‘Drunk’ SRK abuses, attacks MCA officials at Wankhede (Rediff)

thanks to Nykavi..

Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan [ Images ] got into an ugly spat with Mumbai Cricket Association officials at the end of the IPL match between Mumbai Indians [ Images ] and Kolkata Knight Riders [ Images ], in Mumbai, on Wednesday.

According to MCA officials, Shah Rukh, who came to the Wankhede stadium at the end of the match, first got into a fight with the security men and when the MCA staff intervened he threatened them as well.

“He brought a few people into the field of play and when the security guard tried to stop him, they all, around 20-25, abused him and attacked him. They also hit our security guard,” MCA treasurer Ravi Sawant told Rediff.com.

“Shah Rukh came totally drunk and he misbehaved with the officials,” Sawant added.

Shah Rukh Khan”We will ban Shah Rukh for life from the Wankhede stadium. We are also going to file a police complaint against him,” he further said.

Another MCA official said, “He abused the MCA and also abused the BCCI. We will not let him get away with this. We have called an emergency managing committee meeting on Thursday to discuss the issue. He also tried to raise his hands on the other committee members.”

A few MCA officials later went to the Marine Lines police station and filed a complaint against the actor, an official added.

Khan was seen abusing the MCA officials and even charged at Sawant and others. He yelled at them using the f*** word.

Later KKR officials took Shah Rukh away from the scene but the MCA officials were left seething in anger and promised against the actor’s rowdy behaviour.

276 Responses to “‘Drunk’ SRK abuses, attacks MCA officials at Wankhede (Rediff)”

  1. some earlier discussion in this thread:

    Dutt and Shahrukh in Karan Malhotra’s next?

    a more serious altercation than I earlier thought.


  2. Yahaan ek Khan karte hain Satyamev Jayate
    wahaan Doosre Khan ko mile ban from Wankhede..


    • LOL, well done!


      • ideaunique Says:

        now bal thackrey will jump into this or SRK ka band bajega…
        aamir has created his clean image – so he is on this side of extreme – sallu is totally brat – so he is ont he other side – srk hangs in between -……..


    • The Graduate Says:

      When the smaller Khan just talks about “protecting kids”…the colossal Khan “DOES” it! That is the difference!


  3. Alex adams Says:

    Hahaha this seems fun
    Btw as mentioned earlier, post ra1/dOn2, srks life has entered a new phase wherein he is now not the no1 man officially–
    For soemone arguably in thyme position or thereabouts for two decades nearly, this is a difficult time
    Btw not sure where’s the link but apparently Srk and his wife are also having major problems at the mo-there was a news somewhere that they are not on ‘talking terms’ (or bedding!!!)
    Anyhow -will be interesting to see how Srk deals with this inevitable slightly altered narrative now ….


  4. Alex adams Says:

    Jaya and rekhas ‘Silsila’ in parliament coveted
    Naughtily by cameras…


  5. tonymontana Says:

    This also makes me wonder, why the fuck did SRK want to go on the field when the game was over? pakdan pakdai khelne ke liye..

    He’s in illusion that people die to watch him address his crowd, wave hands, pass flying kisses etc. If I remember correctly, he was once booed by the Mumbai crowd for doing exactly that in last year’s IPL. Or was it the year before that?

    Hope some sense prevails.. or will he slither further downhill?


  6. AamirsFan Says:

    why the fuck did SRK want to go on the field when the game was over? pakdan pakdai khelne ke liye..

    LMAO…this whole thing is quite hilarious. this is truly a disturbing trend from “the king”. on this occasion a quote comes to mind:

    “Kings are not born: they are made by artificial hallucination.”
    George Bernard Shaw


  7. The guy most probably was ‘drowning’ his sorrows in booze after SJ has become the top trending topic in the country today !


  8. शाहरुख चिल्ला रहे थे, ‘ …क्या उखाड़ लोगे’

    मुंबई।। मुंबई के वानखेड़े स्टेडियम में आईपीएल मैच के बाद आखिर ऐसा क्या हुआ की शाहरुख खान का पारा चढ़ गया और वह एमसीए के अधिकारियों के साथ ‘बदतमीजी’ पर उतर आए? एमसीए के कोषाध्यक्ष रवि सावंत ने इस पूरे वाकए की जानकारी दी।

    पहले लड़की को दीं गालियां…

    सावंत ने बताया कि बुधवार को केकेआर की जीत के बाद शाहरुख अपने बाउंसरों के साथ ड्रेसिंग रूम में जाने लगे। नशे में धुत शाहरुख के सामने एक लड़की आई। शाहरुख ने लड़की से समर्थक टीम के बारे में पूछा तो उसने मुंबई इंडियंस कहा। इस पर तिलमिलाए शाहरुख ने लड़की को गालियां देना शुरू कर दिया।

    इसके बाद शाहरुख बाउसंरों के साथ स्टेडियम की ओर जाने लगे। सुरक्षाकर्मियों ने जब उन्हें रोकना चाहा तो शाहरुख ने न सिर्फ गालियां देना शुरू कर दिया, बल्कि हाथापाई भी करने लगे। सावंत के मुताबिक शाहरुख ने एमसीए अधिकारियों से भी गाली-गलौच की। शाहरुख ने बीसीसीआई और एमसीए के सीनियर्स के बारे में भी बुरा-भला कहा। कोषाध्यक्ष रवि सावंत ने इस पूरे मामले में शाहरुख के खिलाफ कड़ी कार्रवाई की बात कही है।

    और फिर सिक्युरिटी अधिकारियों को गालियां…

    सावंत के मुताबिक शाहरुख ऐसी गालियां दे रहे थे कि कोई सोच भी नहीं सकता है। एमसीए के अधिकारी विनोद देशपांडे के मुताबिक शाहरुख बेहद नशे में थे। मैदान में न घुसने देने से नाराज शाहरुख चिल्ला रहे थे…

    ‘जिंदा गाड़ दूंगा, देख लूंगा, उखाड़ लो जो उखाड़ना है…तुम कौन होते हो मुझे रोकने वाले, अपनी औकात मे रहो… तुम होते कौन हो और मुझसे ऐसे कैसे बात कर रहे हो, देखता हूं तुम मुझे कैसे बाहर निकाल सकते हो… यह मेरा देश और शहर है… मुझे यहां से कोई नहीं निकाल सकता और न कोई छेड़ सकता है।’


  9. Alex adams Says:

    Hoho bliss
    Pray translate–
    How did u paste in Hindi -teach
    Btw love such stuff
    Bring it on–more fun… 😉
    Enjoy ‘reality’ drama
    Something tells me that we are due to see more entertainment OFFscreen than ONscreen from Srk from now on!!


  10. The twitter justification for his behaviour from his fans is that he attacked the stadium officials for manhandling some school kids! Just like how he slapped Sirish Kunder for sending obsecene messages to Sanjay Dutt’s wife I suppose.

    Aamir Khan should learn from SRK- he just sits in his studio and passively tries to stop social evils by talking about them- SRK is out there playing the tireless vigilante and beating up criminals all the time! 😛


    • Does it look like?


      • Munna-I was being sarcastic- I do not for one moment believe that SRK was defending poor defenceless school children- and your pictures make it even clearer that he was just being a drunken lout. What amazes me is how absurdly these SRK fanatics will twist any circumstance to frame his behaviour in a favourable way.


      • tonymontana Says:

        can see his daughter in the third pic!
        what an example to set for your kids..


      • these images are rather revealing for want of a better word!


      • Have you guys seen the movie “Wag The Dog”? This is kind of a similar story here. People will believe anything they see in the media. No one sees things through a critical thinking aspect.
        1) There’s no proof that he was drunk.
        2) Why doesn’t everyone here listen to SRK and his fans’ side of the story and believe it as much as the media’s.
        3) This is the same story that happened at the Sanjay Dutt party. Media said that SRK was drunk and slapped Shirish.
        4) Those pictures are clicked during the time Shahrukh was aggressive against the security guard, however, if there were pictures of before, then I easily believe that he was drunk and his actions were completely unjustified.
        Until then, he’s neither guilty nor innocent to me. Critical analysis of media reports is important to make a proper decision, especially on a matter like this.


        • do you always analyze the media that critically when puff pieces are written about SRK or when exaggerated or completely inconsistent box office reports are written about his films? Or do you insist on the same standards of evidence when similar pieces sometimes come out on other stars?

          You’re in any case missing the larger story here. It is actually ‘better’ for SRK if the news stories are true than not. Why? Because if they are true he’s acted badly and that’s about it. But if he didn’t do much of this then it’s an indication once more of his waning ‘influence’ with the media that such stories are even appearing about him! Why is it that now all of a sudden we get stories about him slapping people and now this? By the way Farah Khan confirmed the first of these. But leaving this aside why now? Either the media has completely turned against after eating out of his hands (sometimes literally!) all these years (somewhat implausible) or he’s doing some of this stuff and the media has moved on to ‘greener’ pastures. Which is to say that they follow success one way or the other.

          My own sense here is that there is some truth to all of these things, whether there has been exaggeration or not is another matter but there is something happening here and the way I would put it is that SRK is showing some symptoms here. The pressures working against have probably started playing with his mind. He just hasn’t been a defining star for very long and it’s increasingly harder for him to forge a path to get back to that sort of status without serious reinvention, which of course isn’t forthcoming. This happens with stars. It’s nothing odd. You start getting into these scuffles at certain points in your career more than others. The media starts getting more negative on you. The ‘truth’ if you will is not in the literal stories.

          SRK has a poor time in 2011. One colossal failure that he himself accepted as such at the Filmfares and made light of, Don was a ‘huffing and puffing’ exercise that couldn’t knock down any serious gross barriers either in terms of initial or otherwise. All the debates on blogs about whether it was this number or that number are beside the point. You can tell when a star in his zone and when he isn’t. Media puff pieces about how the next Yashraj film with him is the biggest thing around makes one laugh. I’ve been saying for a number of years that he needs reinvention. which is tricky in the best of times but it is the only way forward. Otherwise one has to live with declining influence. Reinvention too requires a certain downgrading beyond a certain age, a certain ‘adjustment’ with reality but when it’s done on one’s own terms one can be a winner in the long run. He really needs a breakout film, something that works to some degree but is much bigger in terms of critical perception. But for this genuine risks have to be taken. It’s obviously harder when one hasn’t built up credibility along these lines but one still has to try. Otherwise he’s just going from project to project. Some of these might work and work very well but that’s beside the point. He’s not a young star making his way. He’s not even a star in trouble just trying to get the box office going. He’s had his peak inning, he now needs to be seen as important for the overall Bollywood conversation in some way or the other, otherwise he’s going to seem even more irrelevant. When guys like Taran and Nahata keep giving you great reports for something like Ra One it doesn’t matter to them. They’ll move on to the next guy eventually (or simultaneously). The star and the fans get taken in by this kind of stuff or argue about numbers all the time. There’s a larger narrative though. And so these scuffles and the media reports that follow are symptomatic of a deeper problem. Will say this, SRK’s smart enough to realize, I’ve always said he was way smarter than his fans (mean this without sarcasm) but he’s also been a prisoner of the demons he’s helped unleash in some ways.


        • A star at the top of his game (won’t say who) once said (while he was doing so well) that a star could defeat everything except age. The point here is that older stars can do very well with reinvention or with some lucky breaks or what have you but they are ultimately on the wrong side of the key demographics. If you can’t excite the 15-30 crowd you’re always at something of a disadvantage. With Aamir he got everyone on board over time. So he doesn’t really have a base. It’s totally spread out. Quite brilliantly done actually. But there was a ‘core’ to it. He didn’t do the films he did just to get the largest audience. He believed in a certain kind of cinema. He didn’t mind waiting for those massive grosses to come through. He wasn’t even aiming for them. He was just aiming for a success each time which isn’t the same thing as going for broke. Paradoxically it is when you go for the latter that you often hit the mark or get films with big initials that fizzle out. Much as those who win big at the races are people who are really not there to make money. The Aamir model is in any case an exception. With every other star things are time-lined beyond a point. Salman for example is doing incredibly well but I don’t know how long his model is sustainable in the absence of a serious ‘substance’ upgrade. Because he’s not a young guy. He can’t keep doing Ready for another 10 years!

          With SRK there were two key opportunities. After Swades he should have started going down this path more even though the film didn’t do well. But the real opportunity was with CDI. The film did very well. He then had OSO. He was coming off strength and could have gone more in the direction of commercially viable cinema with the blockbuster kind deal once in a while. But he returned to RNBDJ or else did MNIK (when it’s Johar no one buys it as being serious!). Last year there was the Robot/Don 2 double. Now he has yash Chopra’s film and then Rohit Shetty’s. He just hasn’t been willing to take more risks. I actually think he shouldn’t do the Shetty for a few reasons. Even though it will in all probability be successful.


        • Sorry to ruin your dreams Satyam, but, yes, I do. I don’t ever believe ANY exaggerated news. BO numbers, I don’t give a damn about, so, even if you say that Don 2 was a flop, then, I would laugh and walk away, but, I doubt I’d say much about it.

          Sorry Satyam, but you’re being a hypocrite. On one side, you’re saying that I should analyze the news further (which, unfortunately for you, I do) and on top of that, you’re believing everything the media’s saying. Sorry Satyam, but, I’m just one of those guys who doesn’t get impressed by big blog postings……
          no offense 🙂


        • I’ve actually not ‘believed everything’ at all. I think I have the most restrained comments on this episode in the entire thread!

          On the flop bit I was referring to Ra One not Don 2 though the latter hardly set the box office on fire either!

          Hope your more honest self shows up later. The one who always knew there were problems with Ra One but didn’t want to accept it at the time.


        • tonymontana Says:

          You have a point (points!)

          In fact, remove the years 2004 / 2007 from his career and he’s hardly left with anything substantial in the last decade.


        • tonymontana Says:

          Arsh – you have a point too.. !


        • Satyam, great points here(though i have a feeling u have said this before). especially the point u mentioned abt the 15-30 age-group being decisive, is on the money. but sumhow i also shetty’s ‘chennai express’ may be the right film for srk as the ‘reinvention’ u spoke abt may be in the form of ‘comedy’. comedy remains a genre which srk has not explored in a serious manner


        • No one reinvents themselves with Rohit Shetty! At least not stars at SRK’s age. He basically delivers the hit you need. That’s about it. Unless the gross is completely off the charts. SRK has been a prestige star for most of his career. A Rohit Shetty kind of deal would have been fine for him in the 90s or maybe a bit later but now it’s like shooting down. Note there are some distinctions here. If he could get the Bol Bachchan kind of deal with his name in the title that might work. A Singham also works for the star because it really is about presenting the star as ‘da man’! Or alternatively the Salman films are really about him irrespective of what else is going on in the film. They play to his iconic appeal in the most obvious ways. With Chennai Express you’re more likely to get ironically a better narrative from Shetty but that is not the best thing for a defining star of the past who’s now looking for reinvention. The Yash Chopra film though it’s stale and unlikely to set any box office benchmarks is fine because it establishes continuity with SRK’s 90s appeal. You can never completely walk away from your base appeal. However if Shetty does a romantic comedy with SRK where again there’s a sense of playing to SRK’s strengths there might be something in it for the latter. But I don’t see it as a defining film either in terms of reinvention or gross. Because SRK’s trying to match Salman or Aamir on their best days.


        • I should add here once more that I have always believed in the larger narrative for any star. Whether it’s SRK or Aamir or Abhishek or whoever. The box office is always important, it’s a star’s bread and butter but paradoxically important star careers are never simply about the box office. To put it another the box office matters either when a star gets a magnitude of success which is completely unusual and or does so in a film that is defining in other ways. The more ‘literal’ sort of box office success matters for stars who are never seen as being part of any narrative even in a potential sense. Saif is a classic example here. He does better some years than others but wherever he is in terms of the box office there’s no larger narrative for him. Hence it doesn’t mean something bigger than the obvious. Most of the time you can put stars in two camps — those with narratives and those without. Now those in the former group might not live upto their potential in a box office sense or otherwise while those in the latter can occasionally spring a surprise but by and large there has to be something in place. In this sense even Salman though he’s never seen such success before was nonetheless operating off a base of support and a certain narrative that he couldn’t capitalize on for various reasons earlier than Dabanng. Of course the latter reset the clock for him, the right box office hit can always do this, but he wasn’t a blank slate.

          Along the same lines stars to my mind get into trouble when their essential narratives are destabilized. Not just because of box office failures. In fact some successes hurt more than some failures and vice versa. It all depends on contexts. The idea that it’s just about adding up box office receipts is absurd. It’s true without doubt in the obvious cases. When Salman opens films that hugely one after the other there’s nothing to argue about. But that isn’t the case for most stars most of the time. specially not so in a much more splintered Hollywood-like framework where the universally transcendent star is increasingly improbable. Aamir has done it a very different way and of course he’s been great at it. Abhishek’s the only other star who because of his ‘signature’ (not the same as genealogy) always has a potentially universal coalition in place. Put differently when Salman makes 100 crores and Aamir does the same those numbers don’t mean the same. I would argue neither ZNMD nor Agneepath particularly move the ball forward on Hrithik’s basic narrative (though of course it’s always better to have the 100 crores than not!) which is to say that Agneepath is not like Singham for him nor is ZNMD like DCH in the same vein. There are successful films that ‘accrue’ entirely to the benefit of the lead stars and some where the lead star seems like a beneficiary of the overall success of the film. There’s a difference.


        • btw Satyam u may want to see some stuff i posted on the threads ‘osama bin laden found dead’ and ‘spielberg remaking ten commandments’


        • haha Satyam…really? you’re telling me to be honest? first, take a look at your posts, then say anything to anyone else. RA.One, when it released, I agreed with most people here that it was a bad movie (except the VFX).


      • The Graduate Says:

        What can you deduce from the pics munna? What? Is the “stimulus” captured..the “reaction” just tells half the story!! Desperately playing down stuffs! Guess then one has to also see how once the Great bachchan created a ruckus in a party when he not only abused but also was manhandled. LOL!


        • alex adams Says:

          Nice to hear from u graduate 🙂
          now there should be some ‘balance’–
          btw where hav u been graduate–studying too much-which books?
          given that the other SRK loyalist oldgold is apparently ‘praying’ and even ‘fasting’in true yashraj tradition asking for nice things fro srk 🙂


        • The Graduate Says:

          I am cool.. there are some khans who spend crores on some superficial fake shows to gain publicity and brand mileage…there is this khan who does not care about what is gonna happen to image..he fights for his kids!! Love him! May here have commented without knowing may be anything.I also do not know it all.But with the commentaries all around turning in favour of SRK with real stuff now coming out,it is true I do believe if my daughter or if some Jayshah’s daughter or oldgold’s daughter would have even been touched unduly,we all would have cussed.

          One Khan cannot fight for his kids as he never will get married..other cannot as he is all the time planning in silence how to ditch the previous one for the next!


  11. Dr shaurya Says:

    Theek hai yaar… kuch zyada hi Issue bana diya… India mein har powerfull and rich insaan aise hi behave karta hai…He has not done something new… when we take those incidences as day to day mishaps then y not take this incidence too in that fashion..

    Waise bhi Sallu aurat ko maare.. cigrette se jalaye… gareebo par apni car chalaye to chalega.. then fan log bolenge banda masoom hai.. foolishly ignorent hai…. brat hai… aur SRK ka aiwen hi Media trial karne mein lage pade ho.. And main koi SRK fan nahi hoon.. but itna bada bhi issue nahi hai


  12. tonymontana Says:

    Just wondering!

    Is it a ploy by SRK himself to divert attention from Satyamev Jayathe? 😛

    Anything’s possible.. Just think – even we’ve suddenly started discussing SRK’s antics after bombarding the blog with comments on the other topic. Lol


    • oldgold Says:

      Which has been one of my points all along. Armchair/sofa discussions on serious topics which need action are just an exercise in ‘I Know this…and that’.


  13. oldgold Says:

    A classic case of schadenfreude by those comparing him to Amir here, which is strange considering how secure they show themselves in their adulations of their fan and his success, and are basking at present in his reflected glory.

    Insecurity comes in different shapes, colours, and sizes.
    The two most insecure places are right at the top and right at the bottom, and I don’t think Amir is as secure as his fans will want to show him to be.
    With SJ he’s trying too hard IMO.

    SRK is a clear case of one who needs psychiatric help. He’s lost friends, and (I can only guess after PC chakkar) domestic peace and security as well.
    Kicking a man already down is the height of …..!!


  14. SRK on the Wankhede debacle:

    ‘A gentleman came from behind last night and was very abusive.’

    ‘I was not out of line, I think they should apologise to me. I tried to prevent the manhandling of children but they pushed me back.’

    Tony I think you might be right about this being a ploy- just a few days after Aamir’s TV show on CSA airs- SRK gets into a widely publicised spat over the fate of kids being ‘manhandled’.


    • tonymontana Says:

      Yes. the fact that he chose to speak on the issue where a majority of stars in his place would have brushed away the journos’ questions as ‘No comments’ makes it fishy.. 😛

      Staying in news one way or the other seems to be today’s mantra for stars.

      ever imagined how SRK, who for a decade had kept the image of ‘being loyal to his wife’, was suddenly a part of controversy that involved him with Priyanka Chopra? Dont think he would’ve allowed that, given his ‘rapport’ with the media..

      Hmmm… kuch to gadbad hai bhaiya


      • oldgold Says:

        >Staying in news one way or the other seems to be today’s mantra for stars.

        I agree wholeheartedly .


        • I also 😀


        • oldgold Says:

          ONE way or OTHER!!!

          *This* is one way, and then their are OTHER (those fake self righteous) ways. LOL


        • Prateek Says:

          Dear Oldgold ji, I think being self righteous & making a show on social issues is a better way to “stay in news” than kicking around people, doing brawls at parties or cricket stadiums.

          Some call Salman’s Being Human also as some PR activity. I’d say anyday such ways to stay in news are better than what King of the Universe is doing.

          Glad you agreed he requires psychiatric help. Others still think what he’s doing was correct & something to be proud of. They don’t hear “other side” of story in case of other stars. But want other side to be considered before deciding on an SRK matter!

          Satyam types playing politics again by dragging in Aamir or his “model” to solidify his case against SRK! Enjoyable tamasha going on! 😀


        • oldgold Says:

          >I think being self righteous & making a show on social issues is a better way to “stay in news” than kicking around people, doing brawls at parties or cricket stadiums.

          I don’t agree with you at all. I’d rather not satisfy my pompous self rightousness at the expense of hapless people. Better to have a brawl. But I don’t think there was any kicking going on. Was there?


        • Better to be genuinely nasty than nice in a fake way!


        • oldgold Says:

          >Better to be genuinely nasty than nice in a fake way!

          Isn’t it what I’m saying? Especially the ‘nice in a fake way’!!!!


        • Does that mean you’re also accepting the first half of the premise?


        • Prateek, i completely agree with u apart from the last para which is wrong and baseless imo. do u actually believe that Satyam got Aamir’s model here to solidify his case against SRK. well mate i can clearly recall Satyam making almost the same point sometime back too.


        • there have been lots of conspiracy theorists over the years suggesting all sorts of things.. one allows them to have their gummy bears from time to time..


  15. Whatever, these pics don’t look pretty–http://cricket.yahoo.com/photos/shah-rukh-khan%E2%80%99s-scuffle-at-the-wankhede-slideshow/shahrukh-khan-photo-1337239313.html

    I somehow doubt that SRK could have been drunk–all those kids around. But i do wonder if he has a short fuse–or the whole tamasha was made up, or just got out of hand due to an overzealous guard doing what he felt was his duty–not allow a bunch of kids plus adult on to the ground,late at night after match was done with.


  16. On twitter, some people have got hold of an audio transcript, put out by Indian Express–which someone else has ‘deciphered’, ha ha!



  17. tonymontana Says:

    Btw, here’s something that some of you gossip mongers might be interested in:


    Yuck ! 😛


  18. ideaunique Says:

    some reactions to aamir’s SMJ:

    BIG B – slytweeting 🙂
    SRK – abuse / maar-pit 🙂

    who is next?


  19. mksrooney Says:


    Indian Express claims exclusive tape of the incident:


  20. Sad episode.
    Regardless of details reflects poorly on SRK.
    His supporters may try to spin it whichever way they want, it is a moment will want to forget in a hurry.


    • “His supporters may try to spin it whichever way they want, it is a moment will want to forget in a hurry.”

      But enough about Ra.One, already.

      Sorry, I couldn’t help it.


  21. OT,

    Look who is talking


    • LOL, he would be fun if he weren’t so insufferable! His references are so off (Ghai?!)! and if every Western film is unique man I’ve been comatose in life so far!

      Given that he’s dating Vidya Balan someone should tell him that this might not be the best thing for her career!


    • LOL…Suhel Seth and his pompous smugness!

      This article brilliantly rips him apart 🙂


    • Who is this guy? 😛 Struggling Indie filmmaker who wants to be the next Anurag Kashyap? Never heard of him…


      • Ami, nobody knows what he does, but he’s everywhere: from news television giving his opinion on any topic under the sun to famous parties schmoozing with rich and famous…sort of like middle-aged Indian male version of highly opinionated Paris Hilton. 🙂


        • Alex adams Says:

          ‘Pompous smugness’ is the apt term for him, matrix
          And these sort of people don’t need to do anything in life than just being their own exalted selfs
          By the way–do like him and enjoy his utterings
          Occupies a certain shobha de-esque space for me..
          Ps–can’t compare Paris Hilton to anything remotely sensible(opinionated or not)

          Ps2- am a bit lenient towards the ‘attitude’ of certain anurag kashyaps
          And even lesser ones like suhel Seth and shobha de
          Atleast it’s better than the sea of listless inane mediocrity which is nothing less than an epidemic of sorts !!!


        • Alex, Shobha De is the most apt analogy for him…but for me Shobha De is sort of like middle-aged Indian female version of highly opinionated Paris Hilton….LOL
          Needless to say we don’t exactly see eye to eye on Shobha De!

          Anurag is allowed certain ‘attitude’ in my book, he’s earned it, De and Seth haven’t.


        • Thank you for the info Matrix- I agree with Alex here- he is pompous but this clip is very amusing in an ironic manner- its more entertaining that the usual politically correct inane PR-manufactured quotes. Of course I’ve only seen this one video- if I watch more of his clips I might start to find him insufferable as well! 😛


        • Alex adams Says:

          Well, I don’t mind either suhel Seth or shobha de…
          There was a guy who wrote a column called ‘With malice towards one and all!’
          This slightly acerbic stuff has to be taken in that spirit..
          Matrix-try checking out a bbc show called ‘ the grumpy old men’ or something like that …


        • rockstar Says:

          lol don’t mind either

          one is soft porn author and other is page 3 version of amar(dalal) singh


        • I’m as much a sucker for good putdowns as the next guy. But the problem I find with De and Seth is that there is no freshness in their blunt-speak, it’s full of cliches. Then there is their slavish praise for those they favor, almost always some rich or famous person (here’s one example:

          I just get a social climber vibe from these two and that is a big turnoff for me.

          Alex – thanks for the info on the BBC program, will try to find it on the net.

          PS: Couple of very good putdowns from the master of political putdowns himself, Winston Churchill…1) On Clemente Attlee: A sheep in sheep’s clothing… a modest man with much to be modest about.

          the next one is a bit risque, so be warned!

          2) One day Prime minister Clement Attlee and Churchill found themselves together in the urinal of British Parliament. On seeing Attlee, Churchill immediately moved to the farthest urinal. Seeing this, Attlee asked “What’s the matter? Feeling stand-offish today Winston?”
          “No,” said Churchill. “Frightened. Every time you see something big, you want to nationalise it.”


        • alex adams Says:

          thanks for that note matrix
          lol @ ‘nationalising’ anything ‘big’
          people like shobha de and suhel seth have a certain appeal,
          but the prerequisite of that is that they shouldnt be taken seriously, to start with!!
          ps-rockstar–have neve read any of shibha des ‘soft porn’ novels.
          Am just commenting on her online posts or blog artciles that ive come across.
          though this sudden antipathy to ‘spft porn’ just bcos an indian middle aged aunty is writing it, is a bit uncanny lol


  22. jayshah Says:

    There is as usual the usual suspects on this blog and another (!) (go there and have a laugh at the SRK fans falling of the wagon to defend him) but SRK’s behaviour, demeanour etc is that of a fallen giant or titan. Graciousness is never going to be a word touted towards him at all but he is going through his Wacko Jacko phase.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he owned the stadium the way he behaves. The pics reveal a man who is simply embarrassing himself in the public domain, a man who will lose a lot of fans (except the “nut”ters) and a man who is every bit as arrogant, rude and crude as he acts when he is on stage. The best thing he can do is sign a few Yash Chopra romances and get his image back otherwise he’s falling off the wagon quite literally.


    • bachchan1 to 10 Says:

      I said this before the release of Ra.One, that Ra.One is a big testing phase for him, if he can’t do Aamir Khan or Even Salman’s Box Office run, They guy is gonna go pshyotic. Exactly what is happenning since then, He has took his stardom for granted and once he looses it, he is literrally gonna go crazy. This is just the beginning. It’s gonna get ugly. Watch this space for more.


    • The Graduate Says:

      Dreaming or hallucinating are you! Pre-determined commentary..looks like “bed se uthe,comment turant type kar ke khush ho gaye” .. LOL!


  23. rockstar Says:

    what every month new brawl …from shirish to immigration to now mca officials and ya just noticed few irresponsible comments against saurav ganguly few days back who has always maintained a dignified silence


  24. Alex adams Says:

    SRKs -is this his beginning of the road of perdition ???

    Been hectic but just caught up with SRK antics
    Have never really been a big fan of srks onscreen antics..
    Though have always admired him a lot as an ‘achiever’!

    But will be looking at his ‘real test of nerves’ now
    More than his celluloid innings-this ‘fight with himself’ will always keep me interested…
    The Priyanka chopra episode was just a symptom-somehow felt that perhaps SRK needs a bit of a ‘break’ –wherein he can ‘detach’ & just do things his way ( including PC etc?)
    Remember the ‘man who can do no harm’ now also had a certain Jessica Hines episode and an inexplicable ‘vacuous break’ after a mega success like Lagaan ….
    Let’s see how he handles the full blown syndrome..
    For the first time really–feel a bit sympathetic for the ‘human failings’ of SRK ….

    Ps–watched bits of the Tom hanks film from which this title has been ‘inspired’
    Hope it’s not true for SRK though..( for his and his fans sake)


  25. rockstar Says:

    aside one may accuse him but at the end it may be smart one to divert attention away from satyamev jayate media brigade….allready this guy has replaced that in all news set up though not in a positive way


  26. Alex adams Says:

    Talking of IPL, ‘gayle’storm hits again…
    But the times original piece is as strange and exploitative as the spoofs


  27. tonymontana Says:

    heard portions of the leaked audio clip that recorded SRK’s brawl:

    Someone: aye bevde !!
    SRK: Abe yahan aake bol. yahin gaad dunga m********

    feeling sorry for him..


    • oldgold Says:

      >feeling sorry for him..

      I’m glad to hear that.
      Granted you have left the sinking ship, but must you now try and become an insider with others in mocking and ridiculing him?


      • tonymontana Says:

        chill, OG 🙂


      • tonymontana Says:

        and waise bhi, yaar woh mera kaunsa rishtedaar lag raha hai jo mai uske saath doon aise time pe.. he’s a star and in much better position than mere mortals like me.. 😛 apni bhi to koi identity honi chahiye na, rather than being mere star worshippers.. lol..

        If he’s lost a fan in me, its he who should be blamed by taking his audience for granted and giving sub-par movies. Don 2 just sealed it for me.

        The least I could do in this regard is have an opinion of my own, and express it the way I want. ab woh bhi na karu kya? 😦 Kya yaar oldgold.


        • oldgold Says:

          >If he’s lost a fan in me, its he who should be blamed

          No blames. Just stated a fact .

          >The least I could do in this regard is have an opinion of my own,

          I was talking of ridiculing and mocking. Not your opinion, which one should express of course.


        • alex adams Says:

          omg–just few minutes was wondering where oldgold is hiding..(refer to my posts few minutes back!)
          is she ‘praying’ or ‘fasting’ for srks health and safety?
          and here she appears 🙂
          oldgolds singing to me—


        • The Graduate Says:

          A 14-year-old boy, who was with Shah Rukh Khan [ Images ] when the spat at the Wankhede stadium took place on Wednesday night, is horrified. He finds unacceptable the television footage about the event. He thinks most of it is bunkum.

          Only when a Bollywood actor’s daughter was pushed by ‘rowdy’ members of the Mumbai Cricket Association, the boy says, did Shah Rukh Khan lose his cool.

          The teenage eyewitness alleges that these MCA members, who had an issue with the children, were drunk and upset because the Mumbai Indians [ Images ] had lost a decisive game to Shah Rukh’s Kolkata Knight Riders [ Images ] in the Indian Premiership League.

          Sukhminder Lamba, the boy’s father, told Rediff.com, “It is amazing to see the media devour Shah Rukh Khan for protecting the children. I am sure at some point in time every parent has gone through a similar situation and has been provoked and reacted to a greater degree. The boys were pushed around by the security men even though they were making their way back quietly.”

          Lamba says his son told him that Shah Rukh Khan reacted only when girl children were pushed and allegedly manhandled by MCA members.

          The children, he says, were with Shah Rukh Khan from the time he entered the Wankhede till they left. Not once did Khan abuse a female spectator, as is claimed in the First Information Report filed by some MCA officials.

          Lamba told Rediff.com, “After watching the allegations made by the MCA officials, these kids have realised that the human mind is the devil. The cooked up allegations by the MCA officials have taught these kids that lies are a way of life, that truth never wins in the face of absolute power.”

          “Will the MCA brutes have the gumption to say how Shah Rukh Khan was abused and provoked into reacting and the kind of language they used to start the fracas?” Lamba asked.

          Importantly, the businessman, who knows Khan well, says repeatedly that “The abuses used by them, if ever revealed, will have hell breaking loose. Shah Rukh Khan has shown great maturity and understanding in keeping silent.”


          If some KM comments this is bought..then I would love to ask him/her– Why did he/she jump like a kangaroo on the MCA version!! Just beacuse he/she is a Aamir fan!


  28. rockstar Says:

    lol isn’t he said the same to shirish kumder

    aside head of mca is vilasrao deshmukh (father of ritesh deshmukh)…congress and bollywood connection may cool down things later


  29. Alex adams Says:

    Road to perdition -contd
    Is there a film wherein hanks will diasappoint me?
    Suspected that this film will be the one, since he seems a bit wrongly cast here somewhat…
    But surprisingly the answer to the above question is ‘no’
    Heck–even found something good ish in larry crowne!!
    Simply one of the most interesting actors to me

    In this film laden with atmosherics, old style-isms, one is sure this is not really a ‘masterpiece’ but does wonder, by how much it fell short! And also who was better between hanks and Newman ….


    • Newman owned every scene he was in. Choosing between him and Tom Hanks shouldn’t be so difficult….


      • GF, on that note, i just remembered, choosing between newman and redford in that amazing caper ‘the sting’ is a huge problem. both were equally good


        • They’re both fine in in that film and Butch Cassidy but Newman to my mind is just a far more arresting screen presence than Redford. I could watch Newman in just about anything and he aged superbly. I’d actually even take Newman over Brando in terms of who I prefer watching in their best roles. A certain kind of acting talent in Hollywood died with his passing.


        • yes agreed. i also find newman more ‘natural’ than brando. but i prefer james stewart to both of them. the guy was classy. and his performance in vertigo remains one of fy favs


  30. Alex adams Says:

    SRKs ‘road to perdition’ -Addendum to above
    I’m sure he will find it too difficult to do and don’t think he will get the boldness required for this-
    But guess SRK needs to take more than a leaf out of the book of arch rival Aamir Jessica Hines khans book
    Take a break, get detached, do what he always wanted to do (well almost anything!) and come back refreshed…
    Otherwise his road to perdition seems ready to go in floor…


  31. alex, road to perdition is one of the best films i have ever seen. and the way sam mendes uses ‘water’ as a continuos leit motif in the film is amazing. and boy was hanks brilliant here- actually found his act even better than the one in forrest gump. and jude law as an assassin was actually creepy here. a classic film in my book. and the pleasures of seeing the ultimate deboinair paul newman in his fonal role is an experience in itself


  32. anyway here r some hwood trailers- 1) ‘Maniac’ starring Elijah Wood as a psycho killer-remake of 1980 film of the same name http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1QnCmbpF9zk&sa=U&ei=7ne1T7bbOsf-2QWcyawv&ved=0CEYQtwIwBQ&usg=AFQjCNFB6A588x8zN01q5XfFTMRA4tsAYA 2)trailer of Bradley Cooper starrer ‘The Words’-cooper plays a guy who plagiarises an old forgotten mansucript-and begins to suffer the consequences- http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D38A8vKKDJbM&sa=U&ei=onq1T7SRMKer2AXO_sks&ved


  33. ‘Ageing Brand SRK loses youth connect’

    In the last couple of years, SRK has not signed any big brand endorsement deals although his portfolio still boasts of more than a dozen brands.

    Samidha Sharma, TNN | May 18, 2012, 12.53AM IST

    MUMBAI: He was, arguably, the biggest Bollywood superstar not long ago but with a few unsuccessful releases, a night club brawl and now a scuffle with officials at a Mumbai cricket stadium to his credit, Shah Rukh Khan’s brand is losing sheen.

    In the last couple of years, the actor has not signed any big brand endorsement deals although his portfolio still boasts of more than a dozen brands. People in the endorsement industry say that SRK’s image has suffered in the last couple of years not only due to the controversies that have surrounded him but also because he is an ageing celebrity.

    “Controversy does not make for good brand endorsers and any marketer will keep away from a celebrity like that. Besides the controversies that have courted him recently, what is a bigger concern is that he is ageing and that does not bode well for multiple brands in India that want a youth connect,” says Manish Porwal, MD, Alchemist, a talent management agency.

    Cola major PepsiCo, for which SRK was a brand ambassador for a long period, dropped him in 2009. In a move that was veering towards the youth, the cola major got on board Ranbir Kapoor. Later, telecom major Airtel did not renew its contract with SRK, although, they have not officially announced their disassociation with him.

    Today, his roster of more than a dozen of brand endorsements include Belmonte, V-jon, Navratna, Dabur sona chandi, Lux Cozi, Linc pens, besides a few marquee names such as Tag Heuer and Hyundai. SRK’s endorsement rates haven’t come down though as he charges around Rs 1.5 crore per day. However, it’s 50% less than what his contemporary Aamir Khan commands, but the latter has largely been off the endorsement market of late, say industry people.

    “What you are seeing is something that a lot of stars have gone through. It’s a transitional phase which all celebrities go through; while some bow out gracefully, some do not. It is an inevitable shift of power and it has not been a smooth ride for him,” says Santosh Desai, CEO at Future Brands.

    However, some of the brands that he endorses are sticking with him. DTH player Dish TV, which has him as a brand ambassador for over five years, says these incidents have had no rub-off as far as his brand appeal among masses goes. “There is no dent that has been made on Brand SRK, we will continue to have our association with him,” says Salil Kapoor, COO, Dish TV.


    • AamirsFan Says:

      so i guess the perception has become and is becoming reality(SRK on a downward trend)


    • Bhalo_Manush Says:

      I completely agree with this article.

      It is quite clear that MCA officials behaved very badly but SRK’s behavior was worst. Using such language in front of your kids is not appropriate.

      As a SRK fan i hope he is banned from every cricket ground, doing tv serials, filmy parties and award shows. At least he will give more time for films 🙂

      It will be interesting to see his journey from here on…


      • AamirsFan Says:

        he really does need to quit hosting those award shows. he should politely just say no to the offers. every year he makes a total fool out of himself. i can only imagine what his colleagues say behind his back or what they are thinking in their minds when he is up there hosting those shows. its just not funny anymore, its becoming rather sad.


        • that’s one of the things i love…he doesn’t give a crap about what others say. if they don’t agree with him, they can get the hell out. w/e they say behind his back is nothing he needs to worry about.


  34. Best reaction –
    “Shilpa Shetty, actress Please excuse me, I am pregnant and I really don’t care who is fighting with whom.”


    • tonymontana Says:

      that reminds me – has no one come in support of SRK? i think there were some players as well who were present at the scene other than SRK and the guards / officials.


      • zebi zubair @zaisha_SRK
        Y media so biased?If i hd ryts,i wud ban ind news chnls frst.#fake.It ws a dad protctng n f8ing fr his kids

        Kamaal R Khan – KRK @kamaalrkhan
        I can see daughter of SRK at the time of incident so SRK was right. I would kill tat c*****a guard on the spot if he will push my daughter

        Omar Qureshi @OQSpot
        Celeb bashing-such an easy sport. We shud learn to chill. anyone would be upset if his daughter were pushed. SRK is no exception. Chill guys

        Rohan Gavaskar: “Banning Shah Rukh Khan from Wankhede is like banning Sachin Tendulkar from PVR.” … Brilliant!
        Joy @Joydas
        The Security Guards, Police etc r never known for Polite Behaviour. And u r not a Man if sumone misbehaves with ur Kid and u let it be

        Farah Khan @FarahKhanAli
        How easily ppl forget that celebrities are real ppl that feel just like the rest of us. & will react like a commoner when provoked iamsrk

        Lalit Kumar Modi @LalitKModi
        SRK is an INTEGRAL PART of IPL. Without ANY doubt I can say it. I know how I created it, & if he was not part … http://m.tmi.me/q7xPs
        Retweeted by The SRK Fan Club

        14h Lalit Kumar Modi @LalitKModi
        When recent crisis in bcci happened with Sahara – Who did they Turn to- to bail them out. – None other than SRK. So folks he Leave him Alone

        Lalit Kumar Modi @LalitKModi
        Even in Nov 2007 same officials had felt and expressed anger against SRK when he attended a match. My reading is they are just Jealous.

        sujoy ghosh @sujoy_g
        read about the SRK incident. I think @iamsrk was very decent about the whole thing.
        I’d have ripped their heads off if it was my daughter

        Bhavana Pandey @BhavanaPandey
        Saying that SRK was drunk and abusive is completely false.. All he did was protect and defend the kids who were there including my daughter

        Karan Johar @kjohar25
        Why blame a man who was just reacting as a father….who wouldnt have done the same in his place???
        Srk is one of the best fathers i know….and protective about every child…he was being just that….a protective parent!!!

        deanne panday @deannepanday
        My son was there with Srk & other kids,@iamsrk did the right thing by protecting our babies,why doesn’t the media/officers see that,so angry

        maheep kapoor @maheepkapoor
        All SRK was being was a protective parent and a guardian to many children…including my own…no parent can see a child manhandled…

        Mushtaq Shiekh @shiekhspear
        If a parent stands up for his child…how does it become hooliganism? Can the press explain what’s all this negative reportage on @iamsrk ?

        Star News @starnewslive
        Shahrukh did not consume alcohol inside the stadium: Mumbai Police ACP

        … I think this is pretty decent for support, no?


        • tonymontana Says:

          “Banning Shah Rukh Khan from Wankhede is like banning Sachin Tendulkar from PVR.”

          —- LOL. this one was good !


  35. tonymontana Says:

    Hmmm..maybe some, including me have indeed jumped on the bandwagon a little too early in blaming SRK.

    No one really knows what really happened at the stadium. Yes, SRK los his cool but its possible he was provoked beyond a limit, his daughter being pushed around and all.


  36. The SRK meltdown

    Why is India’s smartest, coolest star so angry these days?


    On Thursday afternoon, when Shah Rukh Khan held a press conference to let the world know what exactly he thought of the MCA officials who had reportedly misbehaved with him and the 14 children he had escorted to Wankhede, it struck a discordant note among his fans and well wishers. This was the second time in three months, that the star had lost his equanimity in public, getting embroiled in a spat that is perhaps unbecoming of his stature.

    Cricket and Bollywood have given us some of our biggest and most endearing icons. And much like Sachin Tendulkar, whose staggering career has been keenly followed by generations of fans, SRK’s hard won stardom has earned him a loyal following across the world. Until now.

    The man known for his quick silver wit and his impeccable sense of humour, has been repeatedly drawn into situations where he could have used a bit of both.

    After all, this is a star who has famously held, “I’d rather have peace of mind, than a piece of a**.” And that he’d rather do work which his children – Aryan and Suhana – would be proud of. He may have been known for mischief, but never misdemeanour.

    According to Shobhaa De, Thursday’s press conference was a “wrong strategic move image wise,” given that he “displayed no remorse nor embarrassment at what had happened.”

    She says, “Had he expressed regret and apologised for his aggressive, abusive behaviour (regardless of the provocation), he would have earned a few brownie points instead of alienating fans. Someone should’ve advised him better.”

    SRK is not new to barbs, pot shots. But if he responded to criticism earlier with his brand of cheeky humour, he simply goes for the scruff now. As Shirish Kunder will tell you.

    Does that mean SRK does not really care about his image any more? It definitely looks like that, going by the recent spate of controversies: smoking in a stadium during an IPL match, getting in public brawls, turning up for parties in a completely inebriated state. This does not look like the king of coolth adored by millions.

    SRK’s friends and loyalists would rubbish it. “I have known him for years. He has not changed,” claims Chunkey Pandey. Another veteran journalist who has known him professionally for decades blames the relentless scrutiny of the electronic media for the star’s outbursts.

    “Pushed to a corner, everyone will behave like that. Look at the way media has exploded. Every thing a star does, even the most innocuous stuff is grist for the TV channels. And some people just love to get their two seconds of fame by dissing out the stars.”

    Obviously, it takes an SRK to polarise the cricket and Bollywood crazy nation. There are some who swear by him. Take for the instance the parents of the 14 kids who are in the eye of the storm. According to Bhavna Pandey, he was there to pick them up when a MCA official manhandled one of them. Says the fitness expert and close friend, “We trust him. He has always taken care of our kids. Any parent would have reacted the way he did.”

    Mushtaq Sheikh, SRK’s close friend and writer of RA.One emphasises, “It’s easy to judge superstars simply because they are in the public eye. But it is unfair to have different rules for them.”

    De disagrees, “Some celebrities feel they have a sense of entitlement. They expect not just preferential but deferential treatment all the time. Being an IPL stake-holder SRK should have known the rules, regardless of the enthusiasm of the kids.”

    SRK’s increasingly erratic behaviour has become a cause of concern for some. But for a different generation of fans, brought up on a diet of eccentric celebrity behaviour, this is par for the course. Maheep Kapoor, whose daughter Shanaya was part of the group of children at Wankhede, Said, “My daughter came home and narrated the incident to me, she was all excited. She is 12 years old after all. But I knew immediately that it would be blown out of proportion.”

    “Even my 21-year-old son has shrugged off the entire episode, it does not really affect SRK’s stardom,” says the veteran journalist.

    And yet others speculate on whether his tumultuous personal life and the rocky professional life may have had something to do with his unraveling. “This unnecessary show of defiance and cocky behaviour reflects a deep rooted insecurity,” said a veteran film journalist, refusing to be named. While his loyalists may argue that SRK is in peak form – what with is IPL team on a winning streak and a spate of big banner films in his kitty- others quietly point at Mannat. There is trouble brewing behind the fortified mansion. And not all of it has to do with cricket.

    Whatever be the provocation, the meltdown of one of the country’s biggest icons may be just a comment on the fragility of stardom, the vagary of age. The man who could sell anything from paint to plastic money, could simply tilt and spread his arms to make generations of women go weak in the knees, recently abused a cub reporter for using the dreaded word to describe his vanity project: mid-life crisis.

    De described the troubled star as he appeared on TV: “He cut a sorry figure. He was a far cry from the old SRK, who was always on the top of his game.”

    SRK’s Wankhede Blast

    Transcript of a part of the conversation (Recorded by an eye-witness):

    SRK: Do you want to arrest me? Arrest me and take me now.

    An MCA official: Use your language properly.

    SRK: You use your language properly.

    An MCA official: Ok?

    SRK: You use your language properly.

    Noise. Someone shouts SRK’s name, tries to pacify him.

    Someone shouts: Le ke chal isse.

    Someone says: Police ko bulao.

    SRK: Kaun tha woh jo dubara… hai m** ka l****.

    Someone shouts: Everybody out, everybody out.

    An MCA official: Inko baat karne ki tameez nahi hai


    SRK: Who’s saying to take me away, I stay here.


    (Someone says something to SRK)

    SRK: Which officer?


    SRK (shouting): Tell your official, wherever he’s from… BCCI to tell him to shut the f*** up, don’t talk to me like that… wherever you are from, sir. Tell the mother*** not to talk to me like that… see it is his fault… nobody will speak (shouting).


    Someone says: Nobody will speak. Come on take it easy.

    SRK: Ek minute, kya problem hai aapko? Kya bole aap? Haath lagayenge aap?

    Someone: Laga ke batayun?

    Someone: Jyada baat mat kar ae

    SRK: Tu Jyada baat mat kar ae, usko bol na zyada baat nahi karne ko, woh baat kar raha hai, yeh bhi zyada baat kar raha hai, lagake dikha lagake dikha… saala woh bol raha hai, yeh bhi bol raha hai.


    SRK: Arre tu beech main se hath naa. Door se ghar mein bolna, paas aake bol. (You, get out of here. Talk from afar at home. Come near me and say what you have to).

    Someone: Ae bewada (You drunkard).

    SRK: Tu peeche se mat bolna… samne se aake bol ae peeli shirt be*******… yahin gaarh doonga maa*******.


    Fight Club


  37. SRK’s midlife meltdown: Real, raw and tragic

    “Ae bewada,” calls out an anonymous voice from the crowd, carrying high and clear over the chatter. An enraged Shah Rukh Khan yells right back, “Tu peeche se mat bolna… samne se aake bol ae peeli shirt ****… yahin gaad doonga.” (Don’t talk to me from back there. Come in front of me, you yellow shirt. I will bury you right here.)

    It’s a telling moment in the unfolding fracas in Wankhede Stadium, but not because it offers definitive proof of guilt. The Indian Express audio recording doesn’t tell us whether SRK was indeed drunk or if his children were manhandled. What it reveals is more damning: King Khan having a complete emotional meltdown. It would be a mistake to dismiss this as just another celebrity brawling badly a la Saif or Sallu and their bad boy antics. This is a Bollywood mega-star losing control of his life, his image, his career – and not because of arrogance or entitlement, but age. Shah Rukh is having a gigantic midlife crisis – in front of the entire world.

    The first public sign of trouble came during an emotional, rambling interview with Barkha Dutt last October. Gone was the funny, confident, cheerful SRK we all knew and loved. In his place was a man unsure of himself and his place in the world, alienated, angry and hurt.



  38. SRK banned from Wankhede for five years
    By Bollywood Hungama News Network ,May 18, 2012 – 13:14 hrs IST

    Shah Rukh Khan seems to be in the eye of the storm right now with his recent fracas at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai post the IPL match between the Mumbai Indians and the Kolkata Knight Riders. Now we hear that the Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) which had stated that they would take a decision to penalize the actor has reached a verdict.

    In fact the MCA which had lodged a police complaint against Khan on Thursday, have since decided to ban the actor from the stadium. In a unanimous decision reached by the MCA, the Kolkata Knight Riders co-owner, Shah Rukh Khan has been banned for a period of five years from entering the Wankhede Stadium. However, this is a cut down from the earlier proposal of a life-time ban.


    • IPL seems to be on controversy overload: A woman accused Luke Pomerbasch of molesting her and thrashing her fiancé and Sid Mallya tweets in Luke’s support saying that the girl was ‘not behaving like a future wife’ anyway.


      • lol @ Sid Mallya’s commets – LMAO

        Re. SRK

        WTF is happening to this guy? Everything is going wrong for him. It’s so obvious something is up….


        • The Graduate Says:


          Why not be concerned with your own star whose magnum opus debut on television garners less than Bachchan’s 12.3 and SRK’s 9.8[TAM opening ratings]. A petty 4.1..must be something wrong..???? Or is it that you will again give me the excuse of morning slot and an “art” show? When you are taking a slot like that of Ramayana or Mahabharata,you are clearly aiming too big in terms of creating a historic debut.Leave historic,it wasn’t even worth mentioning.Add to it the poorly researched show.Kudos to the intent but a big bang to the approach. Kindergarten type!

          Without being present there,without knowing what happened,just listening to MCA officials,without a breath analyser test and depending on “smells”,without reading how support has emerged for srk with kids themselves telling the truth,many onlookers version in favour of srk coming out–You are here trying to comment on a star that is far ahead of yours in many senses.

          But then will fans of Aamir change? Guess no!


        • alex adams Says:

          hahaha good wit graduate..
          Being a ‘true neutral’. im privileged to enjoy both sides..
          >>>”Why not be concerned with your own star whose magnum opus debut on television garners less than Bachchan’s 12.3 and SRK’s 9.8[TAM opening ratings]. A petty 4.1..must be something wrong..???? Or is it that you will again give me the excuse of morning slot and an “art” show? …you are clearly aiming too big in terms of creating a historic debut.”
          agree, gud point
          btw graduate–dont study 2 hard m8…take ‘breaks’ (like me) lol


        • The Graduate Says:

          Alex ,

          Dear..consider this:

          Had some Dhobi Ghaat[ a third rate version of Wong Kar Wai’s cinema] ammased 70 crores–Aamir fan’s would have quipped:

          “Aamir again takes a risky venture to HIT status.

          Now that it did some 13.5-14 crores..they quip:

          “It was an art film”

          “It was a songless film”

          “Had no masala”

          “Aamir was not the main lead”

          “Aamir just supported a noble script”

          “It is a Kiran Rao film”

          ‘It did not have publicity”

          That is where the “essence of having understood Aamir as an actor” fails..who are the best culprits–Aamir fans themselves!


        • alex adams Says:

          yes–actually the box office returns of dhobi ghaat WERE subpar irrespective of all these factors–given the presence of aamir..

          i loved dhobi ghaat, the OST, kiran raos work and also Shai…

          ps–A girl remarked to me that aamirs face in DG reminded her of another creature…can anyone guess who?


  39. I saw that video where the American girl talked aboutr her horrific experience with this cricketer and his IPL pals. She sounded distrught, mentioned that her fiance was also hurt in the process—and Sid Mallya is speaking against the girl? Kaise kaise log….


    • I cannot even be offended by how misogynistic he is being because he is so unbelievably stupid:

      His video response ‘clarifying’ his tweets:


      BTW how is that a man who spends half his time ranking the bikini bodies and seduction skills of women on national televisions suddens becomes so prudish that he is unable to comprehend the idea of a woman asking a man whom she isn’t engaged to for his BBM pin?


      • tonymontana Says:

        Seems apparent the Mallyas are sick-minded.


      • alex adams Says:

        <"how is that a man who spends half his time ranking the bikini bodies and seduction skills of women on national televisions suddens becomes so prudish that he is unable to comprehend the idea of a woman asking a man whom she isn’t engaged to for his BBM pin?"
        haha rotflol–now that wit…
        btw which show ranks the 'seduction skills of women on national television"–just out of interest-….


    • alex adams Says:

      was it an american girl ? wheres the video LS?
      though shouldnt affect the ‘blame’ or discourse…


  40. MCA bans Shah Rukh; experts call it a rare decision

    The Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) on Friday punished Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan for his alleged misbehaviour.

    Experts say it is a first-of-its-kind decision when a celebrity has been penalised for his or her misconduct, while B-town feels any father would have behaved like that.

    MCA slapped a five-year ban on Shah Rukh, Khan, co-owner of Indian Premier League (IPL) team Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR), from entering the Wankhede Stadium for allegedly misbehaving with security personnel and MCA officials at the stadium on Wednesday night.

    “Any celebrity has not been punished or banned for such a small issue. Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt were punished but it was a different and big issue. Shah Rukh’s issue has been blown out of proportion and this simple issue came to a sad end,” Mumbai-based journalist Indramohan Pannu, told IANS

    “I have been working in this industry for more than 28 years but this is for the first time a leading celebrity has been punished for such a small thing,” he added.

    Another veteran journalist, who has been following the film industry for 22 years but did not wish to be quoted, said: “I do not remember of coming across any celeb or a person in power to be punished for misdemeanor. At the same time, I feel that being banned to enter a cricket stadium by an association is barely a punishment.”

    Vilasrao Deshmukh, the union minister for science and technology, said that the managing committee of MCA “condemns the behaviour of Shah Rukh Khan. After his fight at the stadium Wednesday night, the actor has shown no regrets for his action and behaviour.”

    He said nobody could support such behaviour, be it the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), the Indian Premier League (IPL) or the MCA.

    “This is a message for everyone. Anyone who misbehaves or breaks any rules shall face a similar ban,” said Deshmukh.

    Asked why no committee was set up to probe the incident, Deshmukh said that majority of members were present during the brawl and they were all witness to the incident.

    In his clarification, Shah Rukh alleged that he got upset when he saw MCA officials allegedly manhandling his daughter.

    “We have not received any complaint from Shah Rukh Khan yet… We will also genuinely look into the matter if Shah Rukh lodges a complaint regarding the same,” said Deshumuk.

    He added, “BCCI has been informed about the ban, but since this property belongs to MCA, we have decided on the ban.”

    However, BCCI vice president Rajiv Shukla said: “The decision has to be taken by BCCI. MCA can recommend but BCCI will take a final decision.”

    Shukla also heads the Indian Premier League.

    Union Minister Farooq Abdullah described the altercation as an unfortunate incident.

    “He (SRK) carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. His behaviour matters to the industry tremendously, and to every young and old in India. Whatever happened, its unfortunate,” he told reporters outside the Parliament

    “I hope that his temper will calm down. As far as BCCI action or the Wankhede Stadium is concerned, I think they should sit down and find a middle way out,” he said.

    However B-town came in full support for SRK, saying his whatever he did was justified and that any father would react like that.

    Anurag Basu tweeted: “SRK’s behaviour is completely justified, I’d have smashed their heads if it was my daughter.”

    Karan Johar tweeted that SRK is one of “the best fathers I know and protective about every child…he was being just that….a protective parent!!!”


  41. tonymontana Says:

    Let’s kick the superstar when he is down, for god knows he makes good copy and helps us grab eyeballs, says Sanchari Bhattacharya.

    When Neha Dhupia [ Images ] had famously said ‘Only sex and Shah Rukh Khan [ Images ] sell’, she probably would not have guessed how oft-quoted or prophetically accurate that statement would remain years down the line.

    Shah Rukh Khan sells.

    You can love him or hate him or remain indifferent, but you cannot dispute the fact that the man wields celebrity power like no one else does.

    That is why, even after three of his recent films met with a lukewarm response, he still gets to work with the biggest directors and banners in the Hindi film industry. That is why he can sell anything from toothpaste to innerwear to, unfortunately, fairness cream.

    That is why an incident at the Wankhede that could have been resolved with a few apologies and cordial handshakes has snowballed into the biggest news story of the week. It has led to screaming headlines about a superstar losing his famous cool, an outbreak of pejorative comments on social networking sites, and a formal police complaint.

    Unlike my colleague Harish Kotian, I was not present at Mumbai’s [ Images ] Wankhede stadium the night the now infamous brawl happened between Shah Rukh and officials of the Mumbai Cricket Association.

    Like most Indians, I read about the incident the next day. And I watched the drama unfold on television, as everyone remotely connected with the incident rushed to milk it and get their 15 seconds of fame from the not-so-pleasant encounter with the superstar.

    So MCA officials, frothing at the mouth after being put in their place for once, spoke about how Shah Rukh was drunk, how he had ranted against them, even how he had ‘misbehaved’ with a woman there. There was even talk about filing an attempt to murder case against the actor and banning him for life from the Wankhede.

    The media gleefully lapped it all up, going on and on about how ‘Shah Rukh Khan was in trouble again’, ‘Will he be arrested?’ and the rather tiresome ‘Is this SRK’s [ Images ] mid-life crisis?’


    Shah Rukh Khan sells, we all know that. So we put him on our front pages and television channels and Twitter posts and in columns. For the mere mention of Shah Rukh Khan attracts millions of page views and readers and viewers.

    Who cares about what Manmohan Singh [ Images ] said in Parliament or why the Rupee is sinking? Let’s all kick the superstar when he is down, for god knows he makes good copy and helps us grab eyeballs for our happening social networking sites which otherwise have exciting updates about being stuck in traffic and having idli for breakfast.

    I am NOT defending what Shah Rukh Khan did or did not do that night. Yes, as a public figure he should not have lost his temper. Yes, he should not have used that kind of language in front of the very children he was supposedly protecting. Yes, he could have taken the higher ground and resolved the situation by walking away.

    But should he apologise to the MCA officials whom he supposedly abused?

    Hell, no!

    Anybody who has had any kind of interaction with the men and women who run the premier sports organisations in our country can testify to the fact that they suffer from hallucinations of being demi-gods.

    Much like top politicians and bureaucrats, many of them are drunk on their power and are often ill-behaved. Many of them treat the sports bodies they govern as their personal fiefdoms.

    If you listen to the recording of that night’s ruckus, when Shah Rukh is injudiciously invoking their mothers and sisters while asking them not to touch the young girls present, you can hear some of those present provoking him and threatening him too.

    No amount of provocation may justify Shah Rukh Khan’s outburst at the Wankhede. But the only people he owes an apology to are his daughter Suhana and her friends who watched, shell-shocked, as the situation, spectacularly, got out of control.

    Those children should not have been forced to witness an ugly spat like that and should not have had to hear SRK mouthing such uncouth words. For that, he owes them an immediate and sincere apology.

    But to the MCA officials and security officials that he allegedly heckled that night, he owes squat.

    Not surprisingly, in yet another exhibition of pettiness, the MCA has banned Shah Rukh from the Wankhede for five years for his ‘disgusting’ behaviour. Ironically, the announcement came from the MCA president, a former Maharashtra [ Images ] chief minister, who was sacked after 26/11, and is remembered most for insensitively taking a film director through an attack site hours after that horrific siege ended.

    This worthy was recently slammed by the Supreme Court for misusing his powers and granting prime land to another filmmaker.

    At a press meet on Thursday, Shah Rukh had pooh-poohed the MCA’s threats and said it would make no difference to him if he was banned from the Wankhede for life.

    It would not matter to him, sure, but such bans would make a world of difference to the many self-righteous cricket officials and pundits. They get to air their malice or advice while they enjoy their brief moment under the media sun, while riding pillion on the fame of the man Wikipedia terms as ‘one of the biggest stars in history’.

    As for those who have so much to say about how a celebrity like Shah Rukh Khan needs to be on his best behaviour in public all the time, please remember he is human and is entitled to his mistakes — just like the rest of us lesser mortals.

    On most days SRK doesn’t make for an easy target. He is a happily married man who is image conscious enough to be extremely civilised and charming in public. In his interviews, he speaks about how much he misses his deceased parents and how much he loves his children.

    Other celebrities may get away literally with committing murder, but King Khan [ Images ] is now hauled over the coals because he verbally abused impertinent men puffed up with their self-importance.

    King Khan doesn’t need me, or anybody else, to defend him. He has taken it all — the jeers, the catcalls and the unkind reviews — on his chin for years and he will continue to do so.

    This time, for a change, he decided to hit back. He stuck to his guns and refused to apologise. Good for him!

    I would like to believe that the millions of fans he has across the world will stand by him through this incident and probably adore Shah Rukh Khan a little bit more for taking on the panjandrums of sportsdom, just like his alter-ego Kabir Khan [ Images ] did in Chak De.



  42. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/bollywood/news-interviews/SRKs-Devdas-in-the-top-10-films-of-the-Millennium/articleshow/13256335.cms

    Ran across this interesting piece. Devdas as #8 in top 10 movies of the millennium; stands among the likes of Avatar, Crouching Tiger etc.


  43. alex adams Says:

    ok guys–enuf fun and now bak to ‘work’……….
    btw havent follwoed this but has srk blamed his behaviour on guards ‘touching’ kids inappropriately.
    well if the link to SMJ2 is coincidental, its an uncanny one 🙂

    IPL fiascos galore bout potmerbasch being alleged for molestation and sid mallya supporting him…
    Well, couldnt make it this year since was preoccupied though had some invitations, but have seen this first hand a couple of years
    The ‘postmatch’ scenario has all the muck, dodgy goings on and ‘everything under one roof’ facility
    “Seeking to question the character of the woman Zohal Hamid, Sidhartha had tweeted,” “She was all over me last night and asked for my BBM (Blackberry Messenger) pin, so if he was her fiance, she wasn’t exactly behaving like a future wife.”

    well, sid mallya and his dad wont mind getting one of those chartered topless planes which keep gettin talked about..
    pity they arent in a position to do it nowadasy after the kingfisher meltdown…
    the problem is that all ‘friendly’ females in those postmatch social settings are considered ‘game’ for the stuff pomerbasch was expecting…
    seems this girl in question either wasnt happy with the ‘deal’ or was a genuine socialite….


  44. alex adams Says:

    ‘Road to predition’ (contd from above—-)
    also pertinent to the current mental framework of srk maybe…

    Thomas newman’s OST here makes one want an academy award for him..though it lacks the ‘final nail in the coffin’ somewhere in seems

    portions of this movie seem to have a ‘painting-like’ quality.
    moments in time frozen, captured by camera for posterity…
    have a major liking for hanks but here newmans presence is too overpowering, i think…(even for hanks)

    finally–Im glad its u !!!


  45. alex adams Says:

    talking of original soundtracks, am a big admirer/ fan
    infact love some OSTs more than the films..
    just a few OSTs (not the best ones)
    any ranking/preferences, folks?

    enjoy–a compilation of ten random OSTs

    btw thought the jane eyre OST girly–just checked it out–not bad…..


  46. Ok guys there’s been enough of the SRK v Aamir WWF.. we’re now going to move on!


    • alex adams Says:

      graduate–just saw this link^^
      good man/woman–on an unbiased basis, do note that—
      srk DOES look tired/run down, as if hes been living with the bottle for ages etc
      he doesnt seem to be ageing well.
      this repeated insistence on physically ‘touching’ small kids who he was ‘protecting’–dont u think there is an SMJ2 ‘connection’ here
      what do u feel


  47. alex adams Says:

    bliss–satyam wants to take out somewhere 🙂
    (in an empty hall screeing ‘department’–dont ask me what his ‘plans’ are though)


  48. alex adams Says:

    Loved NIshabd–it was a class film–atleast the first half of it
    WIll not allow anyone to badmouth nishabd 🙂
    Bachchan was sublime here and rgv better than 95% of indian makers..
    yes there WERE issues galore here
    but all that is relative…

    ps–“empty halls don’t scare me! Saw Nishabd in a theater!”
    Bliss- u again are not getting satyams ‘drift’
    he wants to ‘lure u’ into an empty ‘hole’ (‘hall’ as in KHNH) 🙂


  49. tonymontana Says:

    Nishabd would’ve been watchable without the deafening score and Jia’s legs


    • Do agree that Nishabd could have used a more subtle soundtrack. The film though stands up rather well on re-viewing. On the legs speak for yourself buddy!

      Just kidding..


      • tonymontana Says:

        Lol. Honestly havent bothered to revisit it after watching it in theatre. But that was 4 years ago. In between have watched cinema of various kinds, so its possible there might’ve been a change in my perception.

        Having said that I agree Amitabh was superlative, and cinematography was brilliant.

        There are two things RGV should do with immediate effect – get Rahman to work for him and hire a good scriptwriter. A Jaideep Sahni could do well.


    • Nishabd had a deafening bgm but the 2 songs composed by bhardwaj were class apart- amitabh crooning ‘rozana jiyen’ is unbelievably amazing. on jiah i would like her to field at ‘long leg’


      • alex adams Says:

        “on jiah i would like her to field at ‘long leg’”–ha minor..
        well, with due respects to the lady, she had an effortless, effervescent, spontaneous ‘appeal’
        though her ‘coming out of the water’ scene in houseful was somewhat of an eye opener for more wayz than one ie two.
        wheres she gone now…

        and yes–“rozana” was ace


  50. tonymontana Says:

    and alex, all this SRK trouble started after you’d been called the SRK of this blog. what’s happening?


  51. alex adams Says:

    srk is ‘learning’ something, it seems 🙂
    btw tonymontana–i didnt like your mamta kulkarni recommendation on the other thread
    do suggest something better m8 🙂

    ps—what was wrong with poor jiahs legs?
    think there is inherent ‘prejudice’ here….

    ps2–dont agree with nishabds soundtrack, satyam.
    yes, it did jar at a few places and he overdid the backgorund score a bit
    But the bachchan song (the only bahchcan ahs done with Vishal) was superlative
    Excellent vocals by bachchan and for a change, liked bhardwajs work here….


    • tonymontana Says:

      dude ….. pick your own. Dont want to be in trouble any more..

      why not let yourself a bit loose and let us all know of your secret fantasies?


  52. Will say this as a general matter about this whole SRK fracas. The fans (and this is not just about SRK fans though they are masters at it) at these points launch these ‘forensic’ investigations and launch the whole ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ logic on every matter. Such extraordinary standards of evidence are never applied when atrocious box reporting favorable to the star is done. Or when all sorts of puff pieces come out about the same star. But when there’s such a crisis suddenly the bar for believing the stories is raised so high that one could more easily find physical evidence for the existence of God!


    • @Satyamsir–Somewhere in the digitalization –old Press is now media industry…freedom of the press principle-which used to be—the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc no longer exists or is systematically deconstructed ..What is now offered to citizens and readers at large is a blur –and blurbs of reporting…not the reporter reporting with unbiased views……When such a media focuses more on film-stars than film industry; Cricketers than sport of cricket; Politicians than form and functions of Government….it destroys their sanctity and heritage of Press as it used to be ..Unfortunately, for current and digital native generations–this is all they see and percieve as topics of discussions, debate and doings …How to bring back the dignity of press reporting and sanctity of news as coverage and not “story” is the critical problem requiring more immediate attention and need ..or else media and its ways would be able to create stories after stories to which what’s next will no longer be a question…! Fusion of media i.e old press with Social media now have compounded the issue leading to the dilution of entire reporting structure that created a free press principle of yesteryears.


      • “when such a media focuses more on film-stars than film industry; Cricketers than sport of cricket; Politicians than form and functions of Government….it destroys their sanctity and heritage of Press as it used to be.”- stellar points Andy- gets to the core of the issue


  53. alex adams Says:

    Andy–a brilliant post, buddy
    “Fusion of media i.e old press with Social media now have compounded the issue leading to the dilution of entire reporting structure that created a free press principle of yesteryears.”–well articulated
    pplz write more so we can all benefit from such thoughts..


  54. alex adams Says:

    Andy–some very good points u raised
    Think media of any form, only caters to the demand–this is not only a cliched statement, but @ brasstacks holds true
    The other ‘truth’ is ‘change”
    the thing ‘static’ become ‘dead’…
    The MAIN issue is the poor attention spans of readers and consumers of other forms of media…
    Even going down further, the ‘pace’ @ which life moves is just a relfection of the microlevel activity happening @ thought processes.
    That this has improved is not something to be sorry of.

    also everything old is gold is a good dictum and usually true
    But one has to effectively and astutely discriminate ‘nostalgia’ from truely ancient goodness

    also, no matter what u or anyone does–the ‘good days of yore’ with v few competing avenues of media exchange wont ever come about now..
    yes, but better rules of media responsibility that are implementable may make this mix more equitable….


    • hi Alex..Appreciate your genuine feedback and more elaboration of my thought process…You have really penned the thoughts going through my mind…i do know that everything that is old is not gold and as change is the only constant in life ..and there are much more draconian changes coming our way..

      The fact of the matter is about reins over media as an industry …(which is now may be biggest industry in itself..if you include net, tv, newpapers, social media and so on …)..that has gone out of controls of basic parameters on which it was build!!!

      Today’s media and its players can write anything about anyone as a “story”…and not as unbiased NEWS –so where do one go to find the real NEWS?

      I did start my comment with the fact that its the digitalization that has sort of started this trend of old Press becoming Media…and we all know its irreversible process… We will not go back to analog/physical papers to read and continue to consume the blur thrown at us in coming years -may be in 3D too…:)…..and in high def sounds and 1080Ps and on wireless and high speed nets and so on….but why would we want to taint our views and opinions based on what is thrown at us solely and no ability for us to filter the intentions,hidden agendas and commercialization factors behind it…..!!

      One can argue that this was the case even in the olden model of newspapers but at-least it was transparent enough as ownership of these outlets were publicly known….

      In today’s media–no one can know where the content, context and commentary is fueled in and to what extent the story and comments and debates and discussions arising out of these stories are “planted” or not!!

      My only disappointment and dejection so far is what is the solution to such a blatant “corruption” of media and how to bring back the sanctity of media as an unbiased reporter of events…

      May be someone like you and Satyamsir can provide some respite to my wary mind on this sometime when time permits,

      Thank you once again for sharing your wonderful thoughts and sync ;

      With best regards—Andy


      • alex adams Says:

        oops andy–u stopped me on my tracks before some nocturnal activities
        cant argue wiht any of what u say–all valid points buddy
        The only slight qualm is that the parameters of all societal indicators and standards should be commensurate with the ‘times we live in’
        ie one can suddenly yearn for the ‘innocence’ of the days of the yore
        while on one hand enjoying the benefits of unlimited internet on mobile or ipad or hd tv while on the other hand yearning for that so-very innocent charm of the newsreader on telly
        certain things change..
        its like someone coming back from serial stag parties suddenly complaining of his loss of ‘innocence’ and why he doesnt feel the same ‘rush’ anymore
        SO yes, standards are not manufactured in isolation and one has to be aware of this compulsion

        having said that–some very brilliant points from u and will look forward to reading more such stuff from u –cheers

        ps–reminds me–some new kid on the block was about to treat us with a writeup on ray etc –dont remember the name –but seems he needs to SEE those films first (just myself)
        sorry, jokin


        • @Alex–sorry mate–didn’t want to draw you in commenting to my thoughts rightaway–I did say when time permits..:)
          hope you have a good night…I will put in my followup comment and hope you can respond later at good hour…

          You brought up the point i was debating myself–Press has and had its control via “standards”/Policies/Controls” put in place…and anyone can lodge a complaint against any press outlet…http://presscouncil.nic.in/home.htm

          (Well-what actions are taken by them is debatable) but there is a standard based sanctity in place ..

          Standard is as explained…””from net:

          : something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example

          : criterion

          : something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality

          a : the fineness and legally fixed weight of the metal used in coins
          b : the basis of value in a monetary system

          : a structure built for or serving as a base or support………………………

          In essence, for me and many others, standards as a term has to be backed by some authority, some parameters and if need be standards need to be continually updated to meet the changing nature of those parameters via monitoring and via process as deemed necessary and as defined upfront …

          However-i do not see that though outlets of media have increased multifold, standards to which they should follow is not in place or not being enforced –and i do know that those governing standard bodies itself fall pray to the same pressures of channels itself they are supposed to monitor…

          I would not draw net/blogs etc in the standard debate to an extent .. since internet is supposed to be epitome of free views and publicly driven medium…but media outlets such as TV and media driven sites that provide so called sensational stories and not news need to follow the standard as put in place by governing agencies for sure at-least !

          Again, as a netizen as well as citizen, i expect certain amount of decorum, certain amount of unbiased reporting of news and not “stories” thrown at me left, right an center-and there is no standards or no agencies that can stand behind as an approver of the content than may be i am the biggest fool to even watch and comment on these snippets and blurs!!

          My anguish is at this exact pain-point my friend,

          What you described in your reply is more towards one’s ability to adapt..which is not an issue…

          Change required to certify that blurs we are succumbing to are genuine or not is the core problem…

          One can adapt and adjust and think its the change but one cannot change the reason for which he has to adapt…. !!!




        • Alex adams Says:

          Thanx for that reply, Andy
          This is the type of thought provoking stuff that I love and gives fodder to my overactive mind
          And u haven’t ‘disturbed’ me since I have quite unpredictable sleep wake cycles and can go into a lab at midnite sometimes lol

          Can identify with your ‘anguish’ and exasperation at the falling standards of news and media
          But the bigger point is that all arenas are suffering from this ‘decline’
          Someone I know who is a doctor or another who is an architect have similar laments for eg
          Yes, media affects the lives of people in general much more…
          But even media consists of folks drawn in from the same docility and so will be a cross section cohort and a far fetched non representative sample…
          So I guess these falling standards are a symptom not the cause…
          So though the symptom maybe partially ‘dampened’ by some cosmetic measures or even legislation; the cause is too deep seated and endemic…
          But would welcome your further views on this
          Btw have u been here beige
          Do let us about your choice in films/stars


    • Wow, now this is on Arnab Goswami’s show! This incident has kicked up a big storm indeed. The net is being bombarded by SRK fans trying to justify his stand. However, to their chagrin, there is a huge anti-SRK backlash, caused by the perception of his receiving preferential treatment from authorities in his various run-ins with the law.


    • Bhalo_Manush Says:

      Arnab Goswami on this topic??? will be interesting to watch..thanks for sharing…


  55. Prateek Says:

    Apparently the security guard Vikas Dalvi who stopped SRK in the stadium that night, fears for his life and has also been suspended from his job! What injustice to a man who was just doing his duty!

    Here’s some stuff on it:

    Shah Rukh Khan brawl: Wankhede Stadium guard fears for his life – http://ibnlive.in.com/news/srk-brawl-wankhede-guard-fears-for-his-life/259356-8-66.html

    [He has denied being hit by SRK and also denied ”manhandling” any kid. Poor man now fearing for his life!]

    Maybe the superstar did not tolerate anyone daring to refuse something to his kids or trying to stop them by touching even gently!

    This poor man’s son also supports him. So much for SRK’s cronies posting violent threats on their Twitter accounts and making the guard look like a child abuser who ought to have been killed.

    Some people say this man has lost his job now(the guard). A shame that a poor man loses security and job due to furious behaviour of a rich superstar. And some of his fans defend it as a heroic act by a father to save his child.

    Crass publicity stunt. On one hand some others are donating to NGOs or doing their bit for society, on other hand, this man is beating people and making them lose their jobs!


  56. Alex adams Says:

    BCCI forced to back SRK-may block his ban!!!

    Now this shows the reliance of BCCI and IPL on Srk
    Even his team kkr may not have done greatly ever yet
    , but somehow the deals and endorsements have made it more financially viable than some others



  57. sanjana Says:

    There are 2 sides to this. Maybe the guards being what they are, might have used filthy language. 5 year ban is ridiculous. Both the parties seem to be at fault.


  58. Alex adams Says:

    Sanjana -u do have a point
    But feel an ‘example’ should be made for other ‘errant’ celebrities who feel they are above the law…
    I mean, what they do in their personal lives is absolutely fine
    Eg this business with Priyanka chopra or using his ‘license’ by religion to polygamy etc is fine since it his personal space
    And infact may actually be the need of the day for him
    But one can’t be a ‘hooligan’ in public like this
    Atleast he can’t defend the choice of words used here (in presence of his own kid who he is seemingly protecting) and which even he himself hasnt denied…


    • sanjana Says:

      If he goes this way, one day I wont be surprised if he commits some serious crime. Fight with Salman Khan, slapping Kunder guy and now this. Next what? He has powerful backers from all political parties.


    • sanjana Says:

      The caption should have been power drunk.


  59. i may sound like a cynic but i believe ipl and t20 r ruining the game. i still believe that test match at christchurch and a one-day at sharjah is far more exciting than these ‘wham-bam thank u ma’am’ stuff’ being played at pune


  60. satyam,i had posted something on ‘mastermind’ thread, u may want to see it.


  61. oh ok! the synopsis does not sound all that bad. planning to check it out. btw Satyam, have u written anything on bombay to goa, amar akbar anthony and rathnam’s geethanjali? would love to read ur views.


  62. Oh ok.I like Geetanjali a lot also because it has Nagarjuna in a different avatar- i have a feeling u don’t care too much abt him too.


    • He’s not my favorite star but I don’t mind him. Liked him in Shiva. But I’ve also not seen very many of his films. A lot of times one has to really get introduced to all the archives to get a truer sense of the star’s gesturality. Sometimes one’s acting gifts are a bit more apparent from the get-go (though even here one has to see more for a proper understanding.. within reason of course.. don’t think one would need to see ten films of Salman!) but the gestural signature takes time to absorb.


  63. yes u r right abt the entire gesturality and signature. but i feel with some stars nag,salman,sunny,rajni etc one needs to feel some sort of an instant connect with them- i mean one either likes them or one does not- because apart from nag, there is a very slim chance they are going to come up with an amazing performamce which will suddenly win us over. btw don’t mind but i always seriously felt that u don’t understand Hindi simply because u r so good at english- i thought u saw them with subtitles LOL


  64. Come on, u don’t have to take it so seriously. i just thought so and said it.


    • tonymontana Says:

      were you trying to test Satyam’s hindi? ask him whats ‘grammar’ called in hindi..? 😉


      • i have a feeling ki sir jaante hai ki vyaaran kya hai. but anyway alex somewhere said that satyam is from south india. so if he is a s.indian, hindi is not his mother-toungue and yet he knows enough abt it. i don’t know a bit of any soth languages.


        • I’m South Indian and I know Hindi- my Hindi is actually better than my Tamil. 😛


        • tonymontana Says:

          yeah..Ami’s understanding of hindi is exceptional, despite she pretending not to understand the pearls of wisdom SRK came up with at the infamous Wankhede night..

          Aapki pol khul chuki hai..

          oops… kidding ! 😛


        • vanakkam Ami,that is lovely to know. but there is a sad truth to it- the fact that a tamilian can speak good hindi but majority of north indians r bad is shameful.i believe that my hindi is average at best yet i find it better than majority of the fellow north indians i meet(though i lived in a school where we hardly spoke in hindi). these people do not respect their own language- they find it ‘uncool’ to talk in hindi-assholes. btw it’s confirmed that south indians r freaking intellectuals-satyam and ami


        • I never said that my Hindi was good- I just said that it was better than my Tamil! 😛 I wish I was more fluent in Tamil though- it’s pretty shameful how weak my Tamil is. I know what you mean about people not respecting their own language- in a way I am guilty of it as well.


        • Ami, why r u so haapy that ur hindi is better than ur tamil(such a big smiley indicates that)…LOL. btw abuses and cuss-words sound much more effective in their native tongues. i remember when i first came to maharashtra 2 years back ti study mbbs, the localites, in good fun used to say ‘stuff’ to me in marathi- i knew they were saying something bad but did not know what was it so that made it even more pissing-off. though i have now learned a bit of marathi


        • I’m not happy- I think it’s pretty ironic that my Hindi is better than my Tamil- hence the smiley.


        • BTW- there is a whole history of anti-Hindi agitations in Tamil Nadu- hence the irony- it’s a little hard to explain.


        • ami, i do know a bit abt that history. have had debates over it with friends and mani shankar aiyar. rajagopalachari trying to make hindi cumpulsary in schools of tamil nadu which was opposed by ramasamy. the madurai riots over the issue of hindi being the only official language, the middle path charted out by lal bahadur shastri that english will continue to remain a official language in non hindi states,DMK using the issue to win elections, indira gandhi making both english and hindi as official languages


  65. tonymontana Says:

    anyways KKR wins another match. SRK seen cheering and having fun at Eden Gardens..


  66. tony, i never knew u r interested in cricket. would love to discuss abt acricket with u. it’s my first and dearest love and this is one topic i can say that i know a bit about.


    • tonymontana Says:

      Not realy. i dont even most players’ names after the format changed. IPL is somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me.

      Btw caught something on YT.. Dunno if its real or no, but is claimed to be the leaked Rahman song from London Ishq –


      • for me test cricket is amare akbar anthony, one day is naseeb and ipl is indrajeet and kyun ho gaya na. i remeber years i wrote a write-up in a public secton of ‘ wisden cricket asia’ magazine trashing ipl (those days i had harboured weird dreams of being a sports writer/cricket writer…LOL). but yes, ipl gives me the odd pleasures like watching a jacques kallis bowl at his best when he hardly bowls in international matches these days. i have an enviable collection of old matches with me


      • Bhalo_Manush Says:

        Lol…ppl are still calling it London Ishq when YRF has already clarified this. Can’t believe Yashji will choose such a title…

        And in India like the recent incident Army General’s letter to PMO can leak but don’t think anything can leak from YRF….


  67. tonymontana Says:

    and I would say SRK has succeeded in shifting the complete attention of media onto himself at a time when Aamir and SJ were the talk of the town. Whether it was done intentionally or otherwise seems out of context here..

    Talks of Ek Tha tiger remain buried in all the hoopla


    • The problem is that He has to DO this for next 9 weeks and than ETT release and than Talaash and Dabaang 2 🙂 leaving aside diwali month 😀


    • Not sure if he wanted to do it quite this way. SRK’s brandname is adversely affected by this sort of scandal inasmuch as he symbolizes ‘family values’. Salman’s on the other hand is enhanced!


      • Totally agree. This is the maximum negativity vis-a-vis SRK that I have ever witnessed. I have never seen the media go after him like this in any previous episode. Maybe his rivals have learnt the subtle tricks of media management, due to which the media has more hands to feed from. As a result it is not scared to go after him anymore. Paid Media ka zamana hai, SRK was an innovator in paying it off, but the followers have succeeded in adopting to the model.
        On the other hand, no one can expect sympathy after coming off as a spoilt egotistical brat. Saif paid a heavy price of his bratish behaviour right before the release of AV. SRK will pay for it too. I have not heard so many negative comments about SRK previously, the downward ball that started somewhere before Ra.One seems to be gaining precipitous momentum.


        • Bhalo_Manush Says:

          “Saif paid a heavy price of his bratish behaviour right before the release of AV. SRK will pay for it too. ”

          So are you predicting the YRF project will be a flop??


        • The Khans do not deliver flops anymore. Lets just say that SRK’s underachieving record for the past 2-3 yrs will be cemented with each such incident which erodes his carefully crafted past decade persona.


        • Bhalo_Manush Says:

          Don’t Agree here..You have the example of Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan with more serious crimes bouncing back..Fans will always support their star and the remaining public will forget the case very soon. They will go for the movie if it is very good. Yes he is getting old and that might actually affect him in his career.

          If any of his next movies turns out be good (but i doubt since he does not seem to have a script sense) he can bounce back. He has just delivered two 100 CR grossers with not so good movies…So his fan following must not be underestimated…


  68. i hope it is simply bcos i want yash chopra to stop making these films and go back to his bachchan days- he should make something in the mould of kabhie-kabhie


  69. alex adams Says:

    Apparently this luke pomeranian molestation episode is gettin murkier
    apparently the girl is being ‘threatened’ to keep quite
    wtf–had he been cught bak home in australia, the rules are much more stringent…
    and he got a bail for a thousand dollars odd?


  70. I’m with Shahrukh here.
    Couple of questions that come to my mind: (after hearing the audio as well)
    1) MCA’s “official audio launch” was cut off in the middle parts. And it only showed the parts where Shahrukh was being aggressive and not the other guys. I mean, comon, none of us are saints exactly. They musta’ said s’thing.
    2) Most of the media coverage is going to the MCA officials.


  71. After SRK and Sid Mallya it’s now Srinivasan’s turn to be embroiled in a scandal- the BCCI chief/ CSK franchise owner has been accused of torturing his gay son and his partner physically and mentally for years.


    I have to admit that this one absolutely shocked me.


  72. Though i am pissed off with sreenivasan for such an act, i am even more angry that he has been ruining indian cricket for long now. and wait for few days, this ipl will get even more scandalous- just like kerry packer’s ‘world series cricket’ almost killed the game, ipl is doing the same. they all want to make it champions league. on that note did anyone see the finals between bayern and chelsea. i missed it


  73. oh i am sorry abt my tirade against sreenivasan, i just know what i get to hear and read. but Ami ur family seems to be having friends with all big people..LOL. is ur dad into politics or something? LOL


  74. oh that’s good. u r not into cricket otherwise i would told u in detail abt my grouses against sreenivasan. btw that day i did answer ur point abt the anti-hindi stuff of tamil nadu which is stuff of legend now


  75. ami, i do know a bit abt that history. have had debates over it with friends and mani shankar aiyar. rajagopalachari trying to make hindi cumpulsary in schools of tamil nadu which was opposed by ramasamy. the madurai riots over the issue of hindi being the only official language,the middle path charted out by lal bahadur shastri that english will continue to remain a official language in non hindi states,DMK using the issue to win elections, indira gandhi making both english and hindi as official languages


  76. Superb Spoof on SRK-


  77. omrocky786 Says:

    So, grow up, Shah Rukh, and learn to take it on the chin like a man. Don’t bite the hand that fed you – and made you who you are – by running off to an overseas publication and crying your heart out, thereby providing the space for low-life terrorists like Hafiz Saeed to take potshots at India.
    It’s true, of course, that your films have had their problems with Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray, who kicked up a shindig by protesting against your film My Name Is Khan on specious grounds. But then you aren’t the only person – or even the only person in Bollywood – to have faced the Shiv Sena’s politically motivated ire. And while it’s of course true that every such instance of intimidation of the entertainment industry deserves to be condemned, you – of all privileged people – shouldn’t be seeking refuge in Muslim victimhood. More than most others, you always had access to sympathetic media treatment – and the unstinted support of everyone who spoke up in your defence (and even provided security cover for screenings of your film). And, by the way, have you given voice to a word of solidarity for Kamal Haasan, whose film Vishwaroopam too currently faces criminal intimidation from others like you who are feeding off Muslim victimhood?


    • look at the time and audacity when there is tension at border when one of his member of fraternity is facing severe problem regarding release and here speaks the a***ho*e..

      victim my foot:

      no one has the objection to his rags to rices story( though he came from a very monetary sound family also portrayl of his father as a freedom fighter(ironically who faught against bose’s ina and in favour of british the same bose who was declared war criminal by british and everyone knows whats his status in present independent india)

      thanks to congress and more specific rajiv shukla’s connection gets an ipl team on platter(in the name of company and as bidder which has nothing to boast off) the same team whose hawala transaction , money laundering, proxy connection and safe tax heaven of Mauritius is under scrutiny …supports a 2g scam accused morani whose link with underworld is scrutiny and even launches his daughter on one of his home production and even time and again plays u.s checking card to hilt and use that for promotion for one of his movie heavily in media


      • omrocky786 Says:

        well said Rockstar..


        • “My name is not Khan, I am Mr Kaul” by Tarun Vijay

          I am not Khan. My name bears a different set of four letters starting with a K: K A U L. Kaul. As those who know Indian names would understand I happen to have been born in a family that was called “Hindu” by others, belonging to a land that was once our own. Hence, we were sure, we would never get a friend like Karan Johar (“KJ”) to make a movie on our humiliations, and our contemptuous and forced exile from our homeland. It’s not fashionable, you see. It’s fashionable to get a Khan as a friend instead and portray his agony and pains and sufferings when he is asked by a US airline to take off his shoes and show his socks. Natural and quite justifiable that Khan must feel insulted and enraged. Enough Masala to make a movie!

          But unfortunately I am a Kaul. I am not a Khan.

          Hence when my sisters and mothers were raped and killed, when six-year-old Seema was witness to the brutal slaughtering of her brother, mother and father with a butcher’s knife by a Khan, nobody ever came to make a movie on my agony, pain and anguish, and tears.

          No KJ would make a movie on Kashmiri Hindus. Because we are not Khans. We are Kauls.

          When we look at our own selves as Kauls, we also see a macabre dance of leaders who people Parliament. Some of them were really concerned about us. They got the bungalows and acres of greenery, and had their portraits worshipped by the gullible devotees of patriotism. They made reservations in schools and colleges for us. In many many other states. But never did they try that we go back to our homes. They have other priorities and ‘love your jihadi neighborhood’ programmes. They get flabbier and flabbier with the passing of each year, sit on sacks of sermons, issue instructions to live simply and follow moral principles delivered by ancestors and kept in documents treated with time-tested preservatives.

          They could play with me because my name is Kaul. And not Mr Khan.

          I saw the trailer to this fabulous movie, which must do good business at the box office. There was not even a hint that terror is bad and it is worse if it is perpetuated in the name of a religion that self-congratulatingly and self-promotingly calls itself as the “Religion of Peace”. (Peace be upon all its followers and all other creatures too.)

          So you make a movie on the humiliation of taking off shoes for a foreign police force that has decided not to allow another 9/11. The humiliation of taking off the shoes and the urge to show that you are innocent is really too deep. But what about the humiliation of leaving your home and hearth and wife and mother and father and relatives and the world? And being forced to live in shabby tents, at the mercy of nincompoop leaders encashing your misery and bribe-seeking babus? And seeing your daughters growing up all too suddenly? And yet finding no place to hide your shame?

          No KJ would ever come forward to make a movie, a telling and spine-chilling narration on the celluloid, of five-year-old Seema, who saw her parents and brother being slaughtered by a butcher’s knife in Doda. Because her dad was not Mr Khan. He was one Mr Kaul.

          Sorry, Mr Kaul and your entire ilk. I can’t help you.

          It’s not fashionable to side with those who are Kauls. And Rainas. And Bhatts. Dismissively called KPs. KPs means Kashmiri Pandits. You see, they are a bunch of communalists. They were the agents of one Mr Jagmohan who actually planned their exodus so that the Khans can be blamed falsely! In fact, a movie can be made on how these evil KPs conspired their own exile to give a bad name to the loving and affectionate Khan brothers of the valley!

          To voice the woes of Kauls is sinful. The right course to get counted in the lists of the Prime Minister’s banquets and the President’s parties is to announce from the roof top: hey, ladies and gentlemen, I am Mr Khan.

          The biggest apartheid the state observes is to exclude those who cry for Kauls, wear the colours of Ayodhya, love the wisdom of our civilizational heritage, dare to assert as Hindus in a land which is known as Hindustan and struggle to live with dignity as Kauls. They are out and exiled. You can see any list of honours and invites to summits and late-evening gala parties to toast a new brand. All that the Kauls are allowed is a space at Jantar Mantar: shout, weep and go back to your tents after a tiring demonstration.

          Mr Kaul, you have the wrong name. A dozen KJs would fly to take you atop the glory-posts and gardens of sympathies if only you accept to wear a Khan name and love a Sunita, Pranita, Komal or a Kamini instead. Well, here you have a sweetheart in Mandira. That goes well with the story.

          And you pegged the movie plot on autism.

          I wept. It was too much. I wept as a father of a son who needed a story as an Indian. Who cares for his autistic son, his relationship with the western world, his love affair with a young sweet something as a human, as someone whose heart goes beyond being a Hindu, a Muslim or some proselytizing Vatican-centric aggressive soul. Not the one who would declare in newspaper interviews: “I think I am an ambassador for Islam”.

          Shah Rukh is Shah Rukh, not because he is an ambassador for Islam. If that was true, he could have found a room in Deoband. Fine enough. But he became a heartthrob and a famous star because he is a great actor. He owes everything he has to Indians and not just to Muslims. We love him not because he is some Mr Khan. We love him because he has portrayed the dreams, aspirations, pains, anguish and ups and downs of our daily life. As an Indian. As one of us.

          If he wants to use our goodwill and love for strengthening his image as an ambassador for Islam, will we have to think to put up an ambassador for Hindus as well? That, at least to me, would be unacceptable because I trust everyone: a Khan or a Kaul or a Singh or a Victor. Who represents India represents us all too, including Hindus. My best ambassadorship would be an ambassadorship for the tricolour and not for anything else because I see my Ram and Dharma in that. I don’t think even an Amitabh or a Hrithik would ever think in terms of what Shah Rukh has chosen for himself. But shouldn’t these big, tall, successful Indians who wear Hindu names make a movie on why Kauls were ousted? Why Godhra occurred in the first place? Why nobody, yes, not a single Muslim, comes forward to take up the cause of the exiled and killed and contemptuously marginalized Kauls whereas every Muslim complainant would have essentially a Hindu advocate to take on Hindus as fiercely as he can?

          If you are Mr Khan and were found dead on the railway tracks, the entire nation would be shaken. And he was also a Rizwan. May be just a coincidence that our Mr Khan in the movie is also a Rizwan. Rizwan’s death saw the police commissioner punished and cover stories written by missionary writers. But if you are a Sharma or a Kaul and happened to love an Ameena Yusuf in Srinagar, you would soon find your corpse inside the police thana and NONE, not even a small-time local paper, would find it worthwhile to waste a column on you. No police constable would be asked to explain how a wrongly detained person was found dead in police custody. Because the lover found dead inside a police thana was not Mr Khan.

          No KJ would ever come forward to make a movie on ‘My name is Kaul. And I am terror-struck by Khans.’

          Give me back my identity as an Indian, Mr Khan and I would have no problem even wearing your name and appreciating the tender love of an autistic son.


        • omrocky786 Says:

          superb……thanks for sharing!!


        • tarun wrote at the time when he (srk) started this strategy of minting khan- name to his advantage as victim during mnik


  78. Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

    My apologies if this was shared already.


    The recent interview of Shah Rukh Khan to Outlook magazine titled ‘Being A Khan’ have sparked an online fiasco. The actor has been trending on twitter since the excerpts of the interview were released in the media, with people venting out their ire on popular social networking medium twitter. We bring you some of the tweets:

    ‏@vaibhavmeh: I think Shah Rukh Khan feels Secure when He is stripped each time in US. The love and respect given by Indian people makes him insecure

    ‏@Restlessler: Indians have showered fame on Shah Rukh Khan, and yet he plays, Muslim victimhood card

    ‏ @lagudapandi: Shah Rukh Khan shd declare himself as an endangered species and seek security under Wild life protection act

    ‏@doctoratlarge: It’ll be impossible to play poker with Shah Rukh Khan – he’ll keep playing the victimhood card… Dear Shah Rukh Khan, have you considered that people who hate you don’t do so because u’re a Muslim, but because you’re needlessly arrogant?

    @urstrulyjatin: ab tak ka kya kam support kiya. India ne use nobody se somebody banaya. king banaya

    ‏@balviramin: You remove your Narrowmindness.. Mr Khan, What is your relation with Hafis Sayid, that he has soft corner for you??

    ‏@Randomcynic: You forget how well the Pakistani society has protected the Hindus & Christians. We may have a small heart they have none.

    ‏@praveerprasad: King of Victimhood: Shah Rukh Khan bites the hand that fed him.

    ‏@Aditya_Jerry: Never Seen any Statement Like ur’s from Dr. Kalam, we Indians given so much love 2 you n Now u r Returning favor by Foolish Statements

    ‏@Mdasmumbai: shame on you. sad that you chose ashruddin way to stay lime light. how could you even think in that way in india?

    On the other hand, Shah Rukh’s long time friend and colleague Mushtaq Shiekh tweeted, “Lets get certain things clear on SRK & the Outlook article issue. The article is dealing with being a Khan worldwide not in india alone….And the article clearly states that a handful of fundamentalists & hardliners are like playing with innocent lives….The whole country of India is most secular to have a minority religion superstar. Its actually an article against fundamentalist that are making life difficult for normal people! With displaying such ignorant outrage we are playing into the same hands”


  79. Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

    I believe this is what he wrote in his article.


    I am an actor. Time does not frame my days with as much conviction as images do. Images rule my life. Moments and memories imprint themselves on my being in the form of the snapshots that I weave into my expression. The essence of my art is the ability to create images that resonate with the emotional imagery of those watching them.

    I am a Khan. The name itself conjures multiple images in my mind too: a strapping man riding a horse, his reckless hair flowing from beneath a turban tied firm around his head. His ruggedly handsome face marked by weathered lines and a distinctly large nose.

    A stereotyped extremist; no dance, no drink, no cigarette tipping off his lips, no monogamy, no blasphemy; a fair, silent face beguiling a violent fury smoldering within. A streak that could even make him blow himself up in the name of his God.
    Then there is the image of me being shoved into a back room of a vast American airport named after an American president (another parallel image: of the president being assassinated by a man named lee, not a Muslim thankfully, nor Chinese as some might imagine! I urgently shove the image of the room out of my head).

    Some stripping, frisking and many questions later, I am given an explanation (of sorts): “Your name pops up on our system, we are sorry”. “So am I,” I think to myself, “Now can I have my underwear back please?”
    Then, there is the image I most see, the one of me in my own country: being acclaimed as a megastar, adored and glorified, my fans mobbing me with love and apparent adulation.

    I am a Khan.

    I could say I fit into each of these images: I could be a strapping six feet something – ok something minus, about three inches at least, though I don’t know much about horse-riding. A horse once galloped off with me flapping helplessly on it and I have had a “no horse-riding” clause embedded in my contracts ever since.

    I am extremely muscular between my ears, I am often told by my kids, and I used to be fair too, but now I have a perpetual tan or as I like to call it ‘olive hue’ – though deep In the recesses of my armpits I can still find the remains of a fairer day. I am handsome under the right kind of light and I really do have a “distinctly large” nose. It announces my arrival in fact, peeking through the doorway just before I make my megastar entrance. But my nose notwithstanding, my name means nothing to me unless I contextualize it.

    Stereotyping and contextualizing is the way of the world we live in: a world in which definition has become central to security. We take comfort in defining phenomena, objects and people – with a limited amount of knowledge and along known parameters. The predictability that naturally arises from these definitions makes us feel secure within our own limitations.

    We create little image boxes of our own. One such box has begun to draw its lid tighter and tighter at present. It is the box that contains an image of my religion in millions of minds.

    I encounter this tightening of definition every time moderation is required to be publicly expressed by the Muslim community in my country. Whenever there is an act of violence in the name of Islam, I am called upon to air my views on it and dispel the notion that by virtue of being a Muslim, I condone such senseless brutality. I am one of the voices chosen to represent my community in order to prevent other communities from reacting to all of us as if we were somehow colluding with or responsible for the crimes committed in the name of a religion that we experience entirely differently from the perpetrators of these crimes.

    I sometimes become the inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in india. There have been occasions when I have been accused of bearing allegiance to our neighboring nation rather than my own country – this even though I am an Indian whose father fought for the freedom of India. Rallies have been held where leaders have exhorted me to leave my home and return to what they refer to as my “original homeland”.
    Of course, I politely decline each time, citing such pressing reasons as sanitation words at my house preventing me from taking the good shower that’s needed before undertaking such an extensive journey. I don’t know how long this excuse will hold though.
    I gave my son and daughter names that could pass for generic (pan-Indian and pan-religious) ones: Aryan and Suhana. The Khan has been bequeathed by me so they can’t really escape it. I pronounce it from my epiglottis when asked by Muslims and throw the Aryan as evidence of their race when non-Muslims enquire.

    I imagine this will prevent my offspring from receiving unwarranted eviction orders and random fatwas in the future. It will also keep my two children completely confused. Sometimes, they ask me what religion they belong to and, like a good Hindi movie hero, I roll my eyes up to the sky and declare philosophically, “You are an Indian first and your religion is humanity”, or sing them an old Hindi film ditty, “Tu Hindu banega na Musalmaan banega – insaan ki aulaad hai insaan banega” set to Gangnam Style.

    None of this informs them with any clarity, it just confounds them some more and makes them deeply wary of their father.

    In the land of the freed, where I have been invited on several occasions to be honored, I have bumped into ideas that put me in a particular context. I have had my fair share of airport delays for instance.

    I became so sick of being mistaken for some crazed terrorist who coincidentally carries the same last name as mine that I made a film, subtly titled My name is Khan (and I am not a terrorist) to prove a point. Ironically, I was interrogated at the airport for hours about my last name when I was going to present the film in America for the first time.
    I wonder, at times, whether the same treatment is given to everyone whose last name just happens to be McVeigh (as in Timothy)??

    I don’t intend to hurt any sentiments, but truth be told, the aggressor and taker of life follows his or her own mind. It has to nothing to do with a name, a place or his/her religion. It is a mind that has its discipline, its own distinction of right from wrong and its own set of ideologies. In fact, one might say, it has its own “religion”. This religions has nothing to do with the ones that have existed for centuries and been taught in mosques or churches. The call of the azaan or the words of the pope have no bearing on this person’s soul. His soul is driven by the devil. I, for one, refuse to be contextualized by the ignorance of his ilk.
    I am a Khan.

    I am neither six-feet-tall nor handsome (I am modest though) nor am I a Muslim who looks down on other religions. I have been taught my religion by my six-foot-tall, handsome Pathan ‘Papa’ from Peshawar, where his proud family and mine still resides. He was a member of the no-violent Pathan movement called Khudai Khidamatgaar and a follower of both Gandhiji and Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, who was also known as the Frontier Gandhi.

    My first learning of Islam from him was to respect women and children and to uphold the dignity of every human being. I learnt that the property and decency of others, their points of view, their beliefs, their philosophies and their religions were due as much respect as my own and ought to be accepted with an open mind. I learnt to believe in the power and benevolence of Allah, and to be gentle and kind to my fellow human beings, to give of myself to those less privileged than me and to live a life full of happiness, joy, laughter and fun without impinging on anybody else’s freedom to live in the same way.

    So I am a Khan, but no stereotyped image is factored into my idea of who I am. Instead, the living of my life has enabled me to be deeply touched by the love of millions of Indians. I have felt this love for the last 20 years regardless of the fact that my community is a minority within the population of India. I have been showered with love across national and cultural boundaries, from Suriname to Japan and Saudi Arabia to Germany, places where they don’t even understand my language. They appreciate what I do for them as an entertainer – that’s all. My life has led me to understand and imbibe that love is a pure exchange, untempered by definition and unfettered by the narrowness of limiting ideas. If each one of us allowed ourselves the freedom to accept and return love in its purity, we would need no image boxes to hold up the walls of our security.
    I believe that I have been blessed with the opportunity to experience the magnitude of such a love, but I also know that its scale is irrelevant. In our own small ways, simply as human beings, we can appreciate each other for how touch our lives and not how our different religions or last names define us.

    Beneath the guise of my superstardom, I am an ordinary man. My Islamic stock does not conflict with that of my Hindu wife’s. The only disagreements I have with Gauri concern the color of the walls in our living room and not about the locations of the walls demarcating temples from mosques in India.
    We are bringing up a daughter who pirouettes in a leotard and choreographs her own ballets. She sings western songs that confound my sensibilities and aspires to be an actress. She also insists on covering her head when in a Muslim nation that practices this really beautiful and much misunderstood tenet of Islam.

    Our son’s linear features proclaim his Pathan pedigree although he carries his own, rather gentle mutations of the warrior gene. He spends all day either pushing people asie at rugby, kicking some butt at Tae Kwon Do or eliminating unknown faces behind anonymous online gaming handles around the world with The Call of Duty video game. And yet, he firmly admonishes me for getting into a minor scuffle at the cricket stadium in Mumbai last year because some bigot make unsavory remarks about me being a Khan.

    The four of us make up a motley representation of the extraordinary acceptance and validation that love can foster when exchanged within the exquisiteness of things that are otherwise defined ordinary.

    For I believe, our religion is an extremely personal choice, not a public proclamation of who we are. It’s as person as the spectacles of my father who passed away some 20 years ago. Spectacles that I hold onto as my most prized and personal possession of his memories, teachings and of being a proud Pathan. I have never compared those with my friends, who have similar possessions of their parents or grandparents. I have never said my father’s spectacles are better than your mother’s saree. So why should we have this comparison in the matter of religion, which is as personal and prized a belief as the memories of your elders. Why should not the love we share be the last word in defining us instead of the last name? It doesn’t take a superstar to be able to give love, it just takes a heart and as far as I know, there isn’t a force on this earth that can deprive anyone of theirs.
    I am a Khan, and that’s what it has meant being one, despite the stereotype images that surround me. To be a Khan has been to be loved and love back – that the promise that virgins wait for me somewhere on the other side.

    – Shah Rukh Khan,


  80. Haha ann–Lol @ ‘victim’ srk !!
    “To be a Khan has been to be loved and love back – that the promise that virgins wait for me somewhere on the other side.”–hoho


  81. Are we not hypocrites? When Shatrughan sinha openly admires Pakistan and says Zia ul hak was his friend and he says he does not want to condemn Pakistan in the wake of mutilation of Indian soldier by them, no protests are heard. When Advani praises Jinnah its ok. But when Dilip saab accepts honour from Pakistan, Indians make a hue and cry.
    When SRK talks about his victimhood all hell breaks loose. Whenever SRK name appears, we see hatred for him asking him to go and live in Pakistan.
    It is a fact that a very large section of hindus hate muslims. They dont rent out flats to them. They avoid them.
    SRK must speak about discrimination faced by the general muslims in India than his own. He is privileged and his other muslim brothers are not that privileged.
    And media plays mischief by making SRK say all these things and he fell into their trap.


    • Every Indian is not equal to Shiv Sainik and Shatrughan Sinha was never and will never be as important or popular as Dilip Kumar firstly and SRK secondly..


      • Make it every Hindu is not equal to Shiv Sainik..just to be transparent

        And Advani DID face controversy after the Jinnah praise..it was not all smooth for him..though being a politician himself, the backlash was of course comparatively milder


    • Rajenmaniar Says:

      What rubbish!
      SRK plays Pakistan-Muslim card to the hilt and in misguided enthusiasm we label him a victim. We should just export him to Pakistan , assuming they are willing to have him . As far as the loud mouth SHatrughan Sinha goes, there is a difference between amateurish attempts at diplomacy and shameless pandering and attempts at playing a victim by playing a ‘race’ card in a country which has bestowed love and affection way out of proportion to merit!


      • Rajenmaniar Says:

        There is a reason that SRK and DK face a backlash where as other Khans don’t . They clearly pander to Pakistan. One who cheers for Pakistan in an Indo – Pak cricket clash , listening to Pakistan broadcat (DK) or one who claims he cannot decide who to cheer for (SRK) are not INDIANs in my book. If they want to go live in Pakistan, O would say good riddance. It is not discrimination. It is natural logic and one does not need to be apologetic. Such people are ingrates.


        • We need to exercise caution when anointing the ‘traitor’ tag to anyone; especially to people who migrated to one land from another land in 1947. The more one delves deeply into the entire mess which we have been living in for 70yrs, the more one feels for people like DK and SRK. They indeed cannot just break a bond which ties them to their ancestral homeland. But they are not alone, very many Hindus who migrated across the border cannot break that bond either. They would love to go and kiss the earth of their own ancestral hearths. Had it not been for selfish politicians in the 30s-40s, this entire two-nation drama would not have taken place. People would not be made pawns in games of politicians. These selfish hypocrites on both sides held millions of lives at ransom, just to satisfy their own megalomaniacal urges. The naked ambition for power existed in politicians of both communities; so we cannot just blame one side. It is unfortunate, that we the ordinary people still cannot decipher the games in motion.


        • Rajenmaniar Says:

          Really? I have no problem with someone having fond memories but allegiance is different. I have chosen to live in a different country and much as my heart bleeds for India, I have no question who I would root for if there ever is an Indo- Us cricket match. And, that is after having lived first thirty years of my life in India.


      • I feel both SRK an Shatrughan sinha must be exported to Pakistan as buy one get one free deal!


  82. Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

    Mahesh Bhatt on the SRK and Vishwaroopam controversery.


    You dare not bully people like Shahrukh,” said Mahesh Bhatt with a stroke of anger in a video interview with Bollywood Hungama’s Faridoon Shahryar today as he strongly supported Shahrukh Khan in the grossly misrepresented controversy raging out of Shahrukh’s article in a leading magazine. With regards to the Vishwaroopam controversy, Bhatt termed it as “State Terrorism”. We bring you excerpts from Mahesh Bhatt’s no-holds-barred interview on the two burning topics faced by the Indian Democracy on the day when Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead 63 years ago. The full interview will be uploaded on Bollywood Hungama soon.

    On Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Outlook’ Controversy

    Anybody who knows Shahrukh will know that he is a modern young Indian man who has his roots in the core secular values of this nation. But isn’t this a fact that in India there is a mindset that a Muslim is always looked as the ‘Other’. While Shahrukh has got the adulation of millions of Indians which has made him into a superstar but there are unfortunate Muslims who are not as lucky as he is and who are discriminated against because they happen to be Muslims. It is a damn fact; you don’t want to look at it, too bad! As an Indian, as a person who loves the secular values, as a citizen of this country on the day when the Mahatma was shot (Today is Gandhi ji’s death anniversary), I will tell those people that you dare not bully people like Shahrukh as this country belongs to everyone. India is a democracy which is still aspiring to be a complete and perfect democracy. If Shahrukh Khan criticizes certain factions who belittle him then he is within his right as that right has been given to him by his founding fathers and the constitution. Somebody from the neighbouring country uses it and twists it, and then those guys twist even their religious faith and use it for war, how is Shahrukh responsible for that. Anybody who makes Shahrukh feel apologetic for saying things as they are within his country, is doing India a lot of disservice. Thank God there are people like Shahrukh who say things as they live it.

    On Vishwaroopam Controversy

    This is the darkest moment in the history of Indian cinema when a filmmaker of the stature of Kamal Hassan is running from pillar to post after having procured the censor certificate which gives him the right to release his film anywhere in India. You have a State government which is defying the dictate of Supreme Court which says that if you have the censor certificate then you can’t have law and order as an excuse to stall the release of a film. I spoke to Leela Samson (Chairman of Censor Board) and she said that I can swear there is nothing inflammatory in the film and yet you have him not seeing the end of the tunnel. He has already lost Rs 40 crores. It is a case of state terrorism.


  83. Bachchan1 to 10 Says:

    SRK’s open letter to the controversery


    According to me, all our lives we are defined by three identities.

    Two of which are fortunately acquired by birth and are a matter of unconditional love and acceptance.

    The first identity is acquired by where one is born. Our Motherland. That defines us. So foremost all of us here like me are proud Indians.

    Second the family name and upbringing that our parents give us. Mine is Khan, like some of us here. I am very proud of my parents, like all of us are here. I love them unconditionally.

    The third is the profession we choose that defines us. By some quirk of fate I am a celebrity… a public figure in the fields of art and media. Like most of us are here today.

    As I said being an Indian and my parents’ child is an unconditional accepted truth of my life and I am very proud of both.

    The third… being a public figure makes me open to any kind of questioning, adjectives good and bad and or sometimes makes me an object of controversy as people use my name and statements to attach any positive or negative sentiment to it. I accept all the above because this is the life I chose and will stand by it. I am what I am, because of the love and admiration that comes with being who I am in my profession…so I thank everyone for making me the star I am.

    Now to address this whole issue, with regards to my Article, that has taken an unwarranted twist. I do not even understand the basis of this controversy.

    Ironically the article I wrote (yes its written by me) was actually meant to reiterate that on some occasions my being an Indian Muslim film star is misused by bigots and narrow minded people who have misplaced religious ideologies for small gains…and ironically the same has happened through this article…once again.

    The reason for this primarily is… I think some of the people have not even read it and are reacting to comments of people, who in turn have also not read it. So I implore you all to first read it.

    Second if you read it, nowhere does the article state or imply directly or indirectly that I feel unsafe…troubled or disturbed in India.

    It does not even vaguely say that I am ungrateful for the love that I have received in a career spanning 20 years. On the contrary the article only says that in spite of bigoted thoughts of some of the people that surround us…I am untouched by skepticism because of the love I have received by my countrymen and women.

    I will paraphrase the beginning and the end of the article to clarify and substantiate my stand.

    “Then, there is the image I most see, the one of me in my own country: being acclaimed as a megastar, adored and glorified, my fans mobbing me with love and apparent adulation.

    So I am a Khan, but no stereotyped image is factored into my idea of who I am. Instead, the living of my life has enabled me to be deeply touched by the love of millions of Indians. I have felt this love for the last 20 years regardless of the fact that my community is a minority within the population of India. I have been showered with love across national and cultural boundaries, they appreciate what I do for them as an entertainer – that’s all. My life has led me to understand and imbibe that love is a pure exchange, untempered by definition and unfettered by the narrowness of limiting ideas.

    Sometimes, they ask me what religion they belong to and, like a good Hindi movie hero, I roll my eyes up to the sky and declare philosophically, “you are an Indian first and your religion is Humanity”, or sing them an old Hindi film ditty, “tu hindu banega na musalmaan banega – insaan ki aulaad hai insaan banega” set to Gangnam style.

    Why should not the love we share be the last word in defining us instead of the last name? It doesn’t take a superstar to be able to give love, it just takes a heart and as far as i know, there isn’t a force on this earth that can deprive anyone of theirs.

    I am a Khan, and that’s what it has meant being one, despite the stereotype images that surround me. To be a Khan has been to be loved and love back…”

    Please I implore everyone here to read the article and convey through your respective mediums of communications, all the good things that it expresses to youngsters and my fellow Indians. It is a heartfelt and extremely important aspect of my life, an appreciation of love that all of you have bestowed upon me and also a point of view from my being a father of two young children

    I would like to tell all those who are offering me unsolicited advice that we in India are extremely safe and happy. We have an amazing democratic, free and secular way of life. In the environs that we live here in my country India, we have no safety issues regarding life or material. As a matter of fact it is irksome for me to clarify this non-existent issue. With respect I would like to say to anyone who is interpreting my views and offering advice regarding them, please read what I have written first.

    Also some of the views that I have been made to read are just an extension of soft targeting celebs and creating an atmosphere of emotional outbursts and divisiveness based on religion…in the minds of some. I implore everyone to understand, that my article is against exactly this kind of giving in to propaganda and aggressiveness. Let’s not be misled by tools which use religion as an anchor for unrest and a policy of divide and rule.

    I would also like to add here, that my profession as an actor makes me, liked beyond the borders of my nation and culture. The hugs and love that I am showered upon by Nationalities all around the world, make me safe all over the globe, and my safety has genuinely never been a matter of concern to me…and so it should not be a matter of concern to anyone else either.

    We are all educated and patriotic people. We do not have to prove that time and again because of divisive politics of a few.

    My own family and friends, are like a mini India…where all religions, professions and a few wrongs included, all are treated with tolerance and understanding and regard for each other. I only sell love…love that I have got from millions of Indians and non Indians…and stand indebted to my audience in my country and around the world. It is sad that I have to say it to prove it, in my country, which my father fought for, during the Independence struggle.

    That’s my piece and having said all this…I would like to request all of you present here…that henceforth ask me questions regarding…my next movie. The songs that I have recorded. The release date of my film. The heroines cast in it. The Toiffa awards in Vancouver, because I am an actor and maybe I should just stick to stuff that all of you expect me to have a viewpoint on. The rest of it…maybe I don’t have the right kind of media atmosphere to comment on. So I will refrain from it.

    And please if you can…put all I have said on your channels or mediums of communication, in the exact same light as I have said it and meant it in. 24 hrs of unrequired controversy is more than enough for all of us I assume. So do not sensationalize and hence trivialize matters of national interest and religion any further and drag a movie actor in the middle of it all…and let me get back to doing what I do best…making movies.

    Shah Rukh Khan


  84. “and let me get back to doing what I do best…making movies.”

    why to start it in first place every time with non sense comment and still i have yet to see degrading mass most wanted men of india who came out in his support… he missed that opportunity…whats the same in criticizing a terrorist

    biggest slap to the people srk and bhatt have come from kamal himself when he without mincing word if this continues he will move to a real secular country by leaving his property and money if this continues

    a man like bhatt whose son give refuge to a mastermind like headley has no credential to speak on anothers


  85. and surely its high time that a womanizer and a mass alcohlic with a tag of superficial brainy someone like kamal hasan its pretty easy to mock majority repeatedly in his films but if you goes the other root all the concept of tolerance and secularism disappears

    indian society is tolerant and secular is only because of its majority which is evident if one look at indian neighbourhood only


  86. Rockstar, Rajen – I fully endorse your views.Valid points. SRK time and again always plays this game..

    Please ignore the below link if it already somewhere in this blog:



  87. omrocky786 Says:

    Say Sorry To Shah Rukh Khan

    P.S. read the comment by Paromadas on the above article exposing the author…….


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