Naveen on Baahubali 2

Baahubali is the greatest Hindu Epic on screen!!!

Very rarely you see religious symbols being used so effectively to build characters and connect with the audience. While Baahubali showed love for Shiva, Shivling….Baahibali 2 extends it to Ganesh and Krishna apart from several other Hindu Symbols which appeals to the viewers in a Huge Huge way. The main reason for me sticking this out is the effect it has on audience when shown with the compelling story line and grandeur sets.

**Spoilers ahead**

The movie is India’s own history with several connects to Ramayan and Mahabharat and this is its biggest strength in making the extremely passionate characters believable to us. The movie starts with imageries of the best scenes of Baahubali 1 and helps one to refresh the war epic. One starts building oneself for a huge finale to the war epic. I was expecting a better war scenes.

The movie starts with Amrendra Baahubali’s visit to the countryside of Mahishmati. This symbolizes a key aspect of Ramayan where it is said that a king should visit his villages to know more about the common man and its pain.

There the interesting twists and turns which includes Baahubali falling in love with princess and what happens thereon brings forth a love story that’s unpredictable as well as gives a reminder to us that there is more to the movie than just a war epic that i was waiting for.

Why Katappa kills Baahubali? If we thought Rajamouli and his team was thinking of an easy script to answer us it was wrong. The entire buildup to the scene and the subsequent killing of Baahubali is the best in Indian cinema. Almost everyone was crying at the supreme sacrifice of Katappa as well as Baahubali reminiscent of Lord Ram himself. This is an event inside the event film. I myself realized that tears are rolling past my cheeks and one feels so deeply moved that the only thing left thereafter is to search for tissues and yet keep looking at the screen. It is post demise of Baahubali that one sees the dark side of the demon king, Baahubali’s cousin. He is portrayed as Raavan and the entire setup of Baahubali 2 now lits up going beyond expectation with thumping background music.

The movie ends with a fantastic dual between Mahendra Baahubali and Bhallaladeva. This is the best cliamx one can have for the epic.

Spoiler ends ****

The movie has been well enacted by all the characters.

This movie deserves a national award in direction, story, Best actress, Best actor, Best villain…ohh realised that this is no filmfare. But the movie wins heart in every aspect.

There are several glitches in the special effects which is quite prominent on the big silver imax screen. However the story, context and beauty of the scenes makes one happily ignore those and instead focus on the message.

One don’t need a movie on Mahabharat or Ramayan now., atleast not because Baahubali has taken cinematic experience to a new level. Without referring to these two greatest epics, Rajamouli makes us believe that mythologies were not just stories but a slice of lives of ancient India – mostly referred to as the Golden age of indian culture.

– Naveen

44 Responses to “Naveen on Baahubali 2”

  1. Congrats. I think this is your first review posted on SS. If I am wrong correct me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. No problems on SS Rajamouli getting National Awards. Problem is when someone undeserving like Akki gets it due to connections. Everyome knows the truth and even insiders like RGV, Arvind Swamy have tweeted about this


  3. Does it have repeat value? Would you like to see it on big screen again? What is the duration of the film?


  4. Thanks for the review Naveen although I skipped the spoilers section.

    Duration is probably close to 3hrs. Yes the big question is whether it will find repeat audience like first part?


  5. despite having huge expectations, i simply loved it. much more than part 1

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sanjan / Raj – The film has a repeat value if you love the genre of revenge and periodic dramas.
    One thing is for sure. This is a big screen movie because of the scale. So anyone who can go would definitely go esp with the extraordinary WoM. Its 4.5/5 to 6/5 (From excellent to crazy)

    Repeat value is there.


  7. Another thing one has to understand that Indians are now politically and culturally started taking pride in their history and mythologies. While it was already there but was not something everyone was investing. Now it has captured the mindshare.
    When one hears India was Sone ki Chidiya…it was never depicted on screen or noone showed is visually. Baahubali 1 and 2 does it. One feels nationalistic and cultural pride when the movie unfolds on the screen with huge palaces, mountains, rivers, cascades, lifestyle, dresses, jewelleries- Its ethnic all around. This is the movies/ biggest asset. Its one of a kind.


    • Good review Naveen, seems BB2 has impressed you..

      Liked by 1 person

    • good point…this is going to trigger a wave of mythological movie remakes

      I would love to see rajamouli make another movie in the same genre with bollywood stars as well..there is a huge market for such movies esp. in the B and C centers


  8. Great review. The links and symbols to religion will resonate hugely. I can only kick myself at not watching first part in cinema. It feels like a very significant and emotional film simply through your writing.

    And with no Indian channels on my satellite I can’t see it being fair to watch either or both films ONLY in cinema. Growing up the B.R Chopra Mahabharata series use to scare me but I can now appreciate the true epic reality of these stories. And if this film kills any hope of a great mythological epic then so be it. They should only be made by sensible and creative people anyway who can manage budgets and tell a good story. This series of films remind me of the LOTR series. And those were epic stories on a grand scale which took years to make. I can watch those again more so than Avatar. There is so much to admire in fantasy / mythological films. It taps into everyone’s life. Children live and breathe these world’s. Adults revisit their childhoods all-over again.

    It’s a crying shame that ticket pricing will limit an audience here. If the makers were smart and connected the dots of the TV audience reception with first part reception they could have been friendlier with pricing as it would have made up for it via footfalls and caused an unbelievable event. The fact that first part was huge BB on TV suggests unaffordable families loved it. This is truly where pricing is unethical. It’s unethical when one can’t make good decisions and understanding that their is incredible demand and potential in a film and lowering prices will not hurt the film at all. It is a bulletproof film that every nook and cranny of India will turn up for. The perfect opportunity to change dynamics of film culture, instead they’ve doubled pricing. A FINGER OF SHAME.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Agree with pricing, jay bhai


    • Thanks Jayshah.

      Also i think event films are priced sky high and this is going to stay esp in the first weekend. Its not ethical. Its almost reminds me of the days when we have to take tickets in black at thrice ot four time the price. Here the same is done but in white. 🙂


  9. Great review Naveen, will read the spoiler section once I watch it.
    Aside- Naxal Laundry kee ek Libtardni suggests that that the movie is communal as there is not a single Non Hindu god in the movie !!!
    Kitna girengey yeh log !!!


  10. Saw this on Imax. Simply Astounding visual spectacle with HUGE emotional context and content. Ladies were crying in many scenes. Lots of religious connect, so expect huge turnout in the North. The sheer scale and grandeur makes it a mandatory big screen watch. Downloaded versions just cannot do justice to this.
    It is definitely going to blow past all Hindi records. Wudnt be surprised if it crosses 450cr in Hindi alone. All India 1000cr is done deal.


    • And guess what?
      IPL has got impacted by Baahubali!
      The ratings for the game has crashed post Baahubali 2 release.
      Now this is also unheard of.

      I think there is something more that’s working for the movie. There is a deep sense of ownership reflected by those who have seen it and now they want others to see it. Why?

      Also why everyone wants Rajamouli to work with Aamir or Salman? I mean why? Rajamouli is not India’s biggest entertainer. His name is suddenly all over. As Director he is No 1 to 10 now and then comes others. I think superstars would pay him to work and not the other way round.
      I shudder at the thought of next Rajamouli release. How big that would be now?


    • The spellbinding effect starts from the titles itself, where Rajmoulli has created a visually stunning montage of essential shots from BB1. People have started posting whatsapp messages with the intro montage and pleading everyone to go watch this movie.


  11. Saw it yesterday and was completely immersed right from the opening credits. It is definitely better than the first one . Anushka Shetty’s character is very strong loved her dialogs.
    The action scenes are really creative .
    Imax ticket prices for Hindi were $33.
    It’s truly a great Bharatiya Epic and is a must watch on the big screen.
    Maza aa gaya !!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. After watching the movie, I am reading your review once again. I also liked how Sivagami turns grey and how she blindly trusts her biological son. How Kattappa ultimately defies her dictats fearlessly. How coconut trees are used. How Rajamouli gets those ideas? I think he must be reading a lot. I almost forgot The Beginning.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Naveen Says:

      Glad you liked it. Yes I did not go into the story and highlights but yours is spot on.
      In fact one can take a slice of the movie and can see how effectively it has been shot.
      I am eagerly waiting for Rajamouli’s next and what I know about him, his next is going to be on a very new subject probably a Scifi or a political drama. I am just guessing. I wish he does a comedy now. For a long time this genre had many great actors but not an equally competent director. That’s why you have very few rare gems.


  13. Saw the movie last night. IMO it was good. I liked the first part more. The grandness thing was no longer new. So I was looking for drama and execution. It was good for most part but some scenes made me cringe (Including Katappa killing Amarendra) and felt like I am watching Indian sop on big screen. Prabhas looked bulky in most of fight scenes with Bhallaladeva. I think he was photoshopped when the armor was broken towards end.

    ps. – It was discounted Tuesday so paid only $6.50. And it was houseful in 46-seater hall.


    • jayshah Says:

      Could you not wait till it was $3?


    • ” It was discounted Tuesday so paid only $6.50.”

      Was it your plan to not watch on regular prices to not let it cross Dangal’s overseas collections? Lol. 😀


      • Baahubali records will take some time to break; even the US one. It is 175% more than next biggest, Dangal. All other stars are struggling to get to 6-7 Mil.


        • jayshah Says:

          Only Thugs will break that and if it’s response is like Dangal it will do it.

          The addition of Bachchan cannot be underestimated.


        • Thugs can certainly do it with the right script. In fact I’d go so far as to say that if it doesn’t get to such a number it will have been Yashraj’s failure. Just as D3 should have gotten to a much bigger gross. Dangal’s number can be crossed with a tsunami of an initial and D3 like trending for 10 days or so. For Baahubali though it will need more. We see stories about these massive ships being constructed and underwater sequences and so on. All this is great but Baahubali isn’t just about scale. It also has a very compelling and rooted narrative. I’m hoping Aamir can work on the script in this sense.


    • I too probably preferred the first part. I think there’s more ‘story’ here in certain ways. Just more to discover at a narrative level. You’re right about the novelty factor but that wasn’t as much of an issue for me. The biggest problem I had (and someone like Jay who saw both together might not feel this) was that the second film is almost entirely about the father’s story. The first was of course about the son. But because of the gap between the two films I found myself detached from the original story to the degree. So when the son shows up at the end I have no real investment in him. In a regular film you might have two such stories before and after the interval but you’re taking in everything at the same time. Here the son’s revenge becomes a bit anti-climactic. At least this was my experience. I’ll also say that even as I found both films addictive and even as I like everyone else marvel at Rajamouli’s achievement he does beyond a point (and specially in the second film) focus entirely on the spectacle aspect of it. I think he could have had a somewhat more complicated narrative. Again the first film is more richly suggestive in this sense than the resolutions offered in the second film. Put differently the second film still thrills, and at all the key points, but given everything it has going for it I wish the cathartic element were even stronger at a purely narrative level. But some of this is about individual experience and I do think that had I seen the films around the same time I might have felt differently about some of these things. Still loved the film. Don’t want anyone to misunderstand me on this.

      On a different note and extraordinary as the visual achievement here is the SFX (and this isn’t the first time I’ve said this with respect to Indian FX) it quite often operates on the border between live action and animation. I think certain ‘effects’ shouldn’t be attempted if this cannot be guaranteed. Now in Hollywood too the computer generated stuff quite often looks very synthetic. Not animated in terms of the action but nonetheless not ‘real’. This problem becomes a bit greater in East Asian spectacles of the same kind.


      • jayshah Says:

        Watching back to back was huge for me. Agree on the animation vs. SFX. This is subtlety where Hollywood is too far ahead. They construct an unrealistic scene in a realistic way. Likes of Rohit Shetty construct unrealistic scenes in unrealistic ways – you get a silly result. Maybe people who do this think audience likes it this way (maybe they do) but for a film like Bahubali this is a small issue, other films become ridiculous to a degree of stupidity. Bahubali never gets stupid.


        • “They construct an unrealistic scene in a realistic way.”



        • jayshah Says:

          Main reason why I couldn’t bear to finish Sultan. I’m certain the wrestling will not match Dangal. Nothing to do with Salman. Much more YRF. And the same resentment with D3 and fear with TOH. Will battle scenes look realistic, hard hitting, live or will they do too much slow motion, too much flying and too much in general. Sometimes a simple knockout punch is a good gripping moment.


        • yeah Sultan was too much at least for me. The second half which had most of the fights was just boring beyond a point, mostly because the action sequences were done very poorly. Any film with fights of this kind or another must represent the ‘tension’ of the fight. Because otherwise we know the ‘hero’ is going to win in the end. If you don’t show the fights authentically or at least choreograph them in an interesting way the viewer just goes through the motions. And here with Dangal the opposite was true. Even on re-viewing the fights are very interesting.


      • jayshah Says:

        I found first part quite consistent throughout. The second seemed to push the boat out emotionally and it works. I’m sure I preferred part 1 overall more but I’d need to watch it again and then part 2. I’ll end up oscillating between the 2. It’s like Godfather I and II. Many like I more than II and vice versa. It’s a nice choice. To keep the strength of the film up under the huge expectations is amazing.


        • the first part also had a fairy tale-like quality to it. A land on the other side of that cascade.. and so on. On Godfather 1 and 2 I probably like the second one a bit more. In the book these are really the two halves of the story but Coppola makes the second film much darker, certainly in terms of his visual choices.


        • Forget the climax action part.. but almost 2 hrs of part 2 is just drama with just 1 action fight in Kunthala kingdom. That 2 hrs screenplay is so gripping and riveting and that made this movie doing this phenomenal business. Even besides the setting, scale that gripping screenplay for 1.5 from getting Devasena to back to kingdom to the death is so well done that no other director is doing now a days. Directors blame about VFX and vision and all but they can’t even make a simple gripping drama sequences anymore. That’s where the strength of SS Rajamouli lies.


        • I liked the Kunthala fight sequence than the climax one. I agree on drama part but I think It needed more effort in writing situations.

          1. Kumar Varma tries to Kill Bhallaladeva without consulting anyone.
          2. Mother passing judgement without hearing anything.
          3. Katappa hanging, attacked by Kalakeyas then rescued by Amerendra and then Katappa killing Amrendra
          4. Katappa helping Shivgami to escape but then still working for Bhallaladeva

          **End Spoilers**


        • Tried to answer some….

          1. Kumar Varma tries to Kill Bhallaladeva without consulting anyone.
          -That was a secret task and he is led to believe that Amarendra will not allow if he knows. I don’t think he has anyone else to discuss besides Amarendra Bahubali.

          2. Mother passing judgement without hearing anything.
          -Without hearing anything? Where? During removing his as King? or Killing? Both time she had solid reasons.

          3. Katappa hanging, attacked by Kalakeyas then rescued by Amerendra and then Katappa killing Amrendra
          – That was a setup to bring Amarendra to the place and then Kalakeyas are Bhalladev’s backup to kill Amarendra. He finally accepts he didn’t need anyone else and Katappa is his dog.

          4. Katappa helping Shivgami to escape but then still working for Bhallaladeva
          – Katappa is only slave to the KING. Once Sivagami announces Mahendra Bahubali as king, he helps Sivagami and the kid and once realizes Sivagami and kid is dead and now new king is Bhalladev, he’s back to being slave to Bhalladev. Later when he realizes that kid is alive and grown as Shivudu, he agains leaves Bhallaladev and joins Shivudu as his master.

          **End Spoilers**”


      • P.K Talli Says:

        Action director for TOH


        • jayshah Says:

          Fact he’s worked on Bahubali is a plus! Unfortunately if you send me the link of the director it will be opposite feeling.


  14. P.K Talli Says:

    Lol i am just looking for the positives right now , trying not to think about the director .


  15. sanjana Says:


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