Images from Secret Superstar (updated)

thanks to Marcus…

thanks to Master..

thanks to Marcus..

thanks to Master..

114 Responses to “Images from Secret Superstar (updated)”

  1. My comments on the poster from the other thread:

    Nice poster. Best time to release the trailer, they should attach the trailer with the prints of both JHMS and TEPK if possible. The dark horse of 2017 is coming!

    This poster is bound to make one feel nostalgic about TZP, is giving out the same vibes. 10 years since TZP – AKP still believes in content driven small films.

    Dhobi Ghat was not a mainstream film but an arthouse venture. This is much more commercial and more in Dangal space with female empowerment theme and in TZP space with a child’s aspirations with music instead of painting. Its a small budget venture in those lines. Just because budget is low does not make it equal to an offbeat DG. Its a feel good children film for family audience like TZP.

    Also a film like DG would not go for a Diwali release nor go for almost 3 months of promotions. Aamir is promoting it like TZP. The test trials have been audience friendly and in any case Aamir controls the filmmaking of all his productions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • agree totally.. DG was a proper art-house effort. TZP was an example of middle cinema. A film in the latter group can do well or very well (at a certain level of course). The former can only do so for a very small audience. And both of these cases hold, not just in India but everywhere in the world.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Chennai Anna Says:

        Excited about the trailer release. Still 2 more days to go


      • Chennai Anna Says:

        A lot of people on this forum don’t understand the meaning of an art movie. The movie can be interpreted differently by different people. That is not what SS looks like


  2. The poster is attractive and raises some hopes. Hope Aamir showed this to some as usual and got their feedback.


  3. Aamir has released the poster on his chinese weibo account as well.I guess this is getting a chinese release as well,i hope it’s a simaltaneous release.Aamir is closing in on 1 Million followers at weibo account created 3 months back which is a true indicator of his huge popularity there.


    • Heard that the response to the poster has been extremely positive in weibo. The chinese fans of Dangal are likely to dig this due to the similar women empowerment theme. Maybe a worthy follow up to Dangal in China if it gets a simultaneous release.


      • Yes response at weibo is very positive.U can see huge no. of comments urself.It can rake up 25-30M$ there if not more.But u can never say abt Aamir movie’s gross till it releases.The only concern is whether it gets a release nearby or not due to Sino-India tension right now.I hope it cools down.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I think AKP has been working on SS china release for a while now. Its going to be distributed by same distributor as Dangal. I doubt if border tension will effect the release, specially after Dangal minted so much money for the chinese.

          I think the response to the trailer at weibo can set expectations of what it can do at BO. It can go much beyond 25-30 M$, as the Dangal effect is still fresh. But thats depending on the movie to be high on content.


        • Agreed.It can go much beyond 25-30M$ just content needs to be there.At the SS Trailer launch today Aamir has hinted at China release of SS.


        • Ya, Aamir said after Dangal he would like to release all his future films in China. He talked about the quota system and govt permission needed for a release there. He said is team will go through the entire process and try their best to release SS in China.

          I dont think there will be simultaneous release though, going by what he said. But hopefully soon enough.


        • Dont work too hard on China, there is a potential war brewing in the horizon!


  4. Very good poster but the only odd thing is that they have shrunk Zaira Wasim’s body to fit the image. Everyone is aware she shot the movie after shooting for Dangal and she is looking like 7-8 yrs in the picture when she is around 14-15 and same in the movie.


    • TBH, I can figure such stuff out in a second and find it odd but for 99.9% such details does not matter.


    • Zaira is playing a 16 yr old in this film. They shot this film in later half of 2015 and first half of 2016 when she was in the same age bracket. She is a petite girl (5’1″), so not sure if they needed to shrunk her in the poster.

      The poster has been well received online and from zero buzz about this movie, now many are looking forward to the trailer. Hope the trailer is good, as I had found the teaser quite average except the wacky Aamir dialogue.


      • I got the timeline wrong. This film was first announced in 2015. It spent a lot of time in preproduction stage and was shot in later half of 2016, with patch works done in early 2017.

        This film has been 3 years in making. Hope the effort pays off and we get an interesting trailer.


  5. Chennai Anna Says:

    Original title of this move was ‘Aaj phir jeene ki tamanna hai’ the song from Guide

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It should have been Sapna instead of dream!


  7. Aamir said, ” I have a very interesting role in the film. I have never done a role like this before. The story is about a girl but I am an integral part of the film. I am like the tadka in the dal.”


    • This supporting role is going to be different from TZP. Not by length of role or its significance – he still plays the role of a mentor. But this time he is an arrogant, funny, alcoholic rockstar instead of a serious, sensitive school teacher. Should be interesting.


      • No alcohol please. It will get A certificate from the censors.


        • Watch a film called Eddie the Eagle, where Hugh Jackman plays an alcoholic ski jumping coach. Nice small movie. Had the interesting premise of the supporting actor struggling with his drinking problem and overcoming it in the end.


  8. Trivia – SS director Advait Chandan was production manager when Aamir directed TZP and then was Assistant Director to Kiran when she directed DG. Quite a lineage and SS is a good opportunity for him to show his mettle. Aamir is likely to guide the final cut. So bring on the theatrical trailer!


  9. It seems we are going to witness something like Taiwan and China in Hong Kong as well.Plus culture is similar to Taiwan and China only.


  10. [added to post]


  11. Hong Kong release of Dangal has been preponed to 24th Aug from 31st Aug.Hype is huge.There is a preview show on 6th aug with advance booking already of 95$ there.At the site,u can see it’s a hindi release with Chinese and English subtitles but fraudy BOI wld say it’s a dubbed release.3I record of 3.1M$ wld be beaten by a margin.


  12. Terrific second poster! Here comes the rockstar mentor into the picture. Had a strong feeling had Aamir will feature in the second poster, as he is one of the main supporting roles. Reminds one of the TZP posters with Darsheel and Aamir in them.

    Trailer to be on youtube Zee Studios channel between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. Aamir is back in Mumbai for the press event of the trailer release.


  13. Press Conference With Aamir, Kiran, Zaira & Advait for Theatrical Trailer Launch:


  14. Average second poster..that girl looks good.


  15. [added to post]


  16. [Added to post]


    • Meher Vij who plays mother has a brother Piyush who is an interesting actor doing tv serials. Now he is acting in Beyhaddh, a mad lover who loves blindly another mad woman played by Jennifer Winget, ex wife of KSG.


      • Meher Vij and Zaira Wasim forms a v cute mother-daughter pair. Their relationship forms the backbone of the story. I am hoping the narrative also has a character development arc for Aamir’s character, otherwise it may turn out to be an one-dimensional track. I hope the initial rumors of the character struggling with alcoholism turns out to be true.


        • What I am finding interesting is that the protagonist seems to be from a conservative muslim family. How this will be handled is to be seen. I think the father will have an interesting role as the grey character. This is a family drama and as such the family squabbles will get importance. and there is this little brother and a friend in the school.


  17. [added to post]


    • Chennai Anna Says:

      Is Aamir the current generation Raj Kapoor?


      • Raj Kapoor was hardly an actor – very overhyped showman…..Aamir is notches above him


        • Agreed. Raj Kapoor was a wannabe Charlie Chaplin. Aamir is a cut above him.


        • I assume you not older than 50.

          Ask Aamir what was Raj Kapoor.


        • Dont need Aamir’s opinion. Raj Kapoor may have been a great success in his time but that period is gone. What matters is the shelf life of your work. To the younger generation Raj Kapoor and Dev Anand are firstly copycats of their western contemporaries – Dilip Kumar at least was original in his acting instead of copying mannerisms.


        • Marcus that’s a pretty atrocious comment, with all due respect! Awara is taught in film schools all over the world. Raj Kapoor is one of the true blue Indian (not just Hindi) greats. Even his Chaplinesque persona is still huge in many parts of the world. If anything most of Dilip Kumar’s stuff is very dated at this point. Certainly from the 50s. Dev Anand has not suffered that fate. Nor Raj Kapoor. As for the Aamir comparison I’m a great fan of his but there’s simply no way he merits comparison with Raj Kapoor. Indian cinema is unimaginable without Raj Kapoor. Now of course there were a lot of Western influences then as there are today as well (in fact today there is more direct cloning than influence a lot of the time) but that’s fine. So obviously Raj Kapoor owed an enormous debt to Chaplin, Dev Anand (called the Gregory peck of India) was a certain kind of noir urban star, Dilip Kumar too displayed a certain tortured psyche in many films that owes something to Western romanticism. But these were influences. the results were still very original in most cases. Getting back to Raj Kapoor if anything his great films have remained perennially relevant. Awara is one of the greatest Indian films. Shree 420 too belongs on any such list. The entire Yashraj trajectory isn’t imaginable without Sangam (and none of those films betters Sangam.. including in my view Kabhi Kabhie and Silsila… not talking about the Salim-Javed scripts of course). Bobby was a pioneering youth romance and is still a very fresh film. About some of the later films I have my doubts barring Prem Rog. Mera Naam Joker, a film clearly ahead of its time, is one of RK’s greatest money spinners on reruns (admittedly not a film I like very much). One could certainly say that Aamir for his age has done something very important but even as someone who’s liked most of his films a lot I wouldn’t compare his body of work with RK’s. And this shouldn’t even be a controversial statement. It’s like saying Bachchan did a lot of fun films but most of them aren’t like his Salim-Javed scripts! All depends on where the line is drawn. In terms of pure acting ability the comparison is hard. Partly because Raj Kapoor tied himself to the Chaplinesque image so much. If one has seen enough films of his though one can certainly appreciate the fine performer he could be. Including in his scene stealing moments in Andaz.


        • On which account is aamir being compared to Raj kapoor? Aamir has only one film to his credit as director!

          Is this like ‘kehne me kya harz hai!’


        • I was talking on the acting front.


        • LOL, I knew I was setup for a long comment of substance when I said that. I cant deny anything you said Satyam. Its just that personally I am not a fan of Raj Kapoor’s acting due to the Chaplin influence. I just made a flippant remark.

          On Aamir comparison, I will give it another couple of decades before getting into this debate. Let Aamir transition into direction and production on a full-time basis, only then we can say. He has shown some good acumen in that regard though, through all the AKP film productions and of course as director in TZP.


        • fair enough.. but Raj Kapoor was a very great director even as a young man. He started making Awara when he was 25 or 26! Consider the decades he spanned making important films in each one of those decades. Even in his last decade, the 80s, when he made his last two films, the first was a hit, the second was a huge blockbuster. He’s a titan. It’s not an easy record to argue with. Aamir directed TZP. Nothing wrong with the film, I like it a lot but it’s unimaginable to put it in the same context as a Raj Kapoor-directed effort! I’d also say this. Being a successful director who makes meaningful films is very different from being the sort of visionary figure Raj Kapoor was.

          Now personal preference is a different matter altogether. One can prefer one actor or another. That’s a different debate.


        • Not even acting! He was a much natural performer than Aamir can ever be!

          Huh, what all proportion can some box office successes manifest into?


        • yaa, maybe on the womanising can build up a comparison!


        • Regarding the future, I am more invested in the final result and outcome of SS (BO included) than the BO records that another YRF movie may set with TOH. While a huge grosser from TOH will add to his BO laurels and already exemplary record, at 50 it is not going to be sustainable beyond perhaps another 3-4 films (specially when it takes 2 years to make each). SS, on the other hand is a true test of Brand Aamir. Can he produce another little gem like TZP, PL, etc? How far can Brand Aamir take a small little production at BO, if the movie turns out to be well-made? In Dangal he played a pot-bellied, middle-aged lead and it worked. But how much traction can he generate at BO with an unusual supporting role? I think the answers to these questions will pave the way for the future.

          In the SS trailer release press conference, he insisted that he will take on direction, but not now. He also expressed a strong desire to act in Kiran’s next directorial. So he is open to more Dhobi Ghats. It is going to be an interesting transition for sure.


        • I don’t get this. Raj Kapoor’s Awara/Sangam/Shree420 were good films but I don’t consider him as an actor who one instantly remembers in one of the greats…..Dev Anand may not be original but still I like him more and for me he was greater than RK. What’s wrong with that? what is the standard of greatness? RK may be a good director or producer but that does not necessarily translate into his greatness in acting dept. I personally consider Bachchan a far superior actor than Dilip Kumar who is extremely overhyped…..


        • His latter films, as with many superstars, became showy when it came to his performances. But to me, he was magnificent in BAWARE NAIN, AAG, AAWARA, and the criminally under-rated PHIR SUBAH HOGI.

          Yes, he did have the tendency to gravitate toward a screeching childish-persona in some films [eg: ANARI], but still, he was surely enticing.

          He might not have been the greatest actor, but he was a COMPLETE film-maker.


    • I like the way they are introducing the supporting cast through each new poster. But their ploy to capitalise on JHMS opening has taken a backseat. Only 45 cr opening is way below expectations and not many are going to show up after the weekend. So showcasing the trailer in theaters with JHMS is not going to grab too many eyeballs.


  18. Good poster.


  19. Well, I love RK’s movies, especially SJ’s music. Will those movies be as good without those songs? No. They will be somewhat flat, atleast for me. While a Kabhie Kabhie can be enjoyed without those famous songs. Even MEA without those songs will be less complete.

    Dev Anand is not a great actor but his charm as a lover boy precedes Rajesh Khanna’s romantic ways. All of them gave Indian cinema, history to be proud of.

    One of the less talked about films of RK is Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti hai. And it is gem of a movie. And Bobby is still relevant today as Satyam says. Mera Naam Joker is a much loved film.

    As for womanising, none of the stars have a blemishless history in this regard. Some have hidden affairs, some have open affairs.

    Aamir’s uncle Nasir Hussain’s filmography is relatively modern one with a number of popular and highly successful films.

    Aamir or for that matter any other star director has to travel more to be compared to those legends.

    One thing common among all these is their passion for cinema, not its perks.


  20. Marcus, It’s important to understand what Raj Kapoor was to Film Industry.

    At age 24, he setup his own film production and his own studio and had finished directing his first film.

    At age 25, he directed Barsaat and introduced few legends (Shanker-Jaikishen, Shailendra, Lata, and there may be others too who started with this film). Barsaat was a huge hit of its time and the movie still remembered today. Not only that, the story of it still relevant today in some part of the world. See the scene where he give money to h@@ker and walk away. See the pictuarization of the romantic scenes.

    At age 27, he directed AWARA. A text book in film making. It was a rage in Russia and couple other foreign places too. Again a solid social message film with base of a person becomes how his surrounding is.

    At age 31, he directed Shree 420. Another film with a social message of a Power in Numbers, One alone can’t do much.

    At age 40, he directed Sangam. He did in one film what Yash Chopra couldn’t do in all of his romantic films combined together.

    At age 50, he directed Bobby, the mother of all young lover story films to follow.

    There is so much more.

    Take a scene in Mera Naam Joker for example where Manoj Kumar explains the period where a boy becomes a teenager and how delicate that transition is. I challenge you to find me any new age movie where this is explained so beautifully.

    Take Bobby for example, where Pran and his wife are arguing and her wifes saari drop from her shoulder and she quickly covers herself. What a brilliant scene which showcases that despite being husband and wife, they have separated so far.

    Raj Kapoor movies re not just movies, it’s an art, each scene has something to say.

    On his acting, he was one of the most natural actor of his time. Watch his movies and watch his face. His face would show so many emotions. He didn’t need getup/props to display acting if you know what I mean. He did have that child behavior in some film and clumsy posture of his body and walk but as far as acting is concerned, he was one of the best of that time.


    • Please mention prem rog favorite. The story rather advanced for its time. And padmini kolhapure is a delight to well as rishi kapoor.

      Yeh galiya yes chaubara
      Yahaan aana na dobara
      Ki hum toh bhaye pardesee
      Ki tera yahaa koi tera yahaa koi nahee..


    • AamirsFan Says:

      while we are talking about RK….here is a comment I left a couple months ago on salim’s thread….

      AamirsFan Says:
      May 26, 2017 at 11:18 PM

      I just spent my Friday evening watching my first ever Raj Kapoor solo starrer film (had previously only seen him in Andaz).

      I had known about Jagte Raho but didn’t really read the synopsis. This movie is a masterpiece and Raj Kapoor automatically jumps into my top 5 Indian actors of all-time after just one watch. Now I’m really curious about RK’s other movies.


      I need to watch another RK film soon…and also I am way under 50 and I appreciate this era and its great actors.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Chennai Anna Says:

      Becker won his first Wimbledon at 17. That does not make him better than Federer.


    • @Z – Thanks for the note.

      Obviously, Raj Kapoor had set up his production house and turned director at a very early stage of his life. He thus had enough time in his lifetime to keep directing and producing films. He ended up directing 10 films with landmark ones in every decade. Aamir will never be able to match this as a director even if he turns into a successful one at some point. He directed TZP when he was around 40, and it was a small emotional film (nothing visionary) which had a sleeper blockbuster run at BO. Since then he has not directed. And I believe it will be only after another 3-4 more films, that he may seriously turn into direction. He will be nearly 60 by then and I doubt if he will enough time time to end up directing 10 films or more, considering the time he takes with his projects.

      As a producer though, he has been doing much better. I wont compare AKP with RK banner in terms of scale, but AKP is slowly building its own legacy since Lagaan in its own space. And it has potential to do even better. At some point though, AKP will need to try out a big budget film. That rumored biopic of Rakesh Sharma may be a good start, co-produced with Siddharth Roy Kapur and Ronnie Screwvala. But I dont think Aamir has confirmed it yet. If it happens, then Aamir will probably start it after TOH is done. Anyways, it may be the step-up for AKP in near future.


      • I think Rishi Kapoor is the one who praised Aamir as the Raj Kapoor of this generation after Dangal and started this debate. While Aamir is way ahead of his contemporaries or the younger lot when it comes to film-making, it is premature to compare him with Raj Kapoor.

        But on the acting front, I prefer Aamir anyday over Raj Kapoor.


        • Ranbir in his initial years had talked about reviving RK Banners and producing and acting in its productions. Has not happened even after he has spent a decade in the industry. After JJ disaster as producer-actor, I dont see it happening in near future.


      • One last thing. For someone who had directed and produced his first film at the age of 24, he has lacked in volume (even if one considers his last breadth was in his early sixties). His filmography has only 10 films directed by him and 17 films produced by him in a span of almost 40 years.

        Thats not much of a volume (nor do I mind), but a consideration for those who swear by volume!


        • Marcus, again, you have to understand the history of Indian Cinema.

          Raj Kapoor era was such where it used to take about 2 to 3 years to make 1 film. Not only that, there was so much riding on the film where one couldn’t afford a disaster.

          Raj Kapoor, one of most successful producer of his time, with just one flop (Mera Naam Joker), went into bankruptcy, had to mortgage his house. Now a days, you think anything will happen to SRK financial situation based on JHMS flopping?

          If you look at any director from 40s to 80s, I think just about all will be in same boat as # of films directed, let’s not forget, Raj Kapoor was also an actor who acted in other directors films.

          RajKumar Hirani started working on Munnabhai in 2001 (the movie released in 2003), now about 17 years later, how many films has he directed so far? Only 4. At this rate, he’ll have about 10 films directed in 40 years span (same as Raj Kapoor).


  21. Z explained it beautifully. I agree.


  22. exactly – no volume and although a few good films as an actor – but to put him at sky-high level is sheer exaggeration. But that happenses usually, isn’t it? Not just Dev A. but I would even like Rajendra Kumar (sheer volume and BO hits) as well as Shammi Kapoor as better entertains (stars/actors – whatever names u give) than RK. Sanjeev Kumar was even better. My Top 10 from Old generation would be (sheerly from the pont of view of how they entertained as star/actor – and I am covering here a span of 1950-1980):

    (Criteria: Volume (no of films) + BO hits + general mass appeal + kind of genres done by the star/actor + Mass appeal and mass popularity)

    1). Amitabh Bachchan
    2). Rajesh Khanna
    3). Dev Anand
    4). Dilip Kumar
    5). Shammi Kapoor
    6). Rajendra Kumar
    7). Dharmendra
    8). Jeetendra
    9). Raj Kapoor
    10). Rishi Kapoor

    It is obvious that this list will vary from person to person and many a ppl wud luv to see Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor up the order – but each one is entitled to have his/her choices so……also dev/dharam/jeetu/shammi were great entertainers and they had sheer volume by their side and no. of hits were far more than the others….same for Rishi….


    • It is a Welcome vs TZP scenario once again. A small film with a big-budget entertainer, both targeting the family audience on a festive weekend. Whether GA and SS will be similar BO successes like Welcome and TZP, who knows. Shetty has praised SS. Now if Aamir praises GA, it may flop (specially after JJ and JHMS!). LOL


  23. Marcus if it gives you any comfort I never understood Raj Kapoor or his movies and never liked him or for that matter even found a Dev Anand very queer and off limit if we saw them on TV. DK was awesome in most of the stuff he did but as someone rightly pointed out few of his movies may not have aged well for today’s time but then they are nothing like Bachchan or SRK level of hamminess…a phenomena common with superstars who age badly and suddenly lose their bearing in front of the camera or ability relative to the new surroundings.

    For most of us Subhash Ghai was the ultimate showman with his multi starrer blockbuster deals and then Yash Chopra though low profile took the mantle from him when Ghai subsided.

    Ps: There is no need to make any personal insult or make any Salman reference to your response if any.


    • Who am I to insult you? But just a question out of curiosity, do you think Salman is aging better than Amitabh or SRK? I found it a bit funny that Salman’s pics in the sets of TZP showed a bulging tummy, and this time its an action movie not a TL. His body double being used is very fit though!

      On Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand and Dilip Kumar, I like DK the best because he is least mannerism prone in acting. Affected mannerisms irritating, i find. To judge Raj Kapoor or any other producer/director one needs proper understanding of the era and the concurrent industry that he operated in. I dont have that.


  24. Tubelight suffered heavily due to two overgrown and overweight adults with puerile antics. It was too soon after Sultan to start filming.

    For TZH corrections have been made and you will see that in Dec 2017. Watch out for the horse chase scene…….will remind you of Karan Arjun type of masala.

    Since the jawline is no more distinct, aged actors need to get a stubble otherwise chubbiness is too much to hide. Hold your horses i would say….


  25. Sorry to hijack your Aamir thread but this is the look for TZH –

    [moved to box office thread]


  26. Mumbai: Dangal fame actress Zaira Wasim, who will be seen sharing screen space with superstar Aamir Khan for the second time in Secret Superstar, says she had lots of fun shooting for the film.

    Talking about the experience of working with Aamir again, Zaira said in a statement: “I had a wonderful experience. I had lots of fun shooting this film. Most importantly for me in Dangal he was a father figure and when we started shooting for Secret Superstar when we had his trials, I hadn’t met him for a long time.”

    She says she was shocked when she saw Aamir as the character Shakti Kumar from Secret Superstar.

    “When I saw him after Dangal as Shakti Kumar, I was actually shocked. I had a lot of trouble during the shoot as I would burst out laughing reacting to his shots. But I had a ball of time over all,” Zaira said.


  27. “Slowly one by one we will be revealing each one of the superstars as we go along this journey and Advait is certainly one of them. When you see the film you’ll realize what a beautiful story he has written and how well he had made the film,” he added.


  28. First song of SS to be launched on Monday 21st Aug.


  29. So he recovered from H1N1 in time.


  30. Chennai Anna Says:

    Secret Superstar promo Zor Zor Se


  31. [added to post]

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Chennai Anna Says:

    Meghna Mishra singing g a cover


  33. Nice song.


  34. I think every week they will release a song……could be a musical superhit – something which bollywood hasn’t delivered in a while……


  35. A bit underwhelming..


  36. New Poster:

    [added to post]


  37. The supporting cast of SS:


  38. “As an actor, we often try that whenever we play a musical instrument we play it accurately. But I think she (Zaira) has gone a step further, she has spent a lot of time with Meghna Mishra as a singer because she wanted to understand how to sing, they used to rehearse together. She actually learned to play guitar for all the songs were all she had to play it.”


  39. New Poster:

    [added to post]


  40. The little boy looks cute.


  41. [added to post]


  42. aamirsaurabh Says:

    Dangal’s Turkey record of close to 3cr is in serious danger.


  43. The new poster is good. Both look good.


  44. But the other Diwali release, Secret Superstar, is not going to follow this herd mentality. Produced by Aamir Khan, this Zaira Wasim starrer will release on October 19. And this move will surely benefit the film. It’s a small-budget flick that’s anyways not going to attract audiences in hordes across the country. So there’s no way it will have a record-breaking opening; it can afford to have a not-so-great opening. Therefore, it can release on the Diwali day and hopefully manage to have a good word of mouth. And this can help the film when the audiences will finally come out on October 20. In the past, many such small-budget high-concept films like Queen, Hindi Medium, Bareilly Ki Barfi etc didn’t open well but succeeded at the box office after the word of mouth came out and tempted the viewers.

    Interestingly, next year too, it’s an Aamir Khan film that’s going to arrive on Diwali – Thugs Of Hindostan. And despite being a very big and grand film, it’s releasing on Diwali Day (Wednesday, November 7) as per its producers, Yash Raj Films. Such a move shows that the makers are confident of their product. It also goes well with Aamir’s image of going against the tide – whether it’s airing his TV shows on Sunday morning (when the other stars were targeting the prime time evening slots for their reality shows) or now, releasing the film on the auspicious day of Diwali just like the good old days!


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