On the Trail of Mani (Baradwaj Rangan on PAA)

[Thanks to mansi!]


“‘EVER SINCE R BALKI BEGAN TO CROW about his stunt casting – father becoming son, son becoming father – I’ve harboured apprehensions about Paa, and the self-congratulatory trailers didn’t exactly help. From Amitabh Bachchan’s creepy-crawly laugh (after he announces the film’s title, or calls out to his paa, or perhaps both) to the supposedly life-affirming, heart-warming, throat-lump-inducing “monkey dance,” everything pointed towards syrupy disaster. . . . The major miracle of Paa is that this concern is rendered blithely redundant. It appeared, at first, just another cutesy gimmick that the promos proclaimed “introducing Amitabh Bachchan” – but sometimes, it seems, there is truth in advertising. This isn’t the great declamator whose baritone echoes through our cranial crannies even when we’re not watching his films, and neither is this the sickeningly overfamiliar patriarch with the white goatee. The actor comes up with a beautifully modulated physical performance, with his long limbs in oversized clothes suggesting just the right touch of adolescent gangliness – but that’s simply half the story. The real stars of Paa are the makeup magicians, who, through prosthetics, transform a superstar we’ve known and loved for over three decades into a complete newcomer. The film would not have worked if we’d seen Amitabh Bachchan. It works because we see Auro, the character, with a face that resembles a mummified light bulb, highlighted by tributaries of veins, strange teeth and a stranger voice. . . .”

Read the complete piece HERE.

8 Responses to “On the Trail of Mani (Baradwaj Rangan on PAA)”

  1. This is one of Rangan’s very best pieces..


  2. Wow, so well written.
    Since I dont kiss men , Jay – can you give him a kiss for me?


  3. arre..bhaisaab..mujhe kai ko thanks????


  4. Sure,Thank U Mansi.
    As far as Rangan’s review goes he doesn’t get my unadulterated appreciation. Matter of fact he don’t get any for this piece.
    He is entitled to sale his so called intellectual ideas and not gives an honest, simple and unadulterated credit to deserving film Paa but I am not buying.
    Its pity and childish to compare and then give credit when there is absolutely no reason to compare. To use words like stunt casting and the self-congratulatory trailers surely proves his desire to set oneself apart from the world and hence self proclaimed intellectual.
    To be simple is the most difficult and an intelligent act.


    • Wow..rangan..great review. Out of all reviews that I have read and I have read both good and bad, Your views almost echoes my thought. Stunt casting..tick.. self congratulatory promo ..tick.. glimpses of mani in balki’s direction..tick. As well as rest of the piece about how overall the movie works. Just to add my thoughts.. I think this is one of the best performances from Abhishek and Vidya both. Abhishek’s performance is on par with Yuva and Guru. Vidya’s best till date. She is leagues ahead of her contemprorary in roles which requires acting and gravitas. These two are going to gain a lot from this movie. As far as Bachchan Sr. is concerned. He has given a very good performance and as usual rises above script and role. But the problem is that he has been constrained so much. It is like Balki has made him to flow like a river when he is actually an Ocean. And all the rah rah comments notwithstanding about his acting in Paa, I dont think it even rates as his 10th best, Such is the caliber and oeuver of the man. With Paa, Balki also establishes himself as one of the director to watch out for in future. 2009 has been a lean year for hindi cinema in terms of quality output, thankfully Paa is a positive addition.


  5. I haven’t seen the film yet, but this kind of makes me want to see it more:



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