Udta Punjab trailers (updated)

31 Responses to “Udta Punjab trailers (updated)”

  1. I hope they will not ban it in Punjab.


  2. a must watch movie for me, its shocking how widely drugs are used in Punjab.


  3. Surds cant smoke so cant do grass. Hop str8 to snorting lines. Sad Situation. And most of the white comes from across border. The thinking goes thus, drug out the fiercest Indian warriors, and India will fall.


    • I think the thinking, NYKavi, is that if criminals can make money, they will — given that Pakistan itself has the world’s largest heroine addict-population, there is no need for any vast conspiracy to “drug out the fiercest Indian warriors”. [Anyway it’s high time we got away from martial-race stereotypes bequeathed by the British Raj: in 2016, notions of brave Pathans, Rajputs, Sikhs and politically combustible-yet-effeminate Bengalis or business-minded Gujaratis should be passe; at an extreme the sorts of pogroms and genocides one sees (consider 1971 and the Bengali/Punjabi stereotypes that played such a role in legitimations of the violence) that traffic in such notions should give us pause…] As with Mexico and the United States, one can complain about “supply” all one wants, but one will not get anywhere as long as the “demand” continues unabated.


      • Have you heard Tarek Fateh, the pakistani journalist? What do you think of him?


      • Also your take on Bharat Mata Ki Jai…would be good to know what your thoughts are on it….


      • Q, I actually do not subscribe to the British Era martial stereotypes. But this antiquated ‘thinking’ still flourishes from across the border, with their obsession with and notion of racial superiority by being the taller/fairer race that can be only beaten by similar kafir segments of the Indian populace. A cursory look at various online blogs reveals this ‘thinking’. So, the Kapoors are blue-eyed fair n lovely rulers of bwood, because they all hail from Peshawar! Or the Khans belonging to a certain religion. Or BigB having Sikh genes so ergo the height! etc. etc.
        In general, a mix of racism, religious ethno-centrisim, chauvinism, misogynism and host of other ‘isms’ makes for a pretty convoluted state of mental thinking, that leads itself to paranoia and the tendency to lay sinister plans aimed at killing the enemy with a thousand cuts.


        • NY Kavi: unfortunately that sort of racist thinking one encounters on this side of the border too (otherwise the humour in films like Vicky Donor would be pointless); but from there to the notion that there is some grand conspiracy to make addicts of Sikhs in particular is quite a leap — we don’t need such a convoluted explanation when a simple one will do. Namely: the forces driving drug supply and demand and addiction are ravaging societies in Europe, America, South America, and elsewhere — why would we be immune? And often there is a correlation between prosperity and consumer lifestyle and drug addiction (ie America and Europe are the demand; Mexico is the supply). In India, in relative terms, Punjab is among the most prosperous places, and has embraced the consumer lifestyle in a big way (certainly relative to other rural areas); plus, a high number of foreign remittances means that youths have greater leisure and disposable income — not surprisingly it generates a lot of demand for “consumable experiences” in the form of drugs (note that in Kerala, which also has high levels of remittances, levels of alcoholism are very high). No aspect of Sikh religion explains it because, even though alcohol is forbidden in that religion, the state is overrun with liquor stores as well. Stated differently, the racism of Pakistanis (or of ourselves) should not lead us to abandon our own critical faculties.


        • Well, Sikhs take the smoking ban extremely seriously, but alcohol is a different matter altogether. Its their past time! Personally have been with Surds who can down a khamba (ie a full 1 Ltr bottle of hard liquor), without any effects whatsoever. It just seems like alcohol does not deliver the kicks anymore to their youngsters, and so the drugs.
          However, even if we pin it on prosperity, there are other states/cities as prosperous, but without the scale of addiction now prevalent in Punjab. Delhi is not too far away, but does not have this level of addiction.


        • Re: “Well, Sikhs take the smoking ban extremely seriously, but alcohol is a different matter altogether.”

          There’s an analogy with Muslims and Brahmins/many Hindus: both are far more likely to drink alcohol than to, respectively, eat pork/beef 🙂


  4. The trailer was disappointing: both Shahid Kapoor and Aliya Bhatt seem badly miscast here — and disappointing to see that from Chaubey…


  5. Happy someone has done this and esp pleased to note this which even the methodical aamir khan / hirani got all wrong in pk

    “People in Bihar converse in Maithili, Bhojpuri, Maghai or Angika. They don’t speak in ‘Bihari’; people who originant here are referred to as Biharis, and not their language. You actually underwent a month-long coaching to get the dialect right, and still ended up calling the language ‘Bihari’? Not good. And, by the way, ‘Ee’, ‘Ka’, ‘Kon’, ‘Chutiy***‘ is not the ‘Bihari’ language either. It’s just lazy stereotyping, something Bollywood has always excelled at.

    This Open Letter Criticizing Alia Bhatt’s Portrayal of ‘Biharis’ is Going Viral!

    “Dear Alia,
    Just like the rest of the country, I am thrilled by the intense trailer of Udta Punjab. Shahid looks like a rockstar. The movie appears gritty and real. The music is something we’re all waiting madly for. But just one thing. I somehow could not digest your migrant Bihari character.
    While others, reportedly, got ‘goose bumps’ watching you, I thought you were trying too hard to pass off as Bihari, especially considering (as you have constantly claimed yourself) that you took such great pains to lend authenticity to the role.

    As a bonafide Bihari myself, I think I have the right to be absolutely blunt. So, here goes. Firstly, your treatment of the character is nothing but a concoction of stereotypes. (Trust me, this kind of stereotyping is far ahead of what even Chetan Bhagat is capable of.)
    Secondly, ‘Bihari’ is not a language. People in Bihar converse in Maithili, Bhojpuri, Maghai or Angika. They don’t speak in ‘Bihari’; people who originant here are referred to as Biharis, and not their language. You actually underwent a month-long coaching to get the dialect right, and still ended up calling the language ‘Bihari’? Not good. And, by the way, ‘Ee’, ‘Ka’, ‘Kon’, ‘Chutiy***‘ is not the ‘Bihari’ language either. It’s just lazy stereotyping, something Bollywood has always excelled at.

    Thirdly – and this makes me weep – the costumes and props that you claim helped you ‘nail’ the Bihari look are nothing but soiled, tattered clothes, grimy skin and messed up hair. These are not the preserve of just the state of Bihar, only the grave manifestations of poverty the world over. Is this what you think, Alia? Do you really think all Biharis are poor and look like this? Shame.”


    • Agree, am really happy someone wrote this — she was just terrible in the trailer.


      • ‘The letter should be addressed to script writer/ dialogue writer/ Director, why is this pointed at actress? face palm moment ‘

        Sombody commented on TOI.


    • 1) actors don’t necessarily create their “look” for the film. If you look at the trailer launch, alia credits two people for coming up with her look. She credits someone else for her language coach
      2) there is film speak. If they were to speak real maithili, we won’t understand it, would we? So bigb spoke hindi that was similar to bombaiya hindi but not real bombay hindi. Alia spoke in language that people perceive biharis to be speaking.
      3) She does state in trailer launch that hopefully people will buy her look/accent and it won’t fall flat. So things go on nishana, some don’t. You cannot kill an actor for trying. Write open letters as if it will make a difference post movie release.
      4) a bonafide (punjabi/gujarati/bihari/muslim etc) will never find any of the BW version satisfying, ever! It will be always some version of….e.g. a maratha will never approve of Ranveer as Bajirao etc. In a diverse country like India, one has to accept that BW take certain license to create a character that everyone can accept/digest as maratha. It is commercial art not real art.

      Liked by 1 person

    • In PK Aamir spoke Bhojpuri, not Bihari and that was coming from a person who got it transferred from someone else ( Prostitute who was the source here)! And Hirani himself stated that it was Aamir’s idea to use Bhojpuri as a language for PK to communicate as it was a very sweet dialect, hence PK spoke Bhojpuri not Bihari. India is such a diverse country with so many languages and cultures that make it very difficult for an outsider of the region to understand the technicalities and fine aspects of it. And on top of it, the variations of the same language keep changing in the form of dialects in every 50 KM and in some cases even less than that! For example, Hindi is spoken in UP, but there are hundreds of variations of the Hindi in the form of dialects and local flavour as in western part of UP, they speak totally different Hindi from the people who hail from Bundelkhand region of UP and eastern UP so to speak, but still they speak Hindi! So it becomes almost impossible for director to make his characters mouth the dialogues in exact same way (chaste language) as is the language being spoken in the region as it would limit movie’s reach and appeal! Second, movies are source of entertainment and not prosaic lessons to teach people nuances of languages, so to expect absolute authenticity in depicting the social milieu of the subject is ludicrous to say the least!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. because the actress has an access to a ‘ happening mentor of the moment’ who is allowing her to dabble in each project possibly conceived before it can reach the right talent.


  7. Mostly I see Lalu talking and I dont know which language but I presume it is bihari because he is from bihar. If it is mythili spoken by most, no harm if it can be called bihari language. Spoken by the people of that state.


  8. Ikk Kudi reprised version…awesome song, although I prefer Shahid Mallya’s vocals to Diljit’s.


  9. if you ask me, this organisation does not need a facelift.

    It needs an obituary.

    (The writer is a novelist. Twitter handle is @greatbong)


  10. Udta Punjab LEAKED: Anurag Kashyap, Ekta Kapoor lodge complaint at the Cyber Crime Cell
    Two days before it’s release, Shahid Kapoor, Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Udta Punjab’ got leaked online and the screenshots of the Censor Copy version of this film surfaced online today[DETAILS & PICS]. Film’s producers Anurag Kashyap and Ekta Kapoors have now knocked the doors of the Cyber Crime Cell


  11. Karan Johar Verified account 
    Viruses in the #UdtaPunjab links! Anyone downloading it will have a virus attack!! What a way to combat this awful piracy! #piracydimaadi

    ADI ‏@reviewero · 1h1 hour ago

    Isse acha toh ‘jisne doanload kiya usko mata rani ka shraap lagega’ bol deta, more believable and convincing

    Whoever downloads will fall sick and lose money, whoever forwards this tweet to 10 friends will win jackpot! Try it

    maithun dear ‏@Being_Humor · 33m33 minutes ago

    Script copied : ✔️
    Dialogues copied: ✔️
    Music Copied: ✔️
    Tweets copied: ✔️

    Say NO to piracy. 🚫


  12. Early reviews of Udta ??
    KRK ‏@kamaalrkhan · 2h2 hours ago

    It’s interval n Waah! What a film #UdtaPunjab! Anurag Kashyap can never go wrong. It’s sure shot #NoSmoking2 n #BV is #Sholay compare 2this.

    Abhishek Chaube Sahab you are really great director. What a Wahiyat film #UdtaPunjab you have made sir. U deserve a Ghanta award sir.

    Forget whatever is #UdtaPunjab but my question is this that how did actors agree to do this film n how Ekta was agree to produce such film?


  13. What a shameless lie !!
    P.S.- It’s O.K. to download on Saturday per Kashyap !!!!

    Anurag Kashyap

    4 hrs ·
    I have never downloaded a film on torrent, i don’t know how to. yes occasionally i have seen downloaded films borrowed from friends and found a way to pay for them later, by buying them on DVD or blurray, and when i say this i also say that no one can stop your right to download a film. This time its a different fight, its a fight against censorship and if you are that audience that always downloads a film, then i won’t ask you to not do that , please do, but wait till saturday which is the day you would normally download a film. Piracy happens because of lack of access and in a world of free internet, i do not have a problem with it. My problem is that this time its a case of vested interests trying to demoralise people from fighting for their rights. So all downloaders of Udta Punjab , i urge, wait till saturday till you decide to not pay for the film, don’t download and share , curb the curiosity for two more days. Thank you for reading this.


  14. I’m glad Udhta Punjab has been cleared. Hope the remaining two and a half years will not further destroy institutions in the country.


  15. Oh Good!!! Punjab HC didn’t even entertain the petition. Just dismissed!!
    So now it can be shown in Punjab as well.



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