Zero trailers (updated)

thanks to Bliss..

thanks to Krish..

thanks to Krish..

thanks to Naveen…

thanks to Sanjana…

216 Responses to “Zero trailers (updated)”

  1. SRK has a winner here.

    Looks refreshing and SRK for change is having fun.

    If I’m SRK, I would sign Anand Rai for another film.


    • “If I’m SRK, I would sign Anand Rai for another film.”


      On the trailer, i did have some reservation ealrier, but after watching it 2-3 times, it worked on me. There are lots more the film has to offer if we go by the last 3 seconds.

      I am glad SRK is retaining his touch as well as exploring few new territories. The trailer shows his stardom as well as a quest to do something different.


  2. thecooldude Says:

    This could become SRK’s biggest net grosser even with Simba coming in a week later. Def. seems interesting with a story and not a VFX gimmick like Fan.


  3. I am reminded of Stephen Hawking with cerebral palsy who was also a scientist who was also wheelchair bound and Anuskha’s character has some shades of him. Just the way Rani mukherjee did the female version of tourette syndrome teacher in Hichki.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hawking had ALS not palsy. CP is caused due to birth injuries.


      • My mistake. Hawking had a rare early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease (also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, “ALS”, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), that gradually paralysed him over the decades.[21]

        Hawking had experienced increasing clumsiness during his final year at Oxford, including a fall on some stairs and difficulties when rowing.[253][254] The problems worsened, and his speech became slightly slurred and his family noticed the changes when he returned home for Christmas, and medical investigations were begun.[255][256] The diagnosis of motor neurone disease came when Hawking was 21, in 1963. wiki.
        The brain damage usually occurs before birth, but it can also happen during birth or the first years of life. In most cases, the exact cause of CP isn’t known. Some of the possible causes include:


        • Both result in paralysis(partial or not), speech impairment, walking problems(so wheelchair use). I dont know how they will show anushka and her dealing with her problems. It will be an interesting aspect of the film.


  4. tonymontana Says:

    Looks interesting as of now


  5. tad underwhelming! what was all the fuss about using superlatives?


    • SRK’s trailers often get overrated. By the fans certainly (can’t think of the last trailer that the fans did not like!) but even sometimes by others (they set the bar so low that anything that doesn’t seem ‘awful’ looks good). Now arguing for the film’s commercial prospects is a different matter but calling this trailer good or interesting simply mystifies me. I didn’t go crazy over the 2.0 or Thugs theatrical trailer either but at least the former has a history (a previous film that I like a lot so I’m willing to give this a chance), the latter still has the right elements in place in every other sense. Some of the trailers might be underwhelming but they’re not ‘bad’ by any stretch. For Zero I’d say the opposite, it’s not underwhelming actually, it’s just bargain basement entertainment (let’s be honest). It’s like MHN is a normal film whether one likes it or not, RNBDJ however is just plain ‘bad’ but that badness had many takers.

      And yeah waiting for Bob Cristo to appreciate it!


      • The SRK trailers and films over the last several years are interesting only inasmuch as they seem to (unwittingly?) invite psychological speculation about the man, rather than what they say about the film itself. Thus RNBDJ was interesting because of the mind-boggling levels of narcissism involved (if you cheat on SRK as husband, the only available option is SRK!); Fan was interesting because of a similar doubling, presenting SRK not just as an object of obsession, but also… by himself! Don testified to his obsession with Bachchan’s shadow (specifically, the idea of being the greatest ever), but with a strange (and utterly absurd) twist (absurd because it negates the logic of the Don) that is only explicable when viewed through the lens of the lead star’s vanity (the preening gangster is always the center of focus, and cannot be replicated or displaced by any mere “Vijay”). Don 2 itself is a vanity project, surely one of world cinema’s rare examples of an under-performing film getting a sequel. With Zero, the dwarf makes a certain sense, given the reality of SRK’s diminished stature in the industry vis-a-vis the likes of Salman or Aamir. By owning the status of Pygmy, he might break free…


        • 50 crore in 2006 for Don was okay. People make sequel of flop or losing films..Housefull is now in 4th installment!!..I remember articles suggesting distributors lost money.


        • Don had competition so it was sort of ok, doubt it did 50 even then though, I don’t really see the math on his beyond 42 or so, maybe slightly more. But more than the number you don’t do this sort of big splashy project just to be ok. I do agree that the sequel fared worse all things considered. On Houseful that’s a whole different joke altogether!


  6. This is certainly not my kind of trailer! But it does look like the RNBDJ kind of deal. A film which has a certain ‘badness’ to it and appeals because of it, not despite it. As for SRK ‘hamming’ (responding to Krrish here) I think we must simply accept that he’s that sort of actor. He’s been that way just about forever with rare exceptions. The SFX are good here though SRK should have probably done this sort of part 10 years ago if not more than this. Kamal was a much younger guy when he did his version (and of course that was a double role so we got the ‘normal’ Kamal as well). SRK’s face looks a bit much here on ‘that’ body. And to expand on the ‘badness’ remark you make the film a bit of a freak show in unembarrassed fashion. In other words rather than make a normal film with a ‘dwarf’ you have everything here on the same plain. From Anushka’s character to the kind of comedy available here and so on. Anand Rai as a commercial matter has the right instincts here tonally. Couple that with his stronger script sense and it’s easy to imagine this doing well. How well remains to be seen. But he might have cleared the ‘dwarf’ hurdle with this trailer. So if you think the film is a bit of a freak show as I do that’s precisely the point of the trailer! I otherwise can’t spot anything remotely appealing about it. And again this will be in the RNBDJ category for me.

    By the way note how in a way this ‘dwarf’ part allows SRK to do a bit of Robot-like Rajni. Much as the latter isn’t physically capable of all his former stunts or moves or what have you (I made this point in my longer piece on the film) and wouldn’t seem plausible even if he tried, the ‘robot’ allows him to bridge this gap. Similarly SRK also looks rather haggard in most such outings these days, has for a while. But here he has this very sprightly, youthful body, allowing him to do what would otherwise be again less plausible and somewhat harder. So in this sense it’s commercially a shrewd wager.

    Liked by 1 person

    • “Robot-like Rajni”, i agree with. same as the TOH role allows bachchan to do 360 flip in air, jump one ship to another at age over 75.

      I think this trailer is much more polished and better than TOH trailer.


      • But Bachchan precisely isn’t doing the Robot-like thing. He’s shown for a tough, old warrior still capable of this stuff! There’s a long standing tradition here including in many of the epic literatures of the world. the legendary warrior Rustom is like this even when he’s rather old. He’s a match for his great warrior son even at his age. That’s not what Rajni does in Robot. What would be comparable is if Bachchan did his old stunts or dances today in exactly the same ways with SFX. But he’s not doing this (the vashmalle song is much slower, he obviously doesn’t have his older energy, incidentally Rajni also doesn’t do this sort of thing outside of Robot). Those flips are presumably not possible even for younger actors as a matter of simple physics! That’s not what I’m arguing about. As for this trailer being more polished it’s somewhat amazing you can say this. I agree the ships SFX weren’t great and here there is no issue with the dwarf SFX. But it wasn’t like the 2.0 deal either (though even here every single person who saw it on 3D said it was fine). The idea that this Zero trailer is otherwise more polished than Thugs beggars belief. And I’ve hardly been the most generous on the Thugs trailers as all my comments show (even commented on Katrina with respect to #metoo, when this is otherwise par for the course for every actress in every other film). As a SRK fan I can completely understand if one is waiting for a big one from SRK. this might be it. But calling the trailer great is something else altogether.

        By the way I’ve been arguing against RDB so much just recently. So it’s not as if I have a problem arguing against films even with actors I like and even when the films have otherwise been universally acclaimed. Also using the Bachchan example every time I criticize SRK is also a bit silly. I have several volumes worth of stuff criticizing him on his very blog! Including even for some of his peak 80s stuff.


        • No one called it a “great” trailer. I just did a search on this page and great is referenced twice, both by you 🙂


        • I meant it generically… a lot of people have very positive responses here.


        • And what’s wrong if people have very positive responses? People have different tastes.

          And they’re judging the 3 minute trailer, not a 3 hour movie.


        • There’s nothing wrong at all except that the same people in most cases suddenly develop problems with far better films and trailers. Or if they don’t they have the ‘hey they’re all as good or as bad’ logic. I just find it very hard to believe that if things were reversed, if Aamir were in Zero and SRK in TOH, that a single SRK fan would call this as good a trailer much less a better trailer, or even ‘refreshing’ or ‘interesting’ or good or whatever.

          On the rest yes no one has seen the final movie but the trailer tells us what it will be ‘like’. The question is whether it will be engaging enough for the audience given this premise and the tone of the film. But the film won’t be something completely different relative to the latter. And it is this that I am criticizing. Much as TOH might be better than the trailers, on par or worse, but it can’t be something ‘other’ than the trailers.


        • “if Aamir were in Zero and SRK in TOH, that a single SRK fan would call this as good a trailer much less a better trailer, or even ‘refreshing’ or ‘interesting’ or good or whatever.”

          And it would be same for aamir fans like yourself too. It goes bothways.

          But i can tell you, i’m past that age where fanboy in me doesn’t make me delusional. toh trailer is as much as formula driven as zero, i just found zero better.


        • Again you’re just being silly. I hate to say this again but you’ve either not followed all my comments on everything related to rdb or toh and some other films when that poll was on just recently or you’re pretending not to.


        • Not saying you’re delusional by the way …


      • I’m gonna go on limb and say that zero may even be a better film than TOH purely based on anand rai. of course toh has aamir which can tip the scale otherwise we’ve seen plenty of crap fest from bachchan, srk, katrina, etc…

        anushka has actually done some decent films.


        • I think Thugs could be a disappointment, that’s certainly possible but I simply find it hard to believe that Zero in any universe could be a ‘better’ film. It could be a more successful film in terms of trending or whatever but that’s a different debate.


        • There’s no way zero will be bigger at boxoffice than TOH. As of right now TOH is all set to cross BB2, just my opinion. Unless the film is very bad. Which i think is not possible with aamir being there.


        • I didn’t mean bigger in any absolute sense. I wouldn’t say anything as crazy as this. RNDBJ was very far from Ghajini in terms of initial or final total but it trended quite well. In that case of course Ghajini too trended well. But many films that open big don’t have proportionately good trending. So I meant audience acceptance. At least as a possibility.


  7. Definitely not my cup of tea either – looks tacky and strange.

    While Aamir is still doing prestige films one after the other (not sure about TOH though), SRK still hasn’t figured out what to do with the rest of his career.


    • yes ‘tacky’ is the word I was looking for.


    • On SRK the astronaut is a step in the right direction . Of course he should wonder why Aamir let this one go! On the rest he does need a significant box office grosser of some kind . His last such film was CE. Reinvention too is always harder than it seems because most actors don’t really have enough script sense for it. But there’s also a deeper issue. Iconic stars have to somehow retain their base (those who are interested in the old image but this is a game of diminishing returns over time) and appeal to a newer audience (with newer genres the star suddenly becomes a lot more mortal, the base hadn’t really signed up for this and the newer audience is harsher ). You then need scripts that present the old in the guise of the new. So in zero the gimmick of a dwarf, the anushka gimmick, and once you’re past this you get the older underdog SRK as well as the romantic one . Rai has a fair chance if pulling this off. But reinvention has to be paradoxically attempted much earlier and not when the older star really needs it. Aamir did it as a much younger guy and was in any case moving in that direction even in the 90s in some ways. Partly because he didn’t want to be just the romantic hero. He compromised this more iconic appeal of his very early in the game. In a different sense Salman went with Dhawan once the love stories dried up, and eventually into B grade masala vas well. Even if his turnaround later was incredible he was sticking with a certain format or had been doing so for years . He had developed a bit of a base here. For SRK it’s aleaus been a transactional thing. He’s done it from time to time but never stuck with it. He’s always had one foot in the blockbuster camp or always looking fir the big one. He’s done many many questionable films for this reason . But again he’s not had the script sense either. Given his capital as a star he’s made some very sorry decisions for a dozen years (most days ).


      • I just don’t think just a ‘blockbuster’ kind of deal with no prestige is going to move the needle for him at this point. Even if he gets another CE, so what? Another hit like Chak De would have been a more preferred option.

        The astronaut one might be good but agreed on your skepticism.


        • that’s fair Henry but there’s always enough pressure on a major star to deliver enough of a grosser. It doesn’t have to be the biggest one but it has to be serious enough. Now SRK admittedly sold himself as the biggest for so long that it was perhaps harder for him to downsize. I agree on CDI and even with reservations the astronaut film is the correct decision. But times have changed as well. A lot of different films with much smaller stars are doing fair bit, Aamir of course delivers the biggest grossers this way. So it’s hard for him to do a film where it’s prestige and where it’s also distinctive enough in terms of the gross. I agree that doing CE doesn’t change your career unless you can do it regularly and become Salman! But it’s hard to see what mix he could come up with that would be optimal for him at this point. Because even to do CDI or something regularly and make all of these films critical and commercial successes you’re already in Aamir terrain. And that is always improbable. Not just SRK, other stars too don’t have Aamir’s uncanny sense in this regard.


        • All valid points – reinvention is not an easy thing, but I don’t think Shahrukh even gave it a genuine shot.

          If Salman can come up with a Bajrangi Bhaijan (and even Sultan which was still a solid masala film with some substance), Shahrukh should be doing a lot better.


        • “but I don’t think Shahrukh even gave it a genuine shot.”

          That’s too much to say. I’ve mentioned it somewhere, In the last few movies of Srk were signed right after Chennai Express and in that phase. Fan, Dilwale, Raees, Dear Zindagi, JHMS and Zero were signed similar time. Srk has not signed a new movie from last 3+ years. I’ve been trying to see his
          what he’ll sign next from years. Finally looks like he signed Rakesh Mehra biopic still not officially announced by Srk.

          Out of all his bunch of movies, Srk still gave everything to Zero and I don’t think it’s half hearted effort. I think it’s one of his most worked movies ever in terms of money, time spent. Success or failure, I don’t agree that it’s not a genuine shot.

          Right after seeing results of HNY, Dilwale, Fan.. he’s yet to sign next movie so I don’t think all his best movies following were to reinvent his career. It was already in pipeline. I’m interested to see his next few movies from the new bunch starting with biopic.


        • Henry and I are talking about something else.. the commitment to reinvention has to be sustained and somewhat more sincere. There’s a difference between doing gimmicky stuff (which is what Zero is) and proper reinvention. I am sympathetic to the struggle involved in doing so successfully. But it’s not correct to say he’s been reinventing himself. It’s usually half a step forward and two steps back for him. There’s no overall plan. Also many of those films you mention are hardly anything extraordinary given what many actors and stars are in any case doing. Again if he wanted to have a CE-like career he should have stuck to this. Or the opposite. There is more than one path to reinvention. Just a general mix of things might otherwise be a good idea but then you need Aamir’s brain to make it work (though even here I’d argue that there are more thematic continuities Lagaan through Dangal than might seem apparent).


        • Henry and I are talking about something else.. the commitment to reinvention has to be sustained and somewhat more sincere. There’s a difference between doing gimmicky stuff (which is what Zero is) and proper reinvention. I am sympathetic to the struggle involved in doing so successfully. But it’s not correct to say he’s been reinventing himself. It’s usually half a step forward and two steps back for him. There’s no overall plan. Also many of those films you mention are hardly anything extraordinary given what many actors and stars are in any case doing. Again if he wanted to have a CE-like career he should have stuck to this. Or the opposite. There is more than one path to reinvention. Just a general mix of things might otherwise be a good idea but then you need Aamir’s brain to make it work (though even here I’d argue that there are more thematic continuities Lagaan through Dangal than might seem apparent).

          As for the rest no one is doubting his personal effort or work ethic. That’s a totally different subject.


        • “Henry and I are talking about something else.. the commitment to reinvention has to be sustained and somewhat more sincere. ”
          I think you didn’t even read my comment or understand it. I agree with the reinvention part but if he has a slate of movies already signed up, he can’t reinvent in between that. Only ‘new’ movie he signed after any failures is – Saare Jahan se Accha’. With that and new movies he’ll sign will give him the chance of reinvention. Even Zero is part of old bunch of signed movies.


  8. Being a ‘concept’ or ‘gimmick’ film I am sure this will boost SRK. Haven’t seen it with sound yet but it looks pretty crisp.

    Definitely will watch this unless reviews are disastrous.


    • I didn’t mind the trailor but srks ham is jarring to say the least. He tends to get into this OTT mode. His last few outings have been very restrained though poor movies..the dwarf aspect doesnt seem too central to the plot just in there is no impediment here to the character..he is pretty much doing everything a normal guy will…but I think Anand rai makes really good not sure about the badness thing satyam is saying..rhanjhanaa is a gem..if he is able to retain the core without compromising we will have a good movie here…and yes I dont kind rnbdj…


      • I dont mind rnbdj


        • I didn’t mind RNBDJ too much but Qalander makes a strong point in that SRK is pretty much doing cinema around his image of of a superstar for a pretty long time. Some kind of ‘sick’ obsession to preserve his name in the history books,

          Liked by 1 person

        • IdeaUnique Says:

          yes – that is his biggest weakness…..which takes away focus from the overall product….something which Aamir does not let happen

          Liked by 1 person

  9. Amit Pandey Says:

    nice trailer.. will be easy n clean hit fir srk unlike fan/raees..


  10. Anyway, SRK still retains a lot of media & trade support. Read Sumit Kadel, lol this guy threatened to leave Twitter if Fan didn’t net 250-300 Cr. Here he is again oggling over everything in this trailer. Faridoon another one. Everyone will be at it. Got to love SRK for this, he’s mastered this art better than no one.

    Fully expect BOI to go nuts soon too…


    • By and large, the trailer has received positive response all over, no point in pointing out few of the folks.


      • The couple I pointed out are not just positive, they are hyper positive. If you can’t see that you don’t have to.


        • the one thing that’s simply beyond dispute is that SRK still, despite everything, has the most support in the media. Much as his online army is also the most reliable (pushing up even IMDB numbers!). And yes he gets more positivity in all the key moments more than anyone else, relative to the product he has. Based on all the responses over the years every film of his should have done an OSO. Either every film just has a great trailer despite being mediocre otherwise (hard to buy this looking at all his trailers) or else the negativity is not adequately covered/represented/expressed. And this is my argument with many on the blog also. It’s always a very low bar for people to come out and say a SRK movie looks good. Not everyone of course but most people. No other star gets so much benefit of the doubt. For Aamir for example it’s the opposite. The more he does good films the more people keep raising the bar for him. Similarly when he does films for blockbuster reasons people often attack these as the worst film ever made. Ironically (and contrary to what Z thinks) even the Aamir fans sometimes attack him for the latter.


  11. Not my kind of trailer. Anand Rai has some audience up north. Liked TWM and Raanjhnaa (not the stalking part though) but didn’t like TWM Returns except Kangana’s performance. Despite my reservations, all his movies have done well. So, this appears to be in the same zone, this looks sureshot success, just not sure about how big or small (especially just getting a week and then Simmba releases cutting the screen size in half).


    • I am partially responding to Krrish’s recent comment here as well but I too am not a fan of Rai films. Barring Ranjhnaa. Here too I think the film goes a bit haywire in the second half but overall I liked this film. It was quite true. TWM (wrote something at the time criticizing it) was an entertainer. That’s about it. But for the purposes of Zero this matters more than anything else. Rai does have a sense for scripts. He’s nothing special as a director but he could be better if he followed his Ranjhnaa impulses more. And Dhanush here was also an inspired choice.


      • put differently Rai has gone for TWM here as opposed to Ranjhnaa. Both possibilities were available to him. Commercially this is understandable of course.


    • I am not sure simmba will release now that zero has confirmed the release date..srk will work it out with shetty..simmba if it releases will be bad news for zero and will also curtail the first week of simba


      • You think so? What date would they take? Maybe Republic Day vs Kangana. It is strange that an Rohit Shetty-Karan Johar movie is releasing just 1 week after a SRK movie…but if it happens, I guess business is business!

        Simmba looks front heavy- Temper is kind of garbage, nothing compared to a Singham.

        If Zero is good, then it could hit 200 crores w/out competition. If it is bad, I could see it crashing at 80-90 crores. After JHMS, no number is too low for SRK unfortunately


        • The dec 21 week is a good week to release with the Christmas holiday. This also looks like a comfortable 30 cr plus opener to I can see it getting to above 150 cr in week 1 itself if movie is accepted..if it’s terrible even then will do better than jhms due to release period..but that total is anyways irrelevant..guess a total between 200 and 250 is best case if simmba is coming


        • I watched an Interview with Anand Rai where he said if Zero is good/audience accepts it, he thinks it can do 350 crores (Min 2:30 onwards)


      • Rohit Shetty is very pissed that Kedarnath has snatched the ‘introducing’ SARA Ali Khan suddenly when Simmba was confirmed and Kedarnath was pushed to next year. When Ajay’s Total Dhamaal moved away from Dec 7, Rohit was obvious to use that date but out of nowhere Kedarnath jumped back in the race and announced Dec 7 as release date. Now if changing, Simmba can go to Feb 14th week.


  12. If one sees the letter O OF Zero, one may realize the space movie or moon part aspect of the film.

    Maybe because of his height he travels to space.

    May be I am reading too much.


    • LOL, you’ve probably had a busy workday Rooney!


      • Yes Rooney lol. Seen it now and agree with Qalander even more. This is ‘another’ love story disguised – just SRK is a foot shorter. Gimmick will work but for how long? The face no longer fits so it’s reincarnation, north south divide, Kajol rehashes, Imtiaz Ali (with age) or a dwarf. At least here there could be some decent laughs.

        SRK seems to have married this genre…till death do us part.


        • Yes…but then this is what fans expect from SRK. He has to have good romance backed by a rooted story. That itself makes it a pleasant experience at the theatre. Few , very few people, has this gift to make it happen.


    • Yeah that space ship in the end and the font of O might not be a coincidence


  13. Bob Cristo Says:

    “And yeah waiting for Bob Cristo to appreciate it!”

    Sorry to disappoint you. For me this trailer is crap and i seriousy mean it. Every SRK manarrism is there. Nothing diffrent except SRK is playing dwarf. I dont know story yet but whatever i have seen so far didnt like anything…ANYTHING. This monkey jumping, Running, those cloth in times sqaure. Cringeworthy. My opinion may change after seeing film but as of now even Anushka is getting on my nerve but i am sure she will get maximum praise. Never a fan of Katrina (Though she got a much-much better role here the the unfair deal in TOH). I dont know why viewers will flock to the theatre to see this crap. May be subsequent Trailer or song can do the Trick. Yes i am going hard on the trailer but that is what i felt. I am not like many in this forum for whom even sHIT from Aamir is HIT. The only SRK trailer i likeked of SRK is RAEES. Cracking dilouge. Restraind SRK and powerful Background music.


  14. Bob Cristo Says:

    Yes i want this film to do atleast 200 CR plus for SRK sake so He can do “Sare jahan se accha” with Tension free mind. Now my hope rest on that film to be good. Though i am wishing 200 cr plus for ZERO but i have doubt it will do that much considring SIMBA is releaseing one week after ZERO.


  15. after certain age, some “actresses” not known for acting talents, should retire. How much botox and so puffed that she resembles puffer fish and also unrecognizable. Retire already!


    • Which one of the 2 are you referring to? Because imo, your statement applies to both 😛


    • If I see any female mentioning this, i find to say you are just jealous. Ask any guy, I don’t think anyone finds Katrina ‘old’ in any sense. Apart from that she’s only one of the few ‘diva’ actress around and has no immediate replacement in the industry especially to pair opposite big Khans. Her commitment and work ethic are second to none.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I guess guys are more focussed on below neck to notice the puffer fish’s face. lol. Jokes aside. Sure there is no replacement. But only because bollywood and YRF is not willing to take even a minor risk like finding a new, younger femme-fatale. Anushka on the other hand, for me, is real actress and not an item number queen like Kaif.


        • IdeaUnique Says:

          lol – Swati, what is this fixation of urs with “guys are more focussed on below neck” – are, guys will guys all over – isme aap ko itna problem kyun he? #me too# syndrome kuch jyada overdose ho gaya kya? 😉


        • I find it amusingly narcissistic when men accuse women of being envious of glamorous, sexy female celebrities. What exactly is there to be jealous or insecure about? Do you think Katrina is interested in any of the men in our lives? Or that she’s going to abandon her famous superstar boyfriends and come after you to make the women in your life jealous? Do you get jealous when you see Hrithik Roshan/ John Abraham/ Ryan Gosling/ Chris Hemsworth onscreen? Does any man who points out a studly celebrity’s wooden acting or steroid use do so only out of envy? Get a grip on reality please. And it’s very tasteless and tacky to bring #MeToo into the picture here.


        • A person who does not like a star, male or female may have many reasons behind it.
          Maybe a fan of a rival star.
          Maybe because of this star getting too many important films.
          Due to political reasons.
          Due to genuine dislike.
          As for botox, every star tries to look younger because their livelihood depends on it. They color their grey strands, wear wigs, apply loads of makeup, lip and nose jobs and the works. Katrina’s botox does not prevent her from getting roles and whistles.
          Only someone like Naseer and his wife have the confidence to look natural. And also Waheeda Rehman.
          Rajni does not mind looking balding and oldish in his interviews and public appearances. Only for films like 2.0 or Robot, he becomes another plastic doll.


        • IdeaUnique Says:

          @Vee – i do not understand ur comment – anyway, leave it! Swati has something to say and i joked with her. we remain there. Cheers!


  16. Bob Cristo Says:

    OK this is last one. Anushka’s dilouge from the film.

    Me – Zero Trailer is Crap.
    SRK Fans – Kabard (कबाड़) पसंद है हमें


  17. Trailer is okay. I think film has potential to be a winner.

    I do find it weird that dwarf actors don’t get cast in any film and then crores are spent on a film to decrease SRK’s height. Or when able actors play paraplegic characters. It’s like blatant award-baiting because the acting effort part of it becomes very visible.

    The best kind of acting is the kind where you forget that they are even acting.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Like

  19. The trailer was better than expected. May be the teasers had brought down the level of expectations. The movie does seem to have potential. But the biggest issue here seems to be SRK himself. He is way ott and hamming non stop. A restrained/controlled performance or another actor would have generated more faith in the movie.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Rai’s films have captured humorous slice of life and ethos of small town de glamorized India. Lower middle class families, small town by-lanes, houses, etc coupled with rustic lingo wisecracks being effortlessly spouted by his characters populate his vision; and are what have made his movies successes.
    This movie on the other hand seems much more glitzy, and does not seem to have any of the above mentioned settings. So that itself is a departure from Rai’s signature.
    And SRK here seems to have taken a tad too many dopamine enhancers. His brief here was to portray a “Happy Dwarf”, but he seems to have gone OTT in doing so. However, this IS his signature, so viewers just would need to pucker up and live with a VFX shortened SRK in all his hamminess; while dealing with an Anushka trying hard to be a female Hawkings; and a Kat being just herself.
    Considering its from Rai, the film definitely mustve had a great script to begin with, so it may work as long as it has not been overly tampered with by an indulgent SRK, who is desperately trying to hit one out of the ballpark.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. As Kavi said above, Rai is leaving his comfort zone and chances of ending in disappointment is high. He is unable to erase srk mannerism. Still hoping he won’t disappoint.


  22. Bob Cristo Says:

    If these 4 things are there in the film then it can add 1,2,3,4 before 0

    1- More of small town and less of Mumbai and America
    2- Convincing Reason why Katirna bowled over dwarf SRK
    3- Strong imotional reason why Anushka accepts SRK after his refusal (not like RNBDJ)
    4- Less of SRK’s mannarism (In trailer it is opposite)


    • I dont know how they are going to justify going to the moon in a space ship..srk might actually have 2 movies where he goes to the moon back 2 back..


      • I do not think he will go to the moon.
        Just like earlier it used to be airport and flight missing scene…here it would be spaceship missing scene for/by his beloved. Not sure if Elon musk will like this idea.


      • This comment of mine seems to be the exact the wasnt moon it was mars but that seems to be the killer for the movie


    • The more I see this trailor, the more I see SRK giving a “Honey, Red Chillies VFX shrunk me, WooHoo!!” kinda vibe. Its one thing to present a happy face when confronted with a God given misery of stunted growth; and quite another to be continuously deliriously obnoxiously happy on the screen; constantly showcasing this ‘VFX dwarfiness’ to the audience!
      The one reason Dinklage stands out in GOT is due to his real personal angst that he brilliantly extracts to reflect biting sarcasm, manipulation, rage, grief, etc.
      The obvious absence of that personal angst combined with this silly SRK hamminess has a jarring effect.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Dude, you cant expect much from srk. Even his fanbase do not live with any expectations (whatever is remaining). This hamming contest wont do much beyond 100 cr nett even with all the bogus fraudulent reporting of collections by Red Chillies (much like Raaes).

        Dont waste your breath discussing such a poor trailer.


  23. Maybe long gap between SRK release or coinciding with the Birthday or the movie itself, don’t know the reason but the Youtube views of this movie is outta the park. Just blown every record out there!


  24. I finally caught up with this trailer — it’s actually quite solid, although this film is not likely to be my kind of film at all (and it seems highly unlikely this film will be as compelling as Tanu Weds Manu or Raanjhana, flawed though those films themselves were). I like Anand Rai’s touch for the Indian urban milieus, but it’s a pity the film seems to move New York-wards in the best (i.e. the worst) SRK traditions. And somehow SRK’s performance seems even harder to take as a dwarf than it is when he is “regular-sized”.


  25. Amit Pandey Says:

    lol.. can’t believe this… all srk fans trolling kjo in Twitter like crazy to make him move the date of simbaa… i guess seeing the trailer they should be confident enough that zero will work.. why are they so scared and angry 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


  26. Well…its just him attempting to replicate DDLJ & KKHH in his 50’s, this time as a dwarf with assistance from a lady Hawking & Miss Vanity. Epic Fail!


  27. [added to post]


  28. [added to post]

    1.8 Mn views in 4 hours! the hype is crazy for this movie.


  29. SRK magic is back.


  30. Good song


  31. I have stayed away from commenting on this trailer, lest it be mistaken for a sour grape or a troll!! My reactions have nothing to do with the moolah this film generates. I am but, reacting.

    But here I go. I absolutely loved the initial posters: Thought they were fantastic in generating a vibe and an invitation. But once the trailer was released, terribly disappointed with SRK indulging in his usual mannerisms, albeit with a tired face. As someone commented, this should have happened 10-15 years back. In the trailer, he fools himself, and the public, by saying he is 36 or 38, but his +50 shows.

    Next, Aanand Rai. Rai is a peculiar director, in the sense that he has a fantastic grip on the grammar of scripting and directing Hindi films when it comes to down-to-earth themes but — but for lack of a better-term, is very limited in scope. And that’s where the clash lies with this film. I don’t know what he’s attempting. SRK, with all the dwarfiness, is still SRK shrunk! While I was gung-ho with the posters, I was disappointed with the trailer.

    Continuing with the thought above, what got my goat was Anushka’s Hawking-esqe characterization. Anand Rai, least of all, should never be allowed to tackle characters that are considered differently-abled. Example: Consider how he treated Swara’s character in RAANJHANA: He literally transposed the loose ponnu concept from Tamil films onto the Varanasi belt! The way Dhanush’s character beats, pulls her hair, and bad-mouths her is shocking, to say the least! In essence, what I mean to say is that I am truly skeptical of him treating Anushka’s character with some sort of dignity. It would, as per the trailer, sound and look gimmicky. I would love to proven wrong.







  32. If any type of critics of aamir film is called trolling, i don’t see why we can’t call it same for any other actor film.

    It’s pretty funny but you can tell what each poster here will comment from the day the film is announced, especially from aamir fans.

    This looks nothing like kjo/chopra film. I bet if all of you were old enough in 70’s you would have said all amitabh films are same clubbed all together in (desai/mehra/chopra).

    I think this is the first SRK film after CE that looks live and rooted.

    Anyway, the song is very good. Glad it’s not arjit singing.


    • This is exactly why I stayed away from commenting. Pasting a comment that highlights an Aamir film dropping 95 percent and then — for course-correction — topping it up with an Amitabh-Vinod song might be quite follow-up worthy in Crime Patrol, but not here..or posting memes of empty theaters with someone as insignificant as Suchitra Krishnamoorthy..who is well, scared of watching alone a masala movie!!!

      Anyway, I am watching this film, and will stay away from commenting or reviewing this film here, since the signals are crystal-clear. Enjoy the holidays.


      • You have to give your honest opinion and if you feel a certain way no need to stay away from commenting, if we don’t have different views this blog would be hella boring


      • Strangely this song does seem to be heavily inspired from ‘Sairat’!! I have listened to Sairat album a lot, the moment i listened this song, it reminded me of something i’d already heard and here Ajay-Atul are the music director who composed Sairat!! Although Sairat’s any song is far far better than this song, IMHO.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Agree, Sairat songs are so amazing. Sounds pure.

          I couldn’t get the tune the music out of my head for many days. Eventhou i don’t know marathi, i loved all of the songs.


        • Of course it is Ajay-Atul my friend! the evils of TOH..and the boon of SAIRAT


        • The orchestration is similar..sairat had world class orchestra literally as it was done in LA in some famous academy..if you hear yad lagla it has violins in the background..this song has similar violin orchestration in background..must be an ajay atul specialty


      • An Jo, I don’t mean any type of bad behavior toward you but my point is if you don’t like let’s say masala dosa, why bother eating it and then trashing it?

        And I’m sure you’re mature enough to realize how aamir fans comments on this blog towards all other actors.

        Aamir film dropping 95% is truly a highlight, his films have amazing trending so it was a highlight that it dropped 95%. But many aamir fans here still liked the film so why shouldn’t fans of other stars like their own star films?


    • Not really. You are confusing a gimmick with the general narrative of the film. These are all gimmicks, it’s not trolling – it’s basically that most SRK films have a general romance story at it’s core, the rest is just the ‘different’.

      I like AnJo was very positive pre trailer, visually it was intriguing but it’s just another love triangle.


  33. Amit Pandey Says:

    looks zero will be a clean super-hit that srk has been looking for a long time..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agreed: a clean hit. Unless Anand really messed it up. It’s really a LCD movie as per the trailer…


      • More than Anand, if SRK messes it up by getting involved and asking director to make changes like he did in dilwale.

        Liked by 1 person

        • i have had this question always..does SRK really interfere in scripting? I have always thought he is like AMITABH..follow the orders of the Director..even if you dis-agree..


        • It switches – if movie is good.. then Srk didn’t interfere. If movie flops then its all Srk’s fault! 🙂


        • Based on all of the directors comments that he has worked with, they all say SRK stays out of the way completely. with Dilwale, srk himself said he had suggest few changes.

          Let’s hope he didn’t butt in in this one either.


        • Z, you are wrong there. Srk actually worked more on CE and it had lot of real SRK moments and humor and it was shot the longest Rohit Shetty movie whereas Dilwale was all Shetty and Srk gave free hand and he let him make in the mould of Golmaal 3 but Rohit messed up after signing Kajol. There’s hardly any Srk humor and style in Dilwale except forced romantic track with Kajol. Nothing in bearded role. Srk was shooting 3 movies at same time and hardly shot for 4 months in 1 schedule for Diwale.

          Rohit confessed, “Dilwale is the only film I have made without conviction, yet. I got intimidated by the need to cater to Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol’s massive fan following. The initial film was to be a tri-hero project about three brothers and Kajol’s track was to be of a mere four to five scenes. This change was also by my own willful voluntariness. We went wrong with it, in the process.


  34. zero looks more like in Hirani territory…. SRK hams though but looks a safer bet in anand’s hands


  35. what a song..another romantic gem for srk!


  36. For folks commenting about Srk’s mannerisms and love story in Zero, I want to add just few comments. SRK will not get a huge grosser without his trademarks mannerism and his strong point(especially at this point). I mean, expecting Srk’s film to do huge business by not using his USP and alienating this regular audience to please non-Srk fans is too much utopian expectations. He has done too many recent films not on his strong domain and for once SRK is trying use his strong USP in a movie, people are crying over it. Even for Chennai Express, it was another love story but SRK’s style combined with Rohit Shetty’s style gave it fresh look and completely away from Johar world. Similarly, earth feel of Anand Rai and dialogues will be a new experience to watch on screen.

    I will not say that Srk will not huge grosser outside of romantic genre. It can happen but right now the demand of the time asks for a huge grosser in regular Srk movie. This movie was written before even Srk came on board and Anand Rai offered the role to Salman Khan but he was not game to try this dwarf role. I’ve seen families(esp women) reacting so positively to this trailer which they haven’t in long time for a SRK movie for simple reason that he’s not done movies of that kind).


    • The song is a always help to have a strong song..infact a hit song helps more than a good of now the zero team has not put a step wrong..I know boi said 25cr opening this might end up doing above 30 cr..the main problem for zero will be of course the content and secondly simba…even if the movie is accepted simba will restrict its final gross majorly…


      • I don’t know a genuine reason for Simbba’s release on 28th December. There has not been a (big) movie release on last weekend of year and 1st weekend of new year for last 20 years. If you don’t want to clash on 21st December, just move to next year Jan or Feb. What’s the point to but in between a regular release without clashing directly. Especially when a big movie is releasing 1 week before (with 2 weeks min theater contract) which was announced 2.5 years back. More surprising is that it is directed by Shetty and then produced by Karan Johar!


        • KJO is a snake and shrewd businessman lol. No real loyalties imo. And watch his Interview w Rangan – he could never direct/write a good movie, but he has a killer instinct for a superhit film.

          Rohit Shetty taking Ranveer and then clashing with SRK is harsh lol especially given Dilwale vs BM

          Liked by 1 person

  37. Bob Cristo Says:

    Every subsequent promo is dicreasing ZERO’s BO chance in my view. For me SRK’s Over the top act is big put off.


  38. Great song! I’ve never heard of the singer, always nice to hear a new artist. Very refreshing compared to all the electronic/punjabi/remake overdose we’ve had the past couple of years…

    Comparing Race 3 vs TOH vs Zero, this is where the rankings stand for me:

    Pre-trailer hype: TOH, Race 3, Zero
    Trailer response: Zero, TOH, Race 3
    Music response: Zero, Race 3, TOH
    Release Date: TOH, Race 3, Zero (bc of clash)
    Cast Hype: TOH, Zero, Race 3

    I would go out and say if this is accepted, it’ll have a 30-35 CR opening, 175 crore first week, and 250 crore final with the Simmba clash. Otherwise, if it’s bad, a <30 crore opening, and after seeing TOH, I won't even try to predict a weekend/week/lifetime gross for a rejected film- that too with a clash.

    The overall pre-release hype of both TOH and Race 3 was already at best lukewarm, so when the films came out and were below par, it was easy for them to get destroyed. On the other hand, the general hype around Zero so far seems pretty positive, so it seems like it'll get at least a couple of days to run. Simmba is a remake of Temper which I thought was at best a 2.5/5 movie, even by NTR standards. I trust Rohit Shetty to deliver, but Singam (Tamil) was a much bigger hit, and more iconic than Temper as far as I remember. I think this could end like the JTHJ – SOS clash.


    • As per Aamir fans.. there’s no buzz for Zero and all the views on youtube and others are fake and are paid promotions. Even this song is supposed to be a dud!


    • Fair comments all round..TOH was biggest movie this decade..the trailor squeezed interest out from a large chunk of moviegoers..the songs further hampered it..with a better trailor it would have advances for weekend too but the advance was only for first day which is the day people come out to see a movie irrespective of the movie..having said that if content was good movie would have anyways created havoc but since it was bad all the above factors caused it to drop just that much faster


      • It doesn’t matter whether simba is a dud or good..the main issue is it will do what secret superstar did to golmaal..simmba will take 3k theaters and zero will have roughly 2k in second week..even if simba is a dud and has 20 percent occupancy it still has the screens and that’s what SS did..maybe from Monday theatres will reschedule..all this is assuming zero is good and accepted..if it’s not it will have hardly 1000 screens and will do a TOH kind of freefall in second week..its pretty strange that simba is releasing that week..the only thing it’s going to end up doing is restrict zeros final total irrespective of wom..


  39. Aamir fan, Srk fan, Salman fan…fan fan & more fans. An individual dumb enough to like a film due to the mere presence of an individual, is not fan but a fanatic. A worshipper. Unfortunately that’s what most so called Srk fans seem to be doing praising this snoozeworthy trailer. Not that that’s unexpected of lowbrow Srk fanatics. I do hope the film turns out better than the promos.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha


    • No different than fanatics liking trashy TOH.

      Zero trailer is receiving positive reviews thru out the world, stop trolling.


      • “No different than fanatics liking trashy TOH.”

        Have you watched TOH?

        Liked by 1 person

      • “Zero trailer is receiving positive reviews thru out the world, stop trolling.” ~ just like Raees was supposed to be the Deewaar of 21st century and Ra.1 was supposed to be a visual marvel in Indian cinema as per their respective “trailer reviews”. Srk fanboys and girls are the last people to be giving advise on trolling, an art mastered by you lot who’re even worse than Salman’s low denominator fanatics. At least Salman fanatics do not go about abusing or behaving like they’re having orgasms after viewing his face on a movie poster or trailer (barring a few exceptions).


  40. Zero will be a moderate hit, at least.


  41. Like

    • As I said before, TOH is the biggest tribute AK paid to AB..very said it won’t go down in the annals of history as a success; but a genuine admiration from one actor who places scripts above everything else, to a person who raises the shittiest of scripts to an Everest like with with his pure performance!!

      Liked by 1 person

  42. tonymontana Says:

    Not getting good vibes from it lately
    Hope it works for SRK’s sake, but for that the film needs to be special.


  43. Amit Pandey Says:

    this movie is gradually looking like a 200 plus deal only on Ind.. overseas collections will be one of the best in recent times..


    • Agree that both 2 and ZERO look like winners — what an irony, two ‘number-titled’ movies aiming for the numbers!!

      I have expressed my reservations with the trailer; but Master makes a good point: If money-minting is the goal, then he has to cater to his fan-base; not people like me. He has to ham and over-act, because they like it. I am a non-traditional fan of SRK; I like him only in his non-SRK avatars. I absolutely loved the first half of FAN. He was brilliant there. I care two hoots that the film was rejected.

      I am fairly confident that ZERO will be a hit, thanks mainly to Anand’s firm grip on scripting.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sure, srk’s hamming may make this big hit. Just dont rely on Anand to deliver the goods when he is handicapped by such bad actors all round. On the same note, wont blame him if this fails. Its different to make films with madhavan and shergill than helming a srk vehicle.


      • AnJo – agree both look like winners though like you I’m less interested in Zero since trailer. 2.0 is definitely peaking at the right time and I expect it to fly. Akshay’s posters are really good and like Rahul has said he is the focal point in northern belt. Depending on reviews I may venture in to watch it, I hope not watching Endiran is not a handicap. The last Akshay Kumar film I saw in cinema was RR, geez that is 6 years ago now. So it better be worth my money.


      • zero will be zero only AJ. I don’t think audience wants to see a thingu-ji for three hours, political correctness and all be damned. I could be wrong but the subject doesn’t seem interesting. One height challenged person, one heroine in wheel chair, one with heavy botox such that one cannot see her features, forget acting. Meh. I will pass this one even if it is free on youtube. Good story (telling) should accompany good subject to tell story on. In ToH, for example, Pirates/thugee concept was interesting story but not british as conflict. It should have been along t he lines of PoC all the way, as light hearted masala comedy without such archaic, boring and seriously stressful subject of british as enemy, with a much young-talented actor paired with Amitabh. Zero might be a CGI marvel but the story (of midget ) doesn’t interest me. And on the note of ageism, well. ahem. Hindi cinema seriously needs new young, fresh faced, talented heros. I am tired of triputi of khans who are delusional 50 plus years old, in mega-crore movie budgets, desperately trying harder each year to hold on to their stardom and doing shenanigans suited for 20 year olds on big screen, wasting audience’s time and money. embarrassing.


        • Lol, well said.


        • “Zero might be a CGI marvel but the story (of midget ) doesn’t interest me”

          But here you are spending so much time commenting.

          So are you truly interested in zero or are you just here trolling like marcus?


        • I am giving my opinion a audience member. Why is negative comment considered trolling. I provided my reasons and argued…is that trolling?


        • “I don’t think audience wants to see a thingu-ji for three hours”

          “Meh. I will pass this one even if it is free on youtube”

          we get the point


        • “I am giving my opinion a audience member. ”

          All you are giving away is your hatred for SRK and love for Aamir. There was nothing about Zero or the movie in your comment above, only the hatred showed up.

          ” I don’t think audience wants to see a thingu-ji for three hours,”

          Yeah.. you alone are ‘audience’? Great to know. Why didn’t you go ‘alone’ and make TOH blockbuster!


        • “I am tired of triputi of khans” You read what you wanted to read!


    • SRK is the most gifted actor among the Khans and no one can ham and look as cute and fantastic than him. I think the last star who could do and get away was Dilip Kumar.
      SRK in Zero seems to be good so far. This is a great opportunity here after ToH to really deliver a great cinema to us. Unlike ToH, the director here is several times better. This builds some confidence and assures a guaranteed opening.


  44. What the hell…amazed that this was even a controversy. Media does these things nowadays…making somebody a news.


  45. Z and Master – you both are wrong here.


    • Random comments by Swati in past

      ‘But as far as film making goes, there is nothing new here. It is the S-A-M-E old, S-A-M-E old–ghisa-pita, been-there-done-see-that sort of trope. So very bohrrrring. And those ships. *eye-roll*. Even in this latest song. Yawn. Will pass.’

      ‘Bachchan, Aamir, Katrina…all of them look thakela…should have made movie with a better cast. Some actor should have played younger version of Amitabh, younger version of Aamir, with some past/present scenes going. Somehow to make them central characters for 3+ hours, in a movie this physical and watch the old people doing sword fighting in their graves is so boring. and unbelievable even though that base and that voice is to die for , effort of liftingg that heavy sword is gonna put you in hospital. Bigb looks like Geoffrey Rush with nose falling off and Aamir looks like garibo kaa Johnny Depp. And botox queen looks like the plastic might melt any minute in that dance workout routine that she already did and we have already seen before it in dhoom and chikni chameli. So much glitter and shiney halloween stuff on her face that her makeup person should be fired. Meh. Will pass this one. Ok now I need a shield for all the angry arrows that come my way from AK and bigb fans. P.S. I am a fan too but of their older works.’

      ‘AK is also a serial abuser though he may see himself as great romantic person. What I see is , history of ongoing abuse of power and manipulation, what with his manifold affairs till date (latest conquest in ToH) and out of wedlock baby even! Now LS will take panga with me. But they all are guilty. There may be consensual relationships with a shakti kapoor like directness but when you are all mighty and powerful, the lines of propriety are blurred. To me it still is abuse of power, where it is mostly lose-lose situation for the wormen in long run!’

      ‘gropes and kisses young actresses, A-lister: Has to be Aamir Khan. Every single film of his has to have a kiss!’

      The subtle difference inferred was hardly a single Aamir fan cried foul play with those comments even though Swati was naming LS or Sanjana. Yet here you 2 are doing a dirty, spiteful job without reading previous comments. You take negativity on SRK to heart too much and it clouds your overall judgment.

      This is not trolling. What you both are – is you’re too far up SRK’s behind to know right from wrong.

      The claim by Z that Swati is commenting too much and that implies some kind of bias. Look in the mirror dude, since last few days your own posts are just to point out TOH failure and you NEVER did this for any other film previously. It’s obvious bias.

      I figured Master would have some sense not to get involved here, just by reading properly.

      Liked by 2 people

      • More comments

        ‘Remember I was the first one to predict the outcome of the movie on this blog. I am correct…looks like, so far, reading the reviews and such!’

        ‘Don’t hate me too much…I think ToH has flop written all over it. It might just barely recover cost. Now let me runnnnn…’

        ‘Agree with you totally. A good love story and a good villain or a substantial conflict, always makes a good masala. If it was made on the lines of PoC, then the central character JohnnyDepp/Aamir need to be interesting enough to hold the interest for entire 3 hour period. We loved Johnny’s antics in PoC and therefore it went into part 2 and 3. His character was superbly fleshed out. On the other hand, I wouldn’t want to watch Aamir’s antics for 3 hours, at 30-35 maybe, at 50 no no. Acting wise I don’t think they are at the par. The trailer itself was off puting in that aspect.’

        Anyway if this is Aamir ‘love’, I wait for Swati to be negative on him. So again chill the f out.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks Jay for going back and doing all the digging! Out of context all comments appear bad and feel terrible for writing bad things about actors. I guess it was during #metoo movement when we were all in a very sensitive space. Where is the delete button, I want to delete them all.


        • Hardly bad as you predicted the future. I hope for your sake and the health of SRK rabid fans that you are wrong on Zero. Unfortunately people do not know what a troll is. Any negative comment on SRK is being misconstrued as trolling.
          I guess I did use the word initially but haven’t since as the SRK trolls have disappeared. What we are left with is selective bias SRK fans – even more smarter than the trolls. They will defend indefinitely.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Thanks for defending J.S.. 😉


      • you’re funny jay, always have been.

        trolling word was invented by aamir fans after toh debacle, not by srk or any other actor fans.

        “The claim by Z that Swati is commenting too much”,
        Did I actually claim this?

        “since last few days your own posts are just to point out TOH failure and you NEVER did this for any other film previously. It’s obvious bias.”
        I guess you missed my other posts.

        You’re in no position to judge anything since your judgements are pretty cloudy itslef, and here you are trying to tell others that their judgements are clouded, funny, pretty funny.


        • Nothing funny Z as you said this ‘But here you are spending so much time commenting’.

          So yes you did say that which is a copy and paste.

          And yes I introduced the word troll, not for ALL SRK fans but specific ones who came and already went!

          Thanks for the apology to Swati!

          Liked by 1 person

  46. “Random comments by Swati in past”

    Thanks Jayshah but too much anger/hatred sparking out from the comments. Couldn’t read them after a point. Looks like some ppl just come to blogs to vent out their frustrations in daily lives! Just come online and trash anything and everything and go back home.


    • I guess that’s the point that Swati didn’t reserve such comments just for SRK which is the insinuation here. There is no love for Aamir – the comments are consistent.

      But thanks for apologising to Swati.


    • I love Aamir’s charity work for Paani foundation. He took lot of time while shooting for ToH and went to remote villages on a regular basis. He even dug ditches in heat to support them when no one in village came forward. I cannot think of a single BW actor who put his physical might after someone or a cause the way he has. Blood sweat and tears. On SRK, of all three khans, only he has theater background. That is one positive thing about him. On Salman…he is bhai. So always will remain bhai, the way Rajni is in south, Thalaiva.
      Bus happy now? I praised all three Khans. Now, I will be very critical from time to time of all three, when it comes to their movie choices and wasting my 3 hours by producing terrible product. That doesn’t convert me into a hater or troll. I am critical of their work but not of them per se. Though from time to time, I can take pot shot, fair or unfair, at their personal lives too because hey they are in public domain and if you say something like I want to raise azad abroad because india is intolerant or some such B.S., then yes, I will also express my anger. That is not troll but my right!


  47. Patchwork shoot!


  48. [Added to post]
    New song


  49. Don’t like this song.


  50. tonymontana Says:

    I personally like the song, and SRK’s energy even at 53 is as infectious as a 20 year old

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amit Pandey Says:

      tony..srk’s energy level at 53 is seen in reality is on face but other if u go lower than i am 100% sure its vfx or some technology involved..


      • VFX and technology involved in creating energy levels for SRK? Lol.

        He’s just himself and the VFX is to make him shorter. Everything is still 100% SRK.

        Tony: Just look at the Jabra song in FAN where he danced like 25 year old. That’s incredible too!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Amit Pandey Says:

          tony & master.. i take my words back. yes. it is him n its ‘forced perspective’ technology used just to make him short.. 👍👍 he still does have that infective energy..


  51. I think we can expect authentic numbers from Kadel…

    Liked by 1 person

  52. Just liked the line – Jiyara chakna choor hogaya Ishaqbaazi mein!


  53. The song is growing on me this will do the trick for single screen audience and help with the opening but I don’t care who else is in film unless the content is good the film will go downhill from initial couple days


  54. Just watched both the songs for the first time .
    SRK is really annoying when he speaks right before both the songs, trying to do the Dilli/ Merrut accent , he is reminding me of HR in MPKDH( too much energy )
    Mere Naam is really melodious and reminds me of Sairat/ Dhadak music ( no surprise since Ajay-Atul)
    The other songs, frankly I could not understand the lyrics..dobara sunna padega.
    This one seems to be for the die hard SRK fans, I know both my daughters will go the first day.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. New song is massive. Loved it. Loving it.


  56. Awesome song, after that unoriginal suraiya!

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Anyway these musicians are overrated. TOH and Zero being big films, the music should be unanimously a winner. This patchy some like it, some don’t, some love it, some hate it pretty much personifies how bad BIG FILM music is.

    Thankfully we can listen to Madhuri and Sridevi songs this week to catch the drift.

    Liked by 1 person

    • But I wouldn’t put TOH and Zero songs in same category. So far, the 3 songs of zero are head and shoulder above TOH songs.

      And don’t forget the 4th and best songs of Zero sung by Rafi 🙂


      • They might be better but there was a time when consensus was unanimous for big film songs. Here, visiting the same places for how much Zero songs are liked compared to ToH is like potatoes or potatos. First song is easily the best from Zero. The 2nd one is meh. This one is in Suraiyya range.

        Liked by 1 person

        • The last complete album from SRK, Salman or Aamir film for a big film that was a strong album probably was Dabangg. At least Salman generally has one big song that always works (at least for his fans). But Dabangg had 3-4 songs.

          Imagine albums like k3g, kkhh, rh or hahk where every song has recall value. The music nowadays is not at this level for these actors’ films.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, i’ve said that many time. the songs now don’t have life span of more than how long the movie lasts in theatre, which is about 2 to 6 weeks. Then it’s forgotten. No wonder they have to keep adding an old song in the film either via direct lift, remix or in background.


  58. Too much of 30 years of experience references


  59. I like it another chartbuster, mere Naam still best song, anyone know how many songs this movie has?


  60. Ajay Atul seems misfit for these huge scale movies. First TOH and now this one is disappointing album. Vishal and copy cat Pritam are more suitable for these kind of movies.


  61. Bob Cristo Says:

    Bollywood Works in bhedchal. Ajay-Atul have good music in Sairat. In hindi neither Dhadak nor ToH and Zero has worthwhile music. Pritam and Vishal-Shekhar are anyday better for these big films.


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