Short take on zindagi na milegi dobara

With zindagi na milegi dobara its evident how much of hollywood influence has come into mumbai film industry .

Some of the exotic Indian locations and tourism part is hugely underutilized in Indian film industry( from the deserts of rajasthan …beaches of goa ….visual delight of kerala …. heritage of bengal…  old charmness of lucknow etc .)    What we see again is the influence of hollywood (even movies likes hangover though its compleately different but  again the concept of protagonists go out  for a new place for fun and for rediscovery find resonance here)

Movie ultimately works as package . Script wise its nothing new but again the same old rehash of heroes finally coming out of age. Zoya’s brother has ironically tackled the same subject of mid life crisis in dil chahta hai and rock on but again with the exemplaray indianized locations.

Film was promoted as road movie  and it works with some of the great locations and tourism promotion of Spain which before was known to most of the indians for his most popular football club barcelona.

A money minded fianancial broker ,  a chirpy and energetic artist and a lively businessman are all as different as chalk and cheese and so on is their attempt for fancy vacation trip which is synonymous with escapist cinema .

What works in the movies is the banter between old friends , their nostalgia about old days and poking fun at each other .

  While you can relate with the characters of dil chahta hai for their antics here while watching 3 main protagonist one hardly relate to them  and so on with their love antics though some of visual delights in the movie compensate for that .

Popular sequence of holi make way for tomato festivities , the popular senorita of ddlj makes way for a popular song and even we have the banned and barbaric bull fight sequences just to justify the theme of the movie.

The  movie in a way is synonymous with the upper middle class of india today(a major part of multiplex audiences) which is out there to spend more  and live on like there is no tommorrow (though in reality these are the people who are the first who get affected with recession)

Character wise abhay is natural and easily the best part of the movie  as carefree and easy going  guy though farhan is not far behind with his witty dialogues and body language as michevious and hrithik the third part of the triangle is sincere as mature head  but a bit of staleness has come into his acting . How these three contrasting personalities connects with each other and their male bonding make way for whole movies  which again works on superficial level though one has to admire zoya for not going over the top and the same subtleness works for multiplex audiences.

Ladies have hardly much to do though  except being part of adventure  or being  visual eye candy and sometimes the evil chudail.

All and all its a decent timepass watch but certainly not a classic by any stretch of imganination and one wonder bollywood can give ceratainly more authentic and real road movies

41 Responses to “Short take on zindagi na milegi dobara”

  1. Alex adams Says:

    Watched ZNMD today. A bit “spent” rite now. So a few random thoughts .
    Will probably make some “piecemeal ” sporadic comments rather than a structured one …
    Had quite a fair idea of what to exoect ESP after watching promos– so expectations were reasonable but not sky high …
    The pseudocrises and other “pressing” deep sea diving / bull fighting “issues” highlighted few things.
    Certain sequences/situations also had shades of personal resonance….
    Will probably write more later– have some “stuff” to sort out lol


  2. Alex adams Says:

    Well, I tried to pen down my thoughts on ZNMD and happened to go through ZNMD pieces by b rangan and then satyam.
    I had real issues with the” ZNMD perspectives” as it is now being called in some diaspora and expat and even indian circles , I’ve been told.
    Won’t be able to better/ add anything to those “issues” than what b rangan and satyam have already eloquently outlined.
    I feel that after delly belly, satyam again outdoes b rangan and this is no mean achievement–(lately b ranagan is surprisingly getting a bit “carried away” with the discourse , something which the “seasoned” satyam has avoided(till now)lol


  3. Alex adams Says:

    In continuation to the above, some different perspectives—
    It’s alright to expect zoya akhtar with come up with an amalgamation of the “intelligent/classy/massy/substance/auteur/original” all in one, but I think that will be a bit too much (for anyone).
    Zoya had her job cut out here–
    These are presumed unsaid aims—
    She had to prove that she can move the box office after failing in LBC (even with half the film industry in it).
    She has the “job” of relaunching farhan akhtar as an actor while also keeping some urarguably bigger stars (HR &kat)”interested” in the project even with lesser roles..
    And in a way, steer away from kjo-esque mediocrity and cliches (at the v least) whilst still coming up with something multiplex friendly.
    Given all this divergence, zoya manages a reasonable job.
    There are many good moments sporadically (although the whole package probably lacks something)
    There are atleast a few moments that the writer of piece identified with (although many will find this “designer” fare).
    Liked Kat in ZNMD and not for the obvious reasons although her role was not written properly and had lacunae and unexplained facets.
    The moment where Kat unhesitantly asks for the bike keys and follows hritik to the car was a v good one(& this track reminded me of something!!)
    The whole structure wAs ampremise to showcase farhan akhtar and it did the job discreetly and successfully .
    Hritik wasn’t shortchanged but would feel slightly sidelined — the best scenes , situations, voiceovers , dialogue etc were reserved for farhAn.
    Unlike others, found abhays track reasonable and abhay played it right.
    Kalkis role was ironically one of the “real” ones.
    The unabAshed “visit Spain” tourist brochure was rescued by the inspired cinematography , picturisTion although the integration into the film wasnt seamless enough– but reasonable nonetheless..
    Farhan does go over the top on many occasions but gives his best performance till date ESP in his scenes with Nasser !!!


  4. Thanks,iAlex and Iffronfire for your views. i did like quite a bit more than you guys.
    On a different note, this has to be the most successful multiplex movie yet and is going to end up north of 80 crores based on multiplexes alone.


  5. alex adams Says:

    My above criticism(s) doesnt take away from the fact that Zoya has managed fine “against all the odds” and conflicting aims (read above).
    Also the film is quite enjoyable (perhaps one of the most enjoyable amongst the excel/akhtar factory wherein there is usually a dullish/dry vibe throughout usually, be it LBC, honeymoon etc.
    Certain moments stand apart—
    Some of HR/Kat moments –(actually Kat seemed to be more comfortable there than the somewhat laboured HR)
    The bike scene of kat and the preceding brief voiceover and the ensuing song picturisation.
    the deep-sea/ sky diving “instruction courses” (although there were some logisitic/technical errors in both)– but we can ignore them in true bollywood tradition
    In general, the entire “voiceover” by Javed Akhtar selfishly hogged by farhan was uniformly brilliant (although it seemed implausible hearing it from THOSE guys)
    The buildup to Farhans meeting with Naseer (driving away in the first attempt etc) and the entire Naseer track was v good–infact it seemed like part of a different film.
    Also showed how an ultra-gifted , nuanced and even legendary (but narcissistic and moody) actor like Naseer has reduced himself to!!


  6. iffrononfire Says:

    thats the irony

    luck by chance was a far better movie and it was a total washout and znmd being a far mediocre one is a sucess but i can see lbc having a better shelf life than znmd after some years

    farhan had a great role but i still rate abhay as better simply because he was natural and never it looked that he tried hard

    hrithik had some good 2 or 3 sceness but overall he is becoming total predictable as actor ….in 2nd half he was allmost non existentt


  7. iffrononfire Says:

    “Also showed how an ultra-gifted , nuanced and even legendary (but narcissistic and moody) actor like Naseer has reduced himself to!!”

    and its even more amusing to see him constantly in blink or miss appearances…. he is a dam good actor for that but again his arrogance is bigger than him …

    when one look around and see guys like bachchan constantly experimenting and touching different genres without carrying the pressure of being leading man and commercial pressure and naseer’s colleague of his art film days om puri replacing him in international scenes carrying huge acclaim in very recent west is west its evident the guy just don’t have the hunger anymore


  8. luck by chance was a far better movie and it was a total washout and znmd being a far mediocre one is a sucess but i can see lbc having a better shelf life than znmd after some years

    Don’t agree ZNMD is far mediocre,,,,if it was trending would not been so brilliant …opening week of 45 crore ,it may end of near 90 crore,,that is simply outstanding in today’s time and overseas also big hit.

    Such trending was last seen in tzp and cdi..

    If ZNMD would have been a masterpiece, it would have cross Dabang total ,,but its not but a good movie nonetheless.

    Word “mediocre” are reserved for Reddy like movie not for ZNMD.


    • “Don’t agree ZNMD is far mediocre,,,,if it was trending would not been so brilliant ”

      “Word “mediocre” are reserved for Reddy like movie not for ZNMD.”

      Don’t you think these two statements are contradictory?


      • iffrononfire Says:

        to each his own … there are many who liked it and there are many who don’t

        as for comparison of yours both cdi and tzp where atmost 20 cr movie not a 60 cr movie like znmd(with massive scale release compared to two) and which in reality will barely give profit infact even in business sense

        infact there are many movie along with cdi and tzp which trended far better than znmd but in last one and half year the movies which was the real tiger in terms of trending was 3 idiots ……. now that is what you call mass scale acceptance


        • iffrononfire Says:

          infact one of the main reason znmd was worked because multiplex audiences having been fed a regular dose of action masala movies got a surprise quotient in znmd … the same thing which worked for band baja barat which trended exceptionally infact better than znmd ( but on a smaller scale)


  9. Reddy is masala movie which had full single screen support,,,while ZNMD had no support from single screen. Its trended with multiplex support not that a amazing feat?? apart from that Ready trended well as there was no movie clash happened, it enjoy free run.

    Now compare this to ZNMD …Being a Multiplex oriented movie it clash with Harry Potter in first week than Singham in 2nd week.Still ZNMD going strong.


    • Again you’re saying contradictory things. If ZNMD is a multiplex film then how can it be affected by a single screen film like Singham? As for Harry Potter I’ve never seen a Hollywood film really damage a Hindi film and this is no exception.

      Trending is not about multiplexes or single screens. It’s not as if ZNMD ever had the single screens on its side. It started with a part of the audience and did very well with this segment. Ready started with a much wider base but it too did very well. It didn’t double its initial, ZNMD might but there’s a difference of scale here too. So sure Dabanng didn’t double it’s initial either but off 80 crores not many films will! ZNMD has definitely trended better than many multiplex hits these days. For example LAK or AJPKGK didn’t exactly double their initials. But it’s not about ‘multiplex support only’ because that’s where most of the gross comes in! very few movies do that well in single screens. In this sense Singham getting to those high numbers mostly on the back of single screens is impressive. if this film had more multiplex support it would have easily crossed 100 crores. here in fact I think ZNMD is hurting it. Singham’s clearly doing well, clearly has enough support in the multiplexes to put together a Wanted kind of coalition. But obviously for the dominant multiplex groups the first choise is ZNMD. So I’d say the reverse. I don’t think ZNMD was really affected by either HP or Singham very much but Singham has probably been damaged by ZNMD in multiplexes. Having said that it is because support for this kind of film is always weak in the multiplexes that this can happen.


  10. Saw ZNMD recently while visiting London. My mind was made up about it – a stupid male bonding/growing up film. Also I’m not fond of films like – salaam namaste, anjana anjani, DCH, kal aaj aur kal, etc and was ready to put this under the same ‘wannabe’ category. But what I got was something not exactly that (the male bonding stuff was there though ans some ‘wannabe’ stuff).

    I didn’t see the sky diving and sea diving as examples of their growing up. The Spanish Tourism was thanked in the credits at the beginning so those were there just for the thrills and ‘cool’ effect, I think,

    As I saw it – their growing up centred around reasonably believable things. Farhan’s character meeting his father and the pain involved after experiencing rejection to some extent, did change his attitude generally, and also towards the word ‘sorry’ about which he was so light and almost dismissively arrogant about earlier.
    That kind of enlightenment is not limited by age, and I thought it was a good reason to suddenly mature and understand hurt/pain.
    I think that was the moment Hrithik too was able to let go the hurt he was nurturing, and the negative feelings he was harbouring against Farhan. Lastly Abhay Deol was able to get the courage to call off his wedding which was not based on solid grounds.

    I see no reason to consider ZNMD any less than DCH. In fact I find the ‘maturing’ in DCH laughable – watching an opera (in Australia), closing ones eyes and LO!! Maturity dawns!!!! But wait!! It was actually an intensification of the macho behaviour shown till now, leading to stopping a wedding… the last moment. I don’t appreciate the maturing/growing up angle there.

    From a personal angle I infinitely prefer foreign locales coupled with culture to the LOOK! …broad streets…great cars…wow skyscrapers, and all those glass steel structures etc etc.
    I found it tastefully done here.

    Regarding the poetry recitation…it added a nice touch though why would one not expect it from ‘them’ ?

    Quite an enjoyable film. I liked LBC very much too.


    • Some comments on iffrononfire’s review.
      >Movie ultimately works as package .

      >Some of the exotic Indian locations and tourism part is hugely underutilized in Indian film industry( from the deserts of rajasthan

      I thought ‘paheli’ utilized the beauty of Rajasthan very well. The stepwell, the puppets and the whole general atmosphere.

      >the banned and barbaric bull fight sequences just to justify the theme of the movie.

      The running with the bulls is not the same as a ‘bull fight’. I’m not sure if the running is banned.


    • thanks for your take.. so you overall like ZNMD more than DCH?


      • Yes.
        Sure, there was this angle of Akshay Khanna falling for an older woman and all that, but I’ve seen that with Rishi Kapoor in Doosra Admi already and it doesn’t make me think it was above other films for that ‘mature’ angle.
        Amir’s role was obnoxious (I know, I know what you’ll say, but I’m always honest and that’s how I feel about the role – too macho for my taste). Saif was OK.


  11. iffrononfire Says:

    “In fact I find the ‘maturing’ in DCH laughable – watching an opera (in Australia), closing ones eyes and LO!! Maturity dawns!!!! ”

    again just an opposite view :

    i agree farhan and naseer scene was good but nothing extraordinary

    abhay got the courage from not that sorry but from bull fight … you can’t get more childish than that

    in dch maturity came much earlier to akshay khanna who ironically was hooked upto a much mature lady and the carefee aamir got this realisation from a girl to


    • I didn’t mean Abhay got the courage from the incident with Farhan and father. The bull race made him face a decision which he had *already* made and would follow up on it if he survived. I don’t give the running any credit for his decision.

      So it wasn’t as if his survival gave him the courage to face the reality of his situation with regards to his wedding.


    • In DCH, Aamir’s maturity/pain/realization is revealed in the amazing Tanhaai song. And there was NOTHING obnoxious about his role (with ref to a comment from an Aamir hater above). What is obnoxious is the colouring of one’s perception of a character simply because one hates the actor for whatever reason.

      Loved DCH, it will always be special, so many memorable lines. love all the characters, the scenes–it’s one complete entertainer with a soul. Nothing too profound or anything, but DCH makes me feel good every time I watch it.

      I plan to watch ZNMD this weekend–and I am going to watch it without letting DCH colour my views. it is unfair to both films that they be viewed with reference to each other. In any case , i feel that comparisons are generally unfair and odious–but the favourite activbity of film-bloggers is generally to compare in this manner, speaking up for a favourite film or actor, dismissing the other/ what they see as competition.


      • >Aamir’s maturity/pain/realization is revealed in the amazing Tanhaai song.



        • A smiley doesn’t make the sarcasm and meanness any less so. To Aamir fans his films from 2001 are special, both Lagaan and DCH being so different from each other and Aamir’s own roles so much more. No way will I allow an Aamir hater to take away the full credit due to to him for these two films and performances.


        • >No way will I allow an Aamir hater to take away the full credit due to to him for these two films and performances.

          Whoa!! Such passion!!
          Finally I’ve found someone to match how obnoxious I find him with an opposite sentiment.

          As regards the smiley, I guess I don’t understand the exact reference of it then, because I meant to show a wider laughing face, because I found the maturing/realising etc with a song so very absurd.

          As for ‘not allowing’…I live in a free world, and if I feel no credit is due somewhere then I won’t give it.
          It’s not a question of not giving credit because of dislike, but disliking because of overblown, over rated credit being given…and I stand by this opinion of mine.


  12. alex adams Says:

    Reasonable / interesting cumments above by oldgold on znmd…
    “Saw ZNMD recently while visiting London”—Caught it recently myself –see notes above.
    Hope u were not in that bunch of eager (and energetic) giggly girls in the front row who went gaga everytime Hritik came on screen!!! lol (infact saw a few “mature” aunties enjoying the film quite a bit as well)—
    as always like the “view” from the back row…..haha


    • Did you see any giggly girl behaving like a mature aunty or a mature aunty behaving in a giggly girl fashion?
      That was me 😉 .


  13. alex adams Says:

    Get ready for a girl catfight between oldgold and LS
    (and i shall be the “unbiased” referee…) lol

    “Did you see any giggly girl behaving like a mature aunty or a mature aunty behaving in a giggly girl fashion?
    That was me”—Hmmm…oldgold do u have a split personality?
    Anyway saw a “mature” aunty providing constant background music during the movie by loudly munching crisps/chips…lol
    Do u like munching crisps….haha


  14. @Alex– Sorry, but you won’t have the pleasure of seeing me get into a catfight with anybody, here or anywhere else. I may defend Aamir, whenever i feel that he is being unfairly criticized— but that’s about it. I am a fairly mature female, in years plus mentally ( i’d like to think). In any case i read more than i watch films–which get my selective attention.

    I rediscovered Bollywood in late nineties after almost a decade of keeping away–1990 and Italia world cup turned me into a temporary football fanatic along with my family; ironically the reidiscovery came with the emerging SRK’s films –films like Yes Boss (love this film) and Pardes (cheesy, but fun with great music; loved debutant Mahima too)—-along with some fine films of Aamir–like 1947Earth, Sarfarosh (love both these films); even enjoyed the literally loud (two senior actors literally shouted their dialogues) Ishq for its fun quotient.

    2001–and Aamir dazzled , differently in two diametrically different films. Yes, DCH saw Saif doing a fabulous turn as the goofy but lovable Sameer ; was great to discover this hip new Saif—but goateed Aamir was just purrfect as was the film and everything about it. It’s one wonderful fun feel good film, is DCH.

    And that’s my opinion and that of plenty more Aamir fans. And no way is somebody who decries the DCH Aamir getting away with contempt and derision about a favourite.

    As I said earlier–I may defend Aamir , speak up for him because i see the merit in him—- but never do i go around pulling down other stars, using every available opportunity, valid or not. and this is what sickens me about these forums–this nit picking and muck throwing on others’ favourites. No respect for other opinions, simply trumpeting own likes, hates and biases.


    • >No respect for other opinions, simply trumpeting own likes, hates and biases.

      What I express is my opinion too, on which you throw muck and call it mean, and me a hater etc etc
      It is my honest opinion. It’s a dissenting one which doesn’t mean I’m wrong. It’s not based on popularity, but how *I* see it.

      “I would also like *my opinion* to be respected.”

      When I found your view about the song absurd I didn’t even say it in as many words (because it ‘is’ your opinion), just a smiley which meant “OK, though I find it absurd.” But even that was ‘mean’ for you. So what do you want? Just constant praise??? Sorry!! That’s not going to happen.
      But if I find something praiseworthy, I promise I will.

      My views were expressed in response to several comparisons being made between the two films and ‘especially’ in answer to satyam’s question…he knew where it would lead to LOL!


  15. Alex adams Says:

    Thanx LS– enjoyed reading your earnest essay.
    Appreciate your views there including on aamir…
    DCH was undeniably a cult film which has “inspired ” umpteen lesser progenies (& still continuing)
    ZNMD is quite a good effort actually and has certain endearing moments..
    As for the likes/ dislikes for aamir (or for anyone else): people do have some biases/ prejudices/ confounders having nothing to do with films or acting–& this is an undeniable truth.
    Also, acerbic grumpy sharp humour also has a place just like jovial over the top “pat on the back camaraderie ”
    By the way– u seem to be based somewhere in Europe .
    Would be interesting to hear the latest books u r reading and any good larder recommendations(NON fiction)- thanx


  16. Hey Alex–just saw your response; was about to log off.

    Am very much an India based Indian, a South Indian metro, actually. Visiting England, Europe features on my to do (bucket) list…ha ha!

    I am an India based football fan (still, though not to the old level; just every 4 years,don’t bother too much now with league matches; son in SA tells me about some Euro Championship match he watched and I say unhunh, ok.

    I watched Italian World Cup in 1990 when television brought the pre- games programmes, the whole month long show right into our drawing rooms; spouse had watched 1986 World Cup and was excited at the prospect of watching Maradona again–sold me into the whole thing–the sports, the glamour, the excitement–it was great, who needed films! Or cricket. Seriously, in the nineties, many urban Indians became huge football fans, enfamille–my son was collecting football cards in a cricket mad country. drew sketches of football stars; beti and I preferred read the now defunct Sportsworld (kolkata weekly), rather than Stardust…didn’t even bother to watch DDLJ-Rangeela in theatres, 1995–watched them later on video. Then the Khans and other bollywalas became active and Bollywood became interesting …

    Sorry to write long OT essay—-but i just wanted to get off the stupid fan talk thing; but seriously i started to write on Bolly messageboards in 2006, after broadband became inexpensive and available, and imdb, ng, all these sites emerged…a place to discuss films. But soon found myself being disillusioned with fan talk and badmouthing of supporters… ah well, must learn to take things lightly.

    Book reccos–there’s plenty, and i read a lot of non fiction actually. Recco’d a terrific all time fav book to Aamir on his blog, way back in 2007–City of Djinns, all about Delhi (home for a decade, miss it)–and he thanked me, said he loved it, that it brought Delhi alive, all that… have occasionally recco’d to him and other blogger/fb friends various other books.

    Off hand–1. ‘Istanbul’ by Orhan Pamukh. Writer’s childhood in the great city, terrific pics and sketches; must visit place.

    2.Sheila Dhar’s memoirs –Raga ‘n’Josh. Fabulously funny memoirs of a Hindustani musician and diplomat’s wife. She was also an employee at Publications divn in Delhi; showed Richard Attenborough around, helped him research Gandhi.

    3.Being Indian by diplomat Pavan K Varma. a must read for anybody who is still idealistic enough about a united India.

    4. Temptations of the West –how to be modern in India , Pakistan and beyond; by Pankaj Mishra. It’s –a good blend of memoir , narrative, history, politics, religion and philosophy. Met this guy at his book reading of this book. He is apparently working on his next, to be published later this year. He is a perfect example of a UP based Allahabadi Brahmin who managed to get out of small town india and find himself a place in the world of NY Times and suchlike. Also like his book, An End to Suffering–he retraces Buddha’s life by visiting the places that Buddha touched during his lifetime.

    5. Looking for America by journo Avirook Sen–travelled through parts of the US in election year, felt the pulse of Obamaland.

    6.Rainbow Diary–a journey in the New South Arica, by John Malthronas.

    7. Holy Cow by Australian journo Sarah Macdonald; very funny, empathetic, readable account of her year (2001) in india. she did a ten day Vipasana ( silent meditation) course met bollywood people –Amitabh, Aamir, , Preity–, experienced the touch of a Kerala godwoman…still poular, this book.

    8.All books of Paul Theroux, Bill Bryson, Vikram Seth, Pico Iyer,
    Sue Townsend…..

    9.. Hindi dohey (couplets) and English Poetry

    10.Fiction of PGW, Richard Gordon, Aatha Christie….humour, suspense…

    Ok. this post is way too long. Satyam, sorry for taking so much space; shouldn’t let it happen again.


  17. alex adams Says:

    “Hey Alex–just saw your response……..Ok. this post is way too long. Satyam, sorry for taking so much space; shouldn’t let it happen again.”
    LS—thanx for the lovely post. dont worry about the “length”.
    Its “quality” posts like yours that make blogging worthwhile.
    Also thanx for the effort in assorting that list of books
    Will try to catch up with some of the stuff u have recommended, although nowadays am a multimedia/screen/phone addict with practially no patience for the “conventional” (non-essential) book—something i miss…

    ps—btw note how i asked for “book recommendations” from the “appropriate” person …..even without any background info etc lol
    Could sense u r into books….
    May end up checking a book( i have been meaning to read for sometime) not recommended but mentioned by you–“end of suffering” on the Buddha!!!


  18. alex adams Says:

    seems unlikely but does any1 have links for javed akhtars voiceovers in znmd—
    especially the one just before Kats “bike scene” ….
    Need to put this voice over to some “good” use…lol


  19. Oldgold finding znmd better than dch was so much predictable. Whatelse u can expect from srk fanatic and aamir hater? By the way, srk fans are going gaga about it more than hr fans about it as they see chance to grab support from hr fans and undermine one of the iconic movie of aamir. It is more of a propoganda than a personal view.
    My prediction is that He will find ra one the best flick of the year or of the decade and definitely the bravest attempt in indian cinema 😛


  20. Belated Friendship Day greetings to all here.

    Watched ZNMD last evening. Enjoyed it overall, but felt that film dragged at a few places; some amount of pop psychology/philosophy mixed up with some good stuff, great travel cinematography, good performances, some good dialogues, some inane even offensive stuff(disliked the manner in which DD’s signature tune was mocked by Hritik’s besura rendition and ‘joking’ of trio….found it silly that three thirtyish chaps would continuously play silly pranks on unsuspecting strangers…will recommend the film as a decent watch.

    I also checked out the review from Screen’s Rajiv Vijayakar–I buy the print issue every week–and found myself agreeing with his assessment , overall.


    ZNMD–watch, enjoy, forget. 3/5 rating.

    When you make a feature film, you narrate a story. When you narrate a story to an audience, whether real and relatable or larger-than-life, we need drama. For drama, we need a plot with a crisis or dramatic high and its resolution. Unless you decide to skip the classical elements of good storytelling and merely string up a series of episodes.

    Which is what happened 10 years ago when the same production company started out with the buddy film Dil Chahta Hai. The daisy-fresh film and script was so unconventional that in its first run it won hearts but not widespread box-office success. It was written with so much passion that even if we have watched it just once, its principal characters and key lines are entrenched in our psyches. We still chortle at the funny memories and feel the lumps in the throat as we recall the moving moments.

    A decade later, we get a new episodic tale of three friends. ………However, amidst the fun and games, each of the three has a ghost to exorcise, especially Imran, who has chosen Spain for a reason. …….

    Zindagi… is about having a good time with scenic locales, great performances from key players and superb dialogues. But the lack of conflict and the flat proceedings all add up to a flashy veneer and there is nothing that you carry home by way of characters or sequences. This is a one-time-watch-enjoy-and-forget movie meant for metro audiences and youth.


    Read full review at IE site (Screen is published by Indian Express group). has a review from Shubhra Gupta, their other critic. She gave the film two stars.

    i give the film ZNMD a rating of 3.5/5.


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