Chetan Bhagat on Amitabh Bachchan

thanks to yakuza..

” Through the ‘70s and the ‘80s, Amitabh Bachchan became the antithesis to the romantic tragic hero. He underlined that there’s more to life than just that. As ‘the angry young man’, he reached out to the lowest denominator. There was a socio-economic subtext in his films right from Deewaar, Mard to Agneepath, something
he may not have been given due credit for, being such a commercial superstar. But down the years he became the Indian icon, the adarsh pursh. Yet
he was someone who could test the limits of morality as in Deewaar, Sharabi, Silsila right up to Nishabd.”

for more follow the link…

84 Responses to “Chetan Bhagat on Amitabh Bachchan”

  1. Amitabh 72nd Birthday interview Full Radio Zindgi


  2. Piku? Is that a movie?


  3. Superb tribute by Chetan, specially this-
    He’s totally devoid of ‘elitism’ though he’s high up there. Buddhism speaks of mudita, which refers to the virtue of being able to celebrate the joy of others. Then you’re incapable of feeling jealousy or envy. Amitji is not only about himself. He goes beyond his boundaries to celebrate others and continues to be fascinated. That’s why he keeps growing. In fact, he writes more than me. He maintains a daily blog. He’s on Twitter. To stay timeless you have to adapt, adapt, adapt… and that’s what he’s been doing. I am also intrigued by his non-Bollywood persona. He’s known to have shared great friendships with the Gandhis and later Amar Singh. A person so successful, he’s still swayed by emotions. Success tends to isolate you but he’s still there for people


  4. Talking about the fans who wait outside his bungalow gates every year, Amitabh says, “I cannot give anything to my fans. The most I can do is work in good movies for them. I don’t get lead roles now but I do everything good that comes my way.”

    So what’s his secret that makes him look youthful even now? “It is genetic that I am energetic,” he replies. “But the love of my fans keeps me going. Plus, I have made a rule for myself that if I have to look good, I have to dress well and look presentable.”


  5. I’m as big a Bachchan fan as any but I wouldn’t endorse anything that Chetan Bhagat has to say.

    Chetan Bhagat, in all fairness, is the Katrina Kaif of English fiction. Popular, but a complete hack.

    I’m more interested in what talented/great artists have to say about the great man — people like Naseer (even if born out of jealousy), Om Puri, Manoj Bajpai, Anurag Kashyap, Irrfan Khan etc. They are the ones likely to offer any real insight on what makes Amitabh Bachchan great.

    The gushing tributes, by the likes of Bhagat, have been done to death and hold little or no value!


    • Wow, an IIT/ IIM , , successful author, Script writer gets compared to Katrina….by who ?
      How is a hack? and how are Irfan, Naseer more talented , they do not even wrire their own shit ?
      Fashion ho gaya hai to kick CB, pata hao Intellectuals khush honge…….
      PS- I have not read any of CB’s books but I admire his success!!


      • Calm down a bit. I didn’t (deliberately) touch a right winger’s nerve now, did I?

        You have not read any of his books and yet you passionately defend him. Why?

        I wasn’t talking about Bhagat’s success in academics, merely pointing out his ability (or lack of) as a writer. And unlike you, I have read all of his books.

        Finally, who’s talented or not is a question that requires a bit of thought…perhaps an unbiased view of things wouldn’t go amiss.

        If it has become a ‘fashion’ to mock Mr. Bhagat, I’m certainly not responsible for it. I don’t do it because I want to participate in any such wave (if one exists!) but because I know from whatever little I’ve read that he’s a pretty poor writer. And to be very clear, when I say he’s poor, I’m not comparing him to Chekov, James Joyce et al.

        Mr Bhagat could be a Modi bhakt for all I care. That doesn’t give me any reason to look at him differently.

        Having said that, as I mentioned previously, I did not comment on his academic credentials. Just because he cracked IIT (a good enough achievement, no doubt) and solved I E Irodov’s Problems in General Physics, does not make him an expert on films. That’s my point, in case you still don’t get it!


        • In caase you failed to comprehend- CB was discussing AB the person and his impact on us, not his films, so Calm down and get over Modi Phobia my friend…


        • I don’t suffer from any kind of Modi phobia. I don’t care enough to suffer either way!

          I was trying to point out that there’s no great insight to be gained from Bhagat’s writeup. Worse still, he would write something similar if he’s commissioned to do so for any other star, not just Bachchan.

          The other point I was trying to make has to do with the nature of such tributes. The fact that Bachchan has influenced lives is as commonplace as our grasp of gravity today. We don’t need to be reminded of his impact…it’s a universal fact. What I personally would like to see or read is an uncommon characteristic that only experts could spot and point out.

          For example, I could write a fanboy article on Roger Federer, gushing no end about his greatness, but the level of insight coming from someone like McEnroe or Ivan Lendl would mean so much more…


        • here I must agree with Saket.. whether it’s a younger movie star or Bhagat.. they all end up saying the worst platitudes about him (‘hey I was so moved by x scene in Shakti’!). Now some of this anecdotal stuff is fine as part of a larger comment but in just about every case it’s just incredible banality. One would think that for an issue devoted to him in this sense they could get better write-ups.


        • Chalo theek hai yaar Saket, but you could have made the same point without insulting CB by comparing him to KK.


        • Chalo point taken Satyam sir…


        • “every case it’s just incredible banality. ”
          Knowing the background Chetan had with his father, whatso wrong if scenes in Shakti (or Trishul) spoke to him? It may sound ‘banal’ to you but it may have touched his very core. Everything CB spoke on Bigb, resonated with me. All the attributes of bigb are the ones that appeal to me as a fan and his piece ‘spoke’ to me. I don’t think of it as ‘banal’ but something that is simple enough for mango people to relate to! So his literary works may not be hi-fi like Vikram Seth but it has deeper reach. Instead of Katrina Kaif, I would say he is Madhuri Dixit, the girl next door 🙂


        • actually he’s not a literary writer at all and he’s the first to admit it! On the rest yeah Karan Johar’s sentimentality also resonates with many people!

          And again my point isn’t about Shakti resonating with him but his expression of the same in a very trite writeup. This doesn’t mean one cannot enjoy it. One has the democratic right to enjoy anything.

          I’d finally add this. This whole ‘simple stuff appealing to simple ordinary people’ is actually a rather condescending formulation to my mind. Much like ‘the common man’ and what not. It’s really the greatest banality and the most inexcusable sort.


        • Chalo theek hai yaar Saket, but you could have made the same point without insulting CB by comparing him to KK.

          I guess so…comparing anyone to Ms Kaif can be considered serious abuse!

          The exaggeration on my part was to add some ‘drama’… or humor, guess it didn’t work at either level!

          Now that I’m reminded of it, there’s something similar in Hindi called “atishayokti alankaar”


        • “On the rest yeah Karan Johar’s sentimentality also resonates with many people! ”
          Really?! Didn’t know that. Even KJo has inferiority complex about himself and his movie making abilities 😦


      • wow, so I am defending CB coz he supports Modi ? Wah …. why does everything ends up being a Modi problem yaar !!!


  6. On the subject of Indian authors, I had the chance to read Indra Sinha’s ‘The Death of Mr Love’ (unfortunately, a long time ago!) woven across the infamous Nanavati murder case. I absolutely loved it! Couldn’t put it down till I had finished it end to end!


    • haven’t read this but Animal’s People was interesting.


    • Appears to be a ‘bong’ bias. lol. Sorry Saket. Couldn’t resist. Just teasing ya. On that note, if Chetan Bhagat was not a Punjabi…if he had a last name like Mukhopadhyay….hmmmm
      🙂 😉


      • Vikram Seth is definitely Punjabi…and I think Indra Sinha is not of Bengali origin. He’s Anglo-Indian, if I’m not wrong.

        It doesn’t matter either way. I don’t think I’m the least bit interested in what ‘greatbong’ has to say!


        • “I’m the least bit interested in what ‘greatbong’ has to say!”
          Angoor Katte hai
          P.S. why don’t you blog/write more?


        • You mean why don’t I visit here more often? I haven’t posted anything else apart from this blog…and I don’t think that’s going to change.

          I do my lurking from time to time, but I haven’t had the will to watch any films for a long time now. No films means, no ‘bhadaas’ to be purged!

          I’m actually more interested in Bollywood/Hindi music these days. Unfortunately for my current interest, no one seems to care about hindi songs anymore. There’s always the Box Office or a discussion on Indian politics to drain one’s energy on…but I’d rather watch Katrina Kaif or read Chetan Bhagat than partake in any of those discussions. Seriously!


        • Yeh aap key liye. One of my fav hindi songs. Since you are on this blog, don’t leave. 😉


        • Seconded on the desire for more discussion on Hindi film songs on the blog. That’s my true love as well. Why don’t you start a discussion? Even though I’m an old Hindi-film songs fan and my knowledge of contemporary Hindi film music is extremely limited, I promise to participate.:-) Actually, the current Hindi film scene is very interesting in that there are no dominant male or female singers – that wasn’t the case even a decade back. Now it’s something of a free-for-all with a host of voices competing more or less equally. Personally, I think that’s a good thing and like the variety.


        • Just need little nudge in RD Burman thread and Moti ji will be arguing with you 🙂


        • That’s a pretty good rendition, Di. Thanks…had never heard about these guys before.

          Bombay seems to be the hub of musical activity. It’s probably not a startling revelation but I’ve been very impressed with the talent seen on Coke Studio, for instance. Pretty radical stuff on display there…mostly some sort of fusion music, but I like it!

          My current interest in music can be credited to an accidental youtube visit where I saw MTV India Unplugged. Don’t remember the first song I watched, could have been Mohit Chauhan’s rendition of Tum Se Hi (Jab We Met) but since then I’ve been hooked.

          It’s a shame that MTV has made all the content unavailable outside India. I saw quite a few ‘live’ renditions when they were available. I heard Arijit Singh for the first time on MTVI Unplugged.

          The reason I like it so much is because I feel there’s a greater level of difficulty in singing live in front of an audience. Like theater, there is no place to hide.

          Anyhow, as I was saying, I pretty much devoured everything that Unplugged had to offer. Loved A R Rahman’s rendition of Yeh Jo Des, Kailash Kher’s version of Tu Jaane Na, Lucky Ali’s O Sanam, Shalmali Kholgade’s Pareshaan and many more.

          I can’t say what happened but since that day, Hindi music is my daily driver. This was never the case before. Given my fickle nature, I can’t say this will last forever, but I sure hope it does.

          P.S. I’m against smartphone addiction but there are 2 instances of technology I love: a great pair of headphones, which simply takes the musical experience to a different level (I recommend Sennheiser) and the Kindle.


        • Actually, the current Hindi film scene is very interesting in that there are no dominant male or female singers – that wasn’t the case even a decade back. Now it’s something of a free-for-all with a host of voices competing more or less equally. Personally, I think that’s a good thing and like the variety.

          Shalini, I too am a big fan of old songs. Having said that, the current bunch of singers (and music directors) are quite capable even if, as you correctly point out, they tend to fade away after a while. Don’t know if you noticed, but I did write about current singers/music directors a couple of weeks ago

          Khoobsurat (ongoing), the rest of the box office


        • Since I’ve spoken at length about the life-changing attributes of MTV (!) India Unplugged, it beckons that I follow it up with an example.

          Here’s a current favorite of mine:

          This is just an awesome live performance, any which way you dice it. Despite the presence of very high notes in the song, Neeti Mohan nails it perfectly. There is no deviation, no incongruity in her voice. I’ve never had any training in music but even I can tell that this is a high caliber performance…


        • Thanks for this link. It led me to a number of others. I got to hear one of my favourite ghazals rendered quite nicely. Didn’t know the younger generation was interested in this sort of stuff.


        • The above comment is in response to Di’s link. Of course even Saket’s link led to wonderful singing.


        • @Saket, Oldgold and music lovers: Have you guys heard of shruti box-Shanker Tucker? I like pretty much everything he has created…here is one of my fav:


        • @Di yes, just look up at my comment addressed to you.


        • Saket: Have you given the Kill Dill soundtrack a listen?! I think S-E-L have struck form after a long time. I especially love the title track (with the Morricone like whistling and even a bit of yoodling) and Sweeta (heard Adnan Sami after ages). And one of the striking things here is Gulzar narrating the theme of every song before it begins.


        • I haven’t but definitely will try it out. I quite liked their work in Bhaag Milkha Bhaag.

          Particularly, Zinda and O Rangrez…wasn’t aware until late that Shankar Mahadeven’s son has sung Zinda, which frankly speaking, pumps up every single blood vessel inside my body everytime I listen to it. Love the lyrics of the song as well, especially the part which goes:

          Zindagi ka ye ghada le
          Ek saans mein chadha le
          Hichkiyon mein kya hai marna
          Poora mar le…


          Aag zubaan pe rakh de
          Phir chot ke hoth bhi gaayenge
          Ghaav gungunayenge
          Tere dard geet bann jaayenge

          This Prasoon Joshi is one talented bloke!


        • Greeat lyrics. Actually Prasoon Joshi is always fantastic with these sort of songs. Check out these lines from “Khwaab” (London Dreams)- this track really deserved better (it was to my mind the pick of that soundtrack..I thought both S-E-L’s arrangements as well the choice of singers- Rahat paired up with Shankar himself- worked big time)

          “Jo tujhe jagaaye, neendein teri udaaye, khwaab hai sachcha wahi

          Neendon mein jo aaye, jise to bhul jaaye, khwaab woh sachcha nahi

          Khwaab ko raag de, neend ko aag de

          Angaaron ko jagaaye, koyalo sa jo gaaye, khwaab hai sachcha wohi

          Leharein jo uthaaye, paaniyo ko hilaaye, khwaab hai sachcha wohi”

          “Manzilon pe tyuahaar hai, lekin woh haar hai,
          Kya khushi apno ke bin

          Hai adhuri har jeet bhi, sargam sangeet bhi
          Adhura hai apno ke bin

          Khaabon ke baadal chhaane do lekin,
          Rishton ki lau ko bachaake barasana”


        • Thanks for reminding me of this song, Saurabh. It’s a pity a good song like this was wasted on a mediocre film. Both Shankar and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan are at their best in this song.


  7. Satyam is going to hate me for this, but since it was brought up by Rocky (got to shift part of the blame!), I’ll add that Arvind Kejriwal also cracked IIT…in fact, he cracked the toughest exam in the world — the Indian civil services entrance — but where’s the consideration for his academic credentials when he’s referred to as ‘kejri’ or ‘bhagoda’? Just saying…;)


    • Our education system doesn’t emphasis or make people into leaders. That is lacking. IF Kejri played some sports, then he would have been Deepika Padukone of politics (Saket: you started it!). Unfortunately he turned into Rakhi credibility! Sports instills leadership skills along with sportsmanship. Kejri was a flash in pan. Unfortunate.
      Chetan Bhagat on the other hand writes popular novels, his screenplay create 100 crore movies and is laughing all the way to bank (that he was once investment banker in) 🙂


      • Our education system doesn’t emphasis or make people into leaders

        From Wikipedia:In 2006, Kejriwal was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Emergent Leadership recognising his involvement in a grassroots movement (Parivartan) using right-to-information legislation in a campaign against corruption.

        This is my last response on this matter, but never let facts get in the way of a good story, Di!


        • Agree with what you say about Arvind Kejriwal.
          Just some information – he and his MLAs and Volunteers are continuing to do a great job in Delhi. Elsewhere too, especially in Karnataka where they are fighting against landgrab, in addition to making the organisation strong state by state.

          The Rs4cr that MLAs get are being used after asking the people what they want done in their area. As a rsult pipelines, and cleaning up has been going on for months. The people didn’t even know what money was alloted for their area and where it went.

          Total media blackout makes it look that AAP has vanished. It hasn’t, though all attempts at crushing the party is going on.

          This was just information, not meant to be a political discussion in case pardesi kamaubhakts get too excited.


    • TBH, I did like Kejriwal, Anna for their Jan Andolan, I thought that he had good intentions and Goals, I also liked the fact that forced other politicians to be a bit more open and accommodating when in power….
      But the he…………..
      Naa , I am going to stop right here and say no further as the Salma- Sabrina Jodee will clog this thread!!


    • Since you said “bhagoda”, that’s why I brought leadership issue. The Magsaysay was before he was a bhagoda, right? They give nobel peace to Obama…I don’t care about awards….they could give him all kinds of leadership awards they want. I don’t think he is a leader who can lead!!! And I still believe that our education system + parents, not focus only on grades but also have programs to make future leaders.


  8. No one comes with an authenticity guarantee. Not Chetan Bhagat, Not Naseeruddin.

    For all his talent, Naseer (one of my most fav artists) has done movies like Sona Spa while a highly mediocre John Abraham has done Madras Café etc.

    Coming from any who- you can only agree or disagree with what’s being said rather than who’s saying it.


  9. Soggy popcorn.


    • Even Amitabh praises sub par movies. Tendulkar wasn’t the best captain. So being best In a craft does not necessarily mean your opinion on the craft is top notch. I was watching Satyamev Jayate and Aamir was asking that sports administrators should be sports person but it not necessary that he or she will make things better than a regular joe.

      I don’t think people like Chetan Bhagat have capability to write about nuances of a film and acting. It shouldn’t stop him from writing about Bachchan but is he going to say something new to already eulogized career is doubtful.


  10. Mohn paayarae ji,
    Same old gisa pita dialouge ” Bachchan at 72″to defend this dilapidated horse.The other actors of his age are enjoying life as most of them have started their own business.Besids this their sons/daughters are doing well in film industry.In totality they are financially sound and why should the make films and ruin this industry by delivering flops like Bachchan.This poor man could neither establish any business nor could teach his son any acting, so he is bound to work at 72 just for living.Fantics like you blow this thing out of proportion and try to portray him as superman.


    • Outstanding analysis Samar – all old people above 60 should be shot at or sent to old age homes.. They should learn from Hrithik Roshan who will NEVER turn 50+

      Also, Sircar, Vinod Chopra, Anurag Kashyap, Balki, Baz Luhrmann – everybody should be kicked on their posterior for dying to work with the ‘old’ man.

      What are they thinking? Even the widows of Vrindavan can get more than 10%. of audience…


      • Not that I in anyway endorse Samar’s comment but your defense is hardly an efficient reply precisely because the people you mentioned (barring Kashyap to an extent) are glorified directors with mediocre talent.

        Shoojit Sircar.. Who?

        Vinod Chopra..The same guy who’s last movie was Mission

        Kashmir (which btw starred the never 50 turning guy)

        Balki : 2 movies old both of which no one will remember 5 years from fact the first one is already pretty much forgotten. His wife made a more memorable movie (for one reason or the other)

        Baz Luhrmann? LOL ..really? Oh that musical making guy from Hollywood. Sure…why not.

        P.S. I know Chopra’s last movie was Eklavya but I wanted to give him some weight at least.


        • So if Sircar, Balki, Chopra, Nambiar are mediocre talents, can I have at least 3 names from Hi-fi who are ABOVE these and who DO not want to work with Bachchan?

          Hint: You cannot say Hirani or Imtiaz because they would give their right arm to work with Bachchan even though they haven’t designed any projects with him. (this feedback is based on their interviews).

          As I said, you got to name people who are WAY SUPERIOR directors and who DO NOT wish to work with Bachchan…


        • An Jo , don’t argue with likes of Phoosphoos!


        • – I don’t think Bachchan needs any validation from any of such directors to prove his worth. He is a more than established standard of talent who decides who he has to work with than the other way round.

          Besides, being able to work with Bachchan (or anyone else) depends on a lot of things than just want. Otherwise you get a painful Johar wasting Bachchan in movies like KKKG.

          I just commented on your choices because I felt that you were making too much out of some mediocre directors.

          -Now since you wanted names who I think are better talents than the ones you mentioned (and I don’t know whether they want to work with Bachchan or not), here they are (only from Bollywood)

          -Ashutosh Gowarikar
          -Dibakar Banerjee
          -Shimit Amin
          -Abhishek Chaubey
          -Neeraj Pandey
          -Ram Gopal Varma (Yes despite his recent debacles, he’s a league apart)
          -Vikramaditya Motwane
          -Sriram Raghavan
          -Tigmanshu Dhulia
          -Anand Gandhi


    • samar,
      ritik was never in the league of srk,salman or amir,take rakesh roshan out and ritik will be dissappeared automaticly,

      only one reason amitabh still dominates ,although he has had few flops but then he was not competing with srk or others is all round performance while ritik has never achived that,nor he will ever be superstar…

      among best dominance stars in each era are as follows.

      dilip kumar
      ashok kumar
      raj kapoor


      rajesh khanna 1969-1974
      amitabh bachan 1973-1991 ( still in demand )
      srk 1992-2008

      rival stars dominance

      salman,amir and others

      so samar beta,ritik comes under the “terms” others.

      amitabh & srk are so popular that even english people here in uk still are crazy where as ritik is unknown

      one has to remember what entertainment any star gives in my opinion amitabh and srk has given their maximum to public….


    • What do you even know about Bachchan and what he could establish or not? He is the only senior star in Forbes Celebrity 100 in India, that too in top 5 every year. Where did that net worth come from if he were dilapidated or not established? He recently got ranked among most influential Asians. No other senior is there. And only the ones merely working for living don’t have such clout. Rather than call others as fanatics, you talk common sense, face facts than just comment to bring down Bachchan as a hater.
      The Bachchans have more than enough to live by. Whatever they are, atleast they don’t have to fudge BO figures for face saving unlike some others.


  11. I would love to direct Amitabh Bachchan: British director Peter Webber

    Read more at:


    • Here’s one more reason why Indians get so easily infatuated with Western credentials. I mean who is Peter Webber. Analogically is not even India’s Sujoy Ghosh (not even close). The only reason his one film is even remembered is for its visuals.

      No wonder he wants to work with Bachchan. It’ll be his privilege to work with an actor with the stature of Bachchan.


  12. Oldgold, Di, A R Rahman has sung the same ghazal on MTV Unplugged. Here’s the link:


    • Yeh Jo Des by ARR. One of my absolute favorite ‘live’ performances:


      • Oh yes, I like this song. Never heard the Kailash Kher one before. It’s really good. Mainly his voice which suits the song very well.
        So, it seems MTV unplugged would be the place to go to, to listen to songs without their filmy aura which takes away something from a song which would otherwise be very good.
        (I mean the contemporary film songs).


        • Oldgold, Tu Jaane Na is from the film Ajab Prem Ki Gazab Kahaani. The more celebrated version of the song is sung by Atif Aslam, but as far as I’m concerned, there’s no comparison between Kailash Kher and Atif. In fact, there are very few singers who can sing like Kailash Kher.

          I would definitely recommend MTV Unplugged as a good source for the most popular Hindi songs with some artistic merit in them. I think it’s good to see singers and musicians get complete credit for their own work in shows like Unplugged.

          I personally don’t like all the songs from the show, but the ones that I do like have become daily companions at work. Maybe I will make a list of my favorites from the show…although in some other thread! The current one has been effectively hijacked by us.

          You can also buy the CDs from flipkart in India. Don’t think they are available outside India. Also, I think Unplugged’s Season 4 is about to start at the end of this month. Will be interesting to see who performs this year…


    • Tu Jaane Na by Kailash Kher. Absolutely brilliant!

      I better stop now, or this post will fill up pretty soon!


      • since we are on the topic, have you heard Jeffery Iqbal who is also participant in Raw Star (on star plus)…check out his channel on youtube…


        • WOW. This is great. Loved his rendition of ‘lal meri patt’. Of course the best one was by late folk singer Reshma, but this is not far behind. Thanks. I’m looking forward to discovering some more songs by him.


    • It’s a lovely nazm/ghazal (don’t know which one). My favourite version is the one sung by Farida Khanum.
      AR Rahaman has sung it in his own style.
      Based on clarity of voice, and it’s strength I’d say;
      Farida Khanum > the singer at Shruti Box > A R Rahaman
      Many singers have sung this.


      • The links are not showing up on my current computer (so I cannot view the links you post).
        ARR does have a very slight nasal twang; maybe a very faint tamil accent too (?).

        Anyhow, I like this Punjabi song/lyrics
        Pani da rang vekh ke
        Akhiyaan cho anju rul de
        Maahiya na aaya mera, maahiya na aaya
        Maahiya na aaya mera, maahiya na aaya
        Ranjhana na aaya mera, maahiya na aaya
        Maahiya na aaya mera, ranjhana na aaya
        Kamli ho gayi tere bina aaja ranjhan mere
        Baarish barkha sab kuch beh gayi, aaya nahi jind mere


  13. This one I can listen to on repeat. If any one has full song (by Shreya), I would love to download. Bhakti Sangeet for me at all times, other songs come and go. Good poetry/lyrics, music, none of it has that lasting quality (for me) as devotional songs and classical hindustani.


    • Lovely. She’s even better than Lata’s rendition of Meera’s bhajan’s.
      My favourite Meerabai bhajans are the ones sung by Vani Jairam for Gulzar’s Meera.


  14. Would it be wise to move all the musical comments to a new thread? A thought.


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