining a very profound school of thought, it never lost the audience.

          In “Jerry McGuire” a character says to Tom Cruise, “you had me at hello”. I think here the audience might end up saying “you lost me at hello (first poster)”.

          Surely content is the King, surely Raju is talented and surely Aamir is the most intelligent stars of our time. I am waiting for ALL THAT to kick in and wake me up. I will be happy for them, no one deserves being the new RGV on the block.


  47. I like audacity in filmmakers…filmmakers who don’t try to suck up to what the market expects. Make that any makers actually. Steve Jobs. Raju Hirani. Aamir Khan. You are my guys. And for god sake, there is no need to be humble.


  48. “If that wasn’t enough, we at Bollywood Hungama bring you this exclusive newsbreak. The news is that the satellite rights of PK will be sold for a whopping Rs. 85 crores. Interestingly, while this amount may certainly make a few sit up and wonder, there is a catch. In fact the makers of the film have locked the satellite deal at the said amount with a guarantee that on its release, PK will amass a domestic theatrical collection of Rs. 300 crores nett. What strikes us is the fact that last year’s much talked about and hyped film Dhoom 3 missed the Rs. 300 crore nett mark by a good Rs. 20 or so crores. Though the box-office still remains a major deciding factor in terming a film a hit or flop, there has been a considerable slow down in this phase of acquisition with television networks opting to refrain from striking a deal before a film’s release. Thus forcing, producers and filmmakers to first prove their mettle at the box-office window before gorging on the enormous payout. ”


    • Good for Aamir, Raju and VVC. I am happy they will earn a lot of money. Hopefully they will invest that money in making better (for audience) film not weird ones.

      Movies makes say, “I want to return the love”, I say do that by not abandoning them. Don’t showcase you “brilliance”, just entertain us. We can get an education at venues best suited for education and under the guidance of qualified teachers, movies are to entertain us.


      • * abandoning the audience


      • Lol. Bandra get a grip.
        “Movies makes say, “I want to return the love”, I say do that by not abandoning them. Don’t showcase you “brilliance”, just entertain us. We can get an education at venues best suited for education and under the guidance of qualified teachers, movies are to entertain us.”

        What is the insinuation here? That Hirani’s films didn’t entertain or that they are about moral guidance? In the end, a film can be about both and succeed and win the audience.

        “Hopefully they will invest that money in making better (for audience) film not weird ones.”

        Another weird statement by you. In your honest opinion what is weird about the films they do make?


        • Jay

          That is my opinion. You have an equal right to have the opposite opinion. This is blog which expresses opinion. The is not a venue which is the keeper of records. Hence go ahead express your opinion. I try and support my opinions with examples too.

          For example, I think that Abhishek will be used to mix it up and inject lighter moments in HNY, something that traditionally is done by say Johnny Lever, and hence I used that example. Clearly my opinion does not turn Abhishek into a Johnny Lever. Now you can say, no he will play a pillar or an anchor in HNY rather than just a court jester. Neither of us are wrong. I based my views on Manwa song and the intro, and you may have other evidence (not revealed yet). But opinions are something we can talk about and even come back to after the movie is released.

          Having said that what is inappropriate is for to be a scum and attack someone for his opinion. Is that clear or that needs further explanation ? For example, OldGold does not agree with me but she does not use that disagreement to launch personal attacks.


        • for a person who expects civility you seem to show Jay a remarkable degree of lack of civility quite often!


        • Satyam

          If you even had an ounce of fairness & justice in you then you would have seen what I said was in response to his attack.

          But matters like fairness are not a priority, AGENDA is.

          Those that disagree should be attacked (your doctrine).


  49. The promotions thus far are making it quite difficult to look forward to this movie…


    • I think it’s going to be highly satirical, and might just go over many people’s heads.
      I’m quite looking forward to it.


  50. The new poster is not good enough and hope it’s all contextual as aamir’s facial contortions seems overdone. Bollywood mein underplay karna ‘mushkil hi nahin na mumkin hai’.

    Also bhojpuri of Anushka seems forced here and had noticed even Aamir was poor in the 2nd poster after nailing it the first time around. To check proper lingo/accent one should hear Ravi Kishan and Manoj Tiwari speak….

    Hope all this is not the mainstay of the story though I do trust Hirani to have a main stream plot line esp so since they have altered release date many times and now to mass friendly Christmas period.


  51. I wouldn’t doubt Hirani.


  52. New pic

    [added to post]


  53. Trailer releasing tomorrow.


  54. Happy Diwali to you and all of your readers


  55. Heard songs from the PK album…Bhagwaan hai kaha re tu, tharki chokro and dil darbadar works for me. Shaan song is growing.


  56. I dont Amir making movies that require him to be a different character..but what I do find troubling is they all look alike..the mannerisms have changed but the face is still the same..I prefer some type of transforming..mess it up alittle


  57. Watched a few pics of PK– max hiranisms

    Btw I noticed -has anu got some more work done? (I’m not talking about the lip job here)

    Daaru ko main doodhu ki tarah pee jaaoon..
    Apni piyun tabhi to mota peg banaooun
    Peg banaoun kabhi naap ke nahin
    Apni piyun kisike baap ki nahin….
    – —


  58. Utkal Mohanty Says:

    History is certainly about to repeat itself for the Hirani-Aamir team. The audio of PK has surely and truly lived up to its humongous expectations and one can congratulate team PK in advance for its excellent musical offering. All the songs are endearing and if one has to pick it will be ‘Chaar Kadam’, ‘Love Is A Waste Of Time’ and ‘Bhagwan Hai Kahan Re Tu’. Considering that the music is situational in nature yet is universally appealing, will surely prove chartbusting, more so after the release of PK, to an earth shattering response on 19th December 2014.


    • The music of Hirani’s films is never extra-ordinary – adequate, functional, hummable and even recycled is about right. And chartbusting is not a word I would ever attach, it’s not the kind of music like Rahmans that would endlessly be on your Ipod shuffle. But one thing in common and more so here is it does make you smile and the lyrics are funny in parts. There is a certain confidence echoing through the music, a story is being told…and thankfully he has got Sonu Nigam on a couple of tracks too.
      Poor Aamir. He has found a film that makes him look like this and songs about his height. The fun is definitely at the expense of him. But I suspect he shall be having the last laugh again. It seems to me that we are meant to be laughing at PK even through the songs. Or poking fun as the songs do. This all seems intentional even in the way the promos are coming out. It could be the strategy.


      • agreed on all counts.. in any case Hirani is that rare commercial filmmaker in Bollywood who’s not afraid to let the film do the talking. Most other films (even most of the ‘different’ ones) are like great ad campaigns where you’re completely sold on everything and the film then just has to be an extension of the trailer.


  59. Hirani confirms he’s directing the Sanju biopic.

    You are making a biopic on Sanjay Dutt with Ranbir Kapoor in lead and you’ve apparently met his family over a span of 25 days and also spoke to Sanjay’s close friend Paresh.
    It all started when Sanju was out on parole. He opened up. I realized I knew so little about him. There’s a huge part of his life that he doesn’t talk about. At one stage I realized there’s a story in his life. Abhijaat (Joshi) and me met his family for several days, met his sisters, Kumar Gaurav and a close friend Paresh who lives in US. I cross checked all the stories. Paresh gave very interesting insights. I think there’s a great story. I bounced it to Ranbir and he got excited. At this stage we are still writing.

    Will the Sanjay Dutt biopic be the next film you’ll be working on as a director?
    Looks like.


  60. Utkal Mohanty Says:

    Amir Khan interview in Deccan Herald

    “I told him I would help only if I liked the script, as Akshaye was a friend. When I finally read it, I casually asked him why he was not offering it to me, and Amole confessed that he thought that I would not do a subject like this. So it is also not true that I am the first choice for films that change society,” he grins.

    He also adds that he never thinks business when signing a new movie, and “must simply want to do the film!” After he comes on board, however, he does suggest the economics, or decides them if the film is to be produced by him. “For Peepli (Live), it would have been stupid to exceed a costing of Rs 4-5 crore.

    For Taare Zameen Par, the budget could not have been more than 12 crore, as I knew its potential was 10 to 15 crore and I was even prepared for a small loss. But it did much more business. Also, Talaash was no candidate for the 100 crore film, but I still wanted to do the movie because it is the only one in recent memory that deals with coming to terms with loss. However, maybe because I was in it, Talaash too did a business of 90-plus crore.””…/447436/crowd-pleaser.html


  61. PK to release in 5200 screens in India (compared to 1800 for 3i) and in 800 screens in abroad –

    Now if it trends like 3i in India – it is almost 3 times the screen nos.!!!


  62. Its amazing the amount of secrecy related to this project even to this day….we are also going in with a complete unknown as far as the opening is concerned………..

    There are plenty of Aamir bhakts who will end up at the theaters on Friday, but apart from that multiplex crowd and the overseas audience, I don’t know which other target audience is heading for this movie as promos have been a bit bland. Its only Sushant who is connecting and coming as a breath of fresh air to this project!! Anushka was so likable earlier, but her current look with that weird lip job and hairdo is question mark???. Personally for me Aamir’s stiff neck look is a huge put off and hope it is there for a very short while and not the whole movie or has some genuine reasons……

    Of course I am going for that 1st watch within this weekend but repeat watch like say a 3I is doubtful at this point in time.


    • Agree, the buzz is totally thanda..
      When Dhoom 3 was coming out I remember everyone in my group was so excited , there were plans being made for before and after the movie events for 30 plus people.
      For PK , I sent out an email, hardly and response, some friends said will let you know later etc.


      • Maybe we have gotten SO USED to the ‘vulgarity’ with excessively hammering advertisement that goes on 24/7 during release of Hindi movies that a movie that is trying to rely more on its merit than beautifully cut music-videos and trailers is coming as a shock — albeit a ‘thanda’ one– to the public.

        I would prefer a movie which is strong as a movie rather than an outstandingly cut trailer with a resultant pathetic movie. Everybody orgasmed over BANG BANG and KILL DILL trailers. And we all know what kind of movies they turned out to be..


        Aamir Khan Meets Doctor Who Had Reservations With An Episode Of ‘Satyamev Jayate’


        • True, the limited point I was trying to make is that Dhoom-3 was an event film like K3G, OSO, Taal, Dhoom-2 to name a few.
          Even HNY did not create that kind of buzz , and PK for now is thanda , It seems they are going the HAHK way…
          Aside- most people in my group are complaining about Anushka and her lips …LOL !!


        • Thanks for this video clip. Aamir spoke about medical education needing to be subsidized by government and made affordable, so that doctors( who have qualified after spending a crore and more)are not forced to indulge in money-making unethical practices.


    • However knowing Aamir it is probably a well thought out plan by the team……..


  63. Yeah with the way society is getting warped day by day in spite of all the technological advancements and know-how at hand, I doubt any excessive exhortative moralizing subject matter in a movie will excite us in a big way. With all the wealth generated we are still living in very despairing times with a lesser tolerant society and fundamentals getting distorted on all fronts whether it’s spiritual, social, political or economical level. One can’t blame a single group / section of the society, because we live in such an ‘acquisitive’ era !!………could our ecosystem get more ‘speculative’ than this ??


    • Dhoni sahib…….. itney hataash na ho!! The media is to blame for highlighting the negative stuff all the time ( sometimes they even manufacture stuff to see the story ) issey zyada nahee..Salma -Sabrina aa jaayengee !!


  64. Yeah omrocky786, it was just some peripheral rambling and nothing deep. It was more to do with that Sydney siege yesterday and the daily ISIS drama, protests, and killings worldwide. Don’t know when Al Qeada died and ISIS cropped up… I firmly believe all these are more political than religious and a lot has to do with the new complex world order we live in……our modern economic system is no more based on ‘physical’ demand and supply and getting more paper based, which in turn has turned the world upside down due to speculative nature of transactions and thanks to Bill Clinton this whole futures trading/ market where events are created to make big bucks is ruining the solid economic fundamentals we grew upon…..look at the free fall in oil prices where Rouble is under free fall and Russian economy going topsy turvy…..its well and good but i am sure there will be repercussions to this and a lot of proxy wars be fought……

    And now today this carnage in school in Pak where 130 or so kids were massacred …….i mean what kind of heart can look into the eyes of those helpless unarmed young kids and shoot to kill……unfortunately there is simply no end to all of this.

    ** not directed against any single community or group.



    Bollywood celebrities today termed the Taliban militants’ attack on an army-run school in Peshawar, Pakistan as ‘sickening’ and ‘appalling’. The heavily-armed Taliban militants stormed the school in Pakistan’s volatile northwestern city of Peshawar and killed over 100, mostly students when they started indiscriminate firing on them.

    Priyanka Chopra tweeted, “Appalling! What kind of wimps hurt kids!”

    Farhan Akhtar said his heart broke after he got to know about the incident. “My heart has broken… The world failed those children in Peshawar… It’s a sad sad day,” he posted on Twitter.

    Pakistani actor-singer Ali Zafar said, “This is sad. Real sad! Children.”

    Arjun Kapoor said he felt helpless after reading about the attack. “Just reading about Peshawar never felt more helpless…My prayers with everyone in Peshawar all the children and parents… Sad sad day,” he tweeted.

    Actress Sandhya Mridul feels that after the back-to-back militant attacks on the innocent, the world has gone wrong. “It’s a school for god sake! Animals. Why? Why would anyone want to kill children? We humans should be destroyed…This world has gone so wrong. Sickening!,” she tweeted.

    R Madhavan wrote, “Who are these people actually. Where are they from, their families, their upbringing, their faces, what can drive them to kill children.”

    Actor-director Rajat Kapoor expressed his anger over the attack and said, “Millions of year of evolution- FOR THIS??! kamaal hai!!”

    “Is there an Allah or a God who will answer to the wails unmeasured grief of the parents whose children were massacred by the talibanis!!,” asked Raveena Tandon. –


  66. #pkAna is trending at the moment and here is Sachin’s view on the film:


  67. Taran Adarsh ‏@taran_adaarsh 6h6 hours ago
    #PK gets THUMBS UP from @sachin_rt. He says it is *Best Aamir Film Ever* #PKArrives.

    Taran Adarsh ‏@taran_adaarsh 6h6 hours ago
    Those who have watched #PK until now are saying its @aamir_khan’s best movie ever. Are we up for something special? #FingersCrossed

    Warda S Nadiadwala ‏@WardaNadiadwala 7h7 hours ago
    Humka #PK Hangover hueee gawa beautiful movie Aamir Khan is out of the world 👏👏👏


    • the tweets you posted for Taran Adarsh twitter account is fake. Look for the double ‘aa’ in adaarsh.

      Taran has been sick forever.. he just posted for HNY weekend and again on leave..


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