Cocktail trailers (updated)

thanks to Alex..

thanks to Bliss..

thanks to Aamirsfan..

thanks to Ami..

thanks to Bliss..

228 Responses to “Cocktail trailers (updated)”

  1. Other than the gorgeous Deepika can’t say there’s anything very interesting here..


    • What about the equally gorgeous Diana? 😛


      • who is she?


        • The other girl in the trailer! The one who is playing the traditional Betty to Deepika’s Veronica.

          P.S- Veronica? Seriously?


        • yes I know but who’s the actress?

          Incidentally Saif has the most pretentious production banner. Illuminati films. Please!


        • Her name in the credits is Diana Penty- I don’t know anything else about her. I’m guessing that she is one of the many half-Indian half-foreign models making her debut.


        • Initially I thought they were attempting a Vicky Christina Barcelona here but as the trailer went on I thought maybe not.


        • ‘Incidentally Saif has the most pretentious production banner.’

          …which is shocking considering how unpretentious everything else about Saif is. 😉


        • Satyam, Diana Penty is a former model from mumbai. she has been on the ramp for lakme fashion week. and she has been the face of some big cosemetic thing called Maybelline. also she incidentally replaced deepika as the face of garnier fructis shampoo. here name was also supposed to be in the reckoning for rockstar before nargis was casted


        • thanks for the info..


        • alex adams Says:

          thanx minor, my buoy
          u always fetch the right info..
          So Diana Panty it is…
          >”here name was also supposed to be in the reckoning for rockstar before nargis was casted”
          hmmm–theres little surprise there !
          So one needs to ‘reward’ Imtiaz ali for his ‘keen eye” lol
          wanna personally pat his back…


        • Vicky Christina Barcelon- that’s interesting- why do you think that? It instantly reminded me of LAK. BTW- Imitiaz scripted this film as well.


        • alex adams Says:

          btw any1 here seen Vicky christina Barcelone folks…
          satyam–hav u?
          Needless to say –i loved it
          Cmon folks–suggest lets not be ashamed of our ‘guilty pleasures”- proud of em…
          ps–so Imtiaz ali is involved–
          now THIS is something 🙂


        • yes liked it a lot but liked Midnight in Paris even more.


        • alex adams Says:

          satyam @ Vicky christina Barcelona–“yes liked it a lot ”
          ok–so this IS a ‘watershed’ event in history
          I take credit unashamedly for ‘spoiling’ and ‘luring’ satyam..
          and satyam ahs officially ‘come of age” and learnt how to ‘own up in public” hahaha
          JOking satyam–dont mind

          Btw WIll be really curious to read a fullblown PIECE from satyam on VCB…Will be a seminal moment here…
          Cmon satyam–take the ‘gauntlet’ thrown @ u

          oops–someone ‘interesting’ @ the door……….


  2. Satyam- I linked to the trailer and posted a comment about it on the Amour thread- perhaps you could transfer the comments? Sorry about that.

    Saurabh- Saif does look good- and he looked great in AV- but no way does he look like he is in the same age group as Deepika/Diana- and it’s kind of embarrassing when he always tries to act like this cool, young hipster type of guy- especially when he makes these movies which are set in New York or London or whatever and every single hot woman in the city is falling all over him for some unfathomable reason.

    But I really like Deepika and it looks like she has an important role in this so I’ll probably watch it just for her. And Diana is very, very pretty- she looks like she could be Deepika’s sister.

    BTW- I’m disappointed to see Homi make something like this after Being Cyrus.


  3. Ami:

    Both Deepika and Diana look extremely beautiful but the movie itself looks way too cliched and same-old, same-old- like Love Aaj Kal part 2 with Diane replacing Giselli. And how long will Saif keep trying to act like one of the cool, young kids?


    thanks for posting it ami.i am looking forward to it bcos it has saif, and homi adjania, of being cyrus, is the director. and deepika in a bikini…oh! that will be a treat for the eyes…LOL. c’mon ami saif still looks dashing, didn’t u see him in AV. btw i can confidently say that AV and sanju starrer zila ghaziabad will end up being the best films of the year. and AV deserves to win some awards


  4. alex adams Says:

    ok folks-just saw this–thanx 4 posting it Bliss
    Folks–will make no attempts to ‘downplay’ or ‘spin’ this —
    will be watching this on the big screen
    have a guilty pleasure for saif in this sort of stuff
    And If people can go gaga over stuff like houseful or houseful2 or dhawan or bodyguard or any kareena film or most srk films –then why not this one
    Nope–no pretense– i like this one
    This is what i call a “fun watch’ with “interesting friend(s)”


  5. tonymontana Says:

    Hmmm.. Okay.. whatever..


  6. Alex bro i am with u on this one. saif is looking awesome and will see the film for him- since 2000, saif has not disappointed me even once


  7. alex adams Says:

    Saif as the suave urbane persona…
    Well, I agree that he is no longer youung and not exactly what he is projecting it to be here..
    But somehow he pulls this stuff better than ANYONE else in bollywood (except srk @ his peak)
    My admiration for saif in these sort of roles—started from stuff like—
    Kachche Dhaage
    Salaam Namaste (ace act!!)
    Luv aaj kal
    even parts of agent vinod
    Cmon dont even mention langda tyagi, parineeta, eklavya etc etc–wherein he was quite competent but why would u enjoy bacardi with milk????
    Hes basically MADE of this stuff
    and thats where i just adore him..

    PS–Hes my type of star in these roles–like him, period…
    though he is ageing on the wrong side now


  8. alex adams Says:

    Now–lemme hav a look @ what weve got the leading ladies
    For the first time in bollywood–
    the ‘Threesome’ is somewhat up my alley
    Besides Deepika, who is this girl
    has she done a film b4?


  9. tonymontana Says:

    with the age factor creeping in, saif can be best suited to play a grumpy old guy in a romantic comedy. something like a desi steve carell


    • Thank you! It’s preposterous enough that both Deepika and Diana would fall for Saif but from the trailer it looks like every single woman in London is infatuated with him.


      • tonymontana Says:

        its an illusion in illuminati films n campy Johar productions – throw craptacular pick-up lines at dumb women passing off as 21st century intellectuals and you’d end up spending a night with them!


        • Haha- it’s true- some sort of alternative universe where all you need to do is go to a foreign country- and your entire life will be spent in clubs filled with sexy, young, mostly blonde women (but mysteriously devoid of any hot men) who are just dying to sleep with you. I know of some guys from smaller towns in India who came to Uni in the UK with the expectation that their lives would be some sort of an orgy filled with immoral English girls who are desperate for ‘Desi boys’.


        • tonymontana Says:

          Ohh dear! God save the world..

          Someone did point out either in one of the reviews I read of Desi Boys: the male escorts earn tens of thousands simply by dancing topless (full-length pants on) around a pole while women around them are dressed in ‘skimpier’ clothes..

          One can only be amused at somebody showcasing his ignorance / stupidity on a grand scale..


        • alex adams Says:

          ^^ and there are some who ‘expect’ (infact innocently ‘demand’)that they will be ‘politely given’ or infact “allotted’ atlease a blonde bombshell asap on arrival @ the airport for ‘recreational’ purposes hahaha….


    • tony dude check ur email inbox


  10. Yawn.


  11. rockstar Says:

    indeed cocktail here if one see people using the songs of honey singh and prayer as lead

    wannabe cool


  12. alex adams Says:

    ^^ absolutely predictable reaction from all quarters…(including my own)!!!
    one can even ‘WRITE’ it down on a piece of paper b4 hand….
    though i do suspect may find some surprising viewers coming out of the FDFS from this one–who wouldve ‘just ventured in’ to ‘kill some time’
    cmon folks….lol
    this is as pretentious, gaudy and contrived as it can be
    it works….as popcorn ‘disposable’ easy entertainment
    and makes NO illusions/indications of being anything but the contrary

    Ok–so all those ‘disliking’ it promise NOT to check in the big screen?
    we will see (except gf–who will probably truly not see it lol)


    • I already said that I would watch it for Deepika.


    • I’ll just save myself the time and watch all the trailers since they will be in the business of cutting through the crap (i.e., the script) and sell the only attractive thing about this film – Deepika.


  13. rockstar Says:

    don’t mind the original


    • alex adams Says:

      ^^thanx again rockstar–must say uve been watching some really ‘obscure’ stuff, it seems
      btw this one hasnt even been allowed @ this end
      even the ‘server;’ is rejecting it…lol
      ps–joking rockstar–do tell us about “gippy grewal” though….and how u came across this ‘original”


    • rockstar Says:

      its pretty popular in india alex and btw please don’t ask anything on 3 some


  14. Ami, if this is pretentious then what abt MBKD, IHLS and EMAET(though the last one is far better than the other two)?


    • alex adams Says:

      A v good point there minor..
      This one IS a pretentious contrived gaudy mix ..
      and it is DAMN obvious from the promos…
      but is this the first such stuff that will work or people will go to watch for
      Someone has already given the ‘reason’ to watch it as ‘deepika”
      ok? lol
      Lets see about others
      btw tony and gf hopefully shouldnt even be giving excuses for watching this one—so ‘deep’ is their antipathy 🙂


    • I hated IHLS, found MBKD to be mildly tolerable and enjoyed EMAET only because I like the lead couple and their chemistry. I already wrote a note how flawed EMAET was and as for MBKD it was absolutely mindless but it was not pretending to be anything other than an absolutely mindless movie. IHLS was pretentious rubbish and this looks to be in the same vein. Why do you keep bringing up Inran rom-coms every time I criticise a film? It’s not like I think they are masterpieces. 🙂


      • LOL Ami but this time i did not bring them intentionally, just a coincidence. btw i saw EMAET 2 days back and to my utter surprise, i quite liked it- and imran was not bad here. and whatever u said abt the film in ur fabulous piece, was spot-on- the reolution of imran’s crisis on a dinner table was laughable and took some sheen away from the film- as u had splendidly mentioned


        • IHLS…..fazool movie

          I watched EMAET……it was a proper chick flick imo…..way too slow for me, I got really twitchy….lol…..a bit dull too, way too slow paced.

          Must admit nice songs, good performance from Imran and some really funny moments


  15. tonymontana Says:

    All said n done I think Namesake in recent times did provide an authentic portrayal of NRIs in the States..

    what else?


    • tony, great observation abt ‘namesake’. u r right, it’s probably the only film which got its NRI cultural milieu right. tabu’s act was awesome. and irrfan’s scene in the phonebooth is a testimony to the guy’s talent. and mira nair never lost grip on her narrative. also liked the entire allusion abt ‘gogol’


  16. and what’s so pretentious abt ‘illuminati’ now? such a different and cool name dervied from a secret-society- saif has himself said that he was interested in these stuff so he used the name-atleast it’s way better than red chillies entertainment. and saif, alongwith sunny, devgn, sanju and bachchans, is the least pretentious actor. btw the funniest production house name is the one of lara dutta and mahesh bhupati- ‘bheegi basanti and big daddy’- LOL at “BIG DADDY”


  17. alex adams Says:

    Minor–u are ‘coming of age’ and learning to state your ‘true’ state of mind in public—
    keep it up… 🙂

    @rockstar–“its pretty popular in india alex and btw please don’t ask anything on 3 some”
    thanx rockstar–
    “please don’t ask anything on 3 some”–oops–dont worry–wont ‘ask’–will only ‘indulge in’ -hoho


  18. rockstar Says:

    lolz for you

    was one of the fairly controversial of all time and still got oscar nomination


    • tonymontana Says:

      ive seen this one.. only for the curiousity factor ! 🙂


      • I love this film. 🙂 Liked VCB too- especially Penelope Cruz’s character.

        P.S.- Alex please don’t make any ‘threesome’ jokes now.


        • alex adams Says:

          errm….ok so Amy’s also ‘come of age’
          “Alex please don’t make any ‘threesome’ jokes now.”–ok madam!
          Lets see if u or satyam can write a review of VCB…
          Now this is the OFFICIAL match up of this blog
          Satyam outside his ‘comfort zone’ and not in his strength genre
          and Amy–not sure if this is your ‘strength genre’ or not–oops
          anyhow–hope neither of u ‘chickens out’ now


        • Ami, is this film ‘Y Tu’ actually such a big deal regarding ‘that’ stuff? is it something one should check out for ‘curiousity factor’?


        • LOL! I’m not sure how satisfactory you will find it in terms of voyueristic appeal- but it is something that you should check out because it is a very good film with some wonderful performances.

          By the way- I don’t know what you are expecting in terms of ‘curiosity factor’- but the central trio in Y Tu Mama Tambien is sort of the opposite of the ‘threesome’ shown in this trailer- it’s 2 guys and an older woman.


        • LOL. the 2 guys 1 girl was a bit of a downer on my curiosity- kidding, i am not so curious for such stuff anymore. btw Ami i just saw the kenneth brangh starrer psycho-thriller ‘dead again’.it was terrific. have u seen it? i am sure u will love it.


        • Saw Dead Again sometime back on TV. I liked those kind of thriller movies. But don’t remember the details.


  19. alex adams Says:

    man rockstar–so THIS is your ‘true’ taste, eh…
    btw i dont watch such ‘objectionable’ stuff (sometimes)
    ps–so all the ‘real’ people coming out

    “I’ll just save myself the time and watch all the trailers..”
    ok so gf will watch ALL trailers atleast, thank god.. 🙂


  20. all i can say is – Saif u lucky bastard….2 girls!!!! 😉

    jokes apart…..looks like Saif’s returning to his roots – Salam Namaste/HumTum…..however he’s aged and not sure if this will click.,,,,but the music looks good….

    Agent Vinod was a missed opportunity imo….could have been much better script…it was way too juvenile and ‘look at me…I’m Saif and I’m really cool’


  21. oldgold Says:

    So Deepika has a film? Didn’t know she had one.


  22. deepika also has ayan mukherji’s next with ranbir kapoor- ‘yeh jawaani hai deewani’. then there is ‘kochadaiyan’ with rajnikanth. she also has ‘race 2’. and finally she has been signed for rohit shetty’s ‘chennai express’ which has SRK in thr lead


    • I really like Deepika but she needs to start accepting some more challenging roles. She’s the least experimental of the top actresses today. How long will she keep playing the same stereotypical ‘modern’ girl? Speaking of which- how long will Bollywood keep insisting that a girl is only modern if she’s getting drunk and dancing on tabletops in random clubs?

      And I suspect that she will have very little to do in Kochadiyan and Chennai Express- which look to be her two non-‘modern’ girl roles.


      • BTW- did you watch Arakshan- a plodding bore of a movie- but Deepika was surprisingly good in her small role. She can act when given an opportunity.


        • did i watch aarakshan? i do not like missing an amitabh bachchan film- missing his film is a crime…LOL. it worked for me in parts but yes after a point of time it became boring. and agree with u on deepika- that was her best performance till now. actually actors were better than the film with bachchan and saif turning in splendid acts. but bajpai’s role remained a poor caricature.and i had major issues with the film’s stand on reservation.


        • Ami

          Agree with you abt Arakshan…(sounds too similar to erection) lol

          And yes, Deepika was good and she & Saif make a nice couple onscreen


  23. Got around to watching Agent Vinod.
    Was pleasantly surprised. I would take that over Don2 any day of the week and twice on Sunday. It was what it set out to be – no irritating smugness or trying to be too clever and Sriram Raghvan shows why he is highly regarded.Sure, there were some short comings but I found it thoroughly enjoyable.


    • Even I liked it.


    • Funny – I actually caught up with it myself this weekend. Found it pretty cliched and boring for the most part. Not bad, exactly, just poorly scripted which is a surprise considering Raghavan’s at the helm. The real problem with this film for me was it was oddly paced and had a somewhat uneven tone. Didn’t seem to know whether it wanted to be Bond or Bourne or a spoof of either.


  24. thanks a lot rajen sir for ur views and i am so glad that u liked it. till now i an tony were the only morons going gaga over the film. and it is any day superior, both content-wise and especially technically, to don 2


  25. tonymontana Says:

    I never liked Don 2. Some action sequences idd stand out but I never understood the point of it all. a crushing bore..

    Agent Vinod anyday..


  26. thanks a lot for putting it Ami. it looks great. but somehow in the last 10 yrs or so i have not liked a single Bond film, casino royale being a huge exception.the 2 smart action films i am greatly are ‘looper’ and ‘premium rush’- both starring gordon-levitt. the trailers r there on ‘gravity’ thread


  27. jayshah Says:

    Poor Saif


  28. Alex adams Says:

    “poor saif” ??
    Can say that when one sees him with Kareena
    But here?


  29. More Cocktail trailers:

    [added to post]

    ‘My name is Veronica. My hobbies? Partying. Getting drunk. My hangover cure? Chicken Biriyani. No, mutton Biriyani. With that yogurt- raita I think it’s called.’

    Oh god- this looks so painfully wannabe.


    • LOL Ami….but I totally get what you mean and needless to say I agree with you. Like a shark detecting the smell of even a drop of blood miles away, I can detect any hint of wannabeness and with Cocktail I feel like being inside a slaughterhouse. 🙂


      • on that note, the only rom-coms i have enjoyed in last 10 yrs r- socha na tha- the best among these, aahista-aahista, jab we met and mujhse fraandship karoge…and yes ‘mere pehla pehla pyaar’


        • btw the list is excluding saif’s rom-coms bcos i have enjoyed all of them to various degree- my fav of them will be ‘salaam namaste’, then ‘hum-tum’ and finally LAK. from the previous decade i also liked his ‘yeh dillagi’ a lot


        • Thanks Saurabh for reminding me of aahista-aahista. One of these days I need to get around and watch this movie in full, especially after already having enjoyed the first half an hour or so of it.


        • oh i guess u and i must be the only people here who have liked it. i guess it was written by imtiaz ali who has also written cocktail.


        • I liked 2 of Imitiaz’s films very much- Jab We Met and Aahista Aahista. Socha Na Tha was passable and Love Aaj Kal was trite and trying way too hard to be cool. Rockstar I liked in snatches but overall the film didn’t work for me- although the music saved it to a large extent. I feel like Cocktail is going to be my least favourite of the Imitiaz Ali films. And I really wish he would stop trying to ‘Hollywood’ize his films so much.

          Matrix- LOL! Love the slaughterhouse analogy.


        • BTW Saurabh in one thread I read about you being anti-IPL and that reminded me of myself being pretty pissed off with the whole IPL thing and ranting against it around the time it was just taking shape in 2008….Now I’ve pretty much admitted defeat and am indifferent to it! Not that my fundamental objections to it have been shown to be false, just that I soon realized the futility of resisting the inevitable, however distressing that inevitable scenario might be to me. I’m afraid Cricket as we know might be in existential crisis.


        • Matrix, even i have left hope regarding ipl though do not think it has reached a stage where cricket is an existential crisis. every player knows that test cricket remains the gold standard. what ipl is actually threatening is the existence of one-dayers. and what pisses me off most is that ipl will end up harming indian cricket as every player will adjust his style to this ‘pajama cricket’ and so his ‘test-game’ will suffer


        • BTW- Matrix- who are your favourite actors/ actresses/ directors who are currently working in Bollywood?


        • BTW alongwith aashiq banaya aapne, aahista-aahista was himesh reshamiyaa’s best work imo


        • Ami, after looking at some BW actors related discussions and the loyalty people show towards their fav and hatred towards their fav’s rivals, I don’t think I qualify as a fan of anyone. 🙂

          Joking apart, I’m an unabashed fan of Amitabh Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit. Funnily enough, I haven’t watched anything Madhuri related since she returned back to India be it her interviews or her TV shows or other public appearances. I’m trying to preserve the pristine nostalgic image of her in my mind, an image formed during my childhood and growing up period. I will surely watch if she does any movies, but will try to maintain that inaccessible aura of her (feel BW actors have become too disposable, they are ubiquitous) by actively boycotting her appearances on any other forums or mediums. 🙂

          Among the contemporary actors and actresses, I like Aamir, Rani, Irrfan Khan, Manoj Bajpai, and Govinda. I am a great admirer of Aishwarya Rai’s beauty. Find Deepika to be a beautiful and warm person though I think she lacks focus. She should have gone places by now and she’s stuck playing Veronica for the nth time. I used to like Priyanka a lot and I have a weakness for her performance in Kaminay. Of late though her offscreen personality are getting a bit off putting.

          I’m very impressed by Abhishek’s choice of movies, I genuinely feel they are brave choices. I also find him to be well behaved, and easy going. I also like Akki in some of his comedies.

          Among the directors I like Raju Hirani, Rakesh Mehra (just love Delhi 6, RDB not so much), VB (Blue Umbrella is my fav), and Abhinav Kashyap (no I didn’t make a mistake!).

          PS: Damn! for what should have been a two line answer, this post surely has turned out to be Satyamesque….LOL


        • Matrix, i believe people in this world should be classified into 2 groups- hardcore bachchans fans like us and non-bachchan fans…this will make life easy…LOL. on that i srill have not seen 4 bachchan films from his filmography- aetbaar, yaar meri zindagi, kasauti and the bhojpuri film gangotri.btw bharadwaj is my fav filmmaker too


        • Haha- don’t worry Matrix- your comment is not too lengthy at all. I agree completely with what you said about Deepika and also about Bollywood stars becoming too ubiquitous.

          Aamir, Rani, Irrfan Khan and Govinda- that’s a pretty interesting mix of actors. And I liked D6 better than RDB as well- I thought I was the only one!


  30. I am loving this film man! this is a sure-shot hit. so happy for saif. and i luved the dialogue above. and man, saif is looking really good in those capri pants


  31. Alex adams Says:

    Unrelated from cock tale

    Rehna tu- an exquisite creation
    A track I just adore and am finally getting a handle on
    For all rehman fans on demand

    Btw check out the instrument towards the last portions perhaps from 4:30 onwards is the continuum
    Not sure if ANYONE has used this before in Asia (forget India)
    Incidentally was made in chicago , I think, to calibrate sound decibels initially

    And check out some lines —
    Thoda sa reshma
    Tu humdam
    Thoda sa khurdura
    Kabhi daud jaye
    Ya lad jaye
    Ya khushboo se bhara

    Tujhe badalna na chahoon
    Rati bhar bhi sanam
    Bina sajawat milawat
    Na jyaada na hi kaam

    Gud nite


    • omrocky786 Says:

      Alex Adams- I had made a similar comment when this song first cam out…. this song is being sung by the female PP in honor of the male PP…( keep this in mind and listen to the song again !!) LOL


  32. oh gosh! these people r raping another classic- hold ur breath- Bipasha Basu in ‘Shaukeen Remake’ which was played by Rati in the original. And an even bigger travesty- guess who is filling Basu Chatterjee’s shoes- Rohit Roy


  33. The sultry siren Bipasha Basu would now be seen seducing three men in a movie directed by Rohit Roy.
    The movie would be a remake of the 1982’s blockbuster Shaukeen starring Mithun Chakraborty,Rati Agnihotri and Ashok Kumar in main leads.
    While Bipasha steps into Rati Agnihotri’s shoes inthe remake, Naseeruddin Shah, Rishi Kapoor and Boman Irani will play the three older men out to have some fun with the girl on a vacation


    • I find Bipasha is losing her charm as well….time for her to leave and get married 😉

      Btw Deepika is looking gorgeous in Cock…..tail 😉


  34. Actually something just across my mind and i completely believe it-

    1) Most girls, whether they deny it or not, love fluffy rom-coms- so some of them here, who r criticizing Cocktail as a candy-floss film, are actually loving it. Girls can keep saying that they love serious dramas and thrillers and what but but they always prefer rom-coms

    2)There is nothing called as ‘fluff’. And even if something is fuffy what’s the harm in it. We often give these terms to films which we don’t like


    • First of all- have you seen the trailer? This is a film that positions Saif as some sort of an irresistible lothario living in London and has both of his much younger, much hotter female roommates fall for him- while he seems to be hooking up with every second girl and shying away from any kind of commitment/ romance- hardly the sort of thing that is going to melt every girl’s heart.

      When the main event in a trailer is Deepika in a bikini- you know it wasn’t designed to captivate the female audience. If you look at the trailer for Teri Meri Prem Kahani on the other hand- it is designed to appeal to stereotypically female sensibilities. So your argument that all women secretly like this because it is the sort if candy floss romance that women stereotypically love is pretty baseless.

      Second – Just because women stereotypically have a fondness for rom-coms it doesn’t mean that all women like all rom-coms more that all films of any other genre. If I was given a choice between a well-made thriller/ serious drama and an extremely wannabe looking rom-com- I would choose the thriller over the rom-com.

      And it’s so obvious that your first point about girls here who say that they love thrillers but criticise Cocktail refers to me- so why not just type that instead of hinting at me in this roundabout manner?

      And finally- just because you don’t agree with a term it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist or shouldn’t be used. Fluff is a perfectly inoffensive and reasonable term for films of this sort. And just because you like a film it doesn’t mean that anyone who criticises it actually secretly likes it and are only pretending to dislike it.


  35. Well Ami lemme make it clear, in my first point I was not just referring to u. I always respect ur opinions about films a lot (have said so before)- so why would I take a dig at u- the comment was made in a lighter vein ( just to tease people who r simply dismissing the film) and just bcos i did not put a smiley it does not mean that i am ranting against u or girls in general.Anyway I apologize in any case and would not joke around with you in future if do not appreciate it


    • I don’t mind you joking around at all- and I’m not accusing you of ranting against all girls- but it is obvious that the first point refers to me- so I wish you would just say so- I wouldn’t have minded in the least if you addressed that point to me- but why make it so obvious that you are referring to me but pretend it’s a general statement.

      ‘Most girls love rom-coms- so some of them here who r criticising Cocktail as a candy-floss film, are actually loving it. Girls can keep saying that they love serious dramas and thrillers and what’

      Since you stated that you are talking about girls over here on SS – who else fits that description?


  36. Ami, my mistake, it should have been- ‘Most girls love rom-coms- so some of ‘the people here’ who r criticising Cocktail as a candy-floss film, are actually loving it. Girls can keep saying that they love serious dramas and thrillers and what’- Btw there r other girls who may fit the bill like Bliss, Oldgold etc…LOL

    But yes what did surprise me was the fact that suddenly ‘people’ r criticising the film as if this is the first such fluff- why was KKHH criticised- was it not fluffy


    • Saurabh- OG, Bliss etc haven’t exactly been vocal in their criticsm of Cocktail- but this is a very trivial issue- I generally respect the views that you’ve expressed on this blog and you usually have very interesting/ intelligent things to say- so I don’t want to get into prolonged argument about this-no hard feelings, hopefully

      As for why I criticise this as opposed to KKHH- it’s not the fluff I object to- it’s how pretentious this whole trailer is and how out of place Saif looks in this love triangle- in my opinion.


  37. “no hard feelings, hopefully “- you did not need to say this Ami. u actually thought i will keep hard feelings for such small things esp with someone like u, whom, i believe ( and hope i am not wrong), i share a friendly quotient with. but yes i agree i should not have said it that way.

    And ya now i understood ur point on the film.

    “you usually have very interesting/ intelligent things to say”- thanks but ROFL- i and saying intelligent things, can’t believe it


  38. BTW on Saif being out-of-place here, I would love to be in Saif’s place- come on Ami no man, in real life, gets to hang around at such exotic locations with 2 such hot women…LOL


    • ‘I would love to be in Saif’s place-no man, in real life, gets to hang around at such exotic locations with 2 such hot women’

      That’s precisely the point of these films Saurabh- no man in the audience will get to do this in real life so they can live vicariously through Saif’s character in the film. 🙂 I’m not arguing that most men wouldn’t love to be in his place- but he does look out of place.


  39. But Ami, there is a strong chance it may surprise us( i had similar views of EMAET but proved to be far more intelligent than what i had thought)- Adjania is an able director and Imtiaz ‘can’ write a script-he has not made a bad film till now.and i guess saif is doing this bcos after the debacle of AV he needs a hit. and just to tell u this is my least fav genre


  40. Ok- now I’m seriously embarrassed for Saif. And these movies have to stop creating some alternative universe where all the hot women in London, NYC, Miami etc stand at the bar in their pole dancing outfits jostling each other and fighting over who gets to have sex with the Indian man trying to pick them up with cheesy lines in a language they cannot understand.


  41. but it does happen at places in america, doesn’t it. And some of my friends, who study abroad, have told me that foreign chicks r sumtimes crazy for indian men. and c’mon ami u don’t have to look for demeaning stuff abt women in such a harmless film- i see pointing such things out quite a lot…LOL


    • Saurabh- if it makes you happy to believe it. 😉


      • And BTW- what am I looking for? When every film set abroad has atleast one song where the hero is in a club filled inexplicably only with very hot women in very sexy outfits, all of whom are falling all over him- its hard to NOT notice it. 😉

        And I can assure you that if a 40-something Indian man goes to a club in London and try to pick up a woman who is as hot as Nargis Fakhri/ Amy Jackson with some lame pickup lines- he will be more likely to get slapped than to get laid- despite whatever your friends in America have told you. And which country is this where the women supposedly have a fetish for Indian men? 😛


  42. I am not blindly believing them but…Anyway u study in britain, what’s the situation there regarding this. btw which college r u in, just curious


  43. ‘Whats the situation there regarding this’

    What is the situation that you are referring to? If the situation is Indian men frequenting clubs filled solely with British models in provocative outfits who are begging to be slept with- I’m afraid that such a situation does not exist.


    • But I’m the wrong person to ask about this- I’m sure that if you ask Alex he will tell you that the UK is filled with Nargis Fakhri- lookalikes who invite him to orgies every other day. 😛


      • yes if one gets into fantasy everything’s possible..


      • LOL,
        was about to say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Am sorry to make it worse but those capris are so gay!


        • C’mon Rajen sir, saif is not looking gay in those capris- he is looking rather good with that stubble. and i am not sure but capris r really popular among indian men, i myself love wearing them and they especially come in very handy during the sweltering summers in the northern region


    • You have shattered some male illusions today..


  44. LOL Ami, u r so funny.well actually,some of those friends who live abroad, keep telling me that they change girfriends every two months, so i thought that may be the case there. btw don’t get me wrong but u seem to think all an indian man is interested in is getting laid with foreign women, trust me we are not like that( atleast not always).and as u had once remarked abt me, i do not think u have very high opinion of indian men


  45. Re: i do not think u have very high opinion of indian men

    I think the charge is true at some level. Hope Ami doesnt get too defensive here.


    • Rajen/ Saurabh- I have a very low opinion of gender dynamics in Bollywood- but I’m sorry if my comments give you the impression that I have a low opinion of Indian men- I don’t.
      Not defensive or offended- but I genuinely don’t. I can see why my comments would give you that impression- but trust me it’s only because of my criticism of the way the men and wi en are portrayed onscreen in Bollywood- that sometimes sound like I’m talking about Indian men in general.

      And Saurabh- I was just joking with you- I didn’t think at all that you are only interested in getting laid by foreign women. And of course I know that all Indian men aren’t like that- I have friends who are Indian guys whom I trust/ respect etc. I mean I have talked about some guys at my Uni who are like this- but I obviously don’t think that all Indian men are like that- they’re just the creepy ones- and I only mention them to illustrate the effect that these movies have on some people.


  46. Re: And of course I know that all Indian men aren’t like that-

    True. There are also the SRK fans who are interested in getting laid by foreign man!


  47. ok got ur point Ami (i have a feeling ur real name is Amala/ Aamrapaali- just kidding). hope u r not angry with me for our previous misunderstanding- as i said i never (and i really mean it) wanted to take a dig at u or something. and yes completely agree with u that gender dynamics is unfairly tilted towards men in bwood. and also i can understand that if indian girls want some eye-candy, they have to resort to a hollywood film like ‘magic mike’. btw those friends of urs actually seem to be creepy


    • ‘I can also understand that if Indian girls want some eye-candy, they have to resort to a hollywood film like ‘magic mik’. Btw those friends of urs actually seem to be creepy’

      Haha- fair enough. But you are forgetting our very own Desi Boyz. 😛


  48. Desi Boyz sadly chickened out. it had nothing. and i hate to break this news to u but these days even indian seem to be obsessed with foreign ‘good-looking’ actors. half of my college girls r crazy abt that twilight vampire and some guy from that shitty show ‘vampire diaries’-when i call that twilight actor ‘gay’, they r ready to fight with me. i wonder what’s happening to the taste of indian women regarding men- they do not seem to like original men like sanjay dutt, sadly they prefer kids like imran LOL


    • LOL! Poor Imran- he get victimised so much on this blog. Don’t compare him with Robert Pattinson please- that man is vile.

      And as for Indian girls preferring foreign men- when you have films where the previous, 40+ generation of actresses like Juhi, Madhuri, Sri Devi are shown going to clubs in London filled with hunky, shirtless White men and wooing them with ‘Ek Chutki Sindoor’ type filmi dialogues- and when you have Brazilian and British male models starring as heroes in Masala films and pretending to be Punjabi Mards- then I will agree that it’s equally problematic for men as well- see how ridiculous it sounds when the genders are reversed? 😛

      Again- I’m only joking here- not trying to suggest that you are obsessed with foreign women. 🙂


      • I know u r kidding Ami, u don’t need to specify 🙂 (and i do not mind ur jokes at all, actually encourage such stuff. though after what happened today i am a bit scared of u honestly) yes, the reversed scenario cannot be digested easily. on imran, he was not bad in EMAET. and in his interviews he comes across as a really nice and an intelligent guy. btw which r the hindi films u have liked before 2000


        • Oh god- please do not be scared! I didn’t mind what you said in your comment at all- I was only upset because I thought you were indirectly referring to me,

          I haven’t seen too many films in the pre-2000 era to be honest.
          But some that I have liked:

          Sahib, Biwi Aur Ghulam
          Chupke Chupke

          There are more films- but I can’t remember them now.


        • well nice choices, have seen all of them- love golmaal, chupke-chupke and chashme badoor-should see ‘angoor’- find kalapani better than guide and not a fan of sahib biwi. if u want to see benegal, u should see his ankur and junoon. but as i expected ur list does not have even one of bachchan’s masala films, no films of dutt, sunny, aamir, akki etc- u know Ami i know u don’t exactly have the taste for such stuff but u should atleast see deewaar, kaala patthar, kabhie-kabhie, zanjeer and trishul


        • what i mean here is that even if someone does like a particular genre, there r still certain exceptional films of the genre one should see-just like even if someone hates martial-art films, he should still se ‘crouching tiger hidden dragon’. it seems u love the hrishikesh mukherjee- basu chatterjee middle road films- so u should definitely see mili,anand,jurmana,abhimaan and situational comedies like chhoti si baat,angoor, khatta meetha, khoobsurat, piya ka ghar, baaton baaton mein, katha


        • Thank you for the recommendations Saurabh- will try to watch them- and I have seen a couple of the films you mention.


  49. Alex adams Says:

    Hmm-an interesting discussion folks
    Stuck up under work…gud to hear ‘light’ stuff..
    Btw minor -I appreciate your curiosity and the feedback Uve received from your buddies —
    To summarise– theres NO doubt that the ‘west’ is more ‘permissive’ in more ways than one
    But this depends on the ‘setting’ and individual mental framework
    There is ‘exaggeration’ as well though ..
    Ps-People here seem to have a gross misconception that it’s the ‘clubs’ n ‘pubs’ that are the main ‘scenes of crime’-nope there are others..
    Ps2- time is th biggest limiting factor in most such stuff imo
    Ps3- haven’t compared ‘like to like’ with the current Indian scenarios but have interviewed a few v young cases recently ( which is a bit embarrassing given the v little age diff) and don’t find them much ‘behind’–infact they seem to be ‘too eager to outdo the west’ 🙂


  50. Alex did u see what Ami said abt ur orgies? Lol- any comments


  51. Alex adams Says:

    Ya got stuck up with some work again
    Btw appreciate the continuous entertainment u guys r providing -keep it up folks
    “Alex did u see what Ami said abt ur orgies? Lol- any comments”
    Ya just saw it–shes not totally wrong 🙂
    Though time remains a big concern
    Btw there seems to be a certain ‘downgrading’ of men in general here
    And all the men are just being ‘onlookers’ to this ‘default labelling’
    C’mon these people haven’t seen some ‘real classy men’ who don’t have to do all this stuff 🙂


  52. Alex adams Says:

    Btw minor-as discussed mentioned ‘Davidson’
    I was told it was a ‘much more basic short
    Cut’ sort of book
    Anyhow enjoyed the ‘lessons’ 🙂


  53. Well if Davidson is short-cut i don’t know which is big- it’s considered the mother of all medicine books


  54. Alex adams Says:

    Maybe she likes it ‘bigger’
    I meant interms of books
    Btw am lately getting impressed with cute ones into big books (4 a change)
    ps minor-don’t mind but this medic is ultra busy and efficien with time -maybe u r in a ‘lighter’ phase lol


  55. Alex she is doing/preparing for pg so obviously she will be busy. even in mbbs the 1st and 2nd yrs r very busy. the 3rd yr, in which currently i am in, is a bit chilled out. and 4th is the toughest and busiest


    • Alex adams Says:

      Minor-ya hmm
      Anyhow for the record-I don’t ‘spoil’ ‘good’ gals and don’t distract them from their books 🙂
      Ps-what happened to the ‘task’ I gave u of getting a few birds–
      Any progress ?


      • Ha! actually those ‘birds’ r like sitting ducks for me, i can shoot/get them whenever i want, actually none of them r good enough. on a serious note, u know i can barely handle myself, don’t think i will be able to handle a ‘bird’. i like my freedom and simple life- ‘live and let live’ is the ‘maxim’ for me


        • Alex adams Says:

          Haha minor
          C’mon minor -even u r ‘blushing’ 🙂
          Heck do u want me to come down to your college to ‘procure’ down birds for u…hahha
          Go do something interesting / manly and then tell me
          I’m there to ‘guide’ u anyhow …


        • LOL! Alex, i was just curious. which part of europe r u in? and which city/town/state of india do u hail from? which profession r u in- seems u r a manager or u own some company


        • Alex adams Says:

          Haha minor
          Will send u my bio data with photo and dimensions hoho


  56. Alex adams Says:

    Oops-no more details
    Upon Amy’s insistence was about to open my ‘secret diaries’
    But maybe later
    Dont wanna ‘spoil’ or ‘corrupt’ the nice simple and unspoilt Amy’s, oldgolds , blisses and Sanjanas 🙂
    As for the guys here, guess don’t think there is any
    More margin for ‘spoiling’ them 🙂


  57. Alex adams Says:

    Btw something from Cannes-mallika sherawat
    This seems a bit gross, isn’t it
    Somehow prefer the Priyanka chopra TMK ‘reading a book’ pic to this…


  58. Alex adams Says:

    Btw just saw the latest clip of saif ‘gautum’– not bad fun
    Finally saif has finally got the confidence that he should be what he is rather than following trends…
    Diana panty clip is also good
    Deepika is overall good here but the ‘veronica’ clip doesn’t suit her– mismatched ….


  59. Hmm…

    “The film is about three people, and the dynamics between them make it a beautiful relationship. All three of them make an ideal couple — instead of two!

    The relationship between Meera and Veronica is friendship, while that between Gautam and Meera and Gautam and Veronica is sexual. But when all three of them come together, they share an ideal relationship.”


  60. Alex adams Says:

    ROFL–that’s howlariois
    Who has written it or is It the actual plot!!
    Ok let’s have a ‘spoof’ /rehearsal
    lemme take Amy in one hand and oldgold in the other and …


    • The director said this- it’s the official ‘plot’! 😛 I have now run out of sarcastic comments to make about the movie.


  61. Alex adams Says:

    Hohoho seems that adjania and saif have OFFICIALLY made this film To have fun
    There is inevitable realisation, it seems, that inspite of th best efforts, anything can flop-do y not atleast have fun

    Btw –about the ‘spoof’ that I’m directing (&starring in)
    Who will play deepika padukone and who will play Diana panty?Out of Amy and oldgold who are likely to be taken…
    Any other suggestions– yes others can also volunteer for deepika and Diana’s roles …


  62. Alex adams Says:

    “All three of them make an ideal couple — instead of two!”
    Dont know th details of this ‘plot’ but there IS a lingering shadow of woody allens Vicky Christina Barcelona
    The bit about the ‘third’ ‘completing’ the ‘couple’…

    A piece on VCB wouldve been a great analytical piece on various psychophysical planes –alas 🙂


  63. alex adams Says:

    update folks–
    contd from above–amy and oldgold were attending my ‘acting workshops’ for the above roles…(obviously im the lead –what bad attitude lol)
    ps-couldnt be decided yet who will play which role though
    but watch the space…
    ps2–there maybe another female role or two up for grabs if any takers here
    ps3-may take minor as publicist and to pump in money (additional producer) to ‘help out’ 🙂


  64. tonymontana Says:

    how do you manage to get away with passing such remarks?

    anyways Cocktail’s plot is soething that would definitely get alex to lap up this one – an unofficial threesome


    • How does he get away? Tony brother, oldgold ka to pata nahi lekin kisi din Ami Alex ko Tamil me itni achhi-achhi gaaliyan degi naa ki phir ye aage se aisa kuchh nahi bolega…LOL


  65. tonymontana Says:

    “Ok let’s have a ‘spoof’ /rehearsal”

    — You’re SRK remember.. Only Saif wasnt finalised among satyamshot members.. I dont mind being Saif now 🙂


    • alex adams Says:

      the cast has been finalised and the ‘shooting’ has started tony..
      u r late mate 🙂
      also I can become anyone (im a versatile actor)
      btw tony u are sounding a bit ‘too keen’ now mate–dont worry–will churn out a role for u as well…have patience lol


  66. alex adams Says:

    “how do you manage to get away with passing such remarks?”
    Guess its a knack really…(even in real life…) 😉
    but more importantly– all u folks are ‘mature’ and ‘cool’ enuf to take these in the right spirit
    ps-need to check what some lazy people are upto at ‘work’…


  67. alex adams Says:

    was preoccupied earlier, so a bit of addendum to above…
    Tony montana–u seem to be having some “problems’ (more than those involved) with ‘such things’ on one hand remniscent of atul kulkarni in rdb, which is fine, but on the very next line, you wanna join the same facade so badly
    I mean, the likes of satyam and gf, for eg, doesnt participate in such stuff and neither feel the need to ‘police’ rightfully but then they remains ‘consistent’ ….
    Satyam doesnt want to BE srk and saif suddenly hahaha
    So the take home message is “one cant run with the hare and hunt with the hounds”–these are things that only those like ISI manage (unsuccessfully)
    ps–this is besides the point and just an innocent observation, just like yours above..
    will look out for roles if u are so keen 🙂


    • tonymontana Says:

      im flexible enough to fit in any situation – be it my preferences or taste in cinema.

      With the right expectations I can enjoy any film under the sun, even a Housefull 2 or Golmaal. 🙂


  68. Alex adams Says:

    Ok folks -after some hectic shooting, the first track is ready
    Will leave u with this
    Enjoy -like the voice …

    Gud nite-need to ‘sort out’ some shooting


  69. I actually really like this. These are not my kind of films but the trailer appeals to me somewhere or is it the presence of two fit women 😀

    I do wish to see Deepika doing something different, feels like I have seen her do this in almost all her films so far except the obvious few.


  70. alex adams Says:

    “I actually really like this. These are not my kind of films but the trailer appeals to me somewhere or is it the presence of two fit women”
    i knew it naveed–keep ‘it’ up
    btw who do u prefer–deepika paducoone or diana panty…


  71. New song video- Tum Hi Ho Bandhu


  72. alex adams Says:

    btw Deepika in her latest ‘hep’ avatar 🙂

    Couldnt help notice this cumment by someone–
    Its NOT my comment—
    “Am I the only one who finds her hot pants and top slightly inappropriate for a cricket based tv show. Don’t get me wrong. She looks ravishing and sexy and plays a wild party girl in her upcoming movie but her attire is out of the place if you consider where she is promoting her film. Jeans or figure hugging pants would have looked equally good on her and would have been a better choice.”

    Another one–
    “We get you’re promoting Cocktail and we get that you play a sexy wild child in the movie, but there are other ways to channel “sexy wild child” other than in a CHADDI on a cricket based TV show.”



  73. alex adams Says:

    btw think the above comment is a bit derogatory…
    A word of support by someone-
    “All you people who’re complaining about Deepika’s inappropriate dress sense should face the fact that jealousy and massive insecurity run high and mighty within you!”
    ps–need to keep updated with the ‘feedback’ of my film lol


    • LOL! I think that Deepika looks absolutely gorgeous here as usual- but she’s always dressed too casually in shorts and tank tops/ singlets. If she wants to wear shorts everywhere and still look chic she should wear semi-formal short suits or a pair of printed/ embellished shorts:

      It’s not the length of the shorts that’s the problem- it’s how sloppy the whole outfit is.


  74. Alex adams Says:

    Hmm good point
    “It’s not the length of the shorts that’s the problem”–good
    So which role do u prefer–deepika padukone or Diana panty…
    Btw I will also have to ask oldgold since she is the ‘winner’
    Guess u seem more comfortable with deepikas look–am I right?
    Don’t wanna any ‘fights’ during ‘shooting’ 😉


  75. Ami, have u seen this ryan gosling and anthony hopkins legal suspense thriller ‘fracture’- saw it sometime back and was quite impressed.


  76. Daaru Desi – Official Song – Cocktail (Exclusive)

    [added to post]


    • I enjoyed the trailer…
      Loved the first song…
      and this song is also quite nice….

      I never imagined that one of my favs Deepika would be sidelined like this. I have such a massive crush on the new girl Diana 😀 Hope this film does big just for her and her (hopefully promising) career.

      Wasn’t planning on watching any Bollywood film till Tiger but will most definitely check this out for Deepika and esp Diana 😀


  77. Alex adams Says:

    Haha thanx Naveed
    Deepikas ‘hard work’ does seem to be ‘bearing fruit’ lol


  78. Alex adams Says:

    Making of dil chahta hai
    An interesting watch for all the fans of this
    A cult classic IMO


  79. Alex adams Says:

    O o o o o o o o o
    Dil chahta hai–the title song
    A perennial favourite

    Somehow came across this in a file now–hmmm
    Tanhaai !!!
    And what’s happened to Farhan and SEL now


  80. SEL have just been on a constant decline. there last great track was ‘sapno se bhare naina’ from LBC. Vishal-Shekhar have upstaged them. But the guy who is next best thing after Rehman and Bharadwaj is Amit Trivedi- this guy has the potential to become one of the greats of all time- his Dev D is already a landmark of sorts- i am putting my money on him. Another very underrated composer is Mithoon of Maula Mere Maula (from Anwar fame). he has disappeared somewhat.


  81. Alex adams Says:

    Yes Minor -agree they are on a decline
    But to me, there’s something better than SEL (on song) after rehman
    Yes-trivedi is v good ESP in dev d but he still needs volumes to prove himself
    Vishal shekhar is a curious case of pseudo-SELism –don’t blame most for confusing those…but the actual chiasm is quite significant.
    actually rate the much maligned and laughed at pretam higher on the basis of his sheer hit rate and reasonable quality (when not lifting)
    As for vishal bhardwaj-somehow, I don’t like his stuff (music or the few scenes of his I’ve seen) -can make out he does high quality stuff but somehow don’t find it v palatable (the bits I’ve heard)
    Ps-know its blasphemous to say this, but that’s just personal taste


  82. Alex adams Says:

    Has anyone seen a telly ‘dating’ show ‘love machine”
    Was forced to see bits- what the…

    Don’t dare lol
    Reminds me of

    Enjoy gud nite


  83. Just saw the new trailer……song is not meant to be a chartbuster nor is it gr8….however the trailer is and fresh…..its got London in the spring/summer mood…very appealing.

    It’s weird but unlike Agent Vinod where Saif was in every frame of the movie & trailer, and was made to glorify him ;-)…way OTT…..the director here has given equal coverage to all 3 leads….however it’s got the effect of making Saif look like a side actor 😉

    I think I will watch this….


  84. Check this out, someone posted it on net with tagline, “If you have problem with Pritam’s music than check this out ”


  85. alex adams Says:

    “Yaariaan” –reprise version….
    good lyrics and vocals…


  86. And now this from the pea-brained Kareena:
    Being fat is not sexy

    This interview just about rests my case on Kareena’s mental impairment.


    • can’t stand the stuff she says.. and since she responds to the question this way Sonakshi is precisely voluptuous and not fat! Balan is neither voluptuous not fat though she has a bigger, fuller frame.

      But Kareena is like the gambler who knows nothing, stumbles onto something and then thinks he (or in this case she!) can just keep bluffing her way out of everything. It’s her whole ‘I-am-a-diva’ stance! Pretending to be another Ash is a bit odd when you can’t even catch Katrina at the box office! Of course she is deluded enough to think that 3I gets to 200 crores because of her!


      • Kareena’s career is a bit of a paradox. Her two biggest hits 3I and BG deconstructed her stardom much more than all those flops she’d between her debut in 2000 and 3I at the end of 2009. IMO her claim to being top actress in the industry had more credibility in any year between 2000 and 2009 than after 2009!


        • that’s quite true, sometimes the disproportionate success deconstructs the star far more than the more normal kind. Specially true for a very replaceable female lead.


      • Why would Kareena attack other women like this without any provocation? I usually find her silliness entertaining but l don’t understand why she has to unnecessarily insult other celebrities. I get the feeling that she is extremely insecure and feeds her ego by pulling other actresses down to make herself feel superior.

        It’s interesting that she targets both Vidya and Sonashi- because Vidya has lately had the sort of success that any other would envy and Sonakshi is threatening to usurp Kareena as the queen of the 100 crore club.

        I can’t even imagine the backlash that would result if a Hollywood actress was to make this sort of a statement about Kate Winslet/ Christina Hendricks/ Beyonce/ Scarlett Johanasson. Why are these Bollywood actresses alone so stupidly spiteful towards each other? And besides it’s terribly irresponsible of her to say something like this.


  87. alex adams Says:

    actually ‘air-headed’ is an even better dscription than ‘pea brain’ for kareeena
    thiough am shcoked to see people polling kareena at no5 alltime in this ndtv poll–shocking !!
    whats your take folks
    kareena over nargis, waheeda, etc etc—who are these ‘voters’
    have they seen a woman before ? 😉


    • Have you seen the result for alltime top actors, that one is truly WTF inducing! I really am surprised NDTV devoted an entire hour for that farce. Even if the poll results were genuine (?), how come no one at NDTV noticed the ridiculousness of it all and scrape the idea as plainly absurd?!


      • ideaunique Says:

        that deserves a new post and a loooooooong essay from satyam 🙂 it s a farce alright. What i liked was the overhyped dilip kumar was at no. 5 and not at no. 1 – thank god. What i didn’t like was ofcourse aamir at no. 2 instead of no. 1 and also ranbir kapoor rating higher than raj kapoor, sanjeev kumar, dev anand, shammi…..give us a break ndtv!


  88. Satyam, u r watching Ghost Rider 2 – what has the world come to! It’s even worse than the 1st part (have to be the worst superhero franchise- the sequel does not even have Eva Mendes)- and what’s wrong with Nic Cage- this guy is doing one B-grade film after another- Ghost Rider, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Bangkok Dangerous, Season of the witch, Drive Angry, trespass, Seeking Justica and the list goes on and on- can’t believe this is the same guy who did Leaving Las Vegas, The Adaptation, Wild At Heart


    • yeah it’s pretty poor stuff but there’s nothing in this genre I don’t watch! Will say that it’s worth it for the SFX on the Ghost Rider. They do a good job with him!

      On Cage I could never stand him.


  89. “there’s nothing inthis genre I don’t watch!”- same here. a sucker for comic book/superhero films- u r right on the sfx though. u remember Liam Neeson’s Dark Man – made by Sam Raimi- was not bad at all.


  90. I am surprised by ur views on Cage.Ebert on Cage- “There are often lists of the great living male movie stars:De Niro, Nicholson and Pacino, usually. Cage should always be up there. He’s daring and fearless in his choice of roles, and unafraid to crawl out on a limb, saw it off and remain suspended in air.No one else can project inner trembling so effectively.He always seems so earnest.However improbable his character, he never winks at the audience.He is committed to the character with every atom.”


  91. Ha! have my night posting and as usual there r no patients in the OPD. i sleep in the afternoon. i anyway don’t sleep for more than 4-5 hrs


  92. Satyam, on that note, whichever profession u are in (as i don’t know abt it), how do u manage to find time for managing the blog and watching cinema-doesn’t ur job suffer…LOL- it puzzles me


  93. LOL. i hope ur profession is not medicine. Atleast a doctor shouldn’t have too much caffeine in his system 🙂


  94. Alex adams Says:

    Have got some fresh stills straight from the photo shoot
    Think Diana is doing better than expected….
    Check out the innocent vibe…

    Ps– think she is more than matching deepika as of now…


  95. Yaarian song is gorgeous

    Too much focus on Saif….as usual 😉


  96. alex adams Says:

    Deepika Padukone’s swimsuit shoot for the new cover of a fashion magazine has once again got everyone talking about her fit body.

    At 5ft 9in, and weighing 60 kilos, she confesses to the magazine that she has never loved her body as much as she does today.

    “I am definitely looking my best now,” she says contentedly.

    Deepika adds, “While I believe that when you are in the glamour industry, you have to look your best, I also believe being skinny is not ‘hot and happening’. A really skinny person may not necessarily be fit. I endorse fitness, which combines a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise.”

    “Fitness depends on fat per cent, not body weight. Lots of skinny people have a high fat percentage. That’s unhealthy, and one day they will expand.”


  97. alex adams Says:

    straight from the photoshoot
    for deeepika fans–like this pic
    [added to post]


  98. boring stuff.. the film should get enough of an initial though..


  99. alex adams Says:

    it wont be a bad film
    imtiaz ali is a good writer and has a good knack in this sort of subjects….
    ps–diana panty is getting better as the shooting progresses


  100. don’t know if that clip is here yet but in one of the clip Boman Irani tells deepika-” Behan jee ab toh aap Patloon pehan lo ”
    The way he says it is hilarios….reminded me of a scene in Taal where Aloknath tells mita vashit – Tu pehle kapde pehan ley !!!!


    • omrocky786 Says:

      I had no interest in watching this but this one line/scene is at least forcing me to think about it….lol


  101. Alex adams Says:

    Fresh hot from the oven—
    Well done gals-good emoting….uve made me ‘proud’ 🙂

    [added to post]


  102. Alex adams Says:

    In the latest track ‘jugni’ I’m pleasantly surprised by the performances given by both deepika and Diana (by mainstream Bollywood standards of this genre)
    Clapping!…well done .
    Check it out folks …


    • Saw it Alex. Apparently u seem to be dedicated towards Cocktail- no one else in interested in it. Hope this one works for Saif though, the guy needs a hit big time after the AV debacle- i still have not been able to get over it


  103. Alex adams Says:

    Haha yup will be watching this on the big screen and is causally showing near me..
    Don’t care much how many others interested…
    Though SAifs age gap is showing definitely and a younger hero was better here.
    The female cart of putting in a better than expected
    It’s more than obvious from the promos what the genre is about and doesn’t have anything to do with pathbreaking cinema etc -so anyone expecting that is being unrealistic
    Theres a space for this type of films as well as guilty pleasures 🙂


  104. AamirsFan Says:

    whats the consensus on this one? for me personally this movie is doing nothing for me. the songs are lame. the cast is unexciting. this might turn out to be a total dud both critically and commercially(especially if BB clicks the week before).


  105. Friendship – something Ranbir and I never had

    Deepika Padukone gets candid about her newfound understanding of her ex, the split with Sidhartha and discovering herself in the character she plays in her next film

    Vickey Lalwani

    Posted On Wednesday, July 04, 2012 at 03:29:59 AM

    It still hasn’t happened to me – falling in love with my ex,” says Deepika Padukone shrugging off rumours about a cosy chemistry between her and Ranbir Kapoor on the sets of Ayan Mukerji’s next.

    Dressed in a green sleeveless top and white trousers (her favourite, she claims), the leggy beauty recalls the torrid affair between her and the young RK. Getting out of her reverie, she straightens up and adds, “Well, I have had ups and downs in my personal life. But I am a strong person, you know. I am.”

    Deepika claims that now she shares a comfortable equation with her ex – something that was missing before. “Today, Ranbir and I understand each other better. We have found a friendship that we didn’t have when we dated,” reveals the actress. In fact, Ranbir was one of the people she turned to after her split with Sidhartha.

    Miffed with reports about her plans to sell her new flat in Prabhadevi after her break up with Sidhartha since it was he who bought it for her, Deepika says, “I haven’t been gifted the flat. I am not selling it either. I have always been financially independent. I haven’t depended on my parents for money since I started working. And hey, Sidhartha and I are still friends.”

    Over hot cups of tea, the conversation meanders to her career. We realise that the actress has changed quite a bit from her Om Shanti Om days. “Farah Khan presented me very well and I thought that this was what every film would be. But I soon realised that I need to work on my strengths and weaknesses,” she says.

    Her relationships have taught her a few lessons, she reveals but chooses not to talk about them. Deepika feels that when one is single, they have more time for themselves. “I don’t have time to invest in a relationship. I have become a lot more guarded. And on date, I am totally focused on my career,” she smiles.

    And her career is indeed blooming. After Cocktail, she will be seen with Ranbir in Yeh Jawani Jai Diwani. Also, we hear that she has been finalised for Chennai Express opposite Shah Rukh Khan and the Ekta Kapoor – Karan Johar venture. Evading a confirmation on her movie lineup, Deepika simply says, “Today, it’s only Cocktail on my mind.”

    “While I did have the choice of playing Diana Penty’s role, Imtiaz Ali (the writer) felt that I would suit the role of the other girl, Veronica. I was confused but Imtiaz drove home his point. It’s a very challenging role. My character has no inhibitions. She hasn’t had an ideal childhood but isn’t apologetic about it. She seeks attention and gets it. She is very comfortable in her skin. That doesn’t make her a bad person. She enjoys partying and having her drink,” she continues talking about the film.

    She reveals that there is a Veronica in her too. “Definitely not the ultra-glam attires that my character dons or the way she drinks, but I do visit nightclubs and dance. And I don’t pretend to be what the society wants me to be. Isn’t it normal for a girl my age to do that?” says the 26-year-old.

    Isn’t finding a willing ear in her ex Ranbir after the split with Sidhartha not a natural thing too? “I am not someone who shows her emotions very easily,” comes the reply. “I am strong. But yes, Ranbir is a friend and he will always be there for me,” Deepika signs off.


  106. Alex adams Says:

    An interesting interview by deepika
    How is she talking about the ‘split’ with ranbir and siddhartha and so and so when she never admitted to a ‘relationship’
    Has she talked about the ‘split’ from a poor guy -think his name was mihir Somthing…

    Anyhow skillful interview there 🙂
    Btw like her role brief–
    “My character has no inhibitions. She hasn’t had an ideal childhood but isn’t apologetic about it. She seeks attention and gets it. She is very comfortable in her skin. That doesn’t make her a bad person. She enjoys partying and having her drink,”


  107. Utkal Mohanty Says:

    amirsFan: “ouch…some of the numbers are looking closer to TMK than to BB. looks to be a flop or am i ‘reading’ it wrong?’

    You are absolutely reading it wrong. For start the songs area rage, in fact the best of the year so far.

    If you lok at the YouTube hits of Tum hi ho bandhu, it has got 4.9 million views ( which more than waht Chinta Ta ta Cita ta has got after 4 weeks of RR’s release ( 3.6 millllion)(

    Cocktail is an absolute scorcher among the youth and will make in its first week what TMK will makee in its lifetime.


  108. Alex adams Says:


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