The Sports Thread 2024

2023 thread

81 Responses to “The Sports Thread 2024”

  1. In the year of THE Paris Olympics, all you could think of is a T-20 championship. Sigh!


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  3. Stunning win within 4.5 sessions on an atrocious wicket and the end of a successful S African tour.


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    • I had went to see wrestling live at the Hartford Civic Center back in i think 1982. I was around 10 years old then. I still remember feeling depressed when i found out wrestling was fake, at around 12/13 years old. I was heart broken.


      • Jay – Please elaborate 🙂


      • Z – it’s fake but it’s man drama. I’ve followed it thoroughly from 90 to mid 00s. Bollywood could learn a lot from writing between 97-01.
        I hear Netflix has bought the rights from 2025 onwards. If they buy the archive and give it to subscribers I will definitely rewatch the 90s. Even the mid 80s rush though cheesy was decent. Anything from recent decade deserves no attention.


        • It was an awesome drama. Keeping in mind that this was early 80s.

          Seeing Action like wrestling, which i had never seen in india. It was just an amazing. And it was drama, there was a story to it from one event to another.

          The 80s wrestling were more raw.

          Wrestling (WWF and the WWE) were actually invented/started from state that i landed in back in early 80s so wrestling was always very big on local TV.

          I have some great memories from the child hood in India and USA.

          Life from the lense of a child is something else.


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  8. Great win by West Indies..


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  11. Indian cricket seems to be jinxed right now.


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  14. So.. where are the baseball addicts & fans of the Pom cricket team today, the same bunch of clowns claiming England would breeze through after 1-0 & Kohli missing 🤡🇮🇳


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    So much for being the “peaceful paradise” & the upholders of the spirit of cricket that’s New Zealand, you go ahead & include rapists in your team 👏


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  20. What a SHAME team Bazzz.. Bull.. best ever chance to win in India & this is what you end up with.. RIP


  21. Dravid could earn money giving motivational speeches…


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  23. IPL is what happens when capitalism becomes “crony” and the game’s run by a bunch of pathetic goons with zero interest in the dynamics of sport. Shame!


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  26. 70 minute…


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  31. Thread on shiny and rough side….


  32. Much better & improved performance by Pakistan Hockey this time around, remaining unbeaten throughout the tournament. Hockey India’s withdrawal due to the FIH Pro League obviously helped though 😉

    Congrats to Team Japan, 2018 Asiad champions and 2022 finalists.. a good tournament overall for Asian Hockey


  33. A true legend of Indian football deserves the farewell he merits.. thanks for the memories Sunil Chetri 🙏


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  36. HAPPY WITH kKR winning, I just wish it was a better game. No fun watching one aided game.



    Yet another thrilling Hockey encounter between India & Arg (exponentially better than the IPL T20 circus).. defence in the last quarter needs serious uplifting.. either ways with 3 world league bronze medals, an U21 world cup win, 2 Asiad golds, 5 Asian trophy’s & an Olympic medal, Hockey India’s credentials >>>> the drama queen cricket team despite 1/10th the financial aid..


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  40. someone giving Steyn bowling lessons!


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    Was wondering all along which team batted worse & was trying its best to lose, but a truly thrilling low scorer Indo-Pak encounter.


  43. showed up in feed…



    Filth just being themselves.. Sad day for Indian football & shame on the caretakers of the so called beautiful game


  45. Some of the players don’t realize that if you hit other person, other person files a have to go through hassle of indictment/bail and plea deal. Even Rohit tapping police when they were arresting intruder on field was wrong. You don’t interfere in police business.


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