Bang Bang trailers (updated)

thanks to Raj5…

thanks to Z…

thanks to Raj5…

196 Responses to “Bang Bang trailers (updated)”

  1. Dhoom2+Kites.


    • In other words, this is perfect showreel for Hrithik to try entry in Hollywood once again – the opportunity which Kites messed up. Also, this would be easier to sell coming from FOX and remake of a HW film!


    • My sentiments exactly! Hrithik and Kat scorching hot. That’s what it takes to deliver hits nowadays I guess.


  2. Sureshot blockbuster; just hoping Siddharth Anand doesn’t loses the track mid-way. Some got bored for similar film like Ek Tha Tiger first half, which restricted in going more than 200crs. I hope this one is edgy and thrilling or else even such big films can become just 1 time watch!


  3. Now if Rakesh Roshan had made this and said that this would “turn heads in the West” then I would have believed him. Also Haider is beyond screwed…this looks like Om Shanti Om vs Saawariya battle.


    • Haider being an UTV production will do enough to take screen space from this movie and affect it in the end run.


      • Don’t think Haider is the sort of film to affect something like Bang Bang. It might get its screens and find enough patronage but that’s a different matter. Saawarya (since someone brought it up) did very well over the weekend against OSO and had it been liked would itself have put up a huge total. But it completely collapsed and would have done so even without any competition. Similarly Bharadwaj’s movies are hardly ever significant grossers. The only half-exception is Kaminey which started off well enough and eventually settled around 40 crores or a bit more at the time. So even without competition these films are hardly trail-blazers. And Kaminey became a much ‘cooler’ film (and soundtrack) than Haider is likely to be. Similarly if Bang Bang is going to come down after a big initial (as many films do these days) it will do so with or without competition.


  4. Bandra.NRI Says:

    This is most likely going to be a hit, but unless there is some substance, it will just be a hit not a Dhoom 3 like BO. 150/200 Cr look certain, but beyond that there needs to be something to get the people going back again and again.

    To be honest, even Kite’s promos look good.


  5. This looks more style and no substance just like kites. Cinematography is certainly spectacular.
    I found Mary kom trailer surprisingly very good. Though, priyanka doesnt seems to do full justice, she seems little forced in some scenes and excellent in others. Whole set up is also not very convincing also. But, trailer suggests story is seamlessly very interesting with lot of human aspects.


    • ‘This looks more style and no substance just like kites. Cinematography is certainly spectacular.’
      Here i was talking about bang bang.


    • Sexist Satyam- why no separate post for Mary Kom trailer till now ?
      Dikha de na apni jaat. Saala mard mard hi hota hai. [edited]


      • yes strangely enough I am a weird biological creature that has to sleep from time to time. Even more strangely I sometimes have other stuff to take care of when awake.

        and be careful about what you write next time, whether you’re serious or trying to be humorous.


        • Satyam: Thoughts on the trailer?


        • found it quite poor actually. have no doubts this will open with a bang (!), how it sustains remains to be seen (not that even this is a big issue these days.. as long as you get to a big enough total everyone calls it a hit) but it’s a poorly done trailer even for the genre.. a bit too frenetic and much more about Hrithik as ‘pin up guy’ than anything else. Which I think has become quite boring by this point, even off-putting. And Dhoom was never about just this sort of thing. Even in D2 there was other stuff going on. The original Cruise film was rather insipid and of course didn’t work. They might be trying to overcompensate here by having a stunt-a-minute deal. The film should do fine if it’s something in between the two. But the trailer is clearly trying to provide the biggest adrenalin rush possible. They could have done it in much better fashion though. I actually much preferred the Singham 2 trailer, i.e. it was a way better trailer for its genre than this is for its own. On Hrithik he still seems to be trying too hard, still trying to prove too much. Weirdly this is something that he established in his very first film but somehow a certain anxiety has kept dogging him. He doesn’t suggest a star completely comfortable in his stardom and essentially feeding his strength genre. Specially in recent years he is quite often in ‘wannabe’ mode. ‘I’m a Hollywood star’ kind of deal. So again I don’t have any doubts the film will open hugely well. The success is also ‘pre-written’ given today’s debased standards. Unless there’s a Ra One kind of crash or something any other kind of trending is still considered acceptable. Hrithik still fulfills a certain aspirational ideal, they see him, they see these stunts, they’re happy. Doesn’t take very much. Now in fairness future trailers could be better than this. Plus I’m in the minority, most people seem to like this sort of thing. But this doesn’t suggest a Dhoom to me by any stretch. That franchise has always had way more superior trailers.


        • when people find this sort of thing perfect and then say there were problems with the Talaash script it’s hard to take them seriously. Which is again a point I’ve always made. I’m as much a sucker for many of these genres as anyone else but that doesn’t mean the differences should be elided.


        • I truly very often wonder will ABjr EVER EVER EVER get toned like Hrithik or the other younger stars? Just wondering. He alwys gives the excuse “if the role demanded it”… Which is a serious cop out. Forget Hrithik or even Ajay aka Singham. Will he ever be able to give justice to a role like Farhan did in BMB. just wondering. ABjr in a six pack would certainly draw a huge initial wouldn’t it???


        • the question must be turned on its head. Why does Farhan have a body like that for the Milkha Singh part? It’s quite certain that Milkha didn’t have that sort of gym body. Athletes being well-toned is different from working out. But even if there is at least some proportion here because at least an athlete is being represented why does Akbar have a gym body in JA? I won’t get into the whole question of Akbar being short and stocky, commercial cinema isn’t about such considerations but isn’t it a bit odd to have the D3 guy more or less walk into that terrain (as he now again will in Mohenjadaro)? Yes global standards of beauty (male and female) change over time and it is perhaps never a good idea for a star to be on the wrong side of prevailing ‘wisdom’ in this sense but that is very different from considering such a standard to be ‘absolute’. We have a certain synthetic global idea at the present moment and for a while though in the West this same standard in its ‘teen’ representations does not easily bleed over into its ‘mature movie star’ equivalents. There is some dividing line here. There is none in India. So again pragmatically your point might have a great deal of merit to it but I don’t see why one’s imagination should be so cramped as to consider that the only viable model.

          On Abhishek (and this is something I’ve said before) if he were lean (as in the 2005 phase or something) and if he were consistent about it the lack of a gym body wouldn’t be an issue. But specifically with him this ‘lack’ is seen as part of a larger problem. About a guy taking it too easy and not willing to put in the hard work etc etc and hence the lack of a gym body being merely a symptom of this. I disagree with all of this stuff quite categorically though I won’t repeat everything I’ve said here in the past. I’m simply trying to illustrate that for ‘new India’ there is a certain ethic of ‘hard work’, a certain matrix of what is considered to be representative of that same work ethic. It is a certain standard much as previous ages had other standards. From within that worldview Abhishek will forever be a ‘problematic’ figure. This too is a point I’ve made again and again. Won’t expand on it here. This doesn’t mean that he cannot solve some of his box office issues, he has in the past but the issue is whether he can do so maintaining many of his original aspirations or carving out a ‘difference’ for himself. That is really the crux of the matter and not about hits or flops, solos or multistarrers (a star could have a lot of hits and still not be defining in any significant sense.. Hrithik is actually the textbook definition of such a star).

          To reiterate and as a larger matter there is one case to be made pragmatically but quite another debate to be had otherwise. But people who are completely absorbed by the present (not unnaturally) find it hard to see the difference between the two.


        • “Forget Hrithik or even Ajay aka Singham. Will he ever be able to give justice to a role like Farhan did in BMB”

          If you’re talking about Farhan body in BMB, that body is much more hard to achieve then what Ajay has in singham. Ajay in singham looks like a guy on steroids with decent amount of body fat.

          Farhan in BMB was ripped and looked like had 5% body fat.

          I don’t think abhi will ever have a body like that, which is fine. Just have lean body like how he has right now (based on the current pics). Maybe lose another 7 to 10 pounds.


        • agree, he should be leaner still.


        • “when people find this sort of thing perfect and then say there were problems with the Talaash script it’s hard to take them seriously. ”

          Satyam – script was good but could have been far better esp. aamir was involved in it – needless to say that without him Talaash would have done 1/3 of its business…


        • I didn’t have a problem with the script. Or more precisely to the extent that you think there were some problems to be fixed that would have resulted in a 150 crore film I totally disagree with that proposition. The film’s critique, it’s mood was just not for everyone. If you drastically change these things you lose the film.


      • “Dikha de na apni jaat. Saala mard mard hi hota hai.”

        I argue with satyam more than anybody else on this blog but this is poor and below the belt.


        • actually it was followed up by worse. I am personally not too offended by this stuff but I edited it because I didn’t want that sort of precedent on the blog.


  6. keep the humor alive. 🙂


  7. Watched the promo couple times. Have mixed feeling on it. I think it’s due to short promo and too much with in that short promo. I’m sure it’ll look/feel much better once the full trailer comes out.


  8. Shalini Says:

    I think I’m one of the few people on the planet who saw and enjoyed “Knight and Day” (What? It was a fun movie and Cruise is good at making fun of his own image/persona) but “Bang Bang” looks awful. Then again, I’m one of few women on the planet who’s never understood Hrithik’s appeal and find him utterly unattractive (to be charitable).


    • Knight and Day was just about passable on a DVD but it was a terribly flat film. In this sense adding more energy to the film isn’t a bad idea. Whether they go too far with this is another issue. Where you might have a point is that Knight and Day though insipid in my view depended on a certain languor (in terms of a narrative and the lead performances). So the flatness is at this level explainable (because it’s hard to get this balance right). If you convert this subject into an adrenalin-pumping one you’re making more or less a very different film. I’d say though that for that sort of loose genre Clooney’s the American is a much better example of how certain major action/thriller genres can be handled in a minor key.


      • Could not get through Knight and Day, which probably means I shouldn’t be chiming in on it, but that’s really the bottom of the barrel in terms of Cruise’s misfires in recent years – although the equally flat Oblivion is probably worse given its scale. Edge of Tomorrow though deserved a better fate, though it at least got a better reception from the critics than has become the norm for a lot of his movies.

        Didn’t bother watching the trailer here. Can’t say a remake of a bad movie with actors even less up to the task of turd-polishing sounds remotely interesting.


    • I am with you here Shalini .. Hritik is great dancer and decent actor .. but his looks turn me off .. people says he has international looks, but i feel otherwise.


      • ‘International’ is a problematic word in this context. For one it suggests a certain colonization because one feels these are the sorts of looks that would be accepted in the West or in a global sense. But also because to the extent that Hrithik is close to that global model it is not entirely flattering because for instance in the US or UK major stars generally don’t look like this. He’s much closer to a GQ model or a teen pinup cover in that sense. Don’t think that’s what people have in mind. Cruise is the closest you get to his sort of thing but Cruise still looks far more ‘normal’ in certain ways and even otherwise has often tried to downplay this obvious physical appeal. Why? Because one sometimes runs the danger of not being taken too seriously if one is a ‘pretty boy’. Notice how DiCaprio who had the heartthrob image ran a mile from it after Titanic. He’s a way superior actor to Cruise but nonetheless the physicality can still be an issue. And so any which way one slices or dices it there is an issue of ‘translation’ (as always) when the colonial ideal moves to other parts of the world. For instance MacDonald’s is the most regular thing imaginable but in India it becomes a prestige deal of sorts for obvious reasons. The equivalents of multiplexes in the US are just normal theaters. But in India they have a whole cultural archive. One could run down the list but Hrithik in this sense fulfills an aspirational ideal but most people have a quite inaccurate sense of where he would fit on the spectrum of popular culture figures were he in Hollywood.

        And again I’d add he isn’t an actor of any sort. He isn’t even Cruise. He is more than adequate for what he does but the latter isn’t serious for the most part and when he does take on something serious he is celebrated for it but then we live in a world where Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra are celebrated for their performances. The bankruptcy of a critical culture (or the non-existence of such) entails all of this but that doesn’t mean he’s otherwise doing anything half-interesting by means of a performance. Which is fine. But the terms of the debate have to be more sane. And again all of this doesn’t mean he isn’t a bona fide star. But one can be this without being any of those other things.


        • Teaser is pretty slick. I think it’s definitely going to open with a thump as this high octane, lots of skin, action entertainer with 2 big stars should. I am more upbeat on this one than earlier in the year in that the opening few days should be bountiful now. I still have the same apprehensions when it comes to what level of substance this one will have. If anything though, taking a page out of D3, attempting substance in this kind of format and nailing it is not easy. It might be better if a film like Bang Bang is just fluff, fast paced and dumb like Race rather than trying to be a lot more and messing it up. And the lead pair are better suited to this. Add subtlety and substance and I think the film will fail as the director and leads will lack the skill to pull it off. Better just to keep it dumb and appease the fans.


        • agree with what you’re saying Satyam; however, we are projecting fate of our actors in Bollywood given the sub standards we have (everything that you point out). In this situation, it is actors with tremendous physical appearance/appeal have a much higher shot of box office success I feel (barring very few examples of course like SRK). Look at all the new comers – Lean/toned/6-packs). This
          unfortunately weighs a lot in terms of what masses in india want and what translates to box office success. That’s why you have proclaimed stars like Varun, Siddharth etc. pure “acting” takes a back seat. So given this scenario (like it or not) my concern is ABjr just doesn’t fit in – doesn’t have the typical filmi looks, doesn’t dance well and certainly doesn’t have the body. He does act well but that doesn’t count towards much unfortunately. This is what is sad. We can’t make the “acting” argument unfortunately since that doesn’t apply to Bollywood. Again I really don’t see how ABjr will make in any longer and that’s what makes me sad. Even supporting actors like Rietesh now seem to have surpassed him. Not sure the Bachchan “goodwill” will last longer. I get the feeling that he will pack it in and focus on “behind the screen” efforts like productions, Kabbadi leagues etc. End of the Bachchan acting dynasty IMO. Really sad.



        • I’d say a few things here. Most of this was also the case when he was doing well. And while he’s obviously not a dancer he was even famous in that period for some item numbers and certain steps. Even later in Dostana he was liked doing that sort of thing. But this is in a sense the problem. You either keep doing that sort of thing once you’re accepted in it and/or you do what is specific to you (Sarkar or Guru or something that plays to this image) or if you’re doing different you have to make sure it works and/or at least have enough of a mix so that you follow it up with a sure thing. Some of it was bad luck (Mehra, Ratnam at those points in time) but the sequence was a risky one anyway. Most actors correct for these problems right away. So Ranbir had a big tank in Besharam ( a really extraordinary one even by today’s standards) to follow up on the remarkable success of YJHD. But he’s doing other things to make sure that a longer sequence of his isn’t just premised on risky stuff. So he has the Kashyap but on Christmas 2016 he has the Johar-Ayan Mukherjee-YJHD follow-up. Suddenly the makers of Roy are finding it a bit hard to get his dates! And so it doesn’t have to be the next day but something sure shot has to follow. Abhishek did the risky but also did so in a way that did not feed his core image. Not Sarkar, not BnB, not Dus/BM. Which is fine but the films have to work otherwise the audience not only doesn’t like the films but also cannot spot the star in those films. Eventually some of the strong moments were too few and too far between and by the time DMD came along there had been too much box office damage.

          Of course as time goes the window on reinvention keeps closing. Or more precisely it takes that much more to do so. A Lagaan at one end or a Dabanng at the other but you need that sort of huge moment to suddenly change the conversation. Depending on your aspirations and so forth. Because doing something in between and hoping for accumulation of successes is harder when one desires reinvention and is not likely to get the choicest projects (as he once was). And here I actually disagree with others. The problem isn’t even the multistarrer (though D3 obviously wasn’t desirable), even if he moved onto solos doing this sort of stuff and even if he got success my claim is that it wouldn’t mean too much. Why? Because a star has to maintain some of his core appeal to do so. No one wants to watch Abhishek just to do a Salman or something! But even if he did find success doing this sort of thing it wouldn’t please his core and more importantly wouldn’t set him apart as a star. That sort of success in the present means nothing over time. And so whatever credit he does or does not get out of his multistarrers he still needs to think about that big reinvention moment. It obviously gets harder and harder. But to get back to your question what every other star might be doing in terms of a gym body or whatever isn’t really his problem. The audience would be with him if he made his model work. I don’t think people at any point expected him to be John. But whatever your choices you have to get it done. These multitarrers were ok for a year or two but not anymore. Even HNY is one film too many as far as I’m concerned but this should be the very last one (already there are Houseful 3 stories). He should really be focusing on All is Well because if this solo doesn’t work the multistarrers won’t convince anyone. But even beyond that film a big reinvention moment is needed. no two ways about it. And that reinvention moment has to be along a ‘different’ path because clearly he’s never going to follow the masala trail in that sense. In other words it has to be paradoxically a risky attempt. The sort of film where he drops everything else he’s doing and devotes a great deal of time to it and so on, a film which from the day it’s launched looks interesting to the audience.

          So while I am realistic about all this stuff I am not where you are. Not yet anyway!


        • MSDhoni Says:

          This is so correctly stated and fortunately or unfortunately this is what Hrithik is all about. You are so right on Leo and the analysis there and most of the very good looking actors in hollywood take this route. For a very long time Brad Pitt moved around with that scruffy long beard. Even among the female actors this seems to be a problem and very recently Katherine Heigl admitted her mistake of being neurotic and pandering to the romantic comedies persona.

          Aamir was smart in this sense and got rid of that chocolaty image early on with Munna in Rangeela with pitch perfect performance and from there on was taken seriously as an actor. Though I like HR as a person and also feel he is very talented but don’t understand Hritihik’s problem and constant switch to this GQ model persona and he should seriously get some weight around his hips as he is borderline pansie in boarding school language. May be females find that attracting but there is no macho there….

          He was the only sore point in ZNMD for me otherwise it was such a beautiful lyrical movie and I am looking forward to Dil Dhadkane Do… The character HR played had so much potential and something we could all relate to but he was so stiff and awkward in the initial reels and was never really in the movie. Fortunately Katrina’s entered the movie where she got him to loosen out and taught him to screw around a bit.


    • It’s those flaring nostrils, always get in the way of an otherwise proportionate face. Also, all that muscularity does not equal to macho. The effeminate always manages to seep in.


    • I’m ok with Hritik, not being a female who goes ooh aah over greek stud types. I’ ve actually liked Hritik in softer roles; loved him in Mission Kashmir where he was so vulnerable and raw. Did not much care for his Akbar. In any case a tall athletic green-eyed Akbar did not exactly resonate with the popular Akbar persona one knows from history books. Was not too gung ho about Jodhabai Aishwarya. The pair looked pretty, but to me the film was soulless for the most part. Was impressed by Sonu Sood in his negative role.

      Hope Hritik gets a big hit with this one, Bang Bang. Divorce ke baad life mein kuch toh theek ho.


  9. True, especially the bit about Hrithik’s looks being in the pin-up class. Bluntly, the man looks like a gigolo (or at least how Hollywood has defined that aesthetic) no matter what role he is playing, be it an emperor, a master criminal, a London banker or a gangster! The irony is that Hrithik doesn’t seem to realize that it’s his very appearance – which he seems so proud of and puts so much effort into – that will keep him from ever breaking into Hollywood. No one, outside of pubescent girls, could possibly take him seriously!

    Also agree on the non-actor bit. Have yet to see an even mildly convincing performance from Hrithik.


    • I think Hritik is a bit like SRK. Under a good director who can control him, he can come up with a fine performance. But they have urges to pander to their stardom and at this moment in their career these urges outweigh anything else. In that sense I am more surprised by this urge in SRK than Hritik; SRK is not in his best age as a star so he might as well get rid of this urge and become an actor and he is a very fine actor when in form and you get those glimpses of his acting talent in many movies for few minutes. I have never had a problem in seeing Hritik on screen. His acting is never a turn off for me even in his worse outings (excluding that demented role in Krrish series). I liked him quite a bit in Agneepath (obviously seen as a standalone without comparing with the iconic original which is my all time favorite movie) and that had to do more with how the director handled his role in such a way that no parallel can ever be drawn with the original. In that sense his role of brooding guy was very well done. He was very good in a 5 min cameo of Luck by chance. He was again very good in Fiza, Mission Kashmir and the second half of lakshya. Infact all these roles had a brooding factor in it and he does that sulking role very well. This Krrish kind of outing suits him the best but I have an issue when he takes such light roles too seriously and goes into his jaw shaking, nostril flaring mode of trying to depict as if he is playing an iconic acting role.


      • I agree with some of what you say here. Hrithik in an earlier phase was always likable. But at some point the burden of stardom became a bit too great and he started playing to this larger-than-life thing. Increasingly a certain smugness is now apparent on screen where one gets the sense that having worked out enough he feels the job is done. Wouldn’t place him in the SRK category. The latter too sold out to stardom rather cynically early on but he did represent something very precise. He was iconic in the sense of representing a set of values associated with new India (even if I’ve been forever hostile to these). And he always appeared to be a ‘person’ which is not something I can say for Hrithik too often. Not that Hrithik was ever an actor in any meaningful sense but over a number of years now he’s been content to be the GQ type who looks like a million bucks (even here I should say that he’s gotten more than a little carried away.. between him and John the’ve steroided themselves into the Incredible Hulk look!) and then walks onto a set. Now one might say that the audience doesn’t have a problem. That’s true upto a point. Because Hrithik has represented a certain stagnation. Huge star? yes. But what has he proved in all these years that he didn’t with his first film? Or even if one wants to stretch things out a bit what’s the ‘new’ here? He tries other stuff, he doesn’t quite get out of it what he wants and he always returns to this sort of thing. By the way Krrish works best (excluding the last installment which was simply poor) because his father always shows his vulnerable side and even when he’s a superhero he attracts greater empathy. The thing he’s never quite understood is that though audiences might idealize his kind of star they will never have the kind of personal connection with him that they do with SRK or Salman (their respective bases). Because Hrithik once more is a ‘type’, he’s not a person or even a persona people can really empathize with or invest in. And so at the box office he is where he has been for many years. His ability to get big initials in commercial films has never been in doubt but he hasn’t proved anything else. So actually I’d say he is not at all like SRK.


        • Again 100% agree with your rationale …. unfortunately none of it matters in the end. Expect this flick to get a HUGE initial, audiences will lap it up and cross 200 crore. Oh and let’s not forget the so called trade analysts – Komal, Taran, Rajeev (possibly) have already proclaimed this a SURE SHOT BLICKBUSTER so we all know how this will go. Sad.



  10. There is definitely a space for a movie like this, hot bodies, fun stunts, and maybe a semblance of a storyline too. Might just be fun, hopefully it’s not as wannabe as the Dhoom movies.


  11. At around the 0:42 mark, Hritikh jumps like a dancer not a navy seal or a warrior.


  12. “No one, outside of pubescent girls, could possibly take him seriously!”— hmmm some interesting comments there ‘shalini’…
    By the way– what do u feel about katrina & her role here…
    May ‘audition’ u for this role 🙂

    Anyhow folks–just checked the promo–
    It’s PURE exhilarating stuff …

    A ‘setback’ rather a ‘slap’ to all anti-hrithik who are now struggling to find something negative ..
    As I said above in the first comment–for this genre /setup–this is the A-TEAM Bollywood can offer!

    If this doesn’t suit your tastes –relax –watch your tv serials& tearjerkers & emotional porn etc !

    The types of excuses and spins being manufactured to pull this down are just entertaining and beyond belief..

    By the way –let’s not underestimate kick which will do v well..

    Those comparing this to dhoom3 forget that this —
    Is not the third in a successful franchise
    Doesn’t have YRF production backing
    Does not have TWO sidekicks like uday, abhishrek

    This is a MUCH DELAYED Project
    Due to Hritiks multiple health issues including a brain surgery !
    Also affected by hrithiks divorce from a drug addict

    In a similar scenario aamir disappeared from the scene for three long years

    Instead hrithik strikes back to complete the film in record time
    And though I still doubt it will be ready by oct 2 (since the mixing vfx is still to be done at fox USA I think!)

    If this gets competed in due time–

    IMO the bang bang team is a winner

    Any Box office success is just a bonus

    It’s the STORY /STRUGGLE behind the filming that interests me

    And in that respect

    Hrithik and even katrina are winners already….


  13. Loved the flying kicks & the final moments close-up of HR…what a fight back
    And good riddance from the drug addict …welcome to life m8

    Box office etc is immaterial now…

    In Dhoom 2– aishwarya rai bachchan was owned

    In bang bang–‘itll knocking boots’ with Katrina Kaif 🙂


  14. Faaaaadoooooo trailer!!! Loved it and I’m sure that all khans will bite the dust this year as Shahnshah of action( hrithik) is coming.Rest it is laughworthy to see Bachchan fans vomiting here after seeing Shahnshah here.


  15. Bollywood stars bowled over by Hritik Katrina

    The first Bang Bang first look featuring Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif, which left the moviegoers awestruck, has bowled over Bollywood stars too with its action-packed teaser.

    The one minute high-on-action teaser has got the entire industry so excited and impressed that they took to Twitter to express their support for the film. Bang Bang has certainly become the most anticipated films of 2014. The film hits the screens on the October 2. Directed by Siddharth Anand, Bang Bang is produced by Fox Star Studios and has been shot in Prague, Phuket, Greece, US and Indian cities like Shimla, Manali, Delhi and Mumbai. Here is what the industry is tweeting about the much-loved teaser.

    ALSO READ: Bang Bang trailer: Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif go bang on!

    Priyanka Chopra: Love the teaser of Bang Bang!! Katrina @iHrithik and Siddharth anand!! Killing it!!! (sic).

    Arjun Kapoor: @iHrithik wish I cld list the words I have used in 60secs…F**K what a teaser #BangBang

    Parineeti Chopra: What an amazinggggg teaser!!! Beacause you’re Happyy tananananana @iHrithik

    Karan Johar: No this is what yo0u call a TEASE!!!! #BangBang The mind is blown!!!!!

    Abhishek Bachchan: What a great teaser for #BangBang loved it! Well done bro braz @iHrithik , Katrina, Sid.

    Abhishek Kapoor: Smashing trailer of #bangbang. Raised the bar once again @iHrithik http

    Sonam Kapoor: Why are they so good looking!! @iHrithik This is too hot!

    ps: even poor abhishrek bachchan praising it,unlike his fan(s)–he was quite a sport even in dhoom2

    ps2-Shalini–since u r new here, lemme start with your ‘audition’ first –cya folks…


  16. This looks terrible – even worse than I had imagined. Will keep far away from any further trailers…


  17. “This looks terrible – even worse than I had imagined. Will keep far away from any further trailers…”
    If this looks terrible then which one is worth watching? I don’t understand what people like here and what are the parameters to judge the quality..Not liking a quality product has become some sort of fashion for some cool dudes..Okay, let it be so.. This teaser has impressesd everyone in bollywood and aam janta, so my advise to haters is just chill guys..


  18. The teaser doesn’t seem that bad — it seems far better than anything I saw of the Kites trailers (it has the usual contemporary Bollywood wannabe vibe, that films like Dhoom 2/3 also do; rather than the utterly deluded crash-Hollywood’s-party vibe that Kite had). It does seem like a less refined film than Agent Vinod did from the trailers (I haven’t actually seen that film). I think Bang Bang is going to open huge.

    Hritik’s expressions at the 0:53 mark are hilarious — man, talk about an actor devolving.


    • Q – that last statement of urs will bring Utkal back with a bang….bang – i managed to project HR in a nice way just a while ago as he thinks HR is an alien 😉


  19. MSDhoni Says:

    Coming to the trailer, there so many new ones these days that it’s difficult to register anything. But here it seems hurried and very cheesy and I am sure the movie will be better than this unless Sid Anand could not direct properly.

    On box-office terms, this may be a monster on Oct 2nd as we haven’t had a Kat in zara zara touch me touch me.. mode for long long time and then no movie this year has 5 straight holidays with another eid added to the mix to cap off. Next up is free run until HNY kicks in towards end Oct


    • That it will have a huge opening cannot be doubted. Siddharth Anand on a good day can certainly deliver a decent effort (for a commercial genre). Whether this film is only about the ‘bodies’ of each star married to lots of stunts or has something more remains to be seen. But again the dominant narrative doesn’t care. You get the great initial, after this unless you crash completely it’s called some kind of hit. The total is obviously big one way or the other and that’s enough for it to be celebrated. The films that actually trend well are then disadvantaged because even without that sort of WOM all kinds of films are called successes.


  20. sanjana Says:

    Between a Salman film and a Hrithik film, I will choose the latter. Salman is like repeat while Hrithik on a good day can surprise the audience. He has some simplicity and honesty about him which is endearing.


  21. Hrithik looks great here and all those discussions about looks and his jump are nit picking…this will be a blockbuster.


  22. RajRoshan Says:

    Trailer is decent…part Dhoom2 part Kites…but very difficult to get enthusiastic as the original itself was very mediocre


  23. 300 cr is on..So, ladies ang gentleman get ready foe first 300 cr Indian movie by biggest ever superstar of Indian cinema the one and only Hrithik Roshn..


  24. Just saw the trailer on TV. Left me quite underwhelmed. I mean he is hardly human. With all those muscles, it’s more like watching a robot. He is hardly human. Can’t see this film making any special impact.


    • Even when he is firing a gun , it looks as if he dancing…That top teaser pic, he is making some Z shape while shooting…What the heck!!…Can’t he even shoot without dancing?


    • Bandra.NRI Says:


      It has been successfully argued that an animal is far more strong, and efficient than a human.

      I agree that Hritikh’s muscles,& efficiency in dancing makes him less human. One wishes that he would trade in some efficiency and some grace against that. In contrast, Abhishek’s toto attempt in HNY is more endearing (the dance is not even close to what it is supposed to be but it is human).

      Having said that, let us also acknowledge that GRACE is at a higher Maslow Hierarchy. I think in Desilands, at present we are struggling to become less inefficient. Hence, lets get there first and than aim for grace later.

      So I agree in the west Hritikh’s act might be something one expects from a B grade actor, BUT in India this is A grade material. This sells and Hritikh is good at it.


      • Bandra.NRI Says:


        I find this as abnormal as Aamir;s costume in PK. Both are equally out of the ordinary.

        But I have no doubt that regardless of your preference and mine, the regular Joe’s will like Bang Bang more than PK (so it seems so far, sight unseen). A guy on the streets of Mumbai, Delhi, Madras, … is more impressed with Hinglish than Bhojpuri.

        Bang Bang will be as bad as you say it will be. But will like KICK be successful.

        In contrast I fear that PK has all the potential to be Raj Kumar Hirani’s Sholay.


        • Just because Hrithik has Kites behind him and remakes an insipid Tom Cruise film doesn’t mean we should have any doubts about Bang Bang. On the other hand just because Hirani has two Munnabhais and one 3I behind him and Aamir has never had the kind of failure you’re mentioning since Mela doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have the highest level of doubt about PK based on a poster or two.


      • “It has been successfully argued that an animal is far more strong, and efficient than a human.”

        I would have asked if a squirrel also falls in that category of ‘an animal’. But more importantly I’m not quite sure I follow your logic of making Hrithik more of an animal (‘less human’). I guess from Michael Jackson to athletes animals have done quite well for themselves. I hate being human!


        • Bandra.NRI Says:

          This is a very old argument.

          Study the efficient of Ants, or the perfection of a Bee, or the sheer nobility in an ordinary walk of a Horse.

          I did this long ago, hence my memory is not fresh, but when we got the power to choose, we stopped being animals, but also slipped in efficiency. A human hesitates, sometimes sacrifices himself for love, an animal is programmed for victory.


        • Bandra.NRI Says:


          I am merely saying our “clumsiness” makes us human.


        • Bandra.NRI Says:


          On the other hand, the degree to which you argue makes you an animal 🙂


        • there’s hope for me yet..


      • hrithik is B grade actor?Why do you think so?


  25. Krish: Exactly.How can anyone empathize with action like that?


  26. This is his style and what is bad in that? It hardly matters how he holds a gun or how he dances, the important point is the people love him wholeheartedly.


    • In your post, people = I. Makes perfect sense!


      • People means 1billion Indians
        He is a true bona fide superstar. nobody in history of bollywood won best actor in debut and no body in the future will. We will never see another one like him.
        He is the Haley Comet. Enjoy him while you can


        • You need to know Bollywood history well instead of throwing out such blanket statements. What awards you talking about? Something top of my head that Rishi Kapoor’s debut role as child in Mera Naam Joker got him National Award. When he was launched as lead actor in Bobby, he got Best actor and also lot bigger hit than Hrithik’s KNPH. Mithun also got National Award for best actor for his debut film.

          It has already happened in history and will again happen in future. He’s no Haley’s comet!


        • Rishi Kapoor seriously! bobby was Dimple’s show all the way as the title role of the movie . Rishi Kapoor was a sidekick
          While KNPH was Hrithik all the way.


        • thecooldude Says:

          ‘nobody in history of bollywood won best actor in debut and no body in the future will.’…so once Master refutes this claim of yours by giving you a fact based reply that Rishi Kapoor had already achieved this feat, you came up with another gem of a reply. First research, then post dude…unless you like looking like an a$$.


  27. Such an incredibly boring trailer. It’s amazing that with a dancer of hrithik’s skills they cannot give something more imaginative to him. What he does is obviously impressive but there are so many cuts here it’s hard to even admire him in this sense. Perhaps the actual video will be somewhat better. The most enjoyable such moment recently was Ranbir in Budtameez dil. With Hrithik they increasingly come up with this sort of video. The editing is so frenetic one cannot really see him dance at any length.


    • Bandra.NRI Says:

      I think he has become too huge (size wise) to do those steps in one take.


      • I’ll agree here.. he’s made himself too big to look as graceful as he did doing this stuff. Obviously he still does it incredibly well but that’s his basic ability.


    • Disagree again. Comeone…this is a super hit song. You can only compare this song with Hrithik’s to put it down. Hrithik has brought life into this song man. More power to him. Don’t see any other star performing better.


  28. thecooldude Says:

    I at least expected the songs to be good coming from Siddharth Anand. Pretty much all of his previous movies have a good music but this first song is a downer.


  29. AamirsFan Says:

    what I learned from watching this latest video: Katrina no way in hell can keep up with Hrithiks dance steps. Katrina is way too heavy footed.


  30. AamirsFan Says:

    There is no personality to this song or music video. Hrithik and Katrina add no personality whatsoever here. It’s generic and bland as can be. Not a good sign for the movie itself.


    • AamirsFan Says:

      and obviously this isn’t the fault of katrina and hrithik. this is the fault of karan johar, the director and choreographer who just thought that simply putting these two good looking specimens on screen would be enough. pure laziness on their parts.


  31. PURE STUFF 🙂

    Nothing in this track
    No melody no gimmicks no skin show no sidekicks

    STAR APPEAL galore

    Agree with naveed
    Also with cool dude

    What more proof does one want
    When the NO1 ITEM GIRL & oomph lady of Bollywood is relegated to the background

    As cool dude also says–

    Katrina who set dhoom3 on fire with just two songs is playing second fiddle and barely there

    THIS is real charisma and star appeal

    As for those losers who are finding fault

    when one finds fault with something like Hritiks dancing’ or ash’s looks or bachchans voice

    U give yourselves away

    U shake the tree
    And fall the following–

    Abandoned orphaned bachchan fans
    Fans of stunted & cuckold stars
    Fans holding onto nostalgia… Etc etc
    Fans of starsons and those who can’t stand on their feet leave alone move their feet…


    There are many pretenders

    There are many copycats

    There’s only one truth

    There’s only one apex!!!


  32. Oh dear..I hate to weigh in on this one because I like Hrithik…he makes dancing look so effortless..acting..well..he does his bit. But this so reminded me of Kites also..and I almost blinked to see if Barbara would show up. Just wondering..what does he really want?


  33. Re: Tu Meri trailer: after a long time Hrithik is looking good… as Margaret said, “effortless” really is the word for his dancing (although Shahid Kapoor can do “effortless” in a less showy way)…


    • shahid has never been able to come out of his “boyish” image and has never given a hero kind of vibes…..lucky ba****d has got away with few solo hits though 🙂


  34. Tu Meri –Contd from above

    This seems an attempted take on the percussive electronic dance version style aka david guetta.

    As for hritik, he is certainly NOT ‘effortless’ here but doesn’t let it matter. The whole spine/lower back damage/ strain is all too obvious esp in the first half but he pulls through creditably by sheer effort, talent & screen presence

    and peaks around 1:10- 1:25 — add to his dance ouevre

    Esp love what looks like an inspiration to the NATRAJA thats superbly integrated

    Some good comments by naveed, abcd, Samar, bandra& prasad

    This sort of peppy EDM number should usually be katrinas strongest point and she’s the best in the business. But here katrina is totally overshadowed both interms of dance appeal, moves and even screen presence

    katrina needs to shed some weight she seems to have put on here (on closer inspection) and needs to pull up her socks to march hr

    @ Margaret Ann
    Some homework for u–tackle these lyrics/translation willya 🙂

    Aisi kya chale hawa,
    Ke le gayi meri saanson ko mujhse dur
    Tere paas, aur mujhe huya ehsaas….


  35. tonymontana Says:

    In terms of looks, I think Mahesh Babu is better looking than Hritik


  36. Excellent dancing by HR, you can see in the end Katrina having some trouble keeping up with him. This sounds more like a love song than dance song though. Hrithik seems to be completely in the Dhoom 2 mode but both dancing and action looks to be even better here.


    • Agree raj5-‘ Katrina of all people having difficulty catching up hr dance steps…

      Watched a promo of haidar
      this one’s gonna be a classy product. Shraddha looks good for the first time ever. Don’t find shahid a man yet though this film shall cut off at least 5o-75 crwhores off bang bang total…

      But who cares ….will be bang bang ing


  37. Revisited the tu Meri track again–it actually ‘grows’ somewhat (no pun)
    Loved the dance steps 1:10-1:25 esp the “ode to natraj”
    Nice pic–Though I’m a bit worried about Hritiks left hand…


  38. It’s raining song trailers today- Meherbaan from Bang Bang

    [added to post]


  39. This is what Hrithik can do to an average song.If one looks keenly here, this song is average but Hrithik’s presence makes it worth to watch. This is the area where Hrithik overshadows all stars as everybody apart from this talented man needs good lyrics, good singers and good music. Just give a bad song to him, he will shine in that also.


  40. Now since “The Uday Chopra” is making waves in Hollywood, Hrithik should try to go by his route and make his HW debut instead of doing movies like Kites and Bang Bang and hoping to get a HW offer.

    Btw, YRF’s new international venture… produced by Uday Chopra


  41. this song trailer is definitely for the ladies. lol.


  42. Superstar Aamir Khan is bowled over by Hrithik Roshan’s dance moves in ‘Bang Bang’. Aamir, 49, who recently watched the trailer of the action film, said Hrithik and female lead Katrina kaif are looking like ‘million bucks’. wish I could dance half as well as Hrithik! I really loved the new song of ‘Bang Bang’. And the Bang Bang trailer is outstanding! Hrithik and Katrina look like a million bucks!,” Aamir posted on twitter.

    Hrithik unveiled the film’s first romantic track ‘Tu Meri’ last month where the lead pairs could be seen doing some high-octane dance moves.

    The ‘Dhoom 3’ star is also amazed by the action scenes of the action-romance film.

    “Love the shot of Hrithik come shooting out of the water with guns pointing! Can’t wait for Oct 2!,” he added. Produced by Fox Star Studios, ‘Bang Bang’ is directed by Siddharth Anand. It will hit theatres along with Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Haider’ on October 2.
    – See more at:


  43. This one and HNY are currently in dull zone. Don’t know what is HNY plan of action to get the buzz moving , but here at least they have an option to raise steamy quotient with Kat on board…..though must say the chemistry doesn’t work as perception of kat being taken already overpowers whatever is left of kat.

    Man! Hrithik should get this kaajal look out of the window. Wish someone offers him a Rangeela type rugged role on the streets of Mumbai.


    • Is Bang Bang’s buzz low? Had no idea, everyone that I know (sample size = Facebook friends) is excited for it. HNY’s interest seems to be decreasing everyday unfortunately on the other hand. But SRK will do something, I though CE had low buzz even after Lungi Dance and SRK started going around the galaxy to promote it but then it had the biggest opening ever.


      • Raj5, agree on the lungi dance bit which worked for the movie at the right time. On the buzz for Bang Bang, it does seem low if you consider this to be HR’s single release this year and when you compare this to HR’s last release Krish 3.. It may pick up as there is still a month to go but each passing day we are all coming to a conclusion to its middling content with hardly any standout stuff until now. HR does one movie in 2/3 years and should be a stand out not some humdrum stuff….


  44. All hopes firmly on P.K to deliver a big film with a heart. Between BB (a plastic bottle) and HNY (a plastic bottle covered with xmas wrapping paper) it’s going to be tough! At least BB looks strikingly well shot and will hinge completely on chemistry and has a shot at that. HNY song looks like OSO without the celebrities and rather stale. Farah has lost all her mojo from MHN. I sense a very poor film on the cards which will be glossed over by the usual because of some grand opening!


    • agreed..

      though some here have decided that based on the first poster it’s over for PK (hey let’s not have Aamir’s record since Lagaan or Hirani’s own stand in the way!) while some others thing HNY looks better than Baz Luhrmann’s work (Bandra NRI). What can one say? Audiences get the films they deserve!


    • Why bring PK to compare BB or HNY and why not bring in Dhoom 3? Some movies are extraordinary (hoping PK is one) but that doesn’t make it a ‘standard’ and you can’t start comparing the top most films to every film releasing out there. If you start doing so, you’ll end disliking 99.99% films made in Bollywood which defeats the purpose of being a Bollywood movies fan.


  45. Satyam,
    You are discussing only HNY and P.K most of time. You haven’t courage to say even a single word about Bang Bang because you know that this is a prestigious movie and boxoffice wise beyond the reach of any star.


    • LOL Samar good one. Satyam, please comment on the biggest movie of our time. We all want to hear your thoughts! I agree it must be the incredible prestige and pressence of Hrthik that is holding Satyam back from complimenting the film so far.


      • I don’t find myself worthy enough to comment on it. Sometimes I really miss not having a formal film education..


        • You better pull on your socks Satyam. Rajnikanth and Amitabh are already heading for the woods in October at the time of Hrithik’s banging. You should head somewhere too…


    • lol – samar u gave an overpitch delivery to jay/satyam and they sent it out of the Big Bang universe 😉 to be fair to u – yeah it has the potential to be the 2nd highest grosser after PK (this year)


  46. Haven’t got a chance to catch meherbaan yet –can’t do ‘moving images’ as of now due to some reasons

    Got sent this link
    To heck with ‘taste’ & bloody ‘acting skills’ !!!

    –some good comments by sanjana, bandra, raj5, Samar ….May check the video soon…


  47. Saw this song on youtube while my TV was on and at the same time the Lapaata song from Ek Tha Tiger was playing. The song trailers of both are basically the same! Katrina on a balcony looking down at HR/Salman, Salman/HR interacting with locals, and both end with the actors in the water (beach/sea/ocean).


    • That’s a great observation ‘raj5’…it’s the same ‘motif’ apparently
      Haven’t seen the meharbaan video properly only stills
      But katrina shows deft ‘economics’ and seems to recycling pieces of clothing from ETT to dhoom 3 and from the stills here even in bang bang

      I remember the mini-skirt, the (not-so revealing decent) top, those denim shorts & heck even the bra 🙂
      Y does this all seem so familiar to me?
      May check out the full video soon ..

      For meherbaan–Locationwise I thought I saw fira, points in santorini & Rhodes…

      Btw where’s the other ‘talent’ here like maggie, Amy, sanju & others.
      I remembered bang bang is releasing in three versions –hinglish, Tamil, Telugu lol


      • Hrithik s the only actor of tinsel town who has got no problem in copying others..This is because he has the ability to take any scene to another level which other actors can’t..Lets take the example of Agneepath where Hrithik showed to world how Vijay Dina Nath Chouhan should be played while this charecter was killed by Bachchan with his hamming and overacting..I know some people may get offended by this comment but what can be done? The reality is infront of eeverybody.No matter the reality is bitter but we have to face it..So no problem if this scene has any resemblence with Ek tha Tiger, Hrithik is there for rescue and he’ll make it worth to watch.


        • Completely agreed. If he was in Roshomon he would have showed Kurosawa the ABCs of how to about proper casting. If he could do this to Kurosawa who the heck is AB? Some guy some directors like Hrishikesh Mukherjee called ‘the only complete actor we have.’ Don’t know what Mukherjee was smoking. Duh!


  48. stunning chemistry betn HR-KK – BB is gonna a 200 cr deal smoothly


  49. jus saw it..awsum
    kudos2 hr kat & well filmed by sid-ace color pallets
    2 heck wid box office & ‘quality” & ol dat crap
    luv n lust
    look at those hands (& other body parts)
    [added to post]

    man, katrina has been owned like neva b4 🙂
    will catch this again…this desevers a repeat viewin


  50. Haha that sort of ‘envy’ is shown only by abhishrek fan(s) lol

    As for meherbaan, after getting totally outplayed in ‘Meri tu’, where she became a ‘fangirl’ katrina has just shown “total submission” here. With minimal makeup she doesn’t try too hard here some good styling by anaita.
    Note that Towards the end of the song there’s gross consensual mutual groping goin on 🙂


  51. Haha there were many “professionals” who tried to ‘cure’ me but last beard they are in rehab themselves lol. That reminds me -there was a psychiatrist or toe here as well who attempted that –how is that person? My best wishes from me …

    Btw aamir praising hrithik repeatedly, he hasn’t forgotten the gift aka dhoom3 he received from HR –maybe he is looking for bangbang2!

    Aamir feels envious of hrithik

    As for katrina–
    She is a competent performer (unlike what people feel). Meherbann is a slap for those who feel she can’t emote—
    Look at the way she back-rubs onto a wall –her expressions & subtle movements are sublime.
    Anyhow I’m starting my auditions ….these songs will be such fun lol


    • I find Katrina luminous and seriously lovely.
      In a way, she reminds me of Zeenat Aman , and even Parveen Babi before she lost her way. I loved Katrina in Ek tha Tiger and once again in Dhoom 3 where she shone in her role. She is definitely an attraction for Bang Bang, as much as Hritik. Togethr their dance and music should light up the screen.

      But it is ridiculous that apex choses to pull down Aamir in the process of lifting up Hritik. Aamir did Dhoom 3 well on his own
      Hritik contributed nothing to Aamir other than his good wishes maybe. And Hritik probably wasn’t interested in Dhoom 3; or most likely Dhoom series does not repeat their main villain leads. Whatever….but let’s not use one star to pull down another. Aamir himself said recently, during an aajtak interaction, that when he likes a film he praises whole-heartedly, but when he is dissatisfied, he keeps quiet. Well, the promos have impressed him enough to bringforth his tweets. He awaits the film and so do I, for both leads.


  52. Is that the next bang bang song track ?
    Somehow it’s inappropriate for me to view ‘moving images’ as of now and I’m a law abiding guy
    So will watch it later

    In the meanwhile
    Some homework for

    Oldgold, Amy and sanju to find out the

    Hindi, Tamil, Telugu translation
    Of the term


    Margaret Ann–find the English translation of —

    Aisi kya, chali hawa, ki le gayi
    Meri saanson ko mujhse door, Tere paas.
    Aur mujhe huaa ehsaas

    (Those posting comments quickest maybe relieved of more bang bang related questions )



  53. Wow!! the tittle track is amazing..Hrithik is simply the best dancer in the industry and the chemistry is between Hrithik – Kat is sizzling, BB would have been the highest grossing movie of the year if it wasnt for PK


  54. Songs are looking great, the chemistry and Hrithik’s dancing are out of this world. The action will be the best from Hi Fi to date. I have no doubt that visually this will be a great movie but lets see about the story, we know nothing as of yet and it’s Siddharth Anand who’s given nothing but trash since his first movie and Fox India who have backed nothing but trash products. They’ve backed Humshakals, Matru ki bijlee, murder 3, bullet raja, jannat 2, raaz 3, force, ek deewana tha, etc. Only decent movie they’ve backed is Bol Bachchan. And rumors have it Bombay Velvet, another one of their projects, was delayed because it turned out to be bad. HR himself has rarely picked a good script. The only person’s instincts I have faith in here is surprisingly Katrina who can spot somehow spot a hit from the script.


  55. Maybe someday Hrithik will play a down & out real dirty nitty gritty character…if they would only get their hair messed up..Salman wont even do that..too clean..and it becomes a blur..same body different head


  56. Aping MJ’s dance moves is always a smart decision (Hrithik makes it look effortless). That aside, this is a energetic video, the song itself is just about OK. Probably my favorite song and video.

    Also noticed Hrithik wearing a suit without a dress shirt under neath…another certain super star made it famous in the mid 90’s…


  57. some things never change ..and some habits are difficult to


  58. Bang bang -the curtain raiser

    Ok guys n gals-just got a chance to have a glimpse of this title track briefly. Been busy & will revisit this space but some intial thoughts

    It’s not the mega chartbuster types but surprisingly more subtly done with the beegees /disco vibe with MJ intertwined…

    Well, it’s not about this film or song or the music or the picturisation

    But imo it’s a v ‘significant’ one–should elicit a series of comments not one or two to describe the ‘plethora’ and gamut of stuff here

    Will start by saying that IF there was a tribute to MJ, in a tom cruise -Cameron Diaz flick (all of whom I really love)
    the FIRST couple I will visualise from India
    Is hritik and katrina

    And that’s what this track has created
    An EVENT
    All other things are secondary and inconsequential

    For eg the sight of HR & Kat in that frame and HR gentling & subtly tapping katrinas pert posterior is awesome at 1:10

    And there are many many such gems here

    This bonanza is threatening to awaken the dormant dancer in me..

    Btw note that those mentioned above have stopped commenting since they are KEEN to be in the spoof hahaha
    And theres some new talent like LS & arti knocking the doors ..

    But the line of the day goes to maggie
    “some things never change ..and some habits are difficult to”
    yup u bet baby

    Btw this is likely to be the last time HR & Kat share screen space –a bit like HR- Ash Bachchan in dhoom 2….

    raat bhar baat kar, Tu mere saath chal,
    dil pe chala hai jaadu, jane kyu, jane kyu..

    Bang bang


  59. Loved the title track…Hrithik just made Katrina look like a expensive overpaid extra.


    • “Loved the title track…Hrithik just made Katrina look like a expensive overpaid extra”

      Dear Sir, for good or bad, this would be bordering Kites territory if it were not for Katrina involved with the proceedings.


  60. Really loved this one..This is the power of Hrithk.He always overshadows his co stars whether male or female.


  61. Not sure where else to post this….

    Have you read Masand’s latest blurp on Open Magazine?

    Not questioning the authenticity of his assertions here but needless to say he always seems to have an axe to grind with the Bachchans. Can’t remember the last time he’s written or said anything positive about them.



  62. The talkie promo looks good as well. I am sold. Watching it here in Chicago on the 2nd.


  63. Ok gals–unzip hug shoot !
    & that’s an order…


  64. Utkal Mohanty Says:

    Well. This does it. I now have no hope for the film. With lines like those who can take the action seriously? And it’s not as if Hritik has the wry humour ofa James Bind. And Bind himself has turned a lot more serious. I slept through half of Dhoom 2, waking up only during the dance numbers. I expect the same with Bang Bang.


  65. @ utkal uncle –with all due respect, you are slowly losing the remaining credibility (as Satyam has also mentioned)
    Btw you are NOT the target audience for this flick (hopefully and thankfully)
    Just bcos katrina has not been as obliging as deepika doesn’t mean u will take it out in the film lol
    Plz promise that u won’t waste time on bang bang in the cinema

    U will leave me to have the fun…
    To heck with James Bond …

    Really enjoy these promos
    In the current subversive and cynical world, this sort of straight on fun films which take the conventional action romance is v difficult to carry
    Can’t think of m/any not looking like a fool doing this sort of genre (just like in krish3!)

    And kudos to katrina
    Brilliant performance by her in the above promo
    Find my guns

    How simple uncomplicated katrina is
    And how obedient and hard working 🙂


  66. Lol at Utkal’s comment. Bang Bang is hot with the target audience and it will work well.


  67. I agree with utkal on bang bang. Though, dhoom2 was mind less but truly roller coaster fun ride.
    Bang bang looks like a ultra modern stylized commercials like coke, fanta, condoms and blah blah put together in sequence so far.
    Only interesting thing is video of title song.


  68. Utkal Mohanty Says:

    Apex: I have no doubt who is the target audiences for Bang Bang, and boy am i glad I am not one of them ! And sorry to disappoint you, but I am even less excited by the plastic act of Deepika in Happy New Year.


    • Utkal

      You are amongst the more thoughtful commenters here. It is a pleasure reading your views (just like it is to read Satyam’s view when he is not being a partisan).

      But don’t you think extreme disgust of anything that is not to one’s liking is a form of modern “Talibanism” ?

      Sure this is not your taste, but even at the local super market not everything being sold is just for you.


      • “But don’t you think extreme disgust of anything that is not to one’s liking is a form of modern “Talibanism” ?”

        I’ll respond even though this is addressed to Utkal. Wonder how you can ask such an elementary question. No democracy bars anyone from being disgusted by anything. ‘Talibanism’, as you term it’, begins when people are forced to like or dislike anything. It comes into play when people are called ‘racists’ (or attacked in similarly communal ways) for not liking SRK! But otherwise ‘disgust’ is a democratic right!


        • Satyam

          Here I am talking about extreme disgust.

          Once again you are misrepresenting I) what I said and II) what others did/said.

          We can have an open debate, a honest debate, a polite and respectful debate. I am all for talking things over. I am all for inclusion and pluralism.

          Anyway I love debates. I would love to share with you a recent debate at Oxford Union, rooted in use of statistics. Click, the following, this is what debating is all about:

          My friend (yes my brother NYKAVI) will definately like the above debate. Other will understand the power of Statistic.


        • Satyam

          When I debate An Jo, I am just debating him.


        • why this link (on that subject) all of a sudden?! Between SRK and Islam usually those are the only two subjects on which you are so interested in ‘pluralism’ and ‘being respectful’ and so on. You say the same things in other contexts but then your comments reveal how ‘open’ you really are on those topics! It’s not just about ‘asserting’ things. In the ways in which one talks about stuff it’s easy to guess where one is really coming from.

          But since you have introduced that subject I don’t believe any religion is either one of peace or of violence. Without exception. It all depends on what one is looking at. And in any case one should get away from such platitudes. Often there is a tendency to respond to various kinds of biases with such cliches. Beyond this I have the suspicion that in a great many cases people are only for dialog and pluralism and what not only when they perceive (perhaps rightly so but that’s not the debate) there to be attacks on their belief systems. They are not at all so tolerant when the shoe is on the other foot! But even leaving aside these topics you talk about open and honest debates and what not but you cannot even fathom a different perspective on SRK! You try to ‘police’ such discussions in all sorts of ways (I won’t get into all these tactics once again). It then rings a bit hollow when you assert such high-minded principles otherwise. If one cannot even accept dissent on a movie star (without calling it hate, without calling others racist or whatever) one shouldn’t really be talking about those values.


        • Because it demonstrates 1) Debating and 2) Statistics (as has already stated).

          Statistics is how I nailed An Jo. Statistics is what most of my debates have been about.

          This is something I saw recently and demonstrate things beautifully. If I find other debates that demonstrates use of statistics better, I will share it too, but I will not exclude a good debate because it’s subject.


        • expanded my comment..


        • Don’t want to rake up a religious debate here, this is a Bang Bang thread, but I will make just this brief and rather obvious point. Given the kind of violence rampant in so many Islamic regions of the world, where so many Muslims are being killed mercilessly and in the most barbaric ways by other Muslims, it’s a bit odd to make that sort of argument. But this is the sort of absurdity one has to ignore when one indulges in cliches.


        • Statistics? That must be a fake science.


        • ***Statistics is how I nailed An Jo***

          Guess there is no paucity of Zaid Hamids on this globe..

          Delusions and conspiracy theories put food on the table for many..

          Islam is ‘inserted’ into a ‘debate’ about an actor’s 6 packs and its vanity..It is anybody’s guess who is the ‘phobe’ here..


  69. Amidst the shenanigans of deepika and her cleavage

    The bang bang duo continues the dignified show

    Color coordinated effortless style..


  70. Theatrical Trailer
    [added to post]


  71. There’s a certain ‘grace’ & ‘restraint’ in the bang bang promotions unlike the cheapsterish fanny or the carpet bombing of other biggies.
    However I feel Haidar will affect its numbers –since VB looks in top form, seems shahids best yet (though still subpar) and definitely the best look yet of shraddha who apart from coming off two 100crwhorers actually looks like a Kashmiri …
    Wish both films the best.


  72. Starts with this cheesy/gayish line coming from a senior secret agent/RAW official: “is tarah ke criminals bahut charming hote hai”.

    Great visuals, good locales and action scenes (the action scene in the ocean stands out in the trailer) and the songs are picking up in terms of popularity. The love story seems cheesy but no one is expecting Casablanca here. It’s a movie made for today’s audience in India and with the holidays period, except if Sidharth Anand really fucks up completely, I expect it to go beyond the 200cr mark (300cr if it’s papa Roshan reporting the figures).

    That said, I found Katrina much less appealing than Cameron Diaz was in the original movie.


  73. @iHrithik: jumps off a plane/runs like d wind! But cn he do both?My #bangbangdare @FarOutAkhtar – run/cycle down bandstand in ur skydiving suit!ACCEPT?


  74. @iHrithik To @RanveerOfficial my #bangbangdare get out of ur car n pose on d middle of any Main Street of mumbai fr your fans! Hahaha,bolo..accept??


  75. @RanveerOfficial: My #bangbangdare ! Just for you @iHrithik :))


  76. Loved both Farhan’s and Ranveer’s BangBangDare.. very sporty of them. Ranveer is truly mad persona!


  77. Thanks master –didn’t know about this.
    Apparently SRK and Priyanka have also completed Hritiks dare
    Anyone has links ?

    ranveer has really gone out of his way to complete this tribute to hritik
    Actually Hritiks dare idea is much better than the imbecilic ice bucket challenges going around.
    Ranveer is a hyper but genuinely nice guy
    Hope ranveer does well and continues his selfmade career–infact it will be good to see ranveer with hritik in a film later on once he has ‘matured’ a bit

    This one is for ranveer Singh in return—
    A track I liked a lot
    And some lines that I love …

    Gunaah mere bade hain
    Hai tera dil bhi bada
    Yaqeen hai maaf karega
    Tabhi hoon dar pe khada….


  78. It is not as if BB needed additional hype. This movie is sizzling hot. I think for the first time a remade Hollywood movie might end up being much better than the original.

    BUT, Hritikh’s challenges and the response to those challenges have added to the existing hype. The challenges are intelligent and tap into the ice bucket moment. It is excellent marketing, just like SLAM is excellent marketing for “Happy New Year”. To Hritikh’s credit he has got the cream of the crop of Bollywood involved in his marketing. This shows his stature and validates his genuine stardom.

    Sadly as opposed to HR’s challenge and SRK’ SLAM, PK’s marketing have exposed Aamir. The proverbial emperor literally has no clothes.


    • Just an after thought.

      The proverbial emperor stood so naked that now he is grabbing on to any and all costumes in the wind to cover himself.


      • Let PK release. Till then why speculate or celebrate the downfall of an emperor who has never claimed to be one. Even his fans don’t think he is king or any such thing. Mostly they are happy if he does a film every odd year.

        ‘The emperor has no clothes ‘ is such an overused and handy cliche. In this case, quite apppropriate perhaps.

        The nude shot is probably one scene at the beginning. The rest of the time, Aamir seems to be dressed ridiculously, im garish full-sleeved shirts and old-fashioned trousers. The character’s demand, obviously.

        But the nude shot should not have been part of the marketing. Now there is little that surprises or shocks.

        I must say thay I am not too happy with the marketing campaign of PK. I just hope that the film will shut up all sceptics awaiting its downfall.


  79. After PKs nude campaign and deepikas cleavage & her fanny

    Bang bang dare has been uniquely innovative and fun


    Hrithik Roshan ✔ @iHrithik
    The only girl I cud dare this! For super @priyankachopra my #bangbangdare HANDSTAND with a push up!! Do u accept! U have 3 days!
    11:05 AM – 21 Sep 2014

    22 Sep
    Hrithik Roshan ✔ @iHrithik
    #bangbangdare winner!!RT @priyankachopra: Here you go @ihrithik a handstand with 3 push ups… in high heels! 🙂
    PRIYANKA ✔ @priyankachopra
    Yay I love wining! Lol. Good luck with bang bang Krrish @iHrithik
    2:00 PM – 22 Sep 2014

    And now


    Actress Nargis Fakhri has added herself to the growing list of Bollywood winners who have taken Hrithik Roshan’s Bang Bang challenge and beaten it.

    The steps are clear. Hrithik randomly dares you to do something on Twitter, calling it a Bang Bang challenge. To be a winner you have to respond to the dare in your own way. (Also Read: Shah Rukh’s Ripping Reply)

    Shah Rukh Khan, Ranveer Singh, Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar are among the stars who have won the challenge by displaying feats of strength, endurance and downright playfulness with aplomb. (Also Read: Farhan’s Dare For his Mental Boy)

    Now, Hrithik’s Twitter buddy Nargis Fakhri has taken the challenge and improved it.

    The actor nominated her on Twitter on September 28:

    To d 1who actually stimulated my #bangbangdare idea, @NargisFakhri girl frm d hood, shoot a RAP in a style only u can! V want crazzy!Accept?

    – Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) September 28, 2014

    And the actress responded to the challenge right away. She tweeted this reply to Hrithik the very same night:
    Bang Bang Dare Hrithik Roshan to Nargis Fakhri @iHrithik here u go! My freestyle rap just b4 going on stage for GQ

    In the video, she does a freestyle rap and tell her own story in words. She talks about her past, her life as a youngster in New York and also takes a jibe at her detractors. She says that one shouldn’t judge her on her looks and talks about how she feels she is as a person.

    To add to it, it seems that she did it all before her appearance at GQ Men of The Year Awards 2014 dressed in a top hat and suit.


  80. The miss sexy (‘duck’) lips is back in style –as a rapper for hritik:
    Nargis fakhri
    As I’ve always said : she’s kewl

    Wow what acting by katrina –note how she is saving Hritik & his film here (as some are claiming above)
    Brilliance by Kat lol


  81. And finally the cat is out of the bag–I always said that Haidar isn’t a small obscure film. Well shahid and vishal etc are small fish compared to hritik -bang bang but there’s more to it

    There’s the power of utv behind Haidar
    And some other selfish interests ride on bang bang not being a huge hit

    Utv doesn’t want fox star India (- relatively new player in India) to gain stronghold
    Also there seem some interests in PK playing this shameful game

    The utv PK Haidar nexus I always knew about is out in the open

    The makers of “Haider” seem to be making one last effort to get screens and give Shahid Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor-starrer a decent release.
    “Haider” as we all know is releasing on the same day as “Bang Bang!”, which is definitely carrying a lot more buzz than the niche Vishal Bhardwaj movie. Apparently both single screen and multiplexes want to give more shows to “Bang Bang!” which will definitely affect the business of “Haider”.
    Now the makers of the movie, UTV Motion Pictures, have reportedly started talking to theatre owners promising them the much awaited Aamir Khan-starrer “P.K.”, only if they give shows to “Haider”. It might be called arm-twisting but all is fair in love and war eh?
    Apparently the theatre owners are shocked at this as they want both films to do well but business wise “Bang Bang!” will definitely take in more money than the niche “Haider”, which is based on William Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
    “Bang Bang!” is a total masala entertainer that is expected to take a huge opening when it releases this Thursday. It has two of the hottest superstars of the country – Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif, and their chemistry is simply amazing.
    As reported earlier, “Bang Bang” will hit over 4,500 screens across 50 countries Thursday.
    Looks like an interesting battle is brewing and we will have more updates on this in the days to come. Let’s see who emerges victorious and who blinks first. It’s up to the theatre owners to choose which film will give them more business at the end of the day and their belief in both projects.

    Comment of the day goes to

    Khoobsurat (ongoing), the rest of the box office


    • I have always said that any kind of competition is bad unless the movie is very small but Haider is not a small movie. It’s actually a very strong competition.

      Bang Bang will obviously make more but Haider will hurt it.


      • The only thing haider can do is limit the opening weekend record chance for bang bang. In the long run there will not be any effect with this clash. Bang bang is getting 3500 screens in India all versions and that’s in any case just 5 to 7 percent less than the usual count a biggie gets.


        • Bandra.NRI Says:

          5-7 percentage (at least) disadvantage to start with. Then if Haider is good it will further siphon off collection.

          As I said before BB will be running this race on an obstacle course at a high altitude. At the end of the day, no one will account for the fact that D3 set a record on a clear course at sea level. But if BB still manages to set a record then it will be a remarkable achievement.

          Haider at one point appeared to be playing the spoil sport. It is a limited appeal movie (niche movie). But the reviews are turning Haider into a Cinderella, worthy of attending the ball. Haider is the little engine that could.

          I like this battle. I will see both.


        • Yes if BB gets the single day record it’s a very good achievement. But we need to remember D3 did it on a working day. But the single day record is just an icing. The real cake is the 5 day weekend with 3 holidays. I believe BB will fall short of the record of 30 crores by a crore or 2 but it will get the first week record due to the long weekend. I do not believe that haider will be a factor after the long weekend. The merits of the movie will take over after that and it is only in the initial weekend haider can affect BB and that too by around 5 percent as UTV has got some good single screens for haider.


    • ***The makers of “Haider” seem to be making one last effort to get screens and give Shahid Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor-starrer a decent release.

      “Haider” as we all know is releasing on the same day as “Bang Bang!”, which is definitely carrying a lot more buzz than the niche Vishal Bhardwaj movie. Apparently both single screen and multiplexes want to give more shows to “Bang Bang!” which will definitely affect the business of “Haider”.

      Now the makers of the movie, UTV Motion Pictures, have reportedly started talking to theatre owners promising them the much awaited Aamir Khan-starrer “P.K.”, only if they give shows to “Haider”. It might be called arm-twisting but all is fair in love and war eh?***

      RIGHT..and Shahid Kapoor was a FORMIDABLE competitor to Hrithik Roshan even before this…

      He was so formidable that UTV had to insert a PK trailer to get more screens and foot-falls!!

      As I said, turd-polishing is the new trend I guess. Bolster up Shahid Kapoor just to make it sound as though BB had OBSTACLES yet smashed all records. Even Shahid Kapoor himself might get shocked that his non-fans hold him in such high esteem!

      The same theory was used during TALAASH. Hey, it has AAMIR,
      Rani, Kareena (it was made out as though Kareena playing a fully-clothed prostitute is akin to Paris Hilton-like sex-tape and HENCE could amass huge foot and other falls..!). Doesn’t matter that there is something called ‘genre’; doesn’t matter that the entire film revolves around death and its aftermath and NO light moments or for that matter, not even a surprise-a-minute ploy like that of Kahaani. It is still going to be held to the same standard as other safer genres like romance, comedy etc, just coz it has 3 top stars in it..Great, let’s put Hrithik or Salman in a Hansal Mehta film on palace politics and hold it to the same standards as BB..

      Guess the Papa Roshan syndrome has spilled over to the fans too. What if, what if the film turns out to be bad? and stops somewhere at 229 crores? Isn’t the compulsion now to beat D3? As it was CE back then? Well, here’s the perfect reason – it was Shahid and Vishal’s comic, light, no-terrorism infested grave-digging movie called HAIDER that spoiled the party!!

      If using imaginary crutches gives joy and reasoning, so be it..


      • An Jo

        Why don’t you decide what you want to attack and what you want to defend. You are all over the map.

        No one is saying Shahid is a bigger star than HR.

        No one is saying that Haider is or was a 100 Cr movie

        But clearly Shahid is somebody and Haider is a strong limited audience contender. The issue at stake is records. Haider creates an obstacle that BB has to surmount. That is all, this is not about anything but this simple matter.

        If somehow BB manages to pull a rabbit out of the hat, even with Haider than that is a bigger achievement than say D3 doing those numbers without the competition, it is like breaking a 100 Yard dash record at an altitude Vs breaking a 100 Yard run record at sea level.


      • Lol An Jo. Please don’t hurt people with the truth


  82. Agree Z
    ” UTV Motion Pictures, have reportedly started talking to theatre owners promising them the much awaited Aamir Khan-starrer “P.K.”, only if they give shows to “Haider”. It might be called arm-twisting but all is fair in love and war eh?”

    Now aamir is known to be a control freak wrt his movies (forget PK on which lots is at stake and anything less than a record breaker will strip him!)
    Aamir may well be out of this
    But it’s not beyond the realm of imagination

    IF aamir is involved with utv in trying to feed this small entitiy called Haidar designed to create just enough damage to bang bang

    After consuming the gift called dhoom2 —
    THIS is what aamir tries to do to hritik
    In this cowardly underhand way

    Shame on aamir 🙂


  83. [edited]


  84. The SOLO release CORRECTION

    well, as for everything, there are ways out to avoid spin and prevent miscreants getting away with misrepresentation

    I really like the Haidar promos and WANT Haidar to do well–infact it should even cross 100 crwhores since VB needs encouragement, and all actors here are at the top of their game
    Besides I saw a few seconds of tabu –I’ve never liked her or found her a gr8 actress but here tabu is simply superlative….

    But in all MY ensuing ANALYSES

    While comparing to SOLO releases like CE, Kick, ETT, dhoom3 –the numbers of weeks of SOLO run with no competition will be accounted for
    If anybody can fill in how many weeks each of these got (or not)


    For the purposes of comparison to NON SOLO releases –bang bangs box office alone will be used

    For the comparison to SOLO releases –bang bang + Haidars FIRST TWO WEEKS collection will be used

    Third week onwards–it will be Haidar on its own and NOT a spill over of those not getting choicest tickets/shows –so this will not be added

    Lots of unfavourable adavantages of DHOOM3 over bang bang will be IGNORED as a good gesture
    YRF production
    Third part of a super successful franchise
    Second part of dhoom being a HR vehicle
    Presence of sidekick uday
    And another glorified starson(sidekick) and so on…

    So let the games begin

    Ps: I really love hamlet and it’s uncanny that Haidars also releasing. But I will support both
    And urge everyone to go out of the way to support Haidar


  85. rrad a couple of lines of b rangans reviews
    seems he has been reading my criticism and after fanny, rangan is finally seeing my point

    snobbishness = smallness

    havent seen this film but lookin 4ward to hritiks ‘purest performance’

    glad to see that rangan is finally beginning to enter the “UNLEARNING” ZONE–no worries –he may get there soon


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