In ’80s Comedies, Boys Had It Made. Girls Were the Joke (Wesley Morris in NYT, Oct. 4, 2018)


Excerpt: “By 1982, if you were a teen male, your fantasies no longer had to live under a mattress. In a movie theater, you were free, say, to do some vicarious peering into the girls’ shower after gym. The drooling voyeurism, the casual racism, the aggressive anti-Semitism, the backhanded homophobia: None of it is quite the reason to bring “Porky’s” up now.  The reason to bring up “Porky’s” now is the laughter — the uproarious laughter. Last week, when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was asked what she most remembered about the night she says Brett M. Kavanaugh drunkenly assaulted her, she offered, with some quavering, that it was the laughter between Mr. Kavanaugh and his friend. She told the Senate Judiciary Committee: “indelible in the hippocampus” — Dr. Blasey’s a professor of psychology — “is the laughter, the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.”

Read the complete article HERE

One Response to “In ’80s Comedies, Boys Had It Made. Girls Were the Joke (Wesley Morris in NYT, Oct. 4, 2018)”

  1. Informative and somewhat historical read. Gripping till the last para.


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